
Chapter 7

It was not yet night, although it would only be a couple more hours, so leaving my home of this dimension, I ran about 5 kilometers to the south, where a lake with a stream connected to one of the many mountains. what were there

With stone I began to build a 10-meter tower with angles to be able to shoot arrows and at the same time have cover, some tiles were distributed in the center of the tower so that the spiders would have a harder time climbing, it is not like in the game where they stay trapped but at least it will give me time if someone comes.

It took me only 10 minutes to build it since it wasn't that sophisticated but at least it would protect me from the creatures that come for my head.

Climbing to the top of the tower with a rope that I previously placed to go down, I put 2 iron chests that had the storage of 2 wooden chests for the objects that the creatures that come drop, and now I only had to wait for the night.

It was getting colder and colder, in this dimension, winter was getting closer, but I had already got the basic animals like cows, sheep, pigs, a couple of horses, and some bees, I must say that I was scared to see a bee the size of my head, but he had tender eyes, I followed him to his honeycomb and I had no idea how they could fit in that honeycomb, the magic of this world maybe, at that moment I waited for all of them to come out, which were a maximum of 3 bees luckily, I had put on a crown of flowers so that they would follow me home but not before taking the honeycomb, which I only had to break the branch where it was and carry it on my shoulder, my training was already showing progress so it was easy for me to carry it.

Beekeeping was entertaining, since these bees had a schedule, in the morning they work looking for pollen, they rest for 1 hour, they worked until night and then they sleep, so I didn't have to put smoke on them so they would go out and collect their honey and wax, knowing that the honey took me out of the state of poison had brought me some bottles.

By the time I finished remembering when I saw the bottle of honey in my hand, it had already gotten dark and the characteristic sound of zombies caught my attention, there were 4 to the south of my position, green bodies, tattered clothes showing parts that shouldn't have see, and if you wonder there were also female zombies but not like in the animations but like an apocalypse, you wanted that to happen with the humans of this world.

I didn't take much importance to the history of the game but nowadays these zombies used to be people, I could only say "I'm sorry" in my mind along with a prayer to TOAA so that these zombies can rest in peace.

With my mentality stable and concentrated again, I started shooting the zombies with my arrows trying to aim at their heads because I could see at night it was easy, I had chosen this day because there was a full moon, more than there were a few in the lake trees so they did not shade.

I had practiced a lot with the bow with my extra time in this dimension, I was not professional, but I was competent not to miss a shot 5 meters from me.

Only 3 died and the fourth only managed to hit him in the shoulder causing him to take a few steps back, then he looked up with a louder growl going towards my direction only this time without receiving the arrow between his eyebrows.

I sighed the breath I was holding to increase my pulse for the shot, I had a new respect for Clint Barton for his prowess with the bow.

But there was no time to relax because an arrow collided with my cover launched by a skeleton, and I did the same with him, causing the arrow to break his skull.

More and more creatures appeared, a few spiders that wanted to go up behind me, but thanks to the fact that the tiles slowed them down, I managed to prepare the staff to crush them as soon as they went up, staining the edge of the tower with green spider guts, I was focused on the battle Currently, it was not a horde but due to the noise of the falling bodies, more and more came, luckily apparently today there were no flying creatures but I was getting tired, lying on the ground with the cover on my back, I began to drink a bottle of soda to recover tiredness.

But at that time I felt the tower shaking, the zombies were hitting the tower continuously, which will lead to it falling soon if I don't do something to stop them, I couldn't shoot arrows at them because of the tiles I put for the spiders.

Thinking about what to do since there was no antigravity physics, it was time to start fighting hand to hand, swinging with the rope again (zombies and skeletons are not so smart to climb the rope) Note to me, start doing gymnastics for stunts, because I would take a big risk with the fall if it weren't for the lake when I used it for the fall, the tower began to crumble right after, the only good thing is that the chests, being made of iron, would not break so easily, and I also managed to kill the zombies that they had been hitting the tower.

The skeletons, not seeing that there was no one else, began to wander to look for their next victim, my heart was still beating strong from the adrenaline of what I just did, I fought against many monsters and survived to tell the tale, now all that was left was to hunt the monsters. skeletons that scattered to complete the weekly mission.

Swimming towards the shore, I made a 4x4 bucket to dry myself and change clothes that I had in my backpack, then with my pick, I collected the rubble of the tower next to the iron chests which I used to collect the objects that the monsters dropped.

