
Bugs Bunny and Avicii Aardvark

wabbit and aawdvawk

Schmallaburro · Movies
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Bugs Bunny meets Avicii Aardvark

Well, It was a long time Ago, Bugs Bunny wanted to take a Vacation at Albuquerque.

So he packed up his Stuff, he even packed up his Spare Carrots, too... He packed his sleeping bags, he packed His toothbrush, and his maps, and even his own equipment he needed for survival and Vacation ... He even packed his Weapon for self defense, too.

"Welp," said Bugs Bunny to himself. "That's everything I have ever packed to travel to Albuquerque.... But what Am I forgetting?"

Then he shrugs off. "Oh Well."

Then Bugs Bunny Started his Journey to Albuquerque.... But he took the Wrong turn... He Arrived in the different place...

He popped out of the Burrow and Said, "oh, brother, I never should of Took the wrong Turn.... I should of turned to Albuquerque. But... Where Am I anyway?"

"It is Kingston Jamaica, Mon," said the Voice.

"Who's There?" Asked Bugs Bunny with a Shock... "Who are you anyway?"

"Aye Ajapa, Mon," said the Voice with his Jamaican Accent. "I Am deh Aardvark, Mon... Fail to know where Albuquerque wuz, Mon?"

"Avicii Aardvark?" Bugs Bunny recognized the Aardvark... " Is that you, Doc?"

"Wut's it tuh yuh, Mon?" Said the Aardvark. "Why yuh cum tuh Muh Jamaican Home."

Bugs Bunny pulled out the Carrot and Took a bite out of it.... Crunching and Smacking his lips. "Eh, I don't mean to intrude, Aardvarky, but I lost my Way when I was Turning to Albuquerque.... So I was Wondering if you can help me find it?"

"Well, Mon," said Avicii Aardvark. "I have bun to Albuquerque before, Mon... Dey wuh located somewhere in New Mexico."

"New Mexico?" Said Bugs Bunny. "Where's new Mexico?"

"How shud I know, Mon?" Asked Avicii. "Figuh it out, Mon!"

Of Course, Bugs Bunny can Understand What Avicii Aardvark was saying.

Avicii Aardvark knows where Albuquerque is better than Bugs Bunny does, because Avicii Aardvark did the Research about How to get there... He Studied the Maps since he was a Cub.

"Say, Avicii," said Bugs Bunny.

"Wut yuh wunt, Mon?" Asked Avicii Aardvark.

"Do you happen to have a Family?" Asked Bugs Bunny.

"Nevuh Heard of Dem, Mon," Said Avicii with his Jamaican Accent... denying he Has a Family. Avicii was so Grumpy...

"Come on, Doc," said Bugs Bunny.

"Nope," said Avicii. "I don't even know a Stinkuh, Mon. Nut tuh mention, yuh ah uh Stinkuh, Mon."

"Yeah, yeah, I know, Doc," said Bugs Bunny. "But I am a Karmic trickster. I played tricks on Hunters.... Especially Elmer Fudd, Yosemite Sam, Tasmanian Devil, Even Wile E. Coyote."

"Aye Ajapa," said Avicii Aardvark... "I don't care who dey Ah or Wut dere num is! De huntuh und de outlaw were Humans."

"Human?" Asked Bugs Bunny. "Why not address them as their names Instead of Humans, Doc?"

"Because it wuz stupid and Pahdetic, Mon. I hate calling Dem by dere names, Mon... "

"I see, Doc," said Bugs. "So... Um... What's up, Doc? Do you have Enemies?"

"What's it tuh yuh, Mon?" Asked Avicii. "I know my Enemies, Mon. It's Humans, leopards, Hyenas, and Lions... I hated Dem so much! Dat is why I set a trap to Capture Dem so I could Plan to punish Dem latuh."

"Anything Else, Doc?" Asked Bugs.

"Nope," said Avicii Aardvark. "Dat's abuht it, Mon. Now Scrahm! Get off of my Island."

"What?" Asked Bugs Bