

Get in" he says and I stop to weigh my options. I ignore his offer and start to run home on my own when the chasers burst out of the forest and sight me. They start chasing me and the car comes closer with the door still open. "Get in" he shouts and I shrug "How can I be sure you are not with them and after my life also" I ask and he smiles. The smile was so sinister you could feel the devilish emotion behind it "if I was you would be long dead" he replies and I t felt more like a threat than a sentence. The sentence sends shivers down my spine. Once I get myself I roll my eeyesat the behaviour. What a proud asshole. I look behind me and the chasers were getting closer. I was finally in the middle of the devil and the deep sea. Just as the chasers get close enough I choose the lesser devil and jump into the van. Fuck it, what's the worst that could happen.  A single tragedy turns his whole life upside down. Now he has to leave his home, family and everything he has known his whole life to a new world and life he knows nothing about and to spoil it all. He is being hunted by an all powerful being. Follow Jason on his magical and unearthing journey to becoming the most powerful being to step this planet.

Ipadeola_Ifeoluwa · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
20 Chs



Once he was out the door I fall face first on my bed tired of it all. I was now all alone in a world I barely know anything about. I don't know why they would freaking bring me here and dump me midway. I pull myself and thoughts together before going to my bathroom and taking a quick shower, dressing up in my last change of clothes and heading out the door to the dinner. 

I didn't know my way around but General said all I needed was a place in my mind and the energy in the palace will take me there. I keep walking and notice the stairs kept shifting as I got on them until they finally dropped me in front of a large hallway. Unlike the other hallways I have been to in the palace this one was filled with paintings of all the kings that have passed till present [I know because of the crown and the names under the paintings]. 

The surprising things about the kings were their crowns and bracelets. They all had bracelet and crowns made of pure diamonds and gold murals with at least two different colored gems on them except the first king. He had a diamond crown and bracelet but his murals were made of expensive marbles and he had four different colored gems. I was still admiring that painting when the door was opened by only God knows who. I walk in and the room was the same with the meeting hall in beauty but looks like the smallest place I've seen in the palace. 

It was quaint and was lit up by chandeliers and heated by a fire at the edge that made the gold in the surrounding glitter. I walk in fully and the moment my foot hit the marble floor all the faces in here turn to face me.

I raise my head high, straighten my shoulder and walk up to the table where the king and his family were. They were only four people on the table, the king a black man with black hair already graying from the weight of his responsibilities plaited in a cool hairstyle, he was around 6'1 in height and was a fit man for his age. Opposite him was a Caucasian woman with long brown hair with black edges, she was beautiful somewhere around 5'7 in height and she was elegant like a queen in all way. She looks years younger than the king and if not for her husband you would think she is in her late 20s

To his left was a young light skinned black guy somewhere around 16yrs of age, he was almost as tall as his dad with brownish-black hair that was done into cool dreads and have streaks of bluish-brown in them, he looked very fit for a guy his age and he was dressed in workout clothes also just staring at me and smirking while playing with a fry.

To the king's left was a very familiar short light skinned girl with long black afro hair that were whitening tied into a ponytail also in workout clothes, Princess SUAP. She was visibly fuming from the moment she saw me so I give her a friendly smirk and wink. She replies by glarin at me which results in me smiling. I take my seat and the king breaks the awkward silence.

"Finally you choose to grace us with your presence" the king says in a jovial manner and I smirk 

"What can I say it's hard to be sought after, right your highness" I say in a mocking manner and he and the guy laugh 

"I like this one" the guy says amidst laughter 

"Call me Elias and this is a family gathering so be free to speak" the king says and I chuckle 

"I don't remember being shy at all" I reply and he smiles. The woman who is clearly the queen speaks to me

"I also like him. Please call me Sheila, that's Elizabeth and Thomas" she says introducing everyone and the prince gives me a thumbs up while the princess rolls her eye 

"Nice to make your acquaintances" I reply in a fake formal tone 

"it's nice to meet you..." she says with a charming and very welcoming smile 

"Jason, Jason Dawson" I reply and she smiles again 

"Can we eat now, dad?" SUAP says grinding her teeth and the king nods motioning us to eat. I pray to my dinner before I dig in, it was boiled spaghetti and pepper stew with fried fishes and assorted meat and it was very delicious. 

"so Jason where are you from?" Elias asks and I finish what is left in my mouth before speaking 

"I'm not sure but I was born and raised on Missourri, U.S.A, Earth" I reply and the prince drops his spoon and lifted his cup without touching it and I was shocked but I refuse to show it 

"How is it on earth cause I've heard a lot about that planet?" he says and I shrug 

"plain and normal but it is my home anyway" I reply and he nods seeing I don't want to talk about it. We continue to eat in silence until I break the silence 

"so Elias , have you guys decided to kill me or what" I ask and Elias chokes on his food leading to him coughing for awhile but once he had taken a cup of water he replies 

"why why would you think we could do such a thing" he stutters and I smirk 

"it's simple, disrespect requires punishment to avoid another and my loyalty is not certain so the best thing to do to me is kill" I reply and he was shocked 

