
new 3



"You sure about this, D?" Rebecca asked, "I mean yeah I get it, lots of eddies to be found in gunsmithing but… well I kinda like going on jobs with you…" 


David just smiled that stupid charming smile of his, "I know Becca, but I'm not stopping running for good. This is a temp thing. I'll just build up some eddies for a new apartment, to pay off whatever Maine lost on the Sandy, and maybe get some proper tinkering tools instead of whatever I can scavenge." 


"Fair enough, but I expect you to make me something special !" Rebecca said with a pout as she crossed her arms, "And I know some Solos that would pay preem to get their gear modded out. So you might not have to do it as long as you think!" 


David just smiled again, "Babe? I'll always do this. I find it relaxing, the fact I can make eddies while doing something that helps me slow down. That is preem as fuck." He said, "Besides, with the eddies, I just might surprise you one day." The cheeky fucker added with a wink that only made Rebecca feel some kinda way. 


Just deciding to go cuddle Butterbean and watch tv while David did his thing in his little makeshift workshop the gun gremlin couldn't help but wonder how anyone as sweet as D could exist. In Night City of all places! 'City of Dreams' is more like where dreams go to die honestly, however despite how the city just crushed your soul Rebecca had seen people find happiness. 


Dorio and Maine are the only example she could think of, which is kinda sad but Rebecca figured she only really noticed them because they were obvious about it. 


"Butterbean? What do you think of D?" She asked her beloved cat as she scratched his chin. 


Butterbean just purred loudly, which honestly was all the answer Rebecca needed. She did not doubt that if someone hurt him David would ventilate the gonk… if he was lucky. If the gonk was unlucky David might get creative and honestly, the gun gremlin shuddered to think of what her vindictive 'sort psycho' Input would do if he felt like getting creative. 


It'd no doubt cement his reputation as a scary fucker. 


Sighing, she decided to message the Old Man, Hey Old Man, you know any Solos looking to get their guns worked on? My Input is pretty good with guns so… you follow what I'm saying? 


After the message was sent she focused on petting Butterbean while listening to some talk show talking about this or that scandal. 


 I might know a few. I'll send a few. Hope your D can put his eddies where his mouth is. The Old Man messaged back an hour later. 




"You D's output?" A towering giant gonk grunted. 


"Yeah, just chill Big Daisy. I'll get him." Rebecca said to the ex-Animal turned Solo. 


Big Daisy just grunted and leaned against the wall as Rebecca left to drag David out of whatever he was doing, probably tinkering or something. And while she trusted David could do what was asked she couldn't help but wish the Old Man sent anyone other than Big Daisy. The giant was infamous for using her size to intimidate kiosk vendors into giving her discounts or working for free. And while she also didn't doubt David wouldn't be intimidated, the ex-Animal is exactly what you would expect. 


Walking to his former room turned workshop she opened, "Hey! Got your first customer. Don't let her intimidate you though." Rebecca said before she quickly moved back to the living room… mainly cause she didn't trust Big Daisy to be in the same room as Butterbean. 


"He coming?" Big Daisy said. 


"Yeah. So, how's work been?" Rebecca asked conversationally. 


"Fine enough, though I was surprised to hear anyone could put up with you." Big Daisy said with a snort, "He decided to get outta the game? Gonk couldn't handle it?" She added with a jeering look. 


"Not really." David said as he walked in, "Just decided to expand my horizons. Doesn't hurt that I can make good eddies doing something I find relaxing. So whatcha need exactly?" He continued as he sized her up… honestly Rebecca thought he was fitting her for a coffin! 


Big Daisy just passed David a shotgun either obvious or dismissive to him sizing her up, "Full maintenance." She grunted, "Can you do that little man?" 


Her David just looked at the gun thoughtfully before looking back at her, "Yeah I can do it." He said as he checked the breech before removing the mag, surprising Rebecca with how thorough he was, "This gun is in pretty rough shape. It'll be a grand, how fast you want it?" 


Rebecca's hands itched for her guns, seeing an Animal looking like that always made her nervous. Sure she wasn't in the gang anymore but well… you can take an Animal out of the gang, but you can't take the gang out of the Animal. 


"Feh, fine little man. I'll be back tomorrow to pick it up" Rebecca wanted to protest but couldn't find the words for the unrealistic expectation! "But if this ain't firing like it's factory new I'm taking it out of your ass." 


"It will." David said, "But you're welcome to try, I'm sure I'd give this poor thing a better home." He added looking her square in the eye. 


Big Daisy looked like she wanted to take a swing at him before scoffing and spitting at his feet, "Whatever." She scoffed before leaving. 


"What an asshole." David commented before looking at Rebecca, "You know that?" 


"Not personally. But I know OF her." Rebecca said as she came closer to look at the shotgun, "Jeez, gonk probably would have saved some money just buying a new one." She mumbled as she eyed the weapon with the gaze of an experienced gun user. 


"Sentimental reasons I suppose." David said, "Kinda like me and mom's jacket." He added. 


"You know she's going to try and cheat you right?" Rebecca commented, "She's used to intimidating gonks into giving her cheap or free service." 


"Well, ain't she gonna be disappointed." David said with a chuckle before stopping, "Wait… that thing is a woman!?" 


That got a burst of laughter from Rebecca as she hugged him, "Never change, choom. Never change!" 


"Don't plan on it, babe." David said, "Well I suppose I should get started on this. Fucking hell did that gorilla never do routine maintenance on this? I'm going to have to take it apart and check everything out. Then take it somewhere for some test firing." 


 David Martinez 


David despite his first very poor impression the shotgun wasn't in as bad shape as he thought. Still, regardless he took it apart, cleaned and oiled everything, and refurbished the gun. And after taking it out for some test firing David deemed the gun working he eagerly joined Rebecca in bed and cuddled her, nothing sexy happened between them other than sharing a good night kiss. He still felt giddy whenever he thought that Rebecca was living with him! 


The next day David and Butterbean were watching some drek movie on tv, certainly better than the news or corporate pandering talk shows. 


 You got my gun ready little man? 


"Yeah, drop by around noon." David answered, "Though I expect payment before I hand it over." 


The call ended before David got an answer, probably the big lady didn't like having a 'scrawny twig' dictate anything. Either that or she had perpetual PMS, regardless it wasn't his problem whatever her issue is. As long as she didn't try to cheat him, he wouldn't have to do anything drastic. 


"But…" Recalling Rebecca telling him that the Solo had a reputation made him consider taking some precautions, "Well, if nothing happens I'll simply tell her. If not well…" 





"Where's my gun little man?" The ex-Animal grunted like… an animal. 


David wasn't phased and instead got up to retrieve the gun from his workshop before returning in short order. 


"You have my eddies?" David asked, raising a brow. 


The bitch, he didn't catch her name or care to remember, growled and paid the fee… only five hundred short. David didn't react but he certainly didn't hand the gun over. 


"I think you're five hundred short." David said, "If you're short I'm willing to make a payment plan." Did he realize that he was mocking what had to be a moderately successful Solo? Yes. Did he care? No, not in the slightest. 


He didn't like Animals, but as long as they didn't start anything he wouldn't do anything. 


"You'll be happy I gave you anything shrimp." The solo said as she bared her teeth, "Now give me my gun!" 


"As soon as you give me the rest of my fee or opt for a payment plan." David said smoothly, his Sandy already warmed and primed. 


Then the Solo moved to punch him, probably to take his head off, but the world instantly slowed to a crawl and David moved behind her and kicked out her legs as he loaded the shotgun before allowing time to resume its normal pace. The solo fell forward and when she rolled over and moved to get back up the sight of a 20 ga shotgun stopped her cold. 


"That'll be another five hundred eddies." David said, "Do you want to increase it?" 


"You're nothing but a shrimp riding on shortie's coattails!" The solo snarled, "Be she spread her legs when she first met you!" 


David just hummed before he moved the gun. 




And took off the Solo's left hand entirely, making her scream before the barrel returned to her face, "That's another five hundred. You have a hand and two feet left, shall we continue?" 


"Argh! Fucking fine!" The Solo snarled as her eyes glowed as the rest of the money plus the extra thousand found its way into David's account. 


Rebecca ran in with her guns completely naked and ready for a fight but David didn't stop looking into the Solo's eyes, "Never cheat me. Becca, can you toss me a Bounce Back? I think my customer needs one." 


"Holy shit!" Rebecca exclaimed as she scrambled. 


"Fuck off!" She snarled as she grabbed her gun and stormed off, her ruined hand held protectively against her chest. 


"David! What happened!?" Rebecca demanded. 


"She came for her gun, she tried to cheat me, she swung first." David said, "You know if she didn't say I was riding your coattails and you spread your legs like a Joytoy from Jig-Jig street she wouldn't be down a hand." 


