
Building The Soul Before The Body

In a world where Martial Arts reign supreme and cultivators are scarce, an ancient spirit finds itself trapped within the body of a village chief's newborn son. As he learns about this unfamiliar world, he decides to remain dormant, hiding his existence to observe the events that unfold. Witnessing the rise of his host's village through the child's eyes, he gets drawn into the politics, challenges, and opportunities of this new life. Yet, danger lurks around every corner as the child, Jasper, is destined for greatness. Will the ancient spirit aid in Jasper's ascension, or will their worlds collide, causing chaos and destruction? *** This novel is currently rotating around Jasper but will later in the story revolve around the Spring Village and the Clan that Jasper creates. In this novel you will see the Spring Village navigate and explore this world reaching the peak, and eventually having to face the God of this world. The cultivation system and synopsis will also change as the story goes on. *** ***Slight spoiler warning*** This novel starts us off with us following Jasper. Jasper is the son of the Spring Village Chief. The Spring Village also founded the near by Martial Hall which is now a local power. Jasper while going through his journey will be accompanied by a system, but what he doesn't know is that the system is actually just some old grampa living in his soul. (I'll make a better abstract later)

Omnidoa · Eastern
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37 Chs

Chapter 27 Reunion Part 1

Over the course of the next year, Jasper threw himself into rigorous training, every moment, every breath dedicated to the honing of his martial skills and the cultivation of Spirit Qi. As his understanding deepened, he discovered a newfound affinity with Spirit Qi and an unwavering tenacity in his martial training, becoming a paradigm of unyielding determination.

With each passing day, he could feel the Spirit Qi within his body growing more robust and vibrant. His persistent cultivation yielded significant results. By his eighth birthday, he achieved a breakthrough, reaching the peak of the 3rd stage in Qi Refinement, an accomplishment that only further reinforced his commitment to his training.

Yet, it wasn't just his cultivation that saw dramatic improvements. His Martial Arts too soared to new heights, his innate talent supplemented by the unending supply of Spirit Qi. His aura, which was once diffuse and unrefined, gradually condensed under his meticulous cultivation until it finally transformed into what was known as an Innate Aura. This breakthrough propelled him to the ranks of a mid-stage Practitioner, marking another significant milestone in his journey.

Despite his relentless focus on self-improvement, Jasper had unwittingly allowed some of his responsibilities to fall by the wayside. It had been months since he last undertook a personal mission, a mandatory requirement for students of the Martial Hall to be fulfilled at least once a month. His conspicuous absence from the mission roster had not gone unnoticed.

Whispers circulated among the populace, attributing Jasper's reclusion to trauma from the past incident. The rampant rumors painted a picture of a prodigy succumbing to fear, a potential genius squandered. His considerable breakthroughs in martial arts and cultivation were unknown to most, as he never had the need to compete or showcase his prowess.

Today, however, Jasper's routine of secluded training was interrupted. He was summoned to the Chief's manor in commemoration of his 8th birthday. As the heir to the Chief of the Spring Village, this was one summons he couldn't ignore. Oblivious to the growing rumors and concerns about his well-being, Jasper found himself stepping outside his seclusion, preparing to face his people on this significant day.

Before the sun had even graced the sky with its first light, Jasper was astride a horse, making his way towards the Spring Village. Due to his significant advancements in cultivation, sleep and fatigue had become less burdensome for him. On most days, he only needed to rest for three to four hours. His journey was swift, and it didn't take long before the imposing gates of Spring Village loomed before him.

Looking at the fortified walls, he was reminded of his naming ceremony. The memory of an entire village, cheering for him in celebration, was still vivid in his mind. It had been a mere two years since that day, but the experiences he had undergone felt like a lifetime. The weight of loss bore heavily on him.

Despite his limited social interactions in the Martial Hall, the rumors that circulated about him were unavoidable. And, if he were to be honest, he found himself agreeing with them. Fear had taken root in his heart—fear of embarking on a mission only to witness the deaths of those around him, fear of committing a mistake, fear of confronting a beast beyond his capabilities. But, above all, the fear of death.

