
new 4

David Martinez 


"You know what? I'm going to settle biz with Rogue then I'll come back out and wait with you." David said as he pushed himself off the car. 


"If you're sure." Rebecca said with a shrug. 


David gave her a peck on the cheek before he went down the stairs and approached Afterlife. He paused for a moment to look at the neon sign before he approached the entry only to be stopped by a bouncer. 


"I don't know you." The bouncer said gruffly, "You expected?" 


"Yeah, the Queen had Regina Jones pass a message to me." David said, "Figured it'd be rude to keep her waiting." 


The bouncer's eyes flickered before he grunted, "You're expected. Head on in." He said. 


David nodded and entered, looking around with a sense of nostalgia that he didn't let appear on his face. He never did figure out why Maine's crew favored Turbos over the Afterlife, but he supposed it didn't matter. After a few seconds, he approached the bar and the bartender smiled at him. 


"So what'll it be?" She asked. 


"Nothing, right now." David said, "Though I was requested by the Queen? So if you could point out her booth?" 


"Oh? Sure, just head on past the bar. Impossible to miss." She said. 


"Thanks." David said before he walked further in, and like the bartender said… Rogue's booth was impossible to miss. Especially with that massive goon standing as a bodyguard. 


Approaching the guard before David could say anything, "Let him in." The guard just moved aside and let David pass, "You're causing quite a stir, Boogeyman." 


David simply took a seat and looked at Rogue, "I hope it isn't causing any trouble for you." He said as he eyed the others that were in the booth as well before refocusing on the Queen of the Afterlife. 


"Generally speaking I hate it when people rock the boat, pissants like that Animal you maimed are irritations but I don't do anything because they'll be dead soon enough." Rogue said as she looked at him, "But you? No, if anything I find you interesting. You're hardly the first to decide to favor the quiet approach, but your age does make you stand out." 


David just scratched the back of his head, and for a second he saw a faint look of surprise in the Top Fixer's eyes before it disappeared, "Well, thank you, ma'am." 


That made her laugh lightly, "And polite as well. Kid, you are a diamond hidden in the shit. Well, I'll be watching your exploits with an interesting kid. I may have a few jobs that need a delicate touch. Now go on, get yourself a drink… I think a meeting with a certain Chromehead is in line." 


David didn't even blink, simply nodded and left. He wasn't surprised she knew about his meeting with Maine, the Queen had fingers in a lot of synth pies after all. If anything he was more curious about how she learned of it so fast but decided there was no point in worrying about it. 


Bypassing the bar David decided to keep Rebecca company, besides… he didn't like drinking alone. 



Quest "Scav Massacre in Night City" complete! 

Quest Rewards: 900 exp, +3 perk points, +3 Reflex, +1 Body, +2 Attribute points 

Bonus Rewards (For Inviting Becca): +2 perk points, China Lake grenade rifle schematic, Smart shell schematic, Milkor MGL rotary grenade launcher schematic 

Quest "Entering the Afterlife" Complete! 

Quest Rewards +2 perk points, +3 Attribute points, Access to the Afterlife 


"Huh, not bad. After the meeting, I'll check out my perks. Maybe get that Scrapper upgrade…" He wanted to save up to get rid of the curse but those points were burning a hole in his metaphorical pocket! 




"Heh, so the Boogeyman finally decides to call for a meeting." Maine said with a chuckle, "The kid's working himself to the bone, being a merc and a guntech?" 


He wasn't surprised when Kiwi and Lucy didn't react much… Lucy did blush but Maine had decided he didn't want to look too deeply into it. He knew the two Netrunners and Rebecca were chooms but he didn't want to poke the hornet's nest. 


"And in the Afterlife." Dorio added with an amused chuckle, "Twig's come pretty far in a few weeks. Almost like he's trying to show off…" She added dryly. 


"David… isn't like that." Lucy finally said, trying to ignore how everyone focused on her, "He's… strangely naive in some ways. I think he didn't even realize he had a rep until recently. He probably figured he would deal with two subjects in a row." 


Maine nodded, it certainly made sense from what he learned about the kid from Rebecca. In her own words the kid is a goddamn unicorn in this city, she'd gleefully flatline anyone that tried to ruin her slice of happiness… if she got to the before the kid did. If anything he was wondering who would get that Big Bertha or whatever her name is, the gonk that got her hand blown off, first. Rebecca or the kid? 


Honestly, he gave it even odds that it'd go either way, though he had the feeling the gonk would prefer the kid if Rebecca got her first. She'd probably take her time on the gonk. 


The saying "Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned" is true, it's even worse when the woman is a former Mox and found her slice of happiness in this shithole of a city. 


"So we going to meet this guy or not?" Pilar asked impatiently, "I wanna meet the gonk my sister moved in with." 


That got everyone to look at him curiously, "You ain't going to start shit are you?" Maine asked, "You know Afterlife's a neutral zone. You can talk shit but expect to get hit the moment we leave." 


"Hey I know I'm an asshole alright! Fuck me, my goddamn sister wants to blow my head off!" Pilar said with a grunt, "It doesn't change the fact she's the only family I got left, and she may hate my ass. I'm still going to look out for her! And if this fucker hurts my sister I'll flatline him my goddamn self!" 


"I'm too sober to be looking at Pilar in a different light." Maine decided though his opinion of the very crass techie has raised a few notches, "Alright everyone in the van. We got a meeting with the Boogeyman to attend!" 


Maine gave a longing look at the bar before he sighed, "Let's get going." He said with a sigh as his girl patted his shoulder with a smile. 




Maine's first reaction to seeing the Fucking Boogeyman in person? 


"He's a goddamn twig!" Followed shortly by, "He looks so much like Gloria… that EMT jacket doesn't help." 


"So, you're my sister's input huh!?" Maine wasn't sure if he groaned or if one of the others did it, "You better not be just using my sister!?" 


Rebecca opened her mouth to shout at her brother only for the kid to put his hand on her shoulder as he straightened up and looked at Pilar thoughtfully. 


"I won't lie, our initial meeting I was hoping to get an in on the Edgerunner scene." Maine whistled at the balls on this kid, "Though I have to admit I've grown very fond of her and would happily murder anyone that looks at her wrong. But I can respect you for watching out for her." 


Everyone just stared at the kid facing down Pilar, who Maine himself would admit was a lot more dangerous than his personality would suggest. Pilar just stared at him for a few more minutes before backing down. 


"... That's kinda hot…" Kiwi whispered to Lucy who just nodded. 


Maine ignored that, however, "Let's get this over with." He said, "Whatcha want kid?" 


"I think you bought something from my mom before she died?" The kid asked tilting his head before his eyes flickered transferring a… sizable amount of eddies to him, "That should cover it. Wouldn't be right to take money without providing the requested item." 


"That… that's, yeah we're good." Maine said, "You wanna talk other biz, or was this it?" 


"Actually… Perhaps we should talk inside with drinks? Get a booth." The ki- no David suggested with a smile. 


"That sounds good." Maine said, "I could use a drink anyway." 


Dorio just leaned over and looked at the kid, "Kinda scrawny to be the Boogeyman, but stranger things have happened." She said, "Perhaps we can get in the ring one day? I don't think Fat Steve will mind." 


"Sounds good." David said with a smile, "Looking forward to it." 


With that, they made their way into the Afterlife. 




"Okay, I've stopped myself from asking but how do you know Kiwi and Lucy?" Dorio asked, "Well beyond being Rebecca's input." 


"Ahhh, um… it's… kinda Becca's fault…" Maine nearly choked on his beer both at the sight of the Boogeyman blushing and throwing Rebecca under the bus! 


And Rebecca just shrugged and gave a completely smug and unapologetic grin. 


"D, I had to get Vik to fix my back." She snarked with a grin, "I think I made the right call!" 


Dorio sputtered, "So you three… all have the same Input?" She asked as she looked at each of them. 


"... I hadn't got any action in two years and figured why not?" Kiwi said trying to sound aloof… and was successful for the most part. 


Lucy just tried to keep up her stoic facade… sadly the blush ruined it. 


David just covered his face and Rebecca cackled. 


"... I don't know if I should be mad or jealous…" Pilar said surprisingly calmly, "I'm just going to say good luck." 


"Ok! So whatcha want?" Maine said deciding to get everything back on track. 


David hung onto the change of subject desperately, "Yeah, yeah… uh, okay. Anyway, I was thinking of joining your crew." He finally said, still very red-faced. 


"Why?" Kiwi asked, "You're doing pretty good as a Solo." 


"I bet it's to work with my sister!~" Pilar teased making David just groan and cover his head. 


"Heh, that's sweet." Dorio commented just making David even redder. 


"The Boogeyman is secretly a big softie." Maine snorted, deciding to get his licks in, "What a strange world I've entered." 


"Come on!" David groaned, "Do ya'll have to?" 


"Yes, yes we must." Pilar said with a grin, "You know how rare it is for me to mess with someone and not get shot?" 

Gun_Gremlin: :eyerolls: 


Loony_Lunar_Runner: Yeah? What do you have in mind? 


Gun_Gremlin: Well… what do you girls think about selling BDs? Split the profits between each of us and D. 


