
Burning Passion

Volume One: COMPLETED (Chap 01-180) "BEAR MY CHILD" “I have loved you my whole life...” Searching for a blood donor, Nikki Lindsey receives a text message from a mysterious man offering medical help for her mother’s surgery. She is tempted to accept the offer, even if it means sleeping with him to bear his child. But to save the precious life of the family she only has, she fought the fear of being touched by a man with closed eyes. However, Nikki fell in love for the first time with someone already engaged. She struggled to avoid this man when he was all over the place and even got closer to her, pushing her harder in love with him. Nikki wanted to forget him, as her body was already purchased by a person with a face she had never seen— but taught her to covet his touch while her heart longed for someone else. How can she get free from him? And how can she avoid another man when both are opening the door to the past? * P. S. (Book Sequels) ~ His Contractual Mistress (Special Appearances) ~ SOMEWHERE TRAPPED IN TIME: I Love You Through Eternity (Next Generation Story) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Volume Two: WHY LOVE IS COMPLICATED? When a LOVE STORY in the present time opens the box of distant memories... Nina Li has everything in life. But all she ever wanted was to be loved by the man of her dreams. Nina secretly enrolls at Leeroy John Collins University in New Jersey to follow Harry. But when her father found out, she was sent to England instead, and he planned to lock her inside an all-girls Academy. Since Nina is an obedient daughter, she chooses to follow her parents rather than her heart. It was the year the 1980s when communication was through love letters. Nina was happier when she and Harry began exchanging letters. However, Harry seemed not interested in courting her, but his twin brother Steven, was the one pursuing her. Steven confesses that he would fly from New Jersey to England to see her and prove his love. When she chooses the man who loves her, Nina learns that Steven lied to her and Harry. She wants to break up with him. However, her life becomes like hell. Could she ever ESCAPE from him? What PRICE should she PAY for her freedom? What SECRET she's hiding that everyone at the PRESENT doesn't know about it? * * * REMINDERS: Some (or maybe several, the story is still ongoing) Chapters are erotic and inappropriate for younger readers. Please be warned! Halfway is ML’s POV, hilarious/humorous. So enjoy it! But be warned with explicit words from their mouth. This is also a drama— emotion is involved. (for Volume One) The story's climax has violence as part of the tragic experience, but the sweetest surprise awaits. Give it a try to find out more! (Author Words: As mentioned above, ML in Vol. One is mysterious, so there is no Introduction to him. Hehe...) “MY STUBBORN MISTRESS presents Burning Passion.” Stories of individuals and couples how they devoted themselves in the name of love. [Please Read Me! Thanks!] “I have loved you my whole life...” is our BURNING PASSION Book One! Stories to look forward to... STATUS/PROGRESS Volume 1: Story of Nikki Lindsey (Chapter 01-180) Volume 2: Story of Nina Li (Ongoing) Volume 3: Story of Erika Lim (next) Volume 4: Story of Min Xi Hong (next with a short story only) Volume 5: Combine the stories of everyone (Finale!) *Other important characters are from my main novel (My Stubborn Mistress) HAPPY READING!!! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ You can follow/join me: instagram.com/eliseelleneth facebook.com/elise86elleneth Discord: https://discord.gg/8Uq28ef (Disclaimer: I do not own the photo, and all the art credits go to the owner. Found it on Pinterest.)

Elise_Elleneth · Urban
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397 Chs

Story of Nikki Lindsey

Chapter Five: A New Face?

* * * 

Nikki heaves a deep breath before she enters her mother's private ward. She assures me that her face is cheerful once she faces her mother.

Nikki pushes the door and steps inside. Lucy, her mother, is now awake and having porridge and soup.

"Nikki! Maria told me your boss gave you a vacation."

"Hi, Mama! Yup, she is! I have a month's vacation, with pay! I wanted to refuse at the beginning, but after she told me there would be new trainees to work at the café during my leave, I could worry less."

"Hmm. Michelle is a wonderful boss. I could remember when she used to dine in our store. Also, during those times, she and her husband were dating. They were always stopping by our shop."

Nikki tore her lips with a sweet smile. She could tell her mother surely misses taking care of their shop.

Since her father died in a car accident, her mother has done everything to keep the shop open to this day.

"I'll visit the shop tomorrow, Mama. I will check out if anything Brother Phil needs for the store."