He still vividly remembered the terror that had surged through him as he watched the beast attack, the feeling of his life hanging on a thread, teetering on the edge of an abyss. But this didn't mean he had allowed fear to consume him completely. Over the past year, he had become significantly stronger and his confidence in his abilities had gradually solidified.

Now, standing before the gates of Spring Village, a sense of determination welled up within him. He might be afraid, but he wouldn't let fear control him. Instead, he would use it as fuel to grow stronger, to protect those he cared for, and to face whatever challenges came his way.

With the sun casting long shadows from the village walls, Jasper made his way on foot, threading his way through the familiar streets of the Spring Village. Guards acknowledged him respectfully, recognizing him as their Young Master. At the village boundary, a guard approached him, offering to care for his horse. Horse riding within the village had been prohibited due to past incidents involving careless riders causing harm to the residents. Now, the rule stood that only cargo carriages were permitted to be drawn by horses within the village confines.

Jasper hadn't gone far into the village before an aged face caught his eye amidst the crowd of villagers. Quickening his pace, he approached the middle-aged man, excitement evident in his voice, "Grant!"

Recognition sparked in the man's eyes at the sound of his name. He turned around, one hand resting on the hilt of his sheathed sword. His brows knitted in confusion as he searched for the voice, only for it to smooth out as his gaze landed on Jasper. A bright smile spread across his face as he cried out joyfully, "Young Master Jasper!"

His eyes crinkled in mirth as he watched Jasper approach, his hearty laugh echoing in the busy street. "Look how tall you've grown!" He greeted, his hands gripping Jasper's shoulders before pulling him into a warm, fatherly hug.

Pulling away, he gave Jasper a once-over, his smile never leaving his face. "What brings you here, Jasper? Shouldn't you be at the Martial Hall? Or have you already graduated?" The teasing tone in his voice belied his genuine curiosity and surprise. After all with talent Jasper showed him back then it wouldn't be too surprising if he already graduated.

Shaking his head, Jasper quickly responded, "No, nothing like that. Father just wanted me to come home for my 8th birthday." His eyes shifted away for a moment, a clear sign to Grant that there was more to it than just a birthday celebration.

Grant, with his brows furrowed in confusion, asked, "And why would that warrant you leaving the Martial Hall? You usually train even on your birthday."

Jasper sighed, "Well, it's probably because of the rumors." His voice was low, almost a whisper.

"What rumors?" Grant's tone hardened. He had heard whispers here and there, but he never thought they would affect Jasper this much.

Jasper glanced up at Grant, his gaze steady but his voice trembling slightly, "There are rumors going around the Martial Hall... they say I'm too scared to go on missions, that I've been hiding out in my residence... that the incident from a year ago left me too traumatized to continue."

The concern on Grant's face deepened. He had always been protective of Jasper, and hearing these rumors about him didn't sit well. "Jasper," he started, his voice gentle, "Rumors are just that - rumors. They hold no weight. You're stronger than what people say about you. And if there's one thing I know, it's that you can prove them wrong."

His words seemed to lift a weight off of Jasper's shoulders. He nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. "Thank you Grant."

With a smile, Grant patted Jasper on the back, "Let's not let something like rumors ruin our reunion! It's been too long since I last saw my favorite pupil."

Encouraged by Grant's words, Jasper returned the smile and engaged in casual conversation with him. They chatted and laughed, catching up on the lost time.

Eventually, Grant glanced towards the direction of the manor and said, "Alright, you should head to the manor now. Your father must be waiting."

Caught off guard, Jasper asked, "Aren't you coming with me, Grant?"

Shaking his head, Grant replied, "Unfortunately, I can't join you today, Jasper. We have some guests arriving from Grain City, and your father assigned me to attend to them. But don't worry, once I'm done with that, we'll have plenty of time to test out your training progress." He gave Jasper a wink, stirring up the anticipation within the young boy.

With a quick wave and a promise to meet soon, Jasper then proceeded towards the Chief's manor, his mind filled with eagerness for the upcoming training session with Grant just like his earlier years.