Fruity_Runner: Do you have the implants to actually do that? And how do you know D would even agree to this? 


Gun_Gremlin: You leave D to me, and yeah I do! I mean… I didn't do much work like that but yeah I have'em. 


Loony_Lunar_Runner: What would the series, if you make it a series, even be called? 


Gun_Gremlin: Hmm… I was thinking something like… Househusband Dave or something? Oh! Kiwi can your setup double as a BD editor? 


Fruity_Runner: Yeah. I guess you don't want anyone to be able to connect the dots. 


Gun_Gremlin: Yeah. Don't want no other thirsty bitches coming on to our man! Unless we are all in agreement! 


Loony_Lunar_Runner: Yeah! 


Fruity_Runner: ^^ 




Rebecca giggled as she ended the chat and looked at Butterbean who was curled up in his little 'bed' (which was more a cushion he claimed as his own). Leaning over she gave the cutie a scritching as she considered what to do. 


Well, she knew what to do, the job left her uncomfortably moist after all and she needed D to help her out fixing the problem, however before she decided to get D to plow her like a garden she considered how she was going to convince him to go along with her BD scheme. 


"Actually, can I call it a scheme? It's not like the BD, xBD or regular really, would hurt anyone." She thought, "If anything it'll give them a chance to experience well... the Himbo experience I suppose." 


After all, finding a genuinely good guy is like... finding a goddamn unicorn honestly! Especially in this city. Besides... a part of her honestly felt giddy at the thought of making every other bitch in the city jealous of her! Though she hoped Kiwi could edit well enough to separate 'Becca' from 'Rebecca' or else she might have to deal with more hit attempts on her than usual! 


"Well, that's enough planning for me!" Rebecca muttered, "Time to find D and get me some D!~" She added with a very gremliny giggle that got a curious look from Butterbean before he curled back up. 


Humming to herself she made her way from the living room into D's little workshop and saw him cleaning his guns and checking them for faults. It still surprised her just how quickly her gonk of an Input picked up things! He still wasn't a master by any means but if you saw him doing this for the first time you'd think he had months of practice instead of a week! 


Smiling she 'crept' up behind him and glomped him from behind. 


"Hey D~ you remember the job?" Rebecca asked coyly. 


"Hard to forget as we did it earlier." David responded, "Anything particular on your mind?" 


"Remember what I said when we finished?~" She asked playfully. 


David paused before he started putting his handguns back together and put up, "I vaguely recall something about you loving your grenade launcher." He responded, sounding playful himself. 


She bit his shoulder playfully, "You, me, bedroom now." She demanded, "And I want you to make me grunt and howl like an animal!" 


"What about the neighbors?" David asked with a chuckle. 


"They can fuck off or masturbate!" Rebecca retorted, "Move it buster!" 


David got up with Rebecca hanging onto his back and chuckled, "As my lady demands!" 

 David Martinez 


Sipping on a beer David looked at Maine, "So what's this 'Practice Run' about?" He asked, "You know Becca can show you a BD of how I work." 


"BDs are one thing but I need to see it for myself." The borged-out merc said, "So Pilar and Dorio will be shadowing you. Lucy and Kiwi will be on overwatch. 


"What about you and Becca?" David asked curiously. 


"Well, Rebecca will be following you, thought that went without saying." David just nodded… it was rather obvious honestly, "Plus she wants to see just how far you've come. And… I'm not coming. I'm not that stealthy and… figured I'd take a backseat for now." 


David just nodded all the while wondering what made the older man decide to take a seat back? The Maine he remembered was always going harder, never stopping even when he should. Regardless David was glad Maine was taking a break, he didn't see no new chrome… if anything some of it looked like it got looked over! Perhaps instead of getting new chrome, he's going to get his existing stuff upgraded? 


"Perhaps he won't go, Psycho, this time. All I need to do now is flatline that four-eyed fucker and I'm golden!" David thought. 


He tried to recall when that job happened but he couldn't, though to be fair David did primarily focus day to day so it wasn't that surprising. Instead, he planned to keep his ear to the ground, preferably he'd like to kill the Fixer before the Tanaka job but he wasn't sure if he could pull it off. 


"Alright. So what's the run then?" David asked. 


"Heh, straight to biz huh? Maine chuckled, "Well, Lucy and Kiwi have been snooping around the Net. They caught a lot of Scav traffic. Turns out you really stirred them up, turns out a lot of the gang is collecting inside a large chop shop in the industrial zone. There's even talk about having surprise support. Originally I was thinking about having you partner up with Lucy to get some nav data from a Saka limo, but then the girls found this, and I figured why not. You're pretty infamous for your hate of Scavs." 


"Surprise support?" David asked, "Who the hell would even work with Scavs!?" 


"Dunno." Maine said with a shrug but David could see some faint disgust himself, "Either someone desperate for eddies or mad as hell at you." 


"Huh… can't say I can think of anyone mad at me." David said with a shrug, "Probably a gonk that needs the eddies. Though to take a job from Scavs…" 


"Hey, biz is biz kid. Sometimes you can't be picky about who pays." Maine said while David just nodded in understanding. 


And he did understand, it's just… he couldn't imagine why anyone would work for those butchers. His mom had the misfortune to work at a former chop shop, clearing out the remains for one reason or another. She never talked about it but she held special hate for them ever since. 



The Advent of the Boogeyman- Your rep is solid, however, because of your methods you're not 'truly' known. The Boogeyman is a rumor created by terrified Scavs to justify their fear to the other gangs, not that it worked. However, now you can prove that 'The Boogeyman' is in fact real. Bonus Objective: Go complete stealth and use all your stealth tools to prove to the crew that you deserve the moniker 'Boogeyman'. Quest Rewards: 1000 exp, +4 Cool, +4 Reflex Bonus Rewards: +3 attribute points, +3 perk points, +1 Body 


"Hmm, can I get the deets?" David asked, "General layout of the place at least." 


"Lucy or Kiwi can give them to you." Maine said as he looked at him, "Hope you treat those three right, kid." 


"Of course!" David said, looking vaguely insulted by the insinuation that he 'wouldn't' take care of them, "I'll admit I'm closer to Lucy and Becca, but I'm not going to just ignore Kiwi!" 


Maine just chuckled and David blushed, only realizing that the older man was teasing. 


"Yeah, those girls are in good hands." Maine said, "And I get it. Kiwi's kinda standoffish." 


David just chuckled before he finished his beer, "Did the Saka job go smoothly?" He asked curiously. 


"Yeah, kinda surprising really. Guess Lucy and Kiwi have been improving." Maine said with a shrug. 


"Well, that'll make the four-eyed fucker happy." David thought as he drank his beer, "Hmm, maybe this will be my chance?" 


He couldn't do it in front of the crew though, and certainly not Maine. He'd have to follow him and get him when he gets the chance, but he couldn't use his current MO. Maybe he could attach a bomb to the car and have detonate? He'd have to use his Sandesitvan but honestly, he barely used it anyway so it should be fine, and with his [Sandevistan Savant] perk it was just more powerful and effective. 


The trick would be making the explosive powerful enough to kill the fixer instantly and not give TT a chance to recover him. David wouldn't be surprised if the fucker had a TT account. 


"Anyway we're having a get-together later, you can swing by if you like." Maine offered as he finished his beer, "Well kid, see you later." And with that, the large merc walked off. 


"Huh, now how big an explosive can I make before the party?" David mused as he finished his beer and decided to head home himself 


He had some work to do after all… 




After David got home and gave Butterbean some attention and fussed over the adorable cat, he went to his little workshop to get to work. Thankfully Rebecca was visiting some of her chooms in the Mox, so he didn't have to explain why he was making a bomb. Though chances are she wouldn't care, he vaguely recalled her mentioning once that she didn't like the fixer herself but still this was for the best. 


He was leaning hard on the SYSTEM to create the single most over-engineered explosive he could. Not only was he flexing his academia but also incorporating various other redundancies and additives to make it even more lethal, at one point David thought he made a fucking mini-nuke! Still… as long as the fixer died and didn't kickstart the downward spiral he didn't care. 


He could almost feel his mom, tsking at him with a disapproving frown and a slipper in one hand to discipline him but he pushed forward. If he took Faraday out then they wouldn't have to go after Takanaka. David was sure he could get Regina Jones to contact Maine or have Rogue put them in contact with other fixers. They didn't need that untrustworthy wannabe-corpo fucker! 


But… but, no. No, this is too loud. No one but Faraday deserved to die, everyone around him… would be in the wrong place at the wrong time. And that left a foul taste in his mouth, he and his mom were 'in the wrong place at the wrong time' as well. Glancing at the hideously destructive bomb he had made he put it into his Inventory, he… didn't know when he would ever use it. But it was better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it. 



Hidden Quest "Mother's Approval' complete! 

Quest Rewards: 500 exp 


"I'll figure something out." David muttered before he left his workshop and went to change, after all, he had a party to go to! 




Rebecca loved these little celebrations after a successful job! In her opinion, nothing made booze taste better than a successful and lucrative job well done! Granted she didn't much like the Fixer but it wasn't her job to worry about that sort of thing. 