"... David?" Rebecca asked. 


"Yeah?" David asked as he moved to start looking for Butterbean who skittered off when the solo first around. 


"Whip yer dick out. I'm going to suck it!" Rebecca exclaimed. 


"Wait. What!?" Any further questions were shelved when he was tackled by a very horny Gun Gremlin. 


The last thing he noticed was his system firing off. 



Quest "Way of the Gunsmith" complete! 

Quest rewards: +2 perk points, 500 exp, gunsmithing tools, and bench schematics 

Bonus rewards: +1 perk point, 2020 Militech Crusher schematic. 



"D, I swear you have already done enough for me!" Rebecca said, "Mind-blowing sex, you get me, and your so damn romantic! You even learned how to mix drinks stupidly fast, had no idea this would happen when I chatted up Rita a couple of days ago, and now you have another surprise!? Babe you're going to spoil me so badly I don't think I'll survive if anything happens to you!" Dramatic as hell? Perhaps but it is appropriate in Rebecca's eyes. 


Honestly, the past week or so seemed like a dream the Solo's honest opinion. Sure, D might be a little psycho and dealing with some bad Chrome addiction but honestly, Rebecca thought it made him a goddamn unicorn in a city that glamorizes swapping meat for chrome. Outside of his hand and eyes David, never mind the Sandy that he rarely used to the best of her knowledge, had surprisingly little chrome. 


Though having a military-grade Sandevistian sort of makes up for quantity with sheer quality. 


Still, since he started his little side gig and decided to take a break from putting the fear of the reaper in Scavs and assorted scum he'd been making eddies hand over fist, especially after that incident with Big Daisy and her visiting Lizzie's to celebrate. And his rep was terrific, even when he did work cheap he still made money. Currently, David was sitting pretty with a hefty chunk of eddies burning away in his account. 


She also saw him punch himself when he later admitted, he was considering visiting Vik for some chrome. 


And between all that, he still went over the shard he got from Vik for boxing as well as this other shard for workout advice. And now the cheeky bastard promised her a surprise! 


Stop, D she was already in love with him! What more could he do!? 


She was pulled from her vibing when the aforementioned charming gonk walked in, shirtless which Rebecca would never grow tired of seeing, with something behind his back! He gave her one of those smug grins of his before he presented… 


Rebecca immediately sat up, Butterbean yowled in annoyance before padding off to curl back up on the couch but she didn't notice as her eyes were locked on the gun. It looked modded and customized but she could identify it as a Militech Crusher 20 gauge shotgun! 


"Figured you'd want something with a little more 'fuck you' than your Lexingtons." David said, "I've customized it with you in mind; integrated some recoil compensators, added a holo sight, and adjusted the barrel to reduce spread. I even combed through the academy data library and reverse-engineered some Dragonfire shells! Granted I haven't made a lot of them but when the kids stop by for their drop off I can make some more." 


"... You are too goddamn good for this world." Rebecca said, trying to keep her eyes from watering, "You cook, clean, you make me feel loved, you made me a bitchin' shotgun, and you pay street rats for scrap cyberware and tossed guns! You even teach them tricks! You make a girl think about putting a ring on that finger stud!" 


David just scratched his head awkwardly and chuckled. 


Rebecca just jumped on him and gave him the deepest kiss she could, fucking could come later. She wanted David to know just how much she fucking cherished him! 



"... The fuck?" 


Lucy didn't consider herself a slob, after all with a Netrunning setup being a slob is asking for accidents to happen. She'd heard horror stories from Kiwi about Netrunners that were sloven like Pilar. So after every deep-dive, she meticulously cleaned the jack and everything before she started to clean her deep-dive port that she kept hidden from the world. 


So walking into her apartment after her daily jog and finding that her entire apartment was clean, as in really clean, surprised the hell out of her. Nothing was out of place but obviously, it was tidied up and organized to make things easier to find! Then she heard some noise coming from her bedroom! 


Pulling out her Lexington she slowly made her way and opened the door and was about to shoot at the gonk that broke in to clean (and wasn't that a strange thought)... only to see David gathering her dirty clothes into a pile, he'd even already made her bed! 


He glanced over, "Hey, figured between your Netrunning and other biz I'd straighten your apartment up." Lucy honestly felt her heart skip as her gun slipped from her fingers her arms went limp as she stared at him, "You okay Lucy? Need anything?" 


"I… um, uh…" Lucy honestly didn't know what to say to this… this… not-himbo! 


He just laughed, "Hey how about you get changed while I get some drinks? I got a bottle of 'Mixxie's Awesome Sauce' from a Mox a few days ago. I haven't had any yet but Becca tells me it's… well like its name implies. You know, it's funny but despite the ink, I never considered she was a former Mox." 


"Heh, yeah… she does seem pretty well… too manic for the Mox (and wasn't that an understatement)." Lucy commented after collecting her wits before she went to her closet and started to pull out some clothes to change into… which she did without even giving him a chance to leave the room. 


Honestly, she felt proud when she heard him choke on the air. 


"So, these drinks?" She asked as she turned around with a coy smirk. 


"S-Sure." David stammered before leaving quickly. 


"... He isn't leaving until he rocks my shit." Lucy swore to herself. 




Sitting beside David with some of the 'Awesome Sauce' Lucy smiled at him, "So… why are the Mox giving you booze? I've been pretty busy running some jobs." 


"Oh, well I decided to take a break from jobs and figured I'd do some guntech work." He said as he sipped his drink with a pleasant hum, "It doesn't hurt that it helps me relax and I can make good eddies off of it. Oh, and the booze is something about doing the whole city a favor and putting an animal in her place? I think I'm missing a joke but whatever." 


"Ah, Bex mentioned something about that last night at Turbos." Lucy said with a faintly amused smile, "Something about you blowing a gonks hand off that tried to stiff you?" 


"Yeah… didn't catch her name. Big… D-something. Donkey or whatever." David paused in consideration, "But yeah she brought in a rough-looking Militech Crusher, said I'd do it for a thousand eddies but I wouldn't hand the gun over until she paid. The next day she comes for her gun but stiffs me. I used the Sandy to put her on her back and hold her up and charge her another five hundred as an asshole tax. She tries again and I blow her hand off along with another five hundred. So… honestly, I made good money. She left only somewhat crippled, had evidence that I do good work, and now no one stiffs me! Though if she was short on money I would've accepted a payment plan or we could've come to a bartering agreement." 


Lucy just took a drink to stop herself from laughing at her goofy student/future-Input. Honestly, she couldn't understand how a kid that grew up in this shithole could be so… so whatever the hell he is! His mom got flatlined, he had to use a crematory vendor, and everything else Lucy would've expected a punk with a massive chip on his shoulder that would burn bright and leave a mangled corpse! Instead, it made… whatever she was sharing drinks with. David was just such an oddball that Lucy didn't know what to classify him as! 


"Hmm, maybe I should ask you to look at my gun?" Lucy mused, "How much?" 


"Well, you are teaching me. And well… yeah, let's just call it even." David said with a smile, "... Hey… you want a massage?" 


Lucy raised her eyebrow at the offer, "Man of many talents huh?" She teased with a smile, "But sure… I never had one before." 


"Well let's finish our drink and head into your bedroom." David said, "You undress as much as you feel comfortable with and lay down. I'll do the rest." 




Of course, Lucy knew what a massage is and had a general idea of what to expect, instead of undressing a little bit she just undressed completely and lay on her bed. She gave David credit for recovering as fast as he did. But she didn't expect much beyond being relaxed and having to initiate things. 


"Ahh~" Lucy moaned as David gave her a massage, "How is he so good?~" 


"Tense there Lucy." David teased as he rubbed her lower back, "This might help!" 




"Oh god!" Lucy moaned as she just laid there on her bed limp, "What did you- ohhhhh~" 


David just chuckled before leaning down to her ear, "You wouldn't happen to be in on Becca's little plan would you?" His voice told her he knew but clearly, he wanted to hear it with his ears. 


"Yes~ it was going to be just a fling but you're so… damn you!" Lucy nearly whined, "You listened and didn't look at me like an easy output! You even said you'd help me with my dream!" 


She forcibly rolled over and looked David straight in the eyes, "Do you know how much that means to me? Kiwi knows my dream and though she doesn't say it I know she thinks I should aim for something more mandible! But then this gonk comes and says it's not a stupid dream and that he'd help!" She ranted. 


"... You know when I first saw you and Kiwi I felt like I knew you two." David said with a smile, "I'm not sure if it was a hallucination from having a hack install the Sandy or another life. But I couldn't help but feel drawn to you." He admitted. 