"You are a wise kid but no we are not killing you. On the other hand we have fixed a date for your choosing ceremony and I have decided to adopt you as my ward." He says and the princess chokes on her food 

"no that's impossible, there's no way this prick is becoming my brother" she screams shocking everyone except me 

"language kid and why would you say that" the king says and I smirk at her 

"this is just too fast and we don't even know what kind of person he is, what if he is a criminal on the run on his planet or something" she says stuttering after realizing what she did and trying to cover it up 

"Wow is that your best shot SUAP, i expected more" I reply and she faces me 

"shut up and my name is Elizabeth not whatever you just called me" she snaps slammimg the table angry and I chuckle

"maybe that's what you are meant to do, shut up and sit" I reply and everyone turns to face me 

"We have history" I says and they all nod 

"no we don't" she snaps 

"what would you call our little love session in the garden today" I ask in a soothing voice and she was visibly seething now 

"nothing but a mere chance meeting" she replies now sitting 

"Then why are you getting all worked up over a chance meeting" I reply and she tries to answer but couldn't produce any words she glares me and storms out the room. 

"you really have one heck of a history bro" Thomas says and I shrug 

"So when is the choosing ceremony and what plans are we to put in place by then" I ask and Elias regains focus enough to reply 

"The ceremony is on Friday and you would be seeing the seers on Thursday night. We would handle all the rest" he says and I nod and get up 

"If you'll excuse me I'll like to take my leave" I say and they all nod. I head out the door and walk straight to my bedroom where I fall on my bed once I was inside with all the thoughts on my mind trying to get recognition but all I could think of was how my parents were doing and how worried they would be. The thoughts were what drew me into the darkness of sleep.

The next few days were spent training and preparing for the choosing ceremony. Thomas has been training me on basic self defense techniques since I can't use my powers until after the choosing ceremony and we bonded. I found out he had interest in earth and its normalcy and I helped catch him up to speed as much as I could.

SUAP and I also kept up our banter and it became one of the things which lightened my day. The King and Queen both took up the parental role in advice and even reprimand. I was moved upstairs to the royal quarters and I kept eating dinner with the family every night. 

A day ago we all went shopping with the queen for stuffs for mein the palace mall and came out with enough stuff to go round 16 villages. Finally Thursday night was here and I was shaking from all I've been told about them. 

The Seers are a group of water channelers who have the ability to see into the future alone. They are known to tell the fate of every single Taslanian from the day they are born but since I was not born on Taslania I have to go a night before my choosing ceremony.

We were at the place called the Holy City. It was the centre of religion for Taslanians and where the great temple where all royal choosing ceremony take place. 

The Seers were to be at the top of the building. I walk up to the door of the temple alone in the middle night and began my climb. The building had about 27 floors and I had to climb all the stairs to the top. I don't understand how the tallest building in the whole world would be the only place without an elevator.

I keep climbing the stairs and by the 13th floor I was already sweating profusely but I kept pushing on. On the 24th floor I was almost faint so I rested before continuing on with my climb. By the time I arrive at the final floor where they were I was completely faint. I fall on the ground and lie there for a long while resting before getting up and walking to the door at the end of the hall and push it open. 

The room I walked into was completely dark. I couldn't even see right in front of me but I keep walking until I finally reach the spot. The moment my feet touched the ground there the room lights up and I realize I was in the middle of a circle. The door at the far end of the room opens and about 15 people in dark blue cloak walk into the room and surround me.

I couldn't see their faces because of the cloaks but I remain as calm as I could. They start chanting loudly for a while and the more they chanted the circle around me started to glow a bright gold that grew brighter by the second until it was too blinding for them to see. To me it was so soothing and pleasant and I felt power from the light filling me up unlike nothing I have ever felt before. 

Slowly the light starts to dim and once it was low enough that I could see around me I saw all the people bowing to me and the weird thing was the feeling that they were meant to. Almost immediately three people walked in and stood before me. They all wore the same dark blue cloak but theirs were darker and embroidered with light blue wool. They stood before me and started speaking 

"One shall rise in control of all, crowned in light" the person on the right say whose voice revealed was a woman 

"then shall darkness arise once again" the person on the left says and the voice was that of a man 

"to conquer a great sin must be committed" the one in the center says and I couldn't decipher the voice 

"blood shall end blood" the first says 

"a huge sacrifice" the second says 

"for the freedom of all" the third one says and they turn and start walking away 

"what does that mean?" I ask and they turn 

"when the time is right" the first says 

"and all are in place" the second says 

"all cards shall be revealed" the third says and they bow to me. I try to speak but before I could they wave their hands and immediately I am teleported back to the end of the stairs. I had a lot of questions and thought they could give me answers but they ended up giving me crazier questions. I storm out the door and the whole family was there 

"so how was it?" the king asks and I sigh 

"a disaster" I reply and he was confused "I have more questions than answers" I continue and he smiles 

"In time all will make sense but right now let's get you something to eat and a good night rest. Tomorrow is the big day" 

A day my destiny will be chosen