Her job was to shoot people and act as a distraction! Which she was damn good at! 


Looking around she finally saw D, sitting just watching the sky like he always does. Sometimes Rebecca got the feeling that he was… existing for the most part. Other than watching movies with her, playing with Butterbean, and spending time with Kiwi and Lucy, David doesn't actually do a lot beyond jobs and tinkering. 




Gun_Gremlin Pings Loony_Lunar_Runner & Fruity_Runner 


Gun_Gremlin: Hey girls! After the part you all want to hang with me and D? Maybe veg and watch some movies? 


Loony_Lunar_Runner: Sure! Sounds fun, honestly, I think David needs it. I don't think he actually does anything other than jobs or tinkering… 


Fruity_Runner: I'd love to but I have things I need to do. 


Gun_Gremlin: Come on Kiwi! Don't be like that girl, help me and Lucy get D to relax that doesn't involve him fucking us stupid! Come on!~ Join the Nerd side Kiwi! 


Fruity_Runner: *snort* You're going to pester me until I agree, aren't you? 


Loony_Lunar_Runner: You know how Bex works Kiwi. 


Fruity_Runner: Fine. 


Gun_Gremlin: Sweet! We can just chill and watch movies! I got Ghostbusters 1 & 2, Star Trek, Star Wars the Original Trilogy, Alien 2037, Bladerunner, and some other classics we could enjoy! I've even got Astartes 2057, Terminator and Terminator: Judgment day, The Frighteners, and Rise of Phyrexia. Oh! And Robocop One and Two! 


Loony_Lunar_Runner: … I never pegged you as a movie nut Bex. 


Gun_Gremlin: Well what can I say? I'm a multifaceted person! 


Gun_Gremlin: Besides do you all have any idea how much time I spend sitting around waiting for shit to kick off? A girl has to find something to occupy herself, and Pilar makes building models impossible to enjoy! 


Gun_Gremlin: Hey! Do you think D would enjoy that? Hell, you girls could join in as well! I can help you and everything! 



Plans set Rebecca made her way over to David and sat beside him, "Whatcha thinking about choom?" She asked curiously. 


"Just… caught myself earlier." He said absentmindedly, "I was planning on fixing something and damning the consequences. But… well I just suddenly imagined my mom looking at me all disappointed with a slipper in her hand ready to beat some sense into me." He added with a chuckle. 


Rebecca snorted at the image, "Would she even be able to hit you with that?" She had a hard time imagining anyone hitting her Input with a slipper. 


"Never doubt the power of an angry Latino woman with a slipper." David said, "If she wants to hit you with it, it's going to hit you. Pretty sure Smart guns and the Smart link were inspired by an angry Latino woman." 


"You know… collateral happens." Rebecca commented, "Wrong place at the wrong time, happens all the time." 


"I know… I survived it." David said as he looked at his drink, "Is it naive of me to… not want to… wish what happened to me on anyone else?" 


Rebecca just looked at her own drink, she really didn't like heavy subjects like this. Mainly cause it reminded her that David was only seventeen and has even been a Solo for an entire month. Taking a drink herself she considered what to say. 


"D? The fact that you feel that way and stopped yourself says a lot." Rebecca said as she rubbed the back of her neck, "I don't think I would've cared. Like you said; wrong place, wrong time. I think it says that you haven't lost the ability to empathize or sympathize, it may be damaged but you still have it." 


D looked at her, really looked at her as if he was seeing something he hadn't before. She understood, she didn't like getting all deep and thoughtful like this. It usually led her to think about her life, and how she hated her brother for running away and taking her with her. Of the things she had to do to survive, of all the shit her brother put her through cause he couldn't stop being a fucking spontaneous selfish fuckwit! 


She didn't realize her hand was shaking before David reached out and pulled her into his side, shaking her head she grinned and tried to focus on the now. Which consisted of helping out her Input! 


"D, this life is tough. And it's easy to lose yourself in the violence." Rebecca gave a rueful chuckle, "Like me, I thrive on violence. I love getting into gunfights, it makes my heart race. It excites me and helps me forget… Well, I'll tell you someday. But D? Try not to lose that, I don't want to see you turn into just another Edgerunner." 


David just nodded as he hugged her. 


"Well! Choom, after the party me, you, and the girls are going to head home! I've got a lot of preem movies. So we're all going to veg and chill!" Rebecca exclaimed, "No tinkering, no sex, we're all just going to relax. Oh, and if you're willing we could talk about some biz, no job or anything… just a little thing you, me, and the girls can make some eddies off of." 


"Sure, Becca." David said with a smile, "And… thanks." He added giving her a kiss on the cheek. 


"Anytime. Now it's a party! Get to know the rest of the crew!" Rebecca demanded, "Granted that only leaves you with my brother and Dorio, seeing as Maine is preoccupied with that four-eyed fucker." 


David glanced over and nodded, though Rebecca saw that look he gave Scavs while he looked at the fixer. Not that she cared if she flatlined the smug fuck but that would hurt the crew cause… wait, he had a meeting with the Queen of the Fucking Afterlife! He could easily get them in contact with another fixer! Hell, he might get some big job himself and invite the crew along with him, boosting their own street cred! Allowing them to enter the Afterlife themselves without having to rely on David! 


Eventually, the look disappeared but he smiled, "I think I'll talk to your brother." 


She made a face, "Why? He's a gonk!" She grumbled. 


"He may be a gonk. But the fact is he's still your brother, and he got up in my face and told me he'd flatline me if I ever hurt you." David said, making her grumble more, "It tells me that despite your relationship he still loves you no matter how you feel about him." 


"Fine, don't expect me to ask about what you talk about." Rebecca grumped. 


David just gave her another hug and kiss, "How about you go talk to the girls, hmm? Maybe plan on what to watch first." He suggested with a chuckle. 


Rebecca nodded, it was a good plan! 


Grinning, she walked to where the two Netrunners were discussing something, probably Netrunning shenanigans or something. Rebecca never had the patience to learn beyond how to hack safes. 


 David Martinez 


Pilar, David decided, is still very much an asshole just like he remembered. Rather foolish of him to assume that just because he showed some surprising big (maybe) brother traits he would have some hidden depths 


In other cases there probably would be hidden depths, however with Pilar what you see is what you get. That being said, Pilar is an entertaining person to watch, though David imagined that everyone in the crew only had a limited amount of tolerance for the lunatic. But every now and then Pilar showed he just wasn't just a raging jackass, only mostly. 


Case in point; right now after he finished showing off his new hands he sat across from David and eyed him seriously. 


"My sister likes you alot." He opened up with, "Moved in with you and shit. Dunno if that says amazing things about you or she's fed up with my shit." 


David just nodded as he looked at the odd Edgerunner, having a feeling that he was trying to get something out and that interrupting him would just make him lose interest. 


"I figure the brat will never talk about it so I will." Pilar said before he chugged a beer, "Becca and I? We're Corpo kids, folks were some important chucklefucks in Biotechnica. I was the favorite and Becca was the 'problem child' so I went outta my way to raise hell so they'd focus on me instead of Becca to protect her. For years it went like that… until one day I had enough and ran, I took her with me." 


David tilted his head but didn't comment. 


"That's why she hates me. I dragged her down from a good life, and I don't think there's no way she will ever forgive me even if it was for the best." Pilar said as he looked at the sky, "Pretty sure she doesn't remember, repression is a helluva thing, but our folks weren't good. Corpo to the soul, they chose Biotechnica over their kids. I know I saved Becca from some beatings but not all of them. Fuck, what I'm trying to say and fucking up is… you take care of my sister you hear? It's only a matter of time before I get flatlined, either by the drugs or by a lucky gonk. I don't think she'll give a fuck honestly, I wouldn't if I was her, but I want you to swear to me kid- no. I want you to swear to me Fucking Boogeyman that you will make my sister the happiest goddamn girl in the hellhole you hear me!?" 


"... I hear you." David said. 


"Good! Cause I can't do this shit again! So don't you dare ask for a reminder!" Pilar said as he spat on the floor, "Fucking Becca, fucking family, fucking life… All I want is some preem chrome and maybe die with between two Outputs is that too much to ask? Smooth fucker here has three goddamn Outputs, one of them my sister! Ain't that some shit?" 


David… decided to give Pilar some privacy. Getting up and using every ounce of his Ninjutsu skill to sneak away from the obviously drunk Edgerunner. Pointedly ignoring how Rebecca was pointing and laughing at him 'running away' from her gonk of a brother. 


He was fine with that, David didn't think she'd appreciate hearing what Pilar told him. 




"You got some big shoes to fill, kid." Dorio said with a chuckle, "The 'Boogeyman' if you wanna be taken seriously with a nickname like that you're going to have to branch out from just Scavs. They're bottom feeders, if you wanna be taken seriously you're going to have to widen your target pool." 


"And isn't that the sad truth?" If he wanted to keep making good eddies he'd have to stop terrorizing the bottom feeders, "Well, the others would probably have better Cyberware… really need to upgrade Scrapper." 


"Yeah, I guess you're right." David said with a shrug. 