Lucy recalled Misty explaining some tarot card stuff to Rebecca about him, she dismissed it but David just brought it roaring back to her mind. 


"... Shut up and kiss me gonk." Lucy said as she pulled him down and kissed him. 


Either Rebecca had trained him that well or he was a natural David managed to undress and not break the kiss once. And after a few moments, he joined her in bed. Lucy was sure that David could hear her heart hammering away in her chest, one of his hands reached down to her soaking sex and fingered her gently, obviously preparing her mostly virgin slit for the monster it was about to welcome. 


David broke the kiss and Lucy moaned as he played her like an instrument. He had a lot of practice with Rebecca and then there was the fling with Kiwi. She gasped as another finger joined, still slowly and carefully getting her ready. Lucy looked at David, feeling bashful all of a sudden, and tried to cover her face. 


"Now, don't do that." David said as he held her hands, "You're too pretty to hide. Don't worry, I'll be gentle. I've learned from my first time." 


"W-What about Kiwi?" David just sheepishly chuckled. 


"That… was more her fault honestly." David said, "And kind of my own. I only found out later that she mixed some sort of aphrodisiac with her ah… 'energy drink' that mixed a little too well." 


Somehow that honestly didn't surprise Lucy even though it probably should have. 


"Okay, I think you're ready now, I just need to put this on…" Lucy blinked and tried to figure out where he got that condom, though she was grateful, she really should have started taking care of that when Rebecca talked her into this whole plan. 


"Okay, now Lucy, just don't forget to breathe." David said, "I'll be careful." 


Lucy felt that monster David was packed nudging at her entrance and she forced herself to relax, after a few minutes of poking and prodding the head popped in and Lucy nearly squealed. Then he started to move deeper and her eyes crossed. 


And she had to consciously tell herself to breathe so David wouldn't worry. 


By the time David was completely in, Lucy was seriously considering if she should get some sort of implant that keeps her lungs breathing, as well as see a doctor and get a prescription for birth control or an implant to make sure accidents didn't happen. Cause if Rebecca was to be believed… raw was nova! 


"Okay, we'll start when you're ready." Lucy blinked and looked at David. 


"... You're too sweet for your own good…" That is all she could manage to get out. 




"You okay Lucy?" 




"Need anything?" 




"... Are you going to stop smoking?" 




"... The moon is made of cheese?" 




"... The rubber burst? 




"I'm… just going to get you something to eat. I know the answer but do you want anything specific?" 






"Listen D, I appreciate you coming over and helping me out. But you don't have to do this." Kiwi said. 


"I know but I want to." David said simply, "I mean outside of that job we did and the bar and… well…" He coughed into his fist, "We don't talk. And well… I am kinda responsible for your back problems." 


Now it was Kiwi's turn to blush, "Nah, that's… that's on me." She said as she scratched her neck, "Really should've read the label more thoroughly… and probably did some digging anyway. Besides, it's a pleasant sort of ache. 


"Hmm, hey. Can I try something?" David asked, "My mom was an EMT, and well… I picked up a lot. If it doesn't work I'll take you to Doc Vik. Or… wherever you want." 


"Fine." Kiwi said after a few minutes, "Put away those puppy dog eyes. You're way too good at them." 


"Heh, okay let's get you to bed." David said as he easily picked the older Netrunner up and carried her to her bedroom and laid her down, "Now let me see…" 


He lifted the back of her shirt and started feeling around, it wasn't sexual like last time almost like a doctor or medic. He then found the spot that made Kiwi hiss. 


"Okay." David said before he moved until he was straddling her, "Kiwi? Not going to lie this may hurt. So… I dunno bite a pillow or something." 


Kiwi was going to make a quip but instead did as he asked. He prodded the spot a few more times before placing his hands on the sore spot and… 




"MOTHERFUCKER!" Kiwi yelped. 


David quickly got off her and helped Kiwi up, she was still sore but she could stand under her power. Giving David a look that demanded an explanation he chuckled. 


"My Araska student ID is still valid." He said, "I do a lot of reading. I'm no EMT but I figured knowing more than the basics wouldn't hurt." He explained. 


"D I swear…" Kiwi said with a chuckle, "Heh, come on choom. I feel like getting some noodles, how about you?" 


"Sounds like a plan Kiwi." He said with a smile, "I'm just glad it worked. Ah… I'm not a very good driver." 


"... I hear a story there." David just blushed, "Oh, I have to hear this! Come on, we'll get some noodles and head down to Turbo. How's that sound?" 


"Perfect." David said, "But… Do I have to tell the story?" 


"Yes, yes you do." Kiwi said, making David sigh. 


"Whatever." He grumbled making her laugh and put an arm around his shoulder, which in turn made him smile. 

 Rogue Amendiares 


As the Queen of the Afterlife and the Top Fixer of NC Rogue liked to believe that nothing escaped her notice, eventually all Legends and punks wanting to become Legends entered the Afterlife sooner or later. Either for a drink or to be remembered as a drink. So when someone comes into the scene making waves by doing the very opposite way Edgerunners do, it's bound to get the Queen's attention. 


"David Martinez, 17, son of Gloria Martinez deceased, father unknown. Top student of Arasaka Academy, dropped out shortly after his mother died." The file her personal Netrunner sent her to read like any other punk with a chip on their shoulder… but afterward, it gets weird in her eyes, "Goes to Doc Borg, that hack hasn't been zeroed yet huh, gets a Cyberware installed that originally belong to a Cyberpsycho… then does nothing. Until he zeroes three gonks… then later the same day an entire Scav chop shop operation is ghosted. This repeats a few days later only much cleaner, no traces. Like the Grim Fuckin' Reaper decided to do some street cleaning…" 


Chuckling faintly, Rogue took a sip of some whiskey as she considered the oddity that had crept into the Edgerunning scene like an assassin in the night. Most young punks jump head-first into chroming up too much, too fast. Rogue was sure someone had actual statistics on the subject, but the truth is that most of those punks rarely made it past their first six months. Either getting flatlined for biting off more than they can chew or they go cyberpsycho because they went to a back alley ripper that cut corners and shit on top of whatever issues they already have! 


But this 'David Martinez' was something of a breath of… well not fresh air. Someone deciding to go slow with chrome isn't that unusual, his age, however, is what makes it odd as are the circumstances behind him getting his first bit of chrome. Chuckling even more she continued looking through the file, only to laugh out loud when she got to his first bit of biz as a guntech… and how he dealt with the gonk that tried to cheat him. 


"Martinez was already doing it cheaply, why bother?" She thought with a scoff, "Fucking Animals, at least he reminded the Animal of her place. Fucker has been rocking the boat too much, I should have her zeroed but well… Why should I? When I know the stupid bitch will get the little Boogeyman to do the job for me?" 


She loved it when problems would solve themselves, while she could easily arrange for Big… Monkey or whatever to have an accident there was something so satisfying about watching gonks do themselves in. Like a self-fulfilling prophecy, but straightforward with no cryptic bullshit spewed. Animals… she never liked them, hell she didn't like most of the gangs in the city! Well, the Valentinos were tolerable, and certain groups of the Tyger Claws were alright. But for the most part, she wouldn't care if the gangs just all decided to butcher themselves over whatever gang politics drove them. 


"Ah, Martinez is doing some jobs for Jones?" She noticed that at the end of the file, "Hmm…" 




 Why's the Queen of the Afterlife calling me? 


"You're employing a certain Boogeyman. I won't interfere with your biz, but when he's done send him to the Afterlife. I want to meet the man making waves." 


 Sure, I can. Doesn't mean he'll go though, he doesn't strike me as the bar-slumming type. 


"He'll come eventually, I'm a patient woman. All Solos and Crews come here eventually." 

 David Martinez 


"... Maybe I should just become a Physical therapist?" David mused as he looked at his [Chiropractic] skill with some amusement before shaking it off, "Okay, now let me see here…" 


Regina Jones sent him the deets after he completed the previous job however he decided to take a break from the scene for a few days. So now having finished some requests, mostly maintenance but some people wanted mods installed, David figured it was time to remove some more Scavs. And he had to give the woman some credit, she had a lot of info to share. The woman hated Scavs herself given the detail on numbers, possible guns he'd face, and even possible security systems. 


"Hmm, looks like I've spooked them pretty badly. Not sure if I can do my usual…" David was still pretty hesitant to run into a gunfight, "Or maybe I could pull it off? Just get a Netrunner to deal with security and make sure no alarms are triggered. Though saying that I think Becca would enjoy herself… and I've got some new toys to liven things up." 


Yeah, yeah… Rebecca would love it! He can't always rely on surprise so… 


Calling Rebecca David just looked up at the sky as he absentmindedly ate some synth noodles. 


