
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 8: The right choice

Hearing the message my eyes opened wide, "What! I can't believe it, build something now but I have no tools," I said completely agitated now.

This lady's voice even said to protect a loved one, firstly S10 isn't a loved one, and I know I promised S10's mother to protect her but she is way stronger than me plus I bet she can kill the beasts, no sweat.

The 5 beasts arrived and attacked almost instantly, they climbed the wall with their claws gripping the stone wall, I looked at S10, "Go kill them," I said jokingly.

Standing there like a statue she lighted up in purple light.

Dominatrix Ki

Leaping down the wall she free fell head first, colliding with a Molen that was climbing the walls and her fists, smashed the beast's head sending it flying to the ground like a meteor, and using the rebound force of her fist to side leap to the second Molen beast, with her purple light covering her leg like flame armor.

Striking the beast with a dropkick infused with her Ki causing the beast to drag on the wall on its side belly, velvet brown fur filled the air causing, it to crash on the third Molen that was still climbing up, both were sent crashing to the rocky ground, and with a backflip in mid-air using the rebound force of her kick S10, clapped her hands together,

Forming, a ball of purple light that she sent swinging down on the 5th Molen cracking its head and sending it flying down to the ground.

She flew next to me and stood like a servant would a master, I was still shocked that my little joke actually worked, "Good job, looks like we passed," I said.


Voiced out the female automated voice as if to protest,

*Rearranging scenario, readjusting companions settings, Simulation begins*

The Molens disappeared on the ground into specks of light.

Rumble! Rumble! Rumble!

The Molens reappeared again this time, 10 in number, "What!? This is cheating, S10 handle them quickly" I said

S10 immediately got into battle mode, charged to the Moles in my command, with her fists leading her as she flew with her wings, she was disturbed this time as the Molens dodged her attack to the side and, one in the back leaped to her to bite her head off with success.

"S10 is dead already no fair the system is cheating," I said clearly vexed at the turn of events.

The Molens looked back at me after killing S10 and came climbing the wall even faster till they got to me, the smell of fresh blood hit my nose as the eyeless, jagged sharp-toothed molens, the size of grizzly bears slashed at my stomach with their abnormally long claws,

The blood gushed out together with some organs and after a second, immense pain washed over me then I realized I had not died yet, the molens started breaking my legs, by stomping my knee caps, "ARRRGGGHHH" I screamed in agony.

One of them started nibbling my toes, one by one, and the other crushed my fingers, and I swear I saw them smiling, "Fuck this system is torturing me, even though this is a simulation the pain is soul-crushing," I thought.

Feeling the pain increase, I realized that the only real thing here is my soul, then wouldn't that mean I could die any moment from my soul perishing to nothingness, this system wouldn't kill me, would it? My heart tightened thinking of that, then I blacked out.


"I respawned! I'm not dead but shit I'm such a dumb ass not thinking this through this is my mind realm that is what the system said, so this must be my soul, Holy shit! I can end up having my mind crumble and become brain dead, even my ethereal form now feels weaker." I said.

*Rearranging scenario, readjusting companions settings, Simulation begins*

"Wait system will my soul perish if I keep dying in this simulation?" I said to the empty space.

"Answer me"

"Fuck" I said Exasperately.

I watched as S10 reappeared and the rumbling began as the Molens appeared again, "Okay S10 can't handle these things, and the system said to build, and only gave me S10 to protect but how the hell am I going to do this alone," I said, side glancing at S10.

The molens reappeared this time, 15 of them stood by the tunnel watching us, I did not become hasty and send S10 to attack. I realized this must be the time I'm given by the system to build something.

The problem I see here is that there is no material insight, and I can't fight with no weapons on me, so the system wants me to build something but what? and how?


The Molens started moving again, "S10 prepare to fight and protect me while I'm still thinking of a plan," I said.

Then again activatIng her purple Ki she stood in a defensive position, "Just what does the system want me to build, when there is nothing here to use, but only S10 is beside me who is strong and, I'm weak," I said.


"The Molens are here, come on S10 you have to protect me, It's just that I'm too weak".

Immediately she went into battle, the 15 Molens overwhelmed her and killed her like swatting a fly. "What! this bloody system nerfed her again, why is it doing this..." but before I could finish I was tortured to death by the Molens.

Over and over again, I reappeared and died after S10, I had to admit I started feeling guilty, "Come on, am I always going to let a woman protect me and die for me? and, my ethereal body is becoming weaker, and the system hasn't provided me with any material to build whatever it wants me to build," I thought feeling utterly useless.


Loud ear-piercing cries of the Molens reached me as now thousands of them had appeared, making my now weak mind and ethereal body flinch in terror, "I have been in this simulation countless times, I think maybe at least 4 days has passed with me dying but I'm still unable to know what to do" I said scratching my head as if I have fleas.

Thinking back to my weak attempt to make a barricade with the rocks of the wall that I told S10 to break did nothing to stop the Molens, I tried to throw rocks at the Molens as they climbed, but the thick skin made it impossible to hurt them,

Heck! I even tried hiding at one of the towers and blocking the room I was in with rocks by the window, but the tower was destroyed as I was in it because the molens dug up the foundation destroying me in it, together with S10 at the same time, but that was the only time I got a

*Fair fail*

By the system, "So what am I doing wrong, and this 'fair fail' I had, only happened once because I died with S10 at the same time inside the tower.

Died!? At the same time! "Hehehe, hahaha so that is it huh! So that is what I'm supposed to build, a cheeky system but I think it wouldn't be a lesson if I was spoon-fed, heh! To build something to protect your loved one," I said as I looked at S10

"Hey S10 get behind me," I said hurriedly.

*Update user will perish once subjected to death again*

"Ohh looks like I have found the answer, and it's trying to scare me. Well go ahead I will Protect S10 with my life," I said resolutely a slight smile appeared on my lips.


The thousands of Molens came in with ferocity, Teeth bare and razor-sharp teeth came at me as I had S10 behind me, "Don't close your eyes, I made the right choice" I thought.

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