"Heh, don't worry about it kid." Dorio said with a chuckle, "I have no doubt you'll impress. Rebecca wouldn't stop going on about your first job with her." 


David just scratched his head awkwardly at that, "Heh, um she did?" David asked, yeah he sorta figured she did but… from the sounds of it was what he did really that impressive? 


"Scavs might be bottom feeders but they're not stupid, if they were they wouldn't still be around." Dorio explained, "And going quiet is a lot harder than you think. I've done jobs where I had to go quiet, and no matter how smoothly things go it always gets loud eventually. To hear it from Rebecca the only thing that got loud was the Scavs who were panicking." 


"Yeah, that did happen didn't it?" David thought, funny how he didn't notice at the time… but then again he was more focused on completing the job and… in hindsight trying to impress Rebecca. 


"Not saying you should go after the other gangs at random though." Apparently, Dorio misunderstood his thoughtful expression, "But there are always small groups of gonks with each gang, so that might firm up your rep there Boogeyman." The larger woman teased with a grin. 


David chuckled himself, he didn't realize how much he had missed the older woman until now. Dioro always had this surrogate mother/older sister vibe in his opinion, he just wished they had more chances to talk before everything went to shit last time. Not that it will this time, David wouldn't allow it. 


David wouldn't allow anyone to steal his slice of happiness, even if it meant making mountains of corpses! 


"Your right, Dorio." David said, "Besides other than tools and ammo the Scavs don't really have a lot of interesting stuff. Maybe I could get a goddamn Smart gun from a Tyger to make use of this Smart link." 


Dorio just laughed, "You know? I thought Rebecca and Kiwi were playing when she called you a packrat." 


David just mumbled with a blush, "Goddamnit Becca…" 


Dorio just laughed and smacked his shoulder… which also nearly sent him sprawling. 




Returning to his previous place to watch the sky David focused on his Perk system, he had twenty-one perk points to spend. He also considered that perhaps the frequency of his getting the perk points was to balance out how slowly he leveled? Maybe to incentivize him to focus more on quests and less going on Scav killing sprees? Regardless he focused on Scrapper as it was a cheap one-point perk upgrading it was simple as well. Slotting two points into the perk he observed as the perk description changed to reflect its new upgrade. 



Scrapper [3/3]- Now you automatically scrap all junk that appears in your Inventory as long as you don't want to look through it first. Now you can tag items you want to auto-scrap so you don't have to manually scrap. Now valuable junk items are not auto scrapped 


"Still useful but… kinda not what I need." David thought as he looked through the Tech Perk tree, "Oh… these look useful. And four points each, only with a single upgrade." 



[Field Scrapper [0/2]- Sort of the Older Brother of Scrapper. Allows you to scrap things in the field that are too big for you to put into your Inventory. Such as AVs, bots, other vehicles, trashed turrets, large piles of debris, and so on. Doesn't however scrap biological material. 



[Waste Disposal [0/2]- The perfect perk when you've got a pile of bodies that you need to be gone! Allow the Scrap mechanic to work on biological materials no matter how much chrome a gonk has on them! Renders organics into bio-sludge that can be used in the creation of Bioware. Any Cyberware is stored away in the Inventory. 


"Oh, those sound like just what I need!" David thought as he immediately purchased them, deciding to hold off on upgrading them until later. 


He still wanted to get rid of that damn curse… 


"Actually, would I get rid of it if I maxed out my driving?" It was a possibility… thought that required him buying or kleping a bike, "Eh, either way, I need one. Can't rely on Becca or the train all the time." 


Checking the time he figured it was about time to get home, stretching he scratched his cheek. Looking over to see Rebecca and the girls still talking he chuckled and shot a quick message to them all. 


 Heading home. You girls enjoy yourselves. See you all soon. 


With that he made his way to the closest bus station, deciding to forgo jogging back and just enjoy the relative peacefulness of the evening. 




Getting home was more of a trial than he liked, honestly it seemed like every two-bit gonk in the area unilaterally agreed that yes, they were going to jump this bus. It got so bad David opted to just jog the rest of the way home after gunning down his seventh gonk. None of them wore the colors of the big gangs, all of them from the various poser gangs that appeared and disappeared on the weekly. 


Still, some of them had some interesting stuff, one was even a Trekkie! Pity he couldn't scrap their bodies. Granted the biosludge was mostly useless, well for now anyway, he did manage to get himself some of their unique equipment. He was especially excited to start examining the phaser! 


"Maybe I should track the gang down and loot them." David considered as he finally made it to his apartment, "Bet Becca would like some of their toys." 


"Yo choom! Get your fine ass over here! We are here to chill!" David just blinked, "Yeah, we left like… ten minutes after you. Honestly, I thought you'd be here first." 


Rebecca, Kiwi, and Lucy were sitting on the couch looking like they had been waiting for him with four sets of BD wreaths and… 


"Is that a cat-sized one?" David blinked again and shook his head, "Ah, yeah. All the poser gangs decided to jump the bus. I figured after I'd just jog the rest of the way after flatlining the seventh gonk. But… is that a BD wreath for a cat?" 


"Huh, sounds like you had fun. And of course it is!" Rebecca exclaimed, "Do you really think I would leave my baby alone while we all veg'd out? Besides, he loves watching movies too!" 


Given how often Butterbean watched the morning news with him? David certainly believed it. 


"Well, let me go unload." David said, "Though I'm glad Kiwi and Lucy decided to join, we should probably do stuff like this more often… I think I need to find other ways to relax that don't involve work." 


"Your damn straight!" Rebecca exclaimed, "Now move that nice ass and do your stuff! I wanna bedazzle these bitches with my movie trivia." 


"... You are such a nerd Bex…" Honestly? The fact that Lucy said that was almost surreal to David. 


"Um, sure…" David said as he walked off. 

 David Martinez 


Movie night, David had decided, was going to be a regular thing! Honestly, he was wondering why Rebecca hadn't brought this up sooner? Granted his tastes used to be towards the more unusual but since he was strapped down and forced to go through those customized torture xBDs? Honestly, he'd been considering throwing all of JK's BDs into his inventory and just scrapping them. 


This is a shame cause he spent quite a few eddies on them, but having gone through Cyberpsychosis himself if he couldn't enjoy them before he couldn't stand them now! 


Opening his eyes he smiled at the sight of his girls, and that still made him feel tingly honestly, all in various states of slumber their BD wreaths also still in place. The only one missing their wreath was Butterbean but after carefully getting up he easily picked up the cat-sized wreath and sat it on the coffee table before he started moving around. 


"Hmm, where's that bunsen burner? I think I have everything, it'll be SCOP but it's better than nothing.' 


As he looked around he wondered just how much crafting exp he'd get for making a portable stovetop? Actually… since he was going to actually cook instead of getting something from a vendor or from a kiosk would he get a cooking skill or something? 


"Actually I should probably get a… wait. Why can't I just build a fridge? I wonder if I could make it energy efficient to cut down on bills?" He shook his head and resumed looking around, "Yeah, Imma build a fridge and should go out for groceries. Yeah, paying Maine back for the Sandy kinda hurt but I can recover. Besides, I think Becca would enjoy some hot food that isn't from a vendor or kiosk." 





Hidden Quest "Path of Culinary Mastery" complete! 

Quest Rewards: [Culinary] skill unlocked, energy-efficient kitchen appliance schematics, +2 Reflex 


"Huh, that's convenient." 


Perhaps. But if you never even considered it wouldn't have popped up. So while it seems like the [SYSTEM] is holding your hand it isn't. It's to encourage you to try new things and live. 


"Huh, something to think about…" He thought. 


However, before David could start to distract himself by imagining all the skills he could gain just by fucking around he focused on making his girls some breakfast. And while he wasn't as good as his mom, he liked to think he was doing a good job as the apartment was filled with the pleasent smell of pancakes, Martinez-style! 


"Probably should get some synth-coffee going as well, I know Becca's going to need it." He thought as he left to get said synth-coffee started before returning to the food. 



Kiwi had bad luck when it came to crews and getting close to people, having been burnt so much by the desire for camaraderie Kiwi vowed to herself that she would keep everyone at a professional distance. That of course changed when she found Lucy just wandering the streets, however, she tried to keep her distance. But even she had to admit that just watching movies with her… friends were nice. Nice in a way that Kiwi tried to keep at arm's length, in her experience nice things didn't last in this city. It was best to keep everything on a strictly professional basis. 


Though being woken up by smells of food that were NOT from a vendor or kiosk? Well, that was just unfair in Kiwi's opinion! 


Opening her eyes she leaned forward with a groan as she rubbed her stiff neck, her trench coat was laying on the arm of the couch leaving her in her form-fitting netrunner suit, often called a 'plug suit' by the ignorant not the most pleasant thing to wear but it was comfortable enough. It left nothing to the imagination and it was only thanks to some clever design along with some padding that the suit didn't show off her nipples or a camel toe. Looking around she found Rebecca and Lucy eating a very nice-looking piles of pancakes. 


"Kiwi! I was wondering when you'd wake up." Stupid sweet David said with a smile, "There some left for you as well as some synth-coffee. I hope you like it, it was my mom's recipe." 