 Yeah? What's up D? 


"Wondering if you wanted to go on a job. It's pretty big and I'd appreciate someone watching my six." David asked curiously, he already had a good idea she'd agree but it never hurt to ask. 


 We ain't going quiet are we? David's lips quirked at the faint whine in his Output's voice, I mean… yeah, seeing you ghosting bastards is nova as hell but come on! 


"Nah, I don't think I can go quiet this time." David said with a chuckle, "And the first person I thought of was the petite gun bunny living with me. Interested?" 


 Did you just call me a gun bu- okay. Honestly, you're not wrong. David chuckled at that, And hell yeah I'm interested! 


"Preem. Sending you the deets. But before we go I need to pick up some… party favors." David said. 


 D… just from the way you said that… I'm going to be sopping wet by the end of this job ain't I? David just laughed at that. 


"Most likely. See you at home babe." David said with a smile. 


 See you there! And with that the call ended. 


Finishing off his food and paying his tab David got up and took off jogging, "I should buy a bike. This running is doing my Athletics good but I can't just run everywhere!" He thought with a grumble. 




Rubbing his face David filled one of the pockets of his EMT jacket with explosive shells before he started checking over what anyone would look at and call a retro and obsolete piece of weaponry. The M79 grenade launcher is a single-shot system that is effectively immune to Netrunner fuckery as it lacked any of the sophisticated tech modern weapons possessed. However he did have some plans to improve the targeting, it would just take some tinkering on his part, maybe he could find a Smart link that isn't implanted to examine? 


Still, despite the retro design, it was an effective method of delivering 'Fuck that location in general' at a relatively quick rate depending on how familiar you're with reloading it. He already designed an M320 grenade launcher for Rebecca along with a limited amount of ammo. He knew the fact that she didn't have anything massive to do some damage bothered her so she'd like this without a doubt. 


She'll like it, even more, when David figures out how to convert modern grenades into a shell that these babies can fire! 


"Heh, I wonder how Smasher would handle a rotary grenade launcher firing a mix of EMPs and Phosphorus?" Probably fine, the Saka's probably spent a lot of eddies making sure their pet murder tank wasn't inconvenienced by bothersome things like EMP pulses. 


Not that he wanted to bump heads with the Legend killer, not after last time. No, dying at his hands once was enough for David. Checking his Overture he removed the silencer before sliding it into its holster while checking his tech revolver before nodding his head. Sliding a few quick reloads in his chest rig along with some loose bullets in his jacket he started to grab some other bits and pieces of kit to take with him. 


He made sure he had plenty of Bounce Back and Airhypos in his Inventory along with some more 40mm shells for both himself and Rebecca. He imagined the artillery loli would chew through her shells pretty quick, the girl like her explosions. 


After sliding his kukuri, which might be seeing some action, into the sheath along his spine he checked the antigrav to make sure it was in working condition. After ensuring it was working he grabbed the two grenade launchers and headed to the living room to give Butterbean some scritches, Rebecca should be there in a few minutes, it wasn't like the job had a time limit or anything so David felt fine with giving the adorable cat some love! 




"Alright D! What are these 'party favors' of yours?" Rebecca asked as she stormed in looking all excited. 


"You'll love this." David said as he pulled out an M320 grenade launcher from under some cushions, "You know how you always complain about the Projectile Launcher system? Well, this is my response to it. This fires 40mm grenade shells, though eventually, I'll figure out how to make other explosives it can fire. I made it compact for you." 


Rebecca took it with wide eyes, "Kinda retro innit?" She asked, not mocking but just an accurate observation. 


"Maybe. But Netrunners won't be able to disable it and it works." David said, "If you think that's retro, look at mine." He added as he pulled his M79 out as held it aloft. 


"Okay, mine looks okay." Rebecca said, "But you sure they'll pack the punch you say they will?" 


"Promise." David said with a smile. 


"Okay, well I just need to load up and then we can go!" Rebecca exclaimed before she ran off to the makeshift armory he made in their room. 


David just chuckled and looked at Butterbean, "You keep an eye on the place while we're gone okay? I'm counting on you." 


Butterbean just meowed and gave David a hug that made him start fussing over the cat all over again. 




"Heh, just like our first job." Rebecca said with an excited grin, "Only this time we're going loud! Try not to steal the show, hmm?" She playfully teased. 


David just rolled his eyes and chuckled, "How about I follow your lead and we start shooting shit? Now, how about you knock with that party favor I made for you?" He said with a smile. 


Rebecca looked at it before aiming at the door and firing 






"Are those stars in her eyes?" David wondered as he looked at his gleefully cackling output who was reloading in a way that could only be described as malicious intent, "I feel like I have made a horrible mistake." 


But seeing her looking so happy David figured it was a mistake he could live with. 


Letting the M320 hang she grabbed a pair of submachine guns, "Come on choom!" She gleefully exclaimed as she charged it. 


David just chuckled before pulling his guns and following after her. Absentmindedly shooting the gonks that were just stunned instead of killed. 




David and Rebecca found themselves pinned under some heavy gunfire, neither of the two Solos could even begin to understand where the Scavs got so many HMGs but the two of them found themselves pinned behind a wall solid enough for the HMG not to punch through. 


Scowling to himself David activated his Sandevistan and the world crawled to a halt and he moved! Easily by passing the bullets that were frozen mid-fight, circling the dug-in Scavs, he emptied both of his guns into them before pulling out his kukri and letting his Cyber-claws out before he started slicing throats and stabbing fools. And by the time the Sandevistan automatically deactivated all the bodies just collapsed, some choking and trying to breathe through shredding throats and punctured lungs or just fell over dead. 


David did quickly however store a few HMGs and all the loose ammo he could find in his Inventory. Sure he could make it easy but when you're in a relationship with a petite gun maniac there is no such thing as 'enough ammo' there is either 'none' or 'not enough' in his opinion. 


If anything he was more frustrated that he didn't get to try out his grenade launcher! Maybe she should've fired at them before using the Sandy. 


Shaking his head he pinged Rebecca, Let's split up. Make sure we got everyone. After we clear the building I'll call Jones. 


 Got it D. How's the Sandy treating you? Not twitching? Rebecca replied. 


 I'm good. Let's get this done and have a celebratory drink. 


 Oh we're going to celebrate alright. David didn't even have to look at her to know what she was thinking. 


 Agreed. I'll check the basement, you get the next floor. After they're clear I'll call it in. It also gave him ample opportunity to snatch more guns and other things of interest. 


Maybe he could find a Smart link, some shards of software, or even a couple Smart guns! 


"Maybe I should get into programming as well? Maybe I will make myself some ICE eventually?" David mused as he headed deeper into the building to find the basement access, shooting the occasional Scav that he ran across, well after reloading his guns. 


His passive 'hoovering' sucked up all the junk and spent casing from his gun. 




In the end, he didn't find anything especially interesting, other than more scrap fodder as well as a few interesting things. Oh and Cyberware, lots and lots of Cyberware. Cyberware that would mostly be used to further his understanding of how Cyberware is made and used to make tools and equipment to supplant his need for it. 


He still needed a rebreather, and probably some sort of eye protection as well. Maybe he should get another Cyber-claw in his other hand, not another Smart link though, he'd have to give it some thought. Getting some Cybertape sounded interesting but he wasn't sure it'd be entirely worth it as he honestly couldn't recall the last time he slouched! 


He'd have to look at the Cybertape to see if there were other benefits of getting it. He vaguely recalled it being made especially for athletes. 


Anyway, the most important thing in David's mind is that Rebecca was as happy as a cat that got some preem cat food and all the rats! Seriously if it wasn't for the… less than hygienic nature of Scav locations she probably would've tried to fuck him already! 


Shaking his head he called Regina Jones, "Job's done. No survivors ma'am." 


 Excellent. Here are your eddies. She said as she transferred a solid ten k into his account, Also you've got the attention of the city's Top Fixer. She's wanting you to visit her in the Afterlife. And with that message passed the call ended. 


"D! That job was nova! You were- D? D? You okay, you look kinda stunned." Rebecca asked as she looked up at him. 


"I caught the attention of the Queen of the Afterlife." He said sounding distracted. 


"Well duh! Come on choom I know you don't pay attention to word on the street, which you seriously should start doing just saying, but you've built yourself a solid rep." Rebecca said slapping his side to get him to focus on her, "Before you started working on guns you built up the rep of being a fucking ghost. In and out; never seen and never heard leaving nothing but bodies behind you. Then when you started on the guns? Not only did you get a solid rep for doing quality work for cheap but you established that you will not tolerate being cheated!" 


"Yeah, yeah I guess you're right." David said, "... Say. Can you call your crew? We'll meet outside of Afterlife. I'll do my biz with the Queen and settle things with Maine. So how'd you like your launcher?" He asked, deciding to change the subject. 