I realized that when killing them, an auto loot option appeared when I made the first monster down and used it on all the ones I saw.

There was a lot of rotten meat, spider eyes, various bones, and a red stone that had a faint glow.

[Junk Manastone: Crafting Material]

My eyes lit up, all the creatures had this stone in some part of their body that I didn't bother to check and I didn't have time, today was the last day of the week and I wanted the maximum reward.

n/a: it counts the week in its main world, not in the one of the dimension.

Getting down to business, I went to get bone dust.

{overworld dawn}

I had finally finished with the 20 skeletons that I was missing, obtaining the reward of 10 points, but when I saw the new mission I realized that it will not always be easier.

[weekly mission:

-Collect 10 rock stacks +2

-kill 60 zombies +3

-kill 60 skeletons +3

-kill 20 spiders +2]

Apparently, the standard of 10 maximum points is maintained but now the number of creatures to kill increases, who knows, maybe at some point he will ask me to kill dragons... it wouldn't be fun now, but when I get stronger, maybe, I just hope I don't become a battle maniac.

So I checked my skill tree to see what to use them for, and I settled on these:

[hit increase 2/20] It takes several hits to kill the spiders, if it wasn't an iron staff they wouldn't die for sure.

[hand eye 2/10] and [mind body 2/20] I felt very dizzy feeling how my whole body began to stabilize and coordinate, my senses were increasing to the point where I had to lie down to avoid hitting my head.

I looked at my hand, opening, and closing, moving my fingers, it felt... well, standing on the two-seater bed I made with sheep's wool, I somersaulted, time seemed to slow down for a few moments and I managed to somersault almost to perfection.

The coordination of my eyesight and limbs was amazing, with a thought of my school gymnast memories I managed to almost copy them.

Now I see why the intelligence tree was not there, if I could do this with the speed section it would be very op.

My memory and intelligence remain the same, only now I can move my body more efficiently and replicate actions that I visualize in my mind, I could be the best dancer or the most incredible mime in the world if I wanted to.

It was a fun idea and I tried to do the moonwalk that I always wanted to do, I must have had fun with this victory of discovery, don't you think?

Leaving aside the incredible lunar passage, I had 2 points left to add which I put in [mathematics 2/20] and in [technology 1/20].

I took advantage of eating a bacon and egg sandwich already knowing how hungry I would be due to the wear and tear on my brain absorbing all the information.

At this moment I felt like Neo absorbing kung-fu skills in the movie Matr*x, now I understood how some basic gear mechanisms work, and how to make a homemade telescope among other useful things that would undoubtedly help me to make an automatic mechanism of the farm with pure gears.

I fell asleep because of the physical and mental exhaustion that I accumulated more because of the improvements I got, going to the world of dreams and building crazy things in them.

{07:50 am Earth, Rylan's house}

I spent a few more days in my base to give it some improvements to survive the winter, for example, I built a wall in the crops that grew bigger by finding new plants of the dimension and buying others in my world.

On the roof, I put windows with tempered glass (I just put the glass back in the oven and it did all the work) horizontally so that sunlight came in, the roof was shaped like a rectangular triangle so it can more easily remove winter snow next to lamps so that creatures do not appear in dark corners.

To keep the heat in the greenhouse so that the animals do not catch a cold, I put fire pits protected with iron trapdoors at a height where the animals do not reach and get hurt.

They also eat and drink, they only reproduce if I feed them myself, so I had to prepare a lot of wheat for them and an area for them to play and not get stressed by being locked up.

Now I understand the hard work of the farmers and my respect for them.

I spent 6 full days winterizing my house, gathering materials, harvesting, composting, breeding animals, etc.

It still gives me chills to think that one day I will have to process them to collect their meat, but if I want to fulfill the dream of ending famine, I will have to be tough and do what a man should do.

But that day is not today and I will save it for the Rylan of the future.

n/a: hello, sorry for the delay and this short chapter, showing a bit of what happens in the other dimension, he already has a mansion and each time he has to make a larger place by increasing the variety of plants he has , both normal and magical that it collects as the days go by, I am thinking that the next chapter is a temporary jump to get to the juicy part, leave your opinions that I read them, and remember, when in doubt, choose the most {censorship } *it goes walking*