Kiwi just mumbled as she rubbed her face, more to hide her blush than trying to wake up, "Why does David make it so hard to keep him at an arm's distance?" She wondered as she got up to get herself some pancakes (something she indulged in rarely) and nodded in thanks as she continued her musings, "It's only a matter of time before it all comes burning down…" 


"But what if it doesn't?" Her desire for camaraderie whispered, "You took Lucy under your wing. Now you see her as a sister or the daughter you never had. Why shouldn't you take a risk? You did before." 


 "Because I've seen his type, sure he may be taking things slow now. But eventually, he'll start chasing one thing or another. Either the chrome or the adrenaline rush. Then he'll get sloppy and I get burned. Again." Kiwi thought as she took her first bite, "David's just too good to be true. He'll slip up and… and I'll get burned again. It always happens." 


The fact that Lucy and Rebecca were eating up his attention just made her wonder, perhaps she should try again? She didn't know Lucy's story but she clearly remembered those dead apathetic eyes, and here she was smiling. Sure it was a small one, but it was there. And Rebecca was emoting more than enough for Lucy and Kiwi together. 


"So, I was thinking of doing some work on your Iron before the practice run." David said between bites of his own food, "Maybe make you two a custom piece?" He added as he looked at the two netrunners. 


"... What sort of custom?" Kiwi asked finally. 


"Well, I make Becca a Crusher, with recoil compensators and other adjustments." David said, "Actually, Becca? Can I see your Crusher, I need to make sure it can handle magnum shells." 


"Sure, after I finish this nova pancakes! You said this was your mom's recipe?" Rebecca asked, getting a nod from David, "Man, she was some cook! Did you eat this often?" 


"Nah, only on special occasions." David said, "Mostly we had kibble or whatever vendor SCOP we could get. Mom said it was passed down through the family, I think I have the cookbook somewhere." 


"Cookbook? Wow." Rebecca said, making David snort. 


"It was before the Corps and the RED." David said with a shrug but looking at Lucy and Kiwi, "But what do you think? Want me to work on your Iron? No charge!" He added with a cheeky grin. 


"You don't have to." Lucy said in that calm voice she always has, but Kiwi knew her well enough to tell that she was interested. 


Kiwi wouldn't lie; she'd like to visit the moon. Maybe take a few days, maybe even a week to two, to just relax and decompress from the stresses of NC city life. But that's the thing 'visit' she couldn't imagine living there for good. For all the stress her current lifestyle causes Kiwi couldn't help but she had learned to enjoy the rush 


And with David… Was it greedy of her to think she could get her cake and eat it too? She didn't even know what cake tasted like, she just heard that phrase used before it felt like it fit her current situation. A part of her still waited for the other shoe to drop but another part of her, which was growing more prominent the longer she watched and listened to David, wanted her to take a shot at… whatever it is that David promised her. 


And a life without risk isn't a life worth living, or so a retired (more burnt out but she wasn't going to nitpick) Edgerunner said to her years ago. 


The change wouldn't be instant, it would be a hard process. Until she became Lucy's mentor she had been a loner, so she has years of habits built up and honestly, she was never the most sociable of people. 


"... What sort of customizing?" Kiwi asked. 


"Mods, I can personalize your gun, really you can ask anything and I'll tell you if I can do it or not." David answered, "What are you two packing anyway?" He added curiously. 


"Unity." Lucy said simply, "Not that good of a shot though." 


Kiwi just shrugged, "Never saw the point." And she didn't, especially when you can fry synapsis easily. 


She was no Bartmoss but she did consider herself a fairly effective Netrunner. 


"Huh, well I think I have an extra Unity kicking around somewhere.-" He pointedly ignored Rebecca's taunt of 'packrat' before he continued, "-Yeah I can mod both Unities, can I see your hands so I can customize the grips to fit your hand perfectly? I've done the same to… all of Becca's guns." 


"Fucker made me moist by fondling my hand!" Rebecca exclaimed, "If we're all going to bang we'll have to take turns, the bed is preem but it isn't big enough for a foursome." 


"Goddamnit Becca." David groaned, making Kiwi snicker, "Heh, well at least that got a laugh. You should laugh more often. My mom said laughter was the best medicine." 


Kiwi just blushed, "Just do your thing!" She snapped before sighing, "Sorry. I'm not… used to this stuff…" She added as she offered her primary hand. 


David just nodded with a smile, "I get it." He said as he took her hand and started measuring it somehow? She didn't understand how it worked but well… she understood where Rebecca was coming from. 


The fact that he removed her glove to examine her had just made shivers run down her spine! 


She ignored a very smug gun loli, and instead looked at Lucy… who looked smug as well. 


 I don't think I'm ever going to wear gloves after this. Well, maybe during jobs Lucy messaged. 


Kiwi just groaned before David smiled, "All done. Lucy?" She moved so fast that Kiwi thought she swapped her Cyberdeck with some Sandevistan model! 


As David examined Lucy's hand Kiwi just rubbed her fingers together thoughtfully, "That felt… nice. The hell?" 




After the… surprisingly pleasant morning Kiwi decided that she should get back to what she was going to do last night. So hopping on her bike, a Brennan Apollo Basic, she took off to her apartment. 


After a few minutes, she called her… unfortunate acquaintance. 


 Kiwi, I was expecting your call last night. Kiwi's jaw clenched behind her mask at the bastards' arrogant voice. 


 I was distracted. Which wasn't a lie amusingly enough, What do you want Faraday. 


 Remember who your talking to. The wannabe-corpo fixer said, You're not the one in control. I assume you got the details? 


 Yes, still don't understand why you're interested in D- the kid. Kiwi responded. 


 My superiors aren't interested in him exactly, but they are interested in his rapid development. That's all you need to know. Faraday said, So, can you do what I asked? 


A part of her, the part that David brought out of her, wanted to tell the four-eyed fucker to piss off and end the call consequences be damned. But unfortunately, this was something she couldn't just ignore, the devil always collects his dues. Always, which is why she always told Lucy ad infinitum to never trust anyone. 


 ... I'm not sure. She could try to deflect or delay though, Kid's observant. He'd figure me out before I could get anything. 


 Oh? So you haven't entered a physical relationship with him? Kiwi was pretty sure she cracked a molar at his 'surprised' voice before it returned to his normal arrogant patterns, I own you Kiwi. I'm the only reason you're not being used as a slave. I'm the one that got all those Cyberware removed. I'm the only one keeping the Arasaka hounds from finding you. Don't forget your place Kiwi. Am I understood? 


 Yes, sir. This time she couldn't stop herself from growling, which only further amused the arrogant fucker. 


 Good, I expect a weekly report. He said before the call ended. 


"... Maybe I should stop by the 2nd Amendment and use the firing range." Kiwi thought with a scowl, "Shooting something sounds very therapeutic right now." 



Bob knew something wasn't right when that giant Solo came to him with a scheme to kill the rising star of the Edgerunner scene; The Boogeyman. But the rep the gang would get would easily make up for the loss of profit they'd all felt since the fucker decided to hunt them for sport! Especially since he heard a rumor that the Queen Bitch of the Afterlife was watching him! 


That just made the notion of chopping the fucker up and selling his meat and Cyberware so much sweeter! 


Of course, reality had to interrupt his dreams of chopping the merc with delusions of grandeur. 


 Bob, the guys that were watching roof access are gone. Like they just delta'd or something can't find any sign of them. 


"Shit." Bob grunted as he ended the call and started a new one, "Get ready. The fucker's here. I'll spread the word." 


The giant Solo didn't respond with anything more than a growl before the call ended. Bob just scoffed before he started to spread the word and get every Scav on high alert. He wasn't worried about them running, the potential profits of a chop shop this size were too much for anyone to dream of running. 


All Bob could hope was that their greed would outweigh their common sense… and that the Boogeyman would flatline a couple more before getting zero'd himself. Just more meat and Cyberware to harvest after all. 


 David Martinez 


He was glad that the place didn't have any real security measures so he didn't have to worry about Kiwi and Lucy seeing him do his system bullshit but they were keeping an eye on the Data fortress and listening in on Holo traffic, and as much as he loved Butterbean… he was kinda glad that Rebecca had to take him to the vet. He knew eventually he'd have to talk about his abilities, being mostly 'ganic he couldn't just say he got some experimental Cyberware installed or anything. The fact that Dioro and Pillar couldn't join was just nice. 


Shaking his head David focused on his current situation, his new Scrap mechanic worked amazingly on the guards. Even somehow getting the blood spatter as well! If this doesn't make his rep take on a more spooky tone he'd eat his damn chrome hand! 


Moving on he snuck in and quickly hid in an alcove when he saw some Scavs coming to check, Seems the leader has some brains, apparently they noticed some of their men going silent. Kiwi messaged. 


 Yeah, hiding in an alcove watching. Is anything interesting on your end, Kiwi? Lucy? David messaged back 


 Some chatter about a Solo helping, so be careful. Lucy messaged. 