Phil is Maria's son. He was eager to learn how to make a great soup during his teenage years. Phil could now copy them perfectly the way her father made them. Now, he is taking over the making of the noodle soup and running the diner.

"I will inform Solange to sort out the inventory," said Maria, joining their conversation.

"Thank you, Aunt Maria. You can go home now."

"I will come back tomorrow, Nikki, so you can do what you need to do."

"Okay, Aunt Maria. Take care of going home."

Once the door closes and they are alone, Nikki joins her mother in bed. She picks up a tumbler and helps Lucy drink some water from it through a straw.

"Thank you. How about your dinner?"

"I made some garlic fried rice and fried chicken before coming here. I'll eat later."

"Take care of yourself. You must not just think of me."

"I will, Mama. Don't worry about me. Now I have a long vacation, and I could work out more things we needed. I'm thinking of visiting Hanford to ask around. Maybe I could find someone who can give you some blood."

Lucy pushes an apologetic smile. She said, "I'm so sorry. You must get through these all, Nikki."

Nikki shook her head and said, "You don't say that every time, Mama. You are the one who suffered most between us."

"I wish to see your future husband, Nikki, and I will tell him how strong and a great daughter you are—more than I could ever ask for."

Nikki dropped her jaw. Why is a marriage thing suddenly included in their drama? How could she introduce a future husband when she doesn't even have a boyfriend?

This time around, she's not looking for anyone but someone who could donate his blood to her mother.

She found that person and was willing to help her, even if she asked to marry him in return. She would probably accept the proposal.

She will do everything as long as her mama gets well.

But she felt uncomfortable about this marriage thing. She is not prepared.

* * *

The next day, Nikki went home to do the laundry and clean around the house before visiting the shop and the bank later.

She has to see how much money her parents left in the bank and what loan she can apply for from her funds after their resources are used.

There's so much to take care of that it won't affect her family's noodle shop.

Nikki drove her car and headed to the Shopping Center.

Mainland City is the capital city of the country. It has risen rapidly throughout the decade and is now one of the largest trade centers in Asia.

Big corporations and international companies are putting up their main offices and headquarters in this country's capital city.

Not to mention the multi-corporation that the Williams and Crow family owns.

The Williams Medical Facility indeed has a breakthrough in most rare illnesses, like her mother's. However, without the blood, no matter how modern they were, the medication couldn't fully help her mom.

She has now arrived at the place. Nikki looked around to find a space where she could park her car.

Mainland Shopping Center is located near a bay in the western part of the city.

Here, we could find many shops that sell cheaper clothes, housewares, and everything lower-class families could afford.

As most of the products are good, many middle-class families love to shop here and stroll around because the food stall sells delicious but cheaper foods.

And because cleanliness is a must in this city, everyone should observe and have a massive penalty for anyone caught littering.

Nikki took hasty steps when she met a familiar man on the way.

"Nikki! Headed to the shop? We just dropped there for lunch."

"Oh, brother Matt! Glad to know. Thank you," she smiles shyly.

Matt Lawrence is the older brother of her classmate, Andrea Lawrence Ryan. She then glances at Matt's company. He is not familiar, and he looks more like a foreign man.

No, maybe a half-Chinese Swiss? Or a British one? Maybe French? He has a fair complexion, an Asian feature, but his beautiful green eyes are most captivating.

"Oh, Nikki, meet Theo Shang." Matt finally introduces his company.

Theo Shang? Where did she hear this Shang name before? Ah, never mind. She tilted her head to the side. She'd realized they were staring at each other, and now she blushed.

"Hi! Nice to meet you." Theo stretches his arm.

Hesitant, she accepts it as a handshake. "Pleased to meet you," she returned. However, she quickly takes back her hand when heat crawls to her palm toward her pulse. "I hope you both enjoy the food," she told Matt.

Instantly, she shifted her gaze to avoid meeting Theo's intense look at her.

"Yup! It's always the best! It was like Uncle Seth was alive. Theo wants to stroll around the city. It's been ten years since the last time he was here, so he is not familiar with the city anymore."

"Oh, I see."

"Well, then. We're headed now to our car."

"Okay, brother Matt. Keep safe while driving. Thank you for stopping by at the shop."

"Anytime, Nikki!" The place was too crowded as usual, especially at lunchtime. But with their height, she could still see them from afar. Matt is waving at her now, and Theo is nodding his head.

Theo Shang.

Is the name familiar to her? She had a feeling she heard it somewhere.

Hmm... new name. What would you think? ^_^

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