"Dude! Nova as hell! I mean I'll have to get used to reloading it after each shot and get a better feel for it but it's solid." Rebecca said, "And D I know you like being gentle and loving but… after this? I don't want that, I want to fuck. I don't want to moan and squeal, I want to grunt and howl! You feel me D?" 


"... Yeah, I get you." David said awkwardly, "Umm… if I dislocate anything I can fix it! I've been studying chiropractic. Even fixed up Kiwi's back." 


"Nova! Cause Vik wouldn't stop teasing me the entire time." Rebecca said with a huff, "Anyway I'll call up the crew and we can meet them at the Afterlife deal?" 


"Deal." David said, "And after everything is settled we'll head home and I'll make you grunt and howl all you want babe." He added with a wink before he made his way to the MaiMai, "Also… I really should get a bike or something." 


"You should." Rebecca said easily, "Your lanky ass is too big." She teased with a smile. 


"Whatever short stack." David retorted, "Don't forget you like this lanky ass!" 


"Got that damn straight!" Rebecca fired back, "Maybe I'll get Vik to knock your ass out before putting mine, Lucy's, and Kiwi's names on that ass!" 


"Just as long as ya'll put my name on yours." David returned. 


"D, I would get a tattoo of your name on my inner thigh with an arrow pointing at my cunt!" Rebecca sassed. 


The two simply went back and forth as they returned to the car, only stopping long enough for Rebecca to call the crew and tell them where to meet them before they resumed their back and forth. 

 David Martinez 


"You know what? I'm going to settle biz with Rogue then I'll come back out and wait with you." David said as he pushed himself off the car. 


"If you're sure." Rebecca said with a shrug. 


David gave her a peck on the cheek before he went down the stairs and approached Afterlife. He paused for a moment to look at the neon sign before he approached the entry only to be stopped by a bouncer. 


"I don't know you." The bouncer said gruffly, "You expected?" 


"Yeah, the Queen had Regina Jones pass a message to me." David said, "Figured it'd be rude to keep her waiting." 


The bouncer's eyes flickered before he grunted, "You're expected. Head on in." He said. 


David nodded and entered, looking around with a sense of nostalgia that he didn't let appear on his face. He never did figure out why Maine's crew favored Turbos over the Afterlife, but he supposed it didn't matter. After a few seconds, he approached the bar and the bartender smiled at him. 


"So what'll it be?" She asked. 


"Nothing, right now." David said, "Though I was requested by the Queen? So if you could point out her booth?" 


"Oh? Sure, just head on past the bar. Impossible to miss." She said. 


"Thanks." David said before he walked further in, and like the bartender said… Rogue's booth was impossible to miss. Especially with that massive goon standing as a bodyguard. 


Approaching the guard before David could say anything, "Let him in." The guard just moved aside and let David pass, "You're causing quite a stir, Boogeyman." 


David simply took a seat and looked at Rogue, "I hope it isn't causing any trouble for you." He said as he eyed the others that were in the booth as well before refocusing on the Queen of the Afterlife. 


"Generally speaking I hate it when people rock the boat, pissants like that Animal you maimed are irritations but I don't do anything because they'll be dead soon enough." Rogue said as she looked at him, "But you? No, if anything I find you interesting. You're hardly the first to decide to favor the quiet approach, but your age does make you stand out." 


David just scratched the back of his head, and for a second he saw a faint look of surprise in the Top Fixer's eyes before it disappeared, "Well, thank you, ma'am." 


That made her laugh lightly, "And polite as well. Kid, you are a diamond hidden in the shit. Well, I'll be watching your exploits with an interesting kid. I may have a few jobs that need a delicate touch. Now go on, get yourself a drink… I think a meeting with a certain Chromehead is in line." 


David didn't even blink, simply nodded and left. He wasn't surprised she knew about his meeting with Maine, the Queen had fingers in a lot of synth pies after all. If anything he was more curious about how she learned of it so fast but decided there was no point in worrying about it. 


Bypassing the bar David decided to keep Rebecca company, besides… he didn't like drinking alone. 



Quest "Scav Massacre in Night City" complete! 

Quest Rewards: 900 exp, +3 perk points, +3 Reflex, +1 Body, +2 Attribute points 

Bonus Rewards (For Inviting Becca): +2 perk points, China Lake grenade rifle schematic, Smart shell schematic, Milkor MGL rotary grenade launcher schematic 

Quest "Entering the Afterlife" Complete! 

Quest Rewards +2 perk points, +3 Attribute points, Access to the Afterlife 


"Huh, not bad. After the meeting, I'll check out my perks. Maybe get that Scrapper upgrade…" He wanted to save up to get rid of the curse but those points were burning a hole in his metaphorical pocket! 




"Heh, so the Boogeyman finally decides to call for a meeting." Maine said with a chuckle, "The kid's working himself to the bone, being a merc and a guntech?" 


He wasn't surprised when Kiwi and Lucy didn't react much… Lucy did blush but Maine had decided he didn't want to look too deeply into it. He knew the two Netrunners and Rebecca were chooms but he didn't want to poke the hornet's nest. 


"And in the Afterlife." Dorio added with an amused chuckle, "Twig's come pretty far in a few weeks. Almost like he's trying to show off…" She added dryly. 


"David… isn't like that." Lucy finally said, trying to ignore how everyone focused on her, "He's… strangely naive in some ways. I think he didn't even realize he had a rep until recently. He probably figured he would deal with two subjects in a row." 


Maine nodded, it certainly made sense from what he learned about the kid from Rebecca. In her own words the kid is a goddamn unicorn in this city, she'd gleefully flatline anyone that tried to ruin her slice of happiness… if she got to the before the kid did. If anything he was wondering who would get that Big Bertha or whatever her name is, the gonk that got her hand blown off, first. Rebecca or the kid? 


Honestly, he gave it even odds that it'd go either way, though he had the feeling the gonk would prefer the kid if Rebecca got her first. She'd probably take her time on the gonk. 


The saying "Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Scorned" is true, it's even worse when the woman is a former Mox and found her slice of happiness in this shithole of a city. 


"So we going to meet this guy or not?" Pilar asked impatiently, "I wanna meet the gonk my sister moved in with." 


That got everyone to look at him curiously, "You ain't going to start shit are you?" Maine asked, "You know Afterlife's a neutral zone. You can talk shit but expect to get hit the moment we leave." 


"Hey I know I'm an asshole alright! Fuck me, my goddamn sister wants to blow my head off!" Pilar said with a grunt, "It doesn't change the fact she's the only family I got left, and she may hate my ass. I'm still going to look out for her! And if this fucker hurts my sister I'll flatline him my goddamn self!" 


"I'm too sober to be looking at Pilar in a different light." Maine decided though his opinion of the very crass techie has raised a few notches, "Alright everyone in the van. We got a meeting with the Boogeyman to attend!" 


Maine gave a longing look at the bar before he sighed, "Let's get going." He said with a sigh as his girl patted his shoulder with a smile. 




Maine's first reaction to seeing the Fucking Boogeyman in person? 


"He's a goddamn twig!" Followed shortly by, "He looks so much like Gloria… that EMT jacket doesn't help." 


"So, you're my sister's input huh!?" Maine wasn't sure if he groaned or if one of the others did it, "You better not be just using my sister!?" 


Rebecca opened her mouth to shout at her brother only for the kid to put his hand on her shoulder as he straightened up and looked at Pilar thoughtfully. 


"I won't lie, our initial meeting I was hoping to get an in on the Edgerunner scene." Maine whistled at the balls on this kid, "Though I have to admit I've grown very fond of her and would happily murder anyone that looks at her wrong. But I can respect you for watching out for her." 


Everyone just stared at the kid facing down Pilar, who Maine himself would admit was a lot more dangerous than his personality would suggest. Pilar just stared at him for a few more minutes before backing down. 


"... That's kinda hot…" Kiwi whispered to Lucy who just nodded. 


Maine ignored that, however, "Let's get this over with." He said, "Whatcha want kid?" 


"I think you bought something from my mom before she died?" The kid asked tilting his head before his eyes flickered transferring a… sizable amount of eddies to him, "That should cover it. Wouldn't be right to take money without providing the requested item." 


"That… that's, yeah we're good." Maine said, "You wanna talk other biz, or was this it?" 


"Actually… Perhaps we should talk inside with drinks? Get a booth." The ki- no David suggested with a smile. 


"That sounds good." Maine said, "I could use a drink anyway." 


Dorio just leaned over and looked at the kid, "Kinda scrawny to be the Boogeyman, but stranger things have happened." She said, "Perhaps we can get in the ring one day? I don't think Fat Steve will mind." 


