
Building Overlord with Beyonder Blueprints

Gods, all-mighty beings with great power, some of them are born with great power and others cultivate it and become reborn as immortal beings on par, or superior to gods themselves, but where do these all mighty powerful beings live when they want to relax, and restore their power. Housing, great shrines, fortresses these are the places gods and cultivators need to rest but the lack of proper builders is a concerning matter to the world of Afreya. "Madam demon lord your castle is too worn out let me remodel it," I said "oooh so old man sword master you wish to build a tomb to be found by a potential successor to inherit your cultivation techniques then leave it to me I shall build it" "A shrine you say to be able to let a god rest in, then say no more I will build it" BOBB BUILDER SYSTEM *activated* -what do you want to build. Join Tema a reincarnated architect and civil engineer genius with a builder system, to create infrastructure and become the greatest god builder of the universe. He can build anything, never seen before structures and solve problems in unconventional ways. https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/MartinDauthor Your support will help in my writing, thank you.

Archaic_Scribesage · Fantasy
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43 Chs

Chapter 23: That Beard though!

A smile appeared on the sage youths silver browed face, "You might collapse from within and die as both bloodlines fight for dominance but that is for another day, as long as you balance your stats the bloodlines will also balance as they awaken to their full potential in your body, now to tell you what you must do for now," he said.

I stopped the man from talking further, "Wait you can't just brush something as important as my second life so easily, I want to Cherish it and live an upright life," I said

The man smiled, "You are right I summoned a soul like yours that has seen both happiness and the darkness of life, I don't know why the flame allowed both bloodlines to exist, but the flame is mysterious to me also. It knows best that is why it is the only thing that can hurt the queen of devour, so worry not about your life dying out," he said

He continued "Let me tell you this, only this flame can hurt her so you must cultivate till you can produce it yourself, and find ways to restore the lost elements that it used to have," said the sage.

As I still contemplated this news of how I got here, I also thought of the queen and how powerful she must be, looking at the youth I asked, "Can I see this queen you speak off." But he shook his head.

"Your will is not strong enough to see her now, but I can let you hear her voice," he said.

Tapping his fingers on my forehead an ancient but haughty voice entered my head carrying the very essence of tyranny and barrenness. "All things are flawed, those that are flawed must all return to nothingness, that is my mercy," Said the female voice in a calm tone.

I could not help but feel a sense of familiarity to that voice and the tone and figured it had something to do with the white flame attribute inside me as I faintly trembled from fear feeling quite inferior and oppressed from just hearing the voice.

"haa." With a sigh the youth shook his head, "That is the evil that you must separate from the heavenly Dao, and the task will not be an easy one as many hardships are ahead. Only patience and perseverance will lead to success, gather your strength and build all that you can, to stop her from devouring the universe, and by all means, she must never grasp her hands on the flame of Creation, that is in your hands.

Knowing her, she must be working on a way to seal off the flame, because if the flame disappears it will be the end of all things, as nothing else can stop her from taking over the universe of Afreya.

"If she interferes with the laws of causality using the heavenly dao to try and find you. And with her relentless nature, she might do so, This will benefit you as well somehow, but make sure she will not get your flame,

And make sure to gather enough power to fight her, the Destros servants number the grains of sand in the soil but your power must number the endless stars of the sky," said the youth with a solemn tone.

"And never stop forging or creating and forget about elixirs or what not to become more powerful, since you will represent Creation, the path of Creation will get you to become more powerful. Also never fear those above your level

because your standards of powering up are calibrated to ensure you reach godhood so don't be discouraged if you feel like sometimes you take too long to level up because I did not expect you to Reach the mortal release so soon either, remember you are racing against time to be a god, something unimaginable impossible to some mortals.

The time when forging is like breathing to you and you have collected all element seeds that is when the flame of Creation might awaken to its full potential,"

The white room space we were in started to burn with the white flame, as it turned into stardust and disappeared.

He then gazed at me intently as his silver hair cascaded down his shoulders then 4 wings stretched out from his back each wing made of different attributes from water, fire, air, earth, as a white halo appeared on top of his head, releasing a harmonious life bringing aura.

"This is the power of creation you must surpass in order to beat her and you must do it at a breakneck speed to reach it. So forge to Create even planets themselves, now go otherworlder and may your name spread far and wide and transcend all realms and please find my master after you defeat the devour queen, this is my request,"

Then the white flame engulfed us and I opened my eyes to the sight of the tiger Leo staring down at me.

"Finally awake huh!"