David just peeked out of his hiding spot he pulled out a combat knife, the kukri being more of a chopping tool it wasn't as good as a stealth weapon, and his cyber claws (or Scratchers) slid out of his fingers. Though the Scavs being on high alert was a problem, it wasn't much of one. If anything David was more concerned about the Solo. 


Being a Solo typically implies that you can handle jobs without a crew to cover you, granted this isn't a solid rule or anything, but being Solo typically implies you're a tough bastard. Shaking his head David decided to focus on the now, if there was a Solo here he'd deal with him when it came to it. 


Watching the Scavs for a few moments longer David jumped out of the alcove and shoved the knife through one Scav's ear while he shredded the throat of the other. Releasing the hold of his knife he covered the Scav's mouth and forced him down staring right into his eyes. 


The Scav choked and looked like he was trying to call for help, and not wanting that David shoved his cyber claws into the gonk's head instantly killing him. 


"... I probably shouldn't be finding Scav killing relaxing…" He thought as he removed his claws and used the gonks' shirt to clean them off before grabbing his knife and repeating the prospect. 


And after looting them he proceeded to scrap them. Their biomass joined the rest while the installed Cyberware sat off to the side. After looking at their guns thoughtfully he decided to keep the Satara while tagging the other to be scrapped before putting them in his inventory. Already some ideas percolated… mainly inspired by some of the movies he'd watched with the girls. 


"Wonder if I can convert it into something like that shotty from Judgement day?" Honestly, the idea sounded cool to him, he just needed to figure out a way to incorporate the technical aspects of the Satara into a lever action weapon. 



Quest ping! 

Becoming a Legend- All legendary punks have their iconic weapons or traits that are associated with them. Morgan with his black cyber arm, Johnny with his silver cyber arm, and so on. You're on your way to becoming a legend in your own right, and to be a legend you have to look the part! Remember there is more to becoming a legend than killing a whole bunch of gonks! You have to look stylin' while doing it! Quest Rewards: 20 Perk Points, 5 Attribute Points, +5 Tech, +5 Cool 


… Well if that didn't motivate David further he didn't know what else would! Hell, while he liked his Overture find enough he kinda missed the magazines you'd have with guns like Lexingtons. So why shouldn't he make himself a fucking hand cannon while he was at it? He kinda liked the gun Robocop used… 


Shaking his head David proceeded further. 

 Rachel Warrens 


Rachel didn't have any solid plans for the day; party at Lizzie's, have a little fun to decompress from the pressures of the academy and then return to the daily grind the following day. But somewhere her entire day was ruined and here she was stripped naked, strapped down to a surgery table in a nasty room with a fuckin' Scav loon prancing about to some retro-ass music. 


What was she thinking!? Leaving her Trauma Chip back at home! 


Now, look at her! Drugged to the gills and about to get scav'd! And she was pretty sure one of the 'guards' was yanking his crank. She just didn't know if he was cranking it to her body or to what was eventually going to happen to her. 


She was so stoned out of her mind she didn't react when the door suddenly opened and the guard was yanked back before he could make a sound, not that anyone could hear with the music blaring so loud. 


She did blink however when her face was covered in blood when the doc's head burst like a grape! And then a man that must have been the Grim Reaper strode in with a look of death on his face, with a smoking gun in one hand, he looked at her. Rachel thought she would die, that the Reaper had come to collect her personally! 


In her heart she forgave everyone that ever wronged her, and only now did she realize she was carrying a massive chip on her shoulder! She didn't want to die! She promised she'd do better, and live a better life! She just needed the chance! She wanted to live! There was still so much she wanted to do! 


She wanted to apologize to David for never getting Kus to back off! She wanted to tell him she was impressed that a street kid could be the top student! She wanted to tell him that she thought he was kinda nova! 


Death leaned over and wiped some of the blood off her with a piece of cloth before he pulled out a… wait? Is he jacking into her neuralport? Should she feel flustered? Like she needed an adult… but well Death is like the ultimate adult isn't he? 


"Just keep quiet and relax." Death said as he unplugged from her neuralport, "I'll be back when I'm finished." He covered her up with his jacket, "It shouldn't be long now." 


Death stepped away and Rachel nearly fainted when she saw Death look at the two Scavs and… collected his due! They just… vanished! 


Though when he looked at her again she did faint this time. 


 David Martinez 



Skill unlocked! 

Diagnose [0/100] 


"I don't know which is worse." David thought, "The fact that she thought I was Death, that she said she needed an adult or the fact that I shared a classroom with her." Though hearing that she wanted to apologize to him and she thought he was nova was rather nice honestly. 


Honestly, he thought TT would be covering her, but either her parents weren't that high on the corporate ladder, or for whatever reason, she decided to leave her Trauma Chip at home, some teenage rebellion perhaps? Whatever the case may be David wasn't worried, her BIOMON told him she had enough drugs in her system the Scavs could've run a train on her and she wouldn't notice. 


Still, it was weird seeing one of his former classmates in a place like this. While she wasn't one of his usual bullies she never tried to hide her disdain for him. Though there's nothing like nearly getting scav'd that makes you reevaluate your life and priorities. And regardless of her feelings towards him, they were in two very different worlds. It simply wouldn't work. 


Besides he was very happy with three Outputs, he had no desire to add a fourth and upset the balance of things. 


Snorting David walked out of the room and closed it only to lock it behind him, he'd have to come back after he cleared everyone out. 


 Hey girls after this you two want to get something to eat? David messaged as he started sneaking around again, bobbing his head to the Terminator 2: Judgment Day theme in his head. 


 ... Are you seriously wanting to talk about a date while systematically killing people? David could almost hear Kiwis' eyebrow-raising, hell he was pretty sure Lucy was somewhat stunned herself. 


 Yeah? I mean… they're Scavs. Fuck'em. Besides you, two are more important than these bottom feeders. Oh, and can you remind me to get Rachel Warrens out of here when everyone's dead? David messaged as he darted out and grabbed a Scav in a chokehold before snapping their neck and scraping them without dropping him before moving on. 


 ... Who is Rachel? David almost snorted, he was pretty sure if this was a call Lucy would sound all territorial. 


 Former classmate, nothing more. David responded easily, deciding to leave out seeing her in the buff… or the fact that she had the most interesting tattoo on her crotch. 


 Luce, chill. Don't go all Murder Pixie on the poor girl. Besides the monster as three Outputs, do you think it wants more? David just rolled his eyes at Kiwi's response. 


Shaking his head David decided to duck out of the message so as not to get caught up in whatever catfight they started. Besides, these Scavs weren't going to kill themselves! 




Biting his lip he called the Solo when the call was answered he didn't bother trying to hide his feelings, letting the Solo hear his fear and rage in equal measure. 


"This fucker is butchering us! Move your ass and kill the fucker that's your fucking job isn't it!?!" 


 I'll get it, Little Man. But if you ever talk to me like that again I'll shove my Defender up your ass and open fire! 


"Fuck off! Get do your fucking job!" Bob snarled before ending the call before the Solo could retort. 


Pacing back and forth for a few minutes he cursed before he sat down, grabbed an inhaler, and took a hit, dropping the inhaler and holding it. Letting the drugs calm his nerves. Things would work out! Between the gangs and the Solo, there was more than enough firepower to deal with one man! 


However, his thoughts were cut off when a knife jammed through his temple. 


"Almost done now…" That was the last thing he heard before everything went black.

 David Martinez 


Scraping the Scav, snorting when the irony of what he was doing finally hit him, he looked around for a few moments. Eventually finding a small safe that he immediately jacked into and started hacking, after a few seconds it unlocked and David pulled it open. 


"Eh, nothing too interesting." David muttered as he put the shards into his inventory, "Wonder what this place used to be?" He mused for a few moments before he shrugged it off. 


Giving the room another check he considered where the Solo was. 


Quest "Advent of the Boogeyman" complete! 

Quest Rewards: 1000 exp, +4 Cool, +4 Reflex 

Bonus Rewards: +3 Attribute Points, +3 Perk Points, +1 Body 


"Huh." Granted he could just pick up Rachal and delta… there was still the issue of that Solo. 


 Hey Kiwi? Lucy? Do you happen to know where the Solo is? David messaged. 


 Looks like the Solo's in the lobby. Are you going to finish it? Lucy asked. 


 Yeah, no loose ends. Besides Rachal is drugged out of her mind so I'm not worried about her. David replied before he left the office and made his way to the lobby. 


 Big Daisy 


"WHERE ARE YOU! YOU FUCKING COWARD!" The giant woman bellowed, veins bulging and teeth bared in an animalistic snarl of fury, her Defender at the ready as she kept her head on a swivel. 


She didn't care about the Scavs dying, the city was a better place without those scum. This was more important than the eddies she would've got, no this is all about rep! The Little Man made her a laughingstock in the Merc scene! Because word got around how she lost her hand, she lost a lot of eddies as most Fixers wouldn't hire a Solo that cheated people of their dues! Which meant she had to settle for this shit chrome hand and not a proper Bioware one! 


Honestly, it was the last indignity that finally broke her. First was her attempt to join the Animals only to be rejected off-hand by that bitch of a leader. Then having to work herself to the bone, forgoing synthetic foods and subsisting on fucking kibble to afford the Bioware and stimulants to help her bulk up into the giant she is now! 


