
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 9: The craft

I watched as my head flew separately from my neck leaving my body standing in front of the molens, after that they did not attack S10 who now looked back at my head laid on the ground and smiled then turned into specs of white light together,

with the rest of the molens, "To build the courage to protect my loved ones, I see that without courage and always staying behind to seek protection how would I make something that I could confidently say will help us win against such beasts," I thought.

I felt a weight leave my ethereal body and I shone with bright white flames that burned away the simulation and I found myself feeling a squishy feeling to my face, causing me to open my eyes, to see a ponytailed blonde-haired beauty, in her early thirties with a poker face, blue eyes, small thin nose, and a towering chest.

Looking at me from above those two twin peaks as I rested on her lap, "So you are finally awake?" she said with an unemotional and detached tone.

"D12 are you okay?" Said S10 who looked at me worriedly kneeling by my side, "You just suddenly went out cold for an hour, is it because your hungry or something?" she said worriedly.

Gazing at her for a long time I actually felt a little emotional, "Looks like I'm back for real," I said with a smile.

*Objective to the building of a suitable internal mindset commences, the path to building needs divine charisma to face courageously daunting tasks and must be unwilling to bend down when overcoming tribulations under immense pressure to build and make blueprints, Enlightenment phase 1 begins*


I felt my head clear up as a fog disappeared from my head, "Huh? This is…" said S10 as her voice trailed off, staring at me wide-eyed.

The wind circled around me, "Close your eyes, sit cross-legged, and breath you are entering the first stage of mortal release," said the blonde woman.

I did as instructed and breathed rhythmically as I got more and more clear-headed and all the aching in my body began to disappear.

*Mortal release first stage acquired*

Forge points gained: 38 points

*Automatic Demo self-distribution of forge points, User will self distribute points in future*

Woosh! Ping! Ping! Ping! Ping!

Continues notifications appeared in my mind.

*Dragon bloodline awakened by 5% new stats unlocked,Spirit energy built, Charisma stat built +5 points, Vitality stat built +6 points, Endurance stat built +4 points, Strength Level up +5 points, Agility level up +3 points, Energy upgrade to Origin energy level up + 9 points, health level up + 6 points, Title gained: Cultivator, the required class to receive generated blueprints met*

*To increase sync percentage in bloodline reach a certain threshold in all stat points*

As I meditated a complex blueprint appeared in a scroll requiring me to study and dive deeper into its design.

The image of a changeable hawk-eagle appeared in my mind as it was majestically shrouded in holy white light it flapped its wings, but it was only a 2-dimensional image, I knew instinctively if I had not reached the Mortal release realm I would have not been able to handle the presence of this image.

*The natural enemy of the Molens is the ancient changeable eagle-hawk that has terrorized the ancestors of the Molens to hide underground for most of their time in the Terra realm,

With this simple build, the molens can be easily attacked with the weapon, and some molens can be captured with it,*

"I wonder if these blueprints and information I receive will stop being given to me to one day," I thought as I opened my eyes then looked at S10,

She smiled, "Congratulations you are now a cultivator," she said still visibly shocked.

I nodded my head "My bloodline heritage indicates that a weapon called changeable eagle-hawk would be great to use to defend and attack the molens," I said

"Okay then, I don't know this ancient changeable eagle-hawk but let us get back to business. What material do you need to build this thing?" asked S10

"Avarion ore metal," I said slowly

Her eyebrows wrinkled up, "Wait that trash metal? you want it, but I heard it's useless," she said worriedly.

"What are you talking about, S10 can you get me the stuff or not?" I said a little irritated with the sudden mistrust.

She shook her head "Don't worry, Okay guys let's go and get the material" she said walking away with the rest of the group downstairs.


"S10 why do you stick close to that fool? he is playing you," said O9 clearly annoyed at how much attention that dwarf gets from S10.

"Shut up you know nothing, that guy is weird an hour of unconsciousness and now he is at the first stage of mortal release I feel like I should get close to him, I don't know what is happening but, you saw for yourself that after he got enlightened he wasn't excited that he is a cultivator like other normal people would,

anyway let's get the material for him," said S10.

"Something is just mysterious about that guy," thought S10.


Seeing S10 leave with the group I turned to the blonde lady, "Thank you for looking after me when I was out cold," I said not sure of why she was even here in the first place.

She nodded and got up and walked away without a word, "What a weird woman wonder if she is a nurse or something, but damn she has comfy thighs, hehehe, kgmm kgmm," I shook my head and concentrated.


*Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints*

*Active user*

Name: D12/Tema

Cultivation Level: Mortal release first stage

Titles: Slave, Cursed clan, Cultivator

Race: Demi-dwarf

Bloodline: White dragon (5%) / ??%

Affiliation: Slave of Terra kingdom

Class: Dual Wielder Cultivator

Job: (Novice(F)) Origin User Builder

Health Points (HP): 10/10

Origin Energy (OE): 12/12

Stamina: 18/18

Spirit energy: 9/9


Intelligence: 11

Agility: 3

Endurance: 4

Vitality: 6

Charisma: 5

Strength: 10

Wisdom: 2

Forge points: 0

Attributes: Ice ki element,

Class skills: [Elementals Origin energy manipulation(F)], [ [Meditation(F)], [Soul Manipulation(F)].

