"Sup bitch?" Jimin asks as he slides into the booth, Yoongi sliding in behind him.
"N-nothing. What's up with you g-guys?" Hoseok stutters, sending a smile onto Yoongi's lips.
"Listen, I know you wanted to hang out to get to know me better but I think something else is up. So what's bugging you?" Yoongi asks and Hoseok's eyes go wide in fear.
"H-how could you tell?"
"Well number one, Taehyung bailed, number two you're stuttering and you weren't at the party so I know for sure you don't have a tic."
"I w-was drunk."
"Hoseok, I talked to you before you got your first drink."
"So what's up?" Jimin asks, worry etched on his face.
"I had a request and I wanted Taehyung to make it seem like it was gonna be a hang out because this is an odd request."
"Hit us with your best shot."
"Um, so I kind of like both of you and I wanted to know how you guys felt about me."
"You're hot." Yoongi says and Jimin hits him in the bicep.
"What?" Yoongi whines.
"Blurt that out why don't you."
"Well he wanted to know."
"Doesn't mean you need to tell him."
"Yes it does."
"Whatever. Hoseok, can you explain a little more?"
"So I'm basically confessing and asking you guys out; the only problem is I'm asking both of you out at the same time. You're already dating so I know you don't have a problem with each other. I'm asking if I can join the relationship. I understand that it's a weird request and if you want to say no then that's okay. I just have to try."
"Well your humility is flattering." Jimin says calmly but on the inside he's cheering like a little girl because his first love just asked him out. Then understanding sets in.
"Wait, both of us? Like, cheating?"
"No, it would be a polyamorous relationship." Yoongi says, straight faced.
"So like there is a head of the house and the rest of us are just servants?"
"No, like we're all dating each other with approval. It's like a twenty-four seven threesome but with relationship kind of stuff too."
"Oh. Well what do you think?" Jimin asks Yoongi.
"I'm down, how about you?" Yoongi asks Jimin, both of the elders leaning forward in anticipation.
- - -
"Taehyung! Get your ass out of the bathroom!" Jimin yells and Taehyung scrambles to keep himself from being hit by the smaller.
"Y-yes?" Taehyung asks once he's out of the bathroom and he sees a fuming Jimin with Hoseok and Yoongi standing next to him with blank expressions.
"Meet my boyfriends!" The older says, his face of anger turning to happiness.
"Boyfriends?" Taehyung asks, a small smile coming to his face.
"Yeah. Hoseok-hyung and Yoongi-hyung."
"Man, it worked!" Hoseok says as he does some secret handshake with Hoseok.
"What do you mean it worked?" Jimin asks.
"So we kind of set that whole thing up." Taehyung says with a light blush as he scratches the back of his neck.
"Well you did a good job. Now, I'm horny so we'll be going. See you later, Taehyung." Yoongi says before walking out of the door.
"Bye guys." Taehyung says as Hoseok and Jimin follow the older.