After a good rest and seeing dried up blood on my tattered beast skin fur clothes I looked at the snakeskin "Some overalls will really help Right now" I thought.

Taking the snakeskin I wrapped It on myself like a cape and seeing my body had gained more muscle and a lot of hair had somehow grown quickly on me as I had been unconscious from my beard to my spiky head hair grew almost to knee length, and immense power was surging inside my now bulky muscles.

"Must be my new bloodline too" I thought as I opened the window interface to the system

*Active user*.

Name: D12/TEMA

Cultivation Level: Mortal release first stage

Titles: Slave, Cultivator, Otherworldly genius rebel, Wielder of the hammer


Bloodline: White dragon (5%) / OTHERWORLDLY DWARVEN HEAVENLY REBEL(5%)

Affiliation: Slave of Terra kingdom

Class: Dual Wielder Cultivator

Job: (Novice[F]) Origin User Builder

Health Points (HP): 30/30

Origin Energy (OE): 29/29

Spirit energy(SE): 29/29

Stamina: 34/34


Intelligence: 16

Agility: 9

Endurance: 17

Vitality: 11

Charisma: 5

Strength: 31

Wisdom: 4

Defense: 5

Total forge points: 0

Attributes: Ice ki element, White flame(!!?)

Class skills: [Elemental Origin energy manipulation(F)], [ [Meditation(F)], [Soul Manipulation(F)].

Job Skills: [Creator's charismatic aura (F)], [Blueprint generator(F)], [Question & Answer(E)], [Appraisal (E)], [Other worldly will], Mind realm(!!?), Mark of Craftsmen(F)]

Bloodline Skills: [Ice Ki (Dragon Bloodline) (F)], [ Draconic white eyes(F)] , [Frightful presence(F)].

Bonus intelligence: increase by + 5 points due to title Otherworldly Genius

Wilder of hammers gives easier control over skills by the use of hammers.

*Dormant skills are present inside your bloodline to awaken them attempt to forge against all odds and laws of the heavens*


-Rebellious DWARVEN laws TOUCH(F)

"I guess I'm not cursed anymore since the cursed clan title is gone and thanks to having my own bloodline now." I thought

I then looked up towards Leo "Sorry Leo the plan I had to make a blueprint didn't work out, taking shortcuts has not borne any fruit but only delayed us," I Said, apologetically.

"He then gazed at me and smiled, "It is good to learn from your mistakes since your way did not work. Are you willing to do it my way then?" Said Leo with a smug Look on his face as if saying 'A brat like you should know your limits and follow my lead'

I then nodded my head to show my agreement

"Good, first I could just destroy this whole place and from the ashes, you look for the scroll since it is very powerful it will resist my flames, but to destroy this place I will be in my gigantic form so I might not see it so you will search for it," he said, with an evil grin clearly he had enough of playing the weakling in front of humans.

Panicking I shook my head in disapproval of this absurd plan of Leo immediately,

He became upset with a frown, his whiskers twitching as they lit up similar to a matchstick, "What!? is my plan not to your liking also" he said angrily.

"Please don't misunderstand. I think it is good but why don't we do it more slowly. Like we said shortcuts will likely not yield anything and the culprit will escape, why not just cooperate with me to make some tools to get the attention of some of the other tower masters to have them come to us," I said with a smile.

"I believe for someone to enter and escape from your tunnel unscathed means they are very powerful, And I can only think of these tower masters to be the ones that can do it. And they must need someone to make the 'power residence' for them, in the scroll" I said

"Impossible only one who is at least at the saint realm can forge a 'power residence' from that design scroll, but there is none of that level in this little place called Terra but me at the saint stage,"

Then it hit me, "Then they must be waiting to escape with the teleport fortress to get out of here," I said

I Looked at Leo then asked, "Why not talk to them?" I said confusedly since this guy can talk.

The tiger then turned his head away in annoyance, "I don't talk to humans, but dwarfs like you are okay,"

"So this guy just hates their guts huh!" thought

"If he knew I'm a human soul bet he would flip" I chuckled to myself inwardly.

Tapping a finger on my chin with a huge Viking-like brown beard that grew at an incredible rate which made me feel like a warrior even though I was in a thirteen-year-old body it had more hair than my previous self. Thinking about what to do next in order to smoke the thief out suddenly.


Slith ran inside the dungeon with a panicked face, "Boy come, huh! Y-you!? What happened to your body? Why are you more muscular and Hairy? Wait never mind that it's time you come with me, we are going to Afreya now," he said as he unlocked my cage.