Job Skills: [Creator's charismatic aura (F)], [Blueprint generator(F)], [Question & Answer(E)], [Appraisal (E)], [Other worldly will]

Bloodline Skills: [Ice Ki (E)], [ Draconic white eyes(E)] upgrade, [Frightful presence(F)] [White dragon flame (E)]

Compared to the first interface it's child's play, and my awakened bloodline of 5% has given me new skills and I'm not sure if it's the simulation that has jumpstarted these changes to the system but looking at this, it must be so.

"Wow! This is freaking awesome looks like I have improved a lot and I feel more stuff has been unlocked and control of my system power is better at least now after being in the simulation for so long, I finally understand how to actively switch on the system interface that has now been even more clear and simplified." I thought nodding inwardly at all the skills and stats now present after I awakened my cultivator class.

I looked at my skin which was now covered in dark smelly waste, "No wonder that lady left in a hurry, and no one decided to stay behind when S10 decided to go take the Avarion meatal ore I stink!" I said sniffing my arm and quickly pulled my head away in disgust.

'Ice Ki'

Frost built up on my arm, as I felt a cooling sensation like how taking a cold bath on a hot day felt, and the dark slime became frozen then broke into small pieces that fell off revealing my bronze skin, I was still skinny from hunger, but I believed powering up more and filling myself with more origin energy, I could maybe hope to get my dwarf teen body in the right shape and maybe grow some hair, I mean come on!I must be a disgrace to dwarfs of this world for still being hairless.

As I stood by the wall the gang and S10 arrived then laid down sacks full of material, " Now open it" I said

A man looked at the S10 who then slapped him to the ground 'PAH!', "Did you not hear him he is a cultivator now and you are just a nobody. Such disrespect will not be tolerated again, now open it" Said S10 glaring at the man.

"Hey it's okay S10 let the poor guy go, we have no time to waste," I said, and the man opened the bag after getting up from the slap, and I swear he looked happy to be smacked, gave me the feeling he had done it on purpose, "Darn oldy using me as a way to get pleasure," I thought

"So will you begin now," asked S10

I nodded my head, "Open the bags and pour out the stone ores on the ground into a heap around me," I said as I sat down cross-legged and closed my eyes.

They pored the silver-like stone ores to form a ring around my body, stretching out my hands forward I inwardly called out.

'Ice Ki'


"Is this snow? Mentioned to happen in the above continents" said a random voice as white flakes fell from the change of the origin energy into ki.

The blueprint in my mind showed me the properties of Avarion metal ore *Although it is useless it has the strangest ability to melt when subjected to an extremely cold condition and turn into a wonderful product of metal if tempered accurately with physical external forces*

'White Draconic eyes'

Activating my upgraded white dragonic eyes, a new world came to me again that still left me in awe and wonder, all the threads of energy and patterns appeared in the melting heap of avarion metal thistime more clearly and not distorted like previously.

Using Intricate hand movements that appeared in my mind and reciting some runic scriptures I started moving the heap of avarion metal around me that, now had already melted and floated in the air with the influence of,

'Elemental Origin energy manipulation'

This is one of the skills I acquired that, caused me to feel the energy threads in the air, and strenuously manipulate them with my hands using my hand signs.

Woosh! Paah!

My draconic white eyes helped me see the strings that held the basic molecular construct of the Material and weak points, helping me to be able to hit the right spots using my ice-hardened hands on the melted metal removing impurities that turned into snowflakes.

Woosh! paah!

Following the designs of the blueprints of the changeable hawk-eagle, allowed me to shape out the majestic winged creature, forming it into existence.

'Otherworldly will'

Bringing my craft to life is what I felt was happening, even the bird was fighting against the will of its creator to be free and only the courage and my otherworldy will that has gone through death itself could withstand its attacks.

'Frightful presence'

A domineering, arrogant feeling welled up in my heart, making me feel as if subduing those around me is a responsibility, and to bring those above me to their knees, my mind focused, strength sufficient, agility helped me to move and change my hand signs faster and faster attacking the spots needing to tame and form my creation.

Time seemed irrelevant as I was lost in the glory of creation, I felt truly like a god at work for the first time in my life, unlike the days I was always stressed out as a civil engineer.

Waving my hand fluidly, and making waves of avarion metal appear, to my side then hardened it before it receded by removing the cold immediately, I continued this process and in the end, the hawk grew more restless and hungry for freedom as it was absorbing my frightful ki, and Ice ki.

*Final phase begins*

Runes appeared in my head again, then I extended two fingers and slowly drew a maze-like symbol on the chest of the metallic bird, forming the Celtic symbol of life, strength, and courage all forming a triangle with different symbols at each corner.


Releasing a majestic bird cry, the power of my creation released waves of bone-chilling wind to the nearby people, prompting them to cover up.

"What the hell, so this is what happens when a dwarf crafts, no wonder they were cursed by the gods. This is just unorthodox and unreal," said S10 excitedly.