Did the power go to her head? Yeah, but so fucking what!? From her experience 'Might Made Right' more often than not! Then that fucking twig should've just accepted what he got! 


Any further thoughts were… well impossible when the unmistakable bark of a tech weapon sounded painting the rest of her thoughts all over the surroundings. 


 David Martinez 


Not giving the Solo a second look David scrapped the body and put the gun away, an idea for a new toy for Rebecca coming to mind. Shrugging he made his way back to where he left Rachel, walking as if he was taking an evening stroll and hadn't just killed and scrapped a few dozen people. 


"Warrens… I think I know their number." David thought as he opened the door up and entered, smiling seeing Rachel was still unconscious, Hey Kiwi can you bring the van around? He messaged as he scooped up the unconscious girl. 


 Sure, what are you going to do with the girl? Kiwi asked, We could probably get a nice chunk of eddies as ransom… maybe. If the girl's parents are actually worth a shit. 


 Nah, we're going to get somewhere safe then I'm going to call her folks. David replied as he took the time to ensure her modesty was preserved before walking off, making his way to the entrance of the building. 


 D, you're just too good for this city. Lucy messaged. 


 Cutting lines, we'll be there in five. Kiwi said before the connection was terminated. 


CHuckling David started whistling a tune he heard in passing from somewhere. 




"She's cute," Lucy admitted, though David could tell she was slowly getting agitated. 


"Perhaps." David admitted, "However we're too different for anything to happen. Besides, I like a little danger in my Outputs." That got a laugh from Kiwi who was driving. 


"Well, you certainly got that, kid." Kiwi said, "Luce with her monowires, Becca with her guns, and me with my Netrunning skills? Yeah, plenty of danger. A Corpo brat couldn't compare." She teased. 


"Exactly." He said, "Where are we?" He asked as they pulled to a stop. 


"Outside of Lizzies. Figured it would be a good pickup spot." Kiwi said, "You call while I keep the Mox from trying to run us off." 


"Just tell them I'm doing a drop-off and they should relax." David said, "I think I've repaired almost all their guns at least once." 


"If you say so." Kiwi said as she got out of the van. 


Taking a few minutes David finally called. 


 Hello? Who're you and how'd you get this number? 


"Former classmate of your daughter." David said, "I was clearing out a chop shop and found Rachal on the slab. She's fine, just drugged, I killed the Scavs in question." He explained, "We're outside of Lizzie's bar, I doubt you'd want a couple Cyberpunks pulling up with your daughter." 


 And what would we have to pay to get our daughter back? David just rolled his eyes. 


"Nothing. All you have to do is come down and pick her up." David said before the call ended, snorting he looked at Lucy, "So you wanna get some drinks? Maybe take another moonwalk?" He asked having come to enjoy their 'little dates' using her Moon BD. 


Lucy smiled, "That sounds nice." She said as she moved to sit beside him and lean against him, "I was worried." She finally said. 


The David of Old probably would've said something macho or brushed it off, but this David just chuckled, "About what Lucy? What's going on in that pretty head of yours?" He asked. 


"Just worried… you seem to be a natural Edgerunner." Lucy said. 


It didn't take David more than a second to figure out what she was getting at, and seeing as he couldn't really hold her hand he did lean over and give her a kiss, "Lucy, I will help you get to the moon and we'll both go. Hell, maybe we can get Kiwi and Becca to come, treat it as a vacation." 


"Vacation?" Lucy tilted her head. 


"Yeah. I know you want to go to the moon and I'll help you." David said, "But I can't imagine living there. We could just as easily move to another city or just relocate outside of Night city in the Badlands. Besides, if we all lived on the moon, those moon dates would lose their appeal 'cause I couldn't hold and kiss you up there." 


Lucy just blushed at that, "I'll… think about it." She said, "But you'll take me to the moon." 


"Of course." David said with a smile, "I try to keep my promises." 




Kiwi dropped Lucy and David off at his apartment before driving off. 


David chuckled, "Hey wanna stay over for the night?" He asked, "It's kinda late, besides I think the bed can fit the three of us." 


Lucy giggled, "I'd like that. Thanks." She said with a small smile.



Falco had been in the game a while, he had seen the whole spectrum of punks in his years. From the naive gonks with chips on their shoulders to big dreamers, to gonks that simply wanted fame and fortune even if to get it involved drowning in gallons of blood to punks that just wanted to see the city burn. So when he first saw David Martinez he knew, call it instinct or whatever but… something was fundamentally wrong with the kid. 


The entire crew noticed it but decided to ignore it, as long as it didn't affect the crew it didn't matter. A sensible mentality, one especially common amongst Edgerunner crews, however, Falco didn't like unexpected things. He never did, and as a wheelman, he needed to trust whoever he was riding with to not go psycho in the passenger seat. 


So the first thing he asked when he finally had a chance to speak to David? 


"Since the boss won't ask, I will." He said, "You're not going to lose it in the middle of a job are you?" He ignored Lucy and Rebecca's glares easily as he waited for an answer. 


David just looked at him calmly, too calmly in Falco's eyes. While his body count is impressive it didn't explain his calm demeanor. There's a saying that the eyes are the window of the soul, and if you took it literally it'd mean no one has a soul given how most people have optics instead of eyes nowadays, but Falco wasn't that literal. But meeting David's calm gaze he saw a very wary soul, the sort of eyes you'd see on someone that had been put through the wringer and refused to die. 


He'd seen that look in burnt-out mercs, nomads that lost their entire clans, and various other punks in Night city. He heard about what happened to Gloria, a damn shame that she had to go out the way she did. He knew that had to be hard on the kid but from what he heard the kid was handling it rather well, he also heard he was considering taking a ride out to the badlands to spread his mother's ashes. It was a sentiment that Falco could respect, for a nomad family is everything… so seeing a kid pay respect to his departed mother raised his opinion of him. 


He just tilted his head, "About the same as anyone really." He said, "But if having if watching my mother die, and having my spine ripped out and replaced while I was conscious and without painkillers I like to think it'll take a little more effort to make me lose it." 


Falco blinked at that, as did the rest of the crew. 


"Gonk was conscious while he got ripped?" Pilar muttered, "Gotta admit… that'd fuckin' metal…" 


"Imma kill'em!" Rebecca exclaimed, but that wasn't surprising. 


"We'll help." Lucy wasn't a surprise but Kiwi certainly was given her 'trust no one' motto. 


"Kid? Are you… sure you're not exaggerating that last bit?" Dorio asked with some skepticism in her voice, "I mean not even back-alley rippers are that bad… right?" 


"If it's who I think it is then yeah." Maine said rubbing his arms, "Borg out on the border of Arroyo and Pacifica? Yeah, he's a legit good ripper but he's… something of a tightwad. Had him do some work on me. He still got that bite bar?" David just nodded. 


"... Y'all ain't going to kill him if I get to him first!" Dorio exclaimed, and there is nothing as intimidating as an angry amazon. 


"Ey, Davey where you go to get your chrome checked?" Pilar asked, "Kinda wanting to get my arms and hands checked." He added wiggling his shiny gold hands. 


"Ah, Doc Vik in Little China by a Mox bar. Behind Misty's Esoterica." David said, "Fixed up my Sandy and got me a new hand! The guy even accepts payment plans." 


"No shit?" Pilar sounded intrigued, "Maybe I'll ask for a full check." 


Looking away from David momentarily and ignoring as the women of the crew planned premeditated murder he did look at Kiwi curiously. Seeing her react so violently surprised him, though it was a welcome surprise in the nomad's mind. 


"Maybe the kid can get Kiwi to open up about what's bothering her." He wasn't sure if the others picked up on it but something was clearly bothering the older netrunner, he'd caught her more than once swearing violently about Faraday. 


Not that he blamed Kiwi. 


Falco had the misfortune of meeting the fixer once, and it was enough for a lifetime in his opinion. Arrogant Fixers ain't that unusual, but the thing is the ones that are arrogant rarely show it because they know they're that damn good! And from the way, the four-eyed ass acted he so clearly wanted to be a Corpo, pity that acting the part doesn't make it so. It just makes enemies in his opinion, Corpos can get away with it usually, especially if they're high up in the hierarchy. 


But Faraday? Honestly, Falco was just wondering when the gonk would disappear like so many others in this city 


"Actually, Falco?" The nomad turned to look at David curiously, "Two questions. You wouldn't happen to know anyone selling a bike, would you? I have some pretty bad luck with cars and I can't just run everywhere or take the NCART." 


"Heh, I can ask around, and the second kid?" Falco asked with a chuckle. 


"... Where do you get your suits?" Falco blinked at that making David huff, "No one says I can't be an Edgerunner and look classy while doing it!" 


That just made Falco laugh, and laugh hard. 


"This kid is alright!" He decided, "A bit off but alright!" 






After David was welcomed into the crew with a celebratory toast everyone went their own ways. Maine and Dorio went to a booth to make out or Dorio wanted to know more about Borg, it could be either actually. He knew Rebecca and Lucy were talking about their plans of murdering the gonk. He was surprised by how Pilar and David started talking about guns, apparently, David had plans to make some custom weapons and was interested in getting another techie's help on the project. 


That of course left Kiwi alone to smoke in the corner as she normally does, pity Falco decided she needed some companion. 


"So, you and the kid huh?" Falco asked as he sat across from the normally solitary netrunner, "Wouldn't have figured you for likin' them young, but as long as he makes you happy that's the important part innit? You are happy aren't ya?" 


Kiwi didn't speak for a few minutes and instead focused on smoking before giving a short, almost reluctant, nod. 


"If you like'em then is it safe to assume you trust him?" A more hesitant nod followed, "Then talk to the gonk. Honestly after talking to him? I can tell, he holds his chooms close and his Outputs closer. What you got here Kiwi is a gonk that's been broken by life but he won't let it make him its bitch. I wouldn't be surprised if he wasn't willing to do anything for you ladies." 


Kiwi didn't comment but the nomad saw she was considering it in her eyes. 


Falco just nodded and got up, clearly seeing that Kiwi wanted to be alone with her thoughts. Sometimes though he felt less like a wheelman and more like a Kiwi interpreter, he couldn't help but wonder what sort of hell she went through to make her so distrustful. Could be anything really knowing this city. 


Shaking his head in amusement he decided to see what the techies were coming up with… and see if it'd bring down Corpo attention on them. It hadn't happened yet but with Pilar, you can never tell. 






"D, you are out of your gonkin' mind!" Falco blinked at that, "I mean your idea is preem nova, fuck me I'd love to have a pair myself! But seriously you'd need a reinforced skeleton and joints at the very least! The kickback alone would shatter your arms!" 


David just looked mulish, "I know and I don't plan on using them just after making them! I'm not that stupid." He retorted, "I just want some guns that are 'me' you know?" 


"Choom, just the recoil from these means your 'handguns' will need to be massive. They'll probably weigh around fifty pounds! I'm not sure a 'ganic at peak physical performance can handle them!" Pilar argued, "I mean yeah I'll still help ya but unless you're going to get cyber arms they'll just be showpieces." 


"You let me worry about that." David said, clearly unable to be dissuaded, "Actually perhaps you'd be interested in helping me make everyone a custom piece?" 


"Custom, eh? Nothing that'll get a Corp sniffing around?" Pilar asked, sounding surprisingly rational in Falco's opinion. 


"Nothing like that. I'm not bout to make no gonking rapid-fire laser… though that would be nova as hell." David said, "Nothing retro, only reason my launcher looks like that is cause 40mm still fucks no matter what shoots it." 


"Fuck it, why not?" Pilar laughed, "D, I think we're going to get along great! I finally have someone to talk techie shit now! All you have to do now is make me an uncle and then everything's fucking preem!" 


David choked on his drink, "What!?" 


Pilar cackled, "What kid? Does the thought of putting a bun in my sister's oven intimidate you?" He teased, poking him with his long fingers, "Ain't like I can continue the bloodline! Just make sure if you do put a baby in her belly it's outta this city. He'll take her to another city entirely or the moon for all I care!" 


Falco… wisely decided to join Lucy and Rebecca at the bar and leave the two techies to their talking. 






"Okay so you tie him to his chair, and I'll use his tools to slowly take him apart." Rebecca said, "Then when we're done we leave and firebomb the place and let him burn alive." 


Lucy sipped her drink thoughtfully, "Couldn't we just flay him alive?" She commented, "Or I could just shove him full of daemons and let him cook from the inside out." 


"Well yeah, but that just means you get all the satisfaction!" Rebecca retorted, "I want my pound of flesh and chrome too! Fucker tortured our D! And even if he 'does good work' apparently Vik doesn't agree!" 


Falco… decided to just get a beer and rejoin Kiwi. At least she wasn't planning murder… to the best of his knowledge outside that one comment. It was hard to read the woman with that respirator-vent cyberware. 



"Got those files you wanted, Rogue." Nix, the top Netrunner of Afterlife, said. 

"Send them to me." Rogue said as he flicked them over to her. 

As Rogue read them he sat down and tried, for the umpteenth time, to puzzle out why Rogue wanted the files for Gloria Martinez. Nix himself looked over the files as well and still didn't get it, the woman was an EMT and borderline Scav that klep cyberware off dead people. What's more, is that she's already flatlined so Nix honestly didn't see the point. Was Rogue looking for some sort of leverage over 'the Boogeyman' as the kid had started being called? 

It was possible, it was a decidedly Rogue thing to do with new variables on the Merc scene, but Nix had a feeling that wasn't the Top Fixer's reasoning for wanting the info. If she wanted leverage she could've just asked for info on the kid himself and not his dead mother. So… what was she looking for? 

"Maybe she's trying to figure out how a seventeen-year-old gonk can turn into such an efficient killer?" Nix mused as she ideally sipped some Nicola (booze and netrunning don't mix), "Perhaps a combination of stress and emotional baggage led to a limited psychotic break?" It'd certainly explain some things but not others. 

The others could be explained by Skill chips, but where would the kid even get the eddies? You just don't klep Skill chips unless you're already skilled to do it, but at that point why bother? There is also the problem that the human brain can only retain so much information before it all starts overwriting or mashing together, he heard stories of rich gonks frying their synapses by trying to learn too much too fast. 

It became a cautionary tale of why you should be careful with Skill chips, not that Corpo gonks ever listen. Like that stupid Saka brat Kat-whatever, the kid's former bully. Who, without his usual target, was now doing the usual entitled Corpo brat shit. 

"Just another Saka crotch stain that'll get flatlined by his own stupidity…" The question at this point really is would it be by the kid's hands or some random gonk? 

"Nix?" He blinked and looked at Rogue, "Who's the Fixer for Maine's crew?" The Top Fixer asked thoughtfully. 

Nix blinked again not really expecting that, "Uh, sure. Give me a sec." He said really wishing his boss's poker face wasn't so damn good, it made reading her impossible. 

Something that any Fixer worth a damn needs but it does make it hard to figure out what she's thinking! Pushing his irritation to the side for the moment Nix pulled his interface plug from his wrist and jacked into a subtly hidden port to access the Afterlife's network. 

Nix's eyes twitched as he read the file, "Faraday, low-level Fixer. Militech connection, Corpo-wannabe. Bad habit of burning bridges." Nix said as he reviewed the file, "None of the other mercs will even look at him, so he primarily employs the ones desperate for work." 

"Hmm, and David is a part of his crew…" Rogue muttered with a very light frown on her face as she crossed her arms and bowed her head in thought. 

"The kid? Why does that even matter?" Sure the kid showed promise but if he joined up with a crew with a gonk that works for Faraday that's his problem in Nix's opinion. 

Glancing over at Nix after a few seconds of thought Rogue said, "Nix, get Regina Jones to throw Maine's crew a bone. If they impress her, she's got a crew. If not then it's on them." Nix just slowly nodded. 

"Okay?" Nix just jacked out of the network before scratching his cheek. 

Rogue snorted, "I'm not doing this for the chrome junkie." She said. 

"For the kid then? I didn't think you were sentimental." Nix said eventually. 

"I'm not with some exceptions." Rogue said, "David is one of those exceptions." 

"Why?" Nix had to know, this had been driving him crazy for a while. 

"... An apology." Is all she offered, "Now make the arrangements." 

"Sure, I'll get to it, Rogue." Nix mumbled as that only left even more questions in his mind! 



 Rachel Warren 


Gasping for breath Rachel lurched up and just focused on her breathing. 

"Just breathe, it's just a nightmare. You're not back there! Calm your tits!" She thought as she closed her eyes and fell back into her bed with a groan. 

It had been a few days since she was grabbed by the Scavs, and since she saw Death in the form of her former classmate. Granted she didn't realize that until later when the drugs were out of her system and her parents were grilling her about what happened and why David Martinez was handing her over naked. While her parents were members of Arasaka they weren't as… Corp-centric as others, so Rachel got to enjoy a somewhat functional family dynamic. 

They didn't ask if she was raped or anything as the private doctor they went to did a whole host of tests while she was drugged. But still, they drilled her with questions after she recovered. 

Who is that man? Do you know him? Wasn't he your classmate? And so on and so forth. 

Truth is? She really didn't know much about David other than he was the highest scorer in recent history and he pushed XBDs for eddies to help his mother. A mother that recently died, if she recalled Katsuo's mockery correctly. 

Granted she didn't know him that well but she didn't agree with Katsuo's mockery of his loss, but then again it was a common enough mindset amongst Corpos. They just stop seeing the have-nots as human, or something along those lines. 

Taking a few minutes to collect herself Rachel pushed herself up and started the process of getting ready to face the day. And as she started to get dressed she couldn't help but wonder what David was doing. 

"Well, my parents are pretty paranoid now." She thought, "Maybe I could suggest they hire him as a bodyguard when I go shopping?" She considered with a faint blush. 

After getting past the extreme amounts of panic, which was only exacerbated by the drugs and David flatlining the Scavs, she admitted in the privacy of her own mind that being in his arms made her feel surprisingly safe… 

"Am I crushing on David!?"