"Sounds good." David said with a smile, "Looking forward to it." 


With that, they made their way into the Afterlife. 




"Okay, I've stopped myself from asking but how do you know Kiwi and Lucy?" Dorio asked, "Well beyond being Rebecca's input." 


"Ahhh, um… it's… kinda Becca's fault…" Maine nearly choked on his beer both at the sight of the Boogeyman blushing and throwing Rebecca under the bus! 


And Rebecca just shrugged and gave a completely smug and unapologetic grin. 


"D, I had to get Vik to fix my back." She snarked with a grin, "I think I made the right call!" 


Dorio sputtered, "So you three… all have the same Input?" She asked as she looked at each of them. 


"... I hadn't got any action in two years and figured why not?" Kiwi said trying to sound aloof… and was successful for the most part. 


Lucy just tried to keep up her stoic facade… sadly the blush ruined it. 


David just covered his face and Rebecca cackled. 


"... I don't know if I should be mad or jealous…" Pilar said surprisingly calmly, "I'm just going to say good luck." 


"Ok! So whatcha want?" Maine said deciding to get everything back on track. 


David hung onto the change of subject desperately, "Yeah, yeah… uh, okay. Anyway, I was thinking of joining your crew." He finally said, still very red-faced. 


"Why?" Kiwi asked, "You're doing pretty good as a Solo." 


"I bet it's to work with my sister!~" Pilar teased making David just groan and cover his head. 


"Heh, that's sweet." Dorio commented just making David even redder. 


"The Boogeyman is secretly a big softie." Maine snorted, deciding to get his licks in, "What a strange world I've entered." 


"Come on!" David groaned, "Do ya'll have to?" 


"Yes, yes we must." Pilar said with a grin, "You know how rare it is for me to mess with someone and not get shot?" 



"... The fuck?" 


Lucy didn't consider herself a slob, after all with a Netrunning setup being a slob is asking for accidents to happen. She'd heard horror stories from Kiwi about Netrunners that were sloven like Pilar. So after every deep-dive, she meticulously cleaned the jack and everything before she started to clean her deep-dive port that she kept hidden from the world. 


So walking into her apartment after her daily jog and finding that her entire apartment was clean, as in really clean, surprised the hell out of her. Nothing was out of place but obviously, it was tidied up and organized to make things easier to find! Then she heard some noise coming from her bedroom! 


Pulling out her Lexington she slowly made her way and opened the door and was about to shoot at the gonk that broke in to clean (and wasn't that a strange thought)... only to see David gathering her dirty clothes into a pile, he'd even already made her bed! 


He glanced over, "Hey, figured between your Netrunning and other biz I'd straighten your apartment up." Lucy honestly felt her heart skip as her gun slipped from her fingers her arms went limp as she stared at him, "You okay Lucy? Need anything?" 


"I… um, uh…" Lucy honestly didn't know what to say to this… this… not-himbo! 


He just laughed, "Hey how about you get changed while I get some drinks? I got a bottle of 'Mixxie's Awesome Sauce' from a Mox a few days ago. I haven't had any yet but Becca tells me it's… well like its name implies. You know, it's funny but despite the ink, I never considered she was a former Mox." 


"Heh, yeah… she does seem pretty well… too manic for the Mox (and wasn't that an understatement)." Lucy commented after collecting her wits before she went to her closet and started to pull out some clothes to change into… which she did without even giving him a chance to leave the room. 


Honestly, she felt proud when she heard him choke on the air. 


"So, these drinks?" She asked as she turned around with a coy smirk. 


"S-Sure." David stammered before leaving quickly. 


"... He isn't leaving until he rocks my shit." Lucy swore to herself. 




Sitting beside David with some of the 'Awesome Sauce' Lucy smiled at him, "So… why are the Mox giving you booze? I've been pretty busy running some jobs." 


"Oh, well I decided to take a break from jobs and figured I'd do some guntech work." He said as he sipped his drink with a pleasant hum, "It doesn't hurt that it helps me relax and I can make good eddies off of it. Oh, and the booze is something about doing the whole city a favor and putting an animal in her place? I think I'm missing a joke but whatever." 


"Ah, Bex mentioned something about that last night at Turbos." Lucy said with a faintly amused smile, "Something about you blowing a gonks hand off that tried to stiff you?" 


"Yeah… didn't catch her name. Big… D-something. Donkey or whatever." David paused in consideration, "But yeah she brought in a rough-looking Militech Crusher, said I'd do it for a thousand eddies but I wouldn't hand the gun over until she paid. The next day she comes for her gun but stiffs me. I used the Sandy to put her on her back and hold her up and charge her another five hundred as an asshole tax. She tries again and I blow her hand off along with another five hundred. So… honestly, I made good money. She left only somewhat crippled, had evidence that I do good work, and now no one stiffs me! Though if she was short on money I would've accepted a payment plan or we could've come to a bartering agreement." 


Lucy just took a drink to stop herself from laughing at her goofy student/future-Input. Honestly, she couldn't understand how a kid that grew up in this shithole could be so… so whatever the hell he is! His mom got flatlined, he had to use a crematory vendor, and everything else Lucy would've expected a punk with a massive chip on his shoulder that would burn bright and leave a mangled corpse! Instead, it made… whatever she was sharing drinks with. David was just such an oddball that Lucy didn't know what to classify him as! 


"Hmm, maybe I should ask you to look at my gun?" Lucy mused, "How much?" 


"Well, you are teaching me. And well… yeah, let's just call it even." David said with a smile, "... Hey… you want a massage?" 


Lucy raised her eyebrow at the offer, "Man of many talents huh?" She teased with a smile, "But sure… I never had one before." 


"Well let's finish our drink and head into your bedroom." David said, "You undress as much as you feel comfortable with and lay down. I'll do the rest." 




Of course, Lucy knew what a massage is and had a general idea of what to expect, instead of undressing a little bit she just undressed completely and lay on her bed. She gave David credit for recovering as fast as he did. But she didn't expect much beyond being relaxed and having to initiate things. 


"Ahh~" Lucy moaned as David gave her a massage, "How is he so good?~" 


"Tense there Lucy." David teased as he rubbed her lower back, "This might help!" 




"Oh god!" Lucy moaned as she just laid there on her bed limp, "What did you- ohhhhh~" 


David just chuckled before leaning down to her ear, "You wouldn't happen to be in on Becca's little plan would you?" His voice told her he knew but clearly, he wanted to hear it with his ears. 


"Yes~ it was going to be just a fling but you're so… damn you!" Lucy nearly whined, "You listened and didn't look at me like an easy output! You even said you'd help me with my dream!" 


She forcibly rolled over and looked David straight in the eyes, "Do you know how much that means to me? Kiwi knows my dream and though she doesn't say it I know she thinks I should aim for something more mandible! But then this gonk comes and says it's not a stupid dream and that he'd help!" She ranted. 


"... You know when I first saw you and Kiwi I felt like I knew you two." David said with a smile, "I'm not sure if it was a hallucination from having a hack install the Sandy or another life. But I couldn't help but feel drawn to you." He admitted. 


Lucy recalled Misty explaining some tarot card stuff to Rebecca about him, she dismissed it but David just brought it roaring back to her mind. 


"... Shut up and kiss me gonk." Lucy said as she pulled him down and kissed him. 


Either Rebecca had trained him that well or he was a natural David managed to undress and not break the kiss once. And after a few moments, he joined her in bed. Lucy was sure that David could hear her heart hammering away in her chest, one of his hands reached down to her soaking sex and fingered her gently, obviously preparing her mostly virgin slit for the monster it was about to welcome. 


David broke the kiss and Lucy moaned as he played her like an instrument. He had a lot of practice with Rebecca and then there was the fling with Kiwi. She gasped as another finger joined, still slowly and carefully getting her ready. Lucy looked at David, feeling bashful all of a sudden, and tried to cover her face. 


"Now, don't do that." David said as he held her hands, "You're too pretty to hide. Don't worry, I'll be gentle. I've learned from my first time." 


"W-What about Kiwi?" David just sheepishly chuckled. 


"That… was more her fault honestly." David said, "And kind of my own. I only found out later that she mixed some sort of aphrodisiac with her ah… 'energy drink' that mixed a little too well." 


Somehow that honestly didn't surprise Lucy even though it probably should have. 


"Okay, I think you're ready now, I just need to put this on…" Lucy blinked and tried to figure out where he got that condom, though she was grateful, she really should have started taking care of that when Rebecca talked her into this whole plan. 


"Okay, now Lucy, just don't forget to breathe." David said, "I'll be careful." 


Lucy felt that monster David was packed nudging at her entrance and she forced herself to relax, after a few minutes of poking and prodding the head popped in and Lucy nearly squealed. Then he started to move deeper and her eyes crossed. 


And she had to consciously tell herself to breathe so David wouldn't worry. 


By the time David was completely in, Lucy was seriously considering if she should get some sort of implant that keeps her lungs breathing, as well as see a doctor and get a prescription for birth control or an implant to make sure accidents didn't happen. Cause if Rebecca was to be believed… raw was nova! 


"Okay, we'll start when you're ready." Lucy blinked and looked at David. 


"... You're too sweet for your own good…" That is all she could manage to get out. 




"You okay Lucy?" 




"Need anything?" 




"... Are you going to stop smoking?" 




"... The moon is made of cheese?" 




"... The rubber burst? 




"I'm… just going to get you something to eat. I know the answer but do you want anything specific?" 






"Listen D, I appreciate you coming over and helping me out. But you don't have to do this." Kiwi said. 


"I know but I want to." David said simply, "I mean outside of that job we did and the bar and… well…" He coughed into his fist, "We don't talk. And well… I am kinda responsible for your back problems." 


Now it was Kiwi's turn to blush, "Nah, that's… that's on me." She said as she scratched her neck, "Really should've read the label more thoroughly… and probably did some digging anyway. Besides, it's a pleasant sort of ache. 


"Hmm, hey. Can I try something?" David asked, "My mom was an EMT, and well… I picked up a lot. If it doesn't work I'll take you to Doc Vik. Or… wherever you want." 


"Fine." Kiwi said after a few minutes, "Put away those puppy dog eyes. You're way too good at them." 


"Heh, okay let's get you to bed." David said as he easily picked the older Netrunner up and carried her to her bedroom and laid her down, "Now let me see…" 


He lifted the back of her shirt and started feeling around, it wasn't sexual like last time almost like a doctor or medic. He then found the spot that made Kiwi hiss. 


"Okay." David said before he moved until he was straddling her, "Kiwi? Not going to lie this may hurt. So… I dunno bite a pillow or something." 


Kiwi was going to make a quip but instead did as he asked. He prodded the spot a few more times before placing his hands on the sore spot and… 




"MOTHERFUCKER!" Kiwi yelped. 


David quickly got off her and helped Kiwi up, she was still sore but she could stand under her power. Giving David a look that demanded an explanation he chuckled. 


"My Araska student ID is still valid." He said, "I do a lot of reading. I'm no EMT but I figured knowing more than the basics wouldn't hurt." He explained. 


"D I swear…" Kiwi said with a chuckle, "Heh, come on choom. I feel like getting some noodles, how about you?" 


"Sounds like a plan Kiwi." He said with a smile, "I'm just glad it worked. Ah… I'm not a very good driver." 


"... I hear a story there." David just blushed, "Oh, I have to hear this! Come on, we'll get some noodles and head down to Turbo. How's that sound?" 


"Perfect." David said, "But… Do I have to tell the story?" 


"Yes, yes you do." Kiwi said, making David sigh. 


"Whatever." He grumbled making her laugh and put an arm around his shoulder, which in turn made him smile. 

 Rogue Amendiares 


As the Queen of the Afterlife and the Top Fixer of NC Rogue liked to believe that nothing escaped her notice, eventually all Legends and punks wanting to become Legends entered the Afterlife sooner or later. Either for a drink or to be remembered as a drink. So when someone comes into the scene making waves by doing the very opposite way Edgerunners do, it's bound to get the Queen's attention. 


"David Martinez, 17, son of Gloria Martinez deceased, father unknown. Top student of Arasaka Academy, dropped out shortly after his mother died." The file her personal Netrunner sent her to read like any other punk with a chip on their shoulder… but afterward, it gets weird in her eyes, "Goes to Doc Borg, that hack hasn't been zeroed yet huh, gets a Cyberware installed that originally belong to a Cyberpsycho… then does nothing. Until he zeroes three gonks… then later the same day an entire Scav chop shop operation is ghosted. This repeats a few days later only much cleaner, no traces. Like the Grim Fuckin' Reaper decided to do some street cleaning…" 


Chuckling faintly, Rogue took a sip of some whiskey as she considered the oddity that had crept into the Edgerunning scene like an assassin in the night. Most young punks jump head-first into chroming up too much, too fast. Rogue was sure someone had actual statistics on the subject, but the truth is that most of those punks rarely made it past their first six months. Either getting flatlined for biting off more than they can chew or they go cyberpsycho because they went to a back alley ripper that cut corners and shit on top of whatever issues they already have! 


But this 'David Martinez' was something of a breath of… well not fresh air. Someone deciding to go slow with chrome isn't that unusual, his age, however, is what makes it odd as are the circumstances behind him getting his first bit of chrome. Chuckling even more she continued looking through the file, only to laugh out loud when she got to his first bit of biz as a guntech… and how he dealt with the gonk that tried to cheat him. 


"Martinez was already doing it cheaply, why bother?" She thought with a scoff, "Fucking Animals, at least he reminded the Animal of her place. Fucker has been rocking the boat too much, I should have her zeroed but well… Why should I? When I know the stupid bitch will get the little Boogeyman to do the job for me?" 


She loved it when problems would solve themselves, while she could easily arrange for Big… Monkey or whatever to have an accident there was something so satisfying about watching gonks do themselves in. Like a self-fulfilling prophecy, but straightforward with no cryptic bullshit spewed. Animals… she never liked them, hell she didn't like most of the gangs in the city! Well, the Valentinos were tolerable, and certain groups of the Tyger Claws were alright. But for the most part, she wouldn't care if the gangs just all decided to butcher themselves over whatever gang politics drove them. 


"Ah, Martinez is doing some jobs for Jones?" She noticed that at the end of the file, "Hmm…" 




 Why's the Queen of the Afterlife calling me? 


"You're employing a certain Boogeyman. I won't interfere with your biz, but when he's done send him to the Afterlife. I want to meet the man making waves." 


 Sure, I can. Doesn't mean he'll go though, he doesn't strike me as the bar-slumming type. 


"He'll come eventually, I'm a patient woman. All Solos and Crews come here eventually." 

 David Martinez 


"... Maybe I should just become a Physical therapist?" David mused as he looked at his [Chiropractic] skill with some amusement before shaking it off, "Okay, now let me see here…" 


Regina Jones sent him the deets after he completed the previous job however he decided to take a break from the scene for a few days. So now having finished some requests, mostly maintenance but some people wanted mods installed, David figured it was time to remove some more Scavs. And he had to give the woman some credit, she had a lot of info to share. The woman hated Scavs herself given the detail on numbers, possible guns he'd face, and even possible security systems. 


"Hmm, looks like I've spooked them pretty badly. Not sure if I can do my usual…" David was still pretty hesitant to run into a gunfight, "Or maybe I could pull it off? Just get a Netrunner to deal with security and make sure no alarms are triggered. Though saying that I think Becca would enjoy herself… and I've got some new toys to liven things up." 


Yeah, yeah… Rebecca would love it! He can't always rely on surprise so… 


Calling Rebecca David just looked up at the sky as he absentmindedly ate some synth noodles. 


 Yeah? What's up D? 


"Wondering if you wanted to go on a job. It's pretty big and I'd appreciate someone watching my six." David asked curiously, he already had a good idea she'd agree but it never hurt to ask. 


 We ain't going quiet are we? David's lips quirked at the faint whine in his Output's voice, I mean… yeah, seeing you ghosting bastards is nova as hell but come on! 


"Nah, I don't think I can go quiet this time." David said with a chuckle, "And the first person I thought of was the petite gun bunny living with me. Interested?" 


 Did you just call me a gun bu- okay. Honestly, you're not wrong. David chuckled at that, And hell yeah I'm interested! 


"Preem. Sending you the deets. But before we go I need to pick up some… party favors." David said. 


 D… just from the way you said that… I'm going to be sopping wet by the end of this job ain't I? David just laughed at that. 


"Most likely. See you at home babe." David said with a smile. 


 See you there! And with that the call ended. 


Finishing off his food and paying his tab David got up and took off jogging, "I should buy a bike. This running is doing my Athletics good but I can't just run everywhere!" He thought with a grumble. 




Rubbing his face David filled one of the pockets of his EMT jacket with explosive shells before he started checking over what anyone would look at and call a retro and obsolete piece of weaponry. The M79 grenade launcher is a single-shot system that is effectively immune to Netrunner fuckery as it lacked any of the sophisticated tech modern weapons possessed. However he did have some plans to improve the targeting, it would just take some tinkering on his part, maybe he could find a Smart link that isn't implanted to examine? 


Still, despite the retro design, it was an effective method of delivering 'Fuck that location in general' at a relatively quick rate depending on how familiar you're with reloading it. He already designed an M320 grenade launcher for Rebecca along with a limited amount of ammo. He knew the fact that she didn't have anything massive to do some damage bothered her so she'd like this without a doubt. 


She'll like it, even more, when David figures out how to convert modern grenades into a shell that these babies can fire! 


"Heh, I wonder how Smasher would handle a rotary grenade launcher firing a mix of EMPs and Phosphorus?" Probably fine, the Saka's probably spent a lot of eddies making sure their pet murder tank wasn't inconvenienced by bothersome things like EMP pulses. 


Not that he wanted to bump heads with the Legend killer, not after last time. No, dying at his hands once was enough for David. Checking his Overture he removed the silencer before sliding it into its holster while checking his tech revolver before nodding his head. Sliding a few quick reloads in his chest rig along with some loose bullets in his jacket he started to grab some other bits and pieces of kit to take with him. 


He made sure he had plenty of Bounce Back and Airhypos in his Inventory along with some more 40mm shells for both himself and Rebecca. He imagined the artillery loli would chew through her shells pretty quick, the girl like her explosions. 


After sliding his kukuri, which might be seeing some action, into the sheath along his spine he checked the antigrav to make sure it was in working condition. After ensuring it was working he grabbed the two grenade launchers and headed to the living room to give Butterbean some scritches, Rebecca should be there in a few minutes, it wasn't like the job had a time limit or anything so David felt fine with giving the adorable cat some love! 




"Alright D! What are these 'party favors' of yours?" Rebecca asked as she stormed in looking all excited. 


"You'll love this." David said as he pulled out an M320 grenade launcher from under some cushions, "You know how you always complain about the Projectile Launcher system? Well, this is my response to it. This fires 40mm grenade shells, though eventually, I'll figure out how to make other explosives it can fire. I made it compact for you." 


Rebecca took it with wide eyes, "Kinda retro innit?" She asked, not mocking but just an accurate observation. 


"Maybe. But Netrunners won't be able to disable it and it works." David said, "If you think that's retro, look at mine." He added as he pulled his M79 out as held it aloft. 


"Okay, mine looks okay." Rebecca said, "But you sure they'll pack the punch you say they will?" 


"Promise." David said with a smile. 


"Okay, well I just need to load up and then we can go!" Rebecca exclaimed before she ran off to the makeshift armory he made in their room. 


David just chuckled and looked at Butterbean, "You keep an eye on the place while we're gone okay? I'm counting on you." 


Butterbean just meowed and gave David a hug that made him start fussing over the cat all over again. 




"Heh, just like our first job." Rebecca said with an excited grin, "Only this time we're going loud! Try not to steal the show, hmm?" She playfully teased. 


David just rolled his eyes and chuckled, "How about I follow your lead and we start shooting shit? Now, how about you knock with that party favor I made for you?" He said with a smile. 


Rebecca looked at it before aiming at the door and firing 






"Are those stars in her eyes?" David wondered as he looked at his gleefully cackling output who was reloading in a way that could only be described as malicious intent, "I feel like I have made a horrible mistake." 


But seeing her looking so happy David figured it was a mistake he could live with. 


Letting the M320 hang she grabbed a pair of submachine guns, "Come on choom!" She gleefully exclaimed as she charged it. 


David just chuckled before pulling his guns and following after her. Absentmindedly shooting the gonks that were just stunned instead of killed. 




David and Rebecca found themselves pinned under some heavy gunfire, neither of the two Solos could even begin to understand where the Scavs got so many HMGs but the two of them found themselves pinned behind a wall solid enough for the HMG not to punch through. 


Scowling to himself David activated his Sandevistan and the world crawled to a halt and he moved! Easily by passing the bullets that were frozen mid-fight, circling the dug-in Scavs, he emptied both of his guns into them before pulling out his kukri and letting his Cyber-claws out before he started slicing throats and stabbing fools. And by the time the Sandevistan automatically deactivated all the bodies just collapsed, some choking and trying to breathe through shredding throats and punctured lungs or just fell over dead. 


David did quickly however store a few HMGs and all the loose ammo he could find in his Inventory. Sure he could make it easy but when you're in a relationship with a petite gun maniac there is no such thing as 'enough ammo' there is either 'none' or 'not enough' in his opinion. 


If anything he was more frustrated that he didn't get to try out his grenade launcher! Maybe she should've fired at them before using the Sandy. 


Shaking his head he pinged Rebecca, Let's split up. Make sure we got everyone. After we clear the building I'll call Jones. 


 Got it D. How's the Sandy treating you? Not twitching? Rebecca replied. 


 I'm good. Let's get this done and have a celebratory drink. 


 Oh we're going to celebrate alright. David didn't even have to look at her to know what she was thinking. 


 Agreed. I'll check the basement, you get the next floor. After they're clear I'll call it in. It also gave him ample opportunity to snatch more guns and other things of interest. 


Maybe he could find a Smart link, some shards of software, or even a couple Smart guns! 


"Maybe I should get into programming as well? Maybe I will make myself some ICE eventually?" David mused as he headed deeper into the building to find the basement access, shooting the occasional Scav that he ran across, well after reloading his guns. 


His passive 'hoovering' sucked up all the junk and spent casing from his gun. 




In the end, he didn't find anything especially interesting, other than more scrap fodder as well as a few interesting things. Oh and Cyberware, lots and lots of Cyberware. Cyberware that would mostly be used to further his understanding of how Cyberware is made and used to make tools and equipment to supplant his need for it. 


He still needed a rebreather, and probably some sort of eye protection as well. Maybe he should get another Cyber-claw in his other hand, not another Smart link though, he'd have to give it some thought. Getting some Cybertape sounded interesting but he wasn't sure it'd be entirely worth it as he honestly couldn't recall the last time he slouched! 


He'd have to look at the Cybertape to see if there were other benefits of getting it. He vaguely recalled it being made especially for athletes. 


Anyway, the most important thing in David's mind is that Rebecca was as happy as a cat that got some preem cat food and all the rats! Seriously if it wasn't for the… less than hygienic nature of Scav locations she probably would've tried to fuck him already! 


Shaking his head he called Regina Jones, "Job's done. No survivors ma'am." 


 Excellent. Here are your eddies. She said as she transferred a solid ten k into his account, Also you've got the attention of the city's Top Fixer. She's wanting you to visit her in the Afterlife. And with that message passed the call ended. 


"D! That job was nova! You were- D? D? You okay, you look kinda stunned." Rebecca asked as she looked up at him. 


"I caught the attention of the Queen of the Afterlife." He said sounding distracted. 


"Well duh! Come on choom I know you don't pay attention to word on the street, which you seriously should start doing just saying, but you've built yourself a solid rep." Rebecca said slapping his side to get him to focus on her, "Before you started working on guns you built up the rep of being a fucking ghost. In and out; never seen and never heard leaving nothing but bodies behind you. Then when you started on the guns? Not only did you get a solid rep for doing quality work for cheap but you established that you will not tolerate being cheated!" 


"Yeah, yeah I guess you're right." David said, "... Say. Can you call your crew? We'll meet outside of Afterlife. I'll do my biz with the Queen and settle things with Maine. So how'd you like your launcher?" He asked, deciding to change the subject. 


"Dude! Nova as hell! I mean I'll have to get used to reloading it after each shot and get a better feel for it but it's solid." Rebecca said, "And D I know you like being gentle and loving but… after this? I don't want that, I want to fuck. I don't want to moan and squeal, I want to grunt and howl! You feel me D?" 


"... Yeah, I get you." David said awkwardly, "Umm… if I dislocate anything I can fix it! I've been studying chiropractic. Even fixed up Kiwi's back." 


"Nova! Cause Vik wouldn't stop teasing me the entire time." Rebecca said with a huff, "Anyway I'll call up the crew and we can meet them at the Afterlife deal?" 


"Deal." David said, "And after everything is settled we'll head home and I'll make you grunt and howl all you want babe." He added with a wink before he made his way to the MaiMai, "Also… I really should get a bike or something." 


"You should." Rebecca said easily, "Your lanky ass is too big." She teased with a smile. 


"Whatever short stack." David retorted, "Don't forget you like this lanky ass!" 


"Got that damn straight!" Rebecca fired back, "Maybe I'll get Vik to knock your ass out before putting mine, Lucy's, and Kiwi's names on that ass!" 


"Just as long as ya'll put my name on yours." David returned. 


"D, I would get a tattoo of your name on my inner thigh with an arrow pointing at my cunt!" Rebecca sassed. 


The two simply went back and forth as they returned to the car, only stopping long enough for Rebecca to call the crew and tell them where to meet them before they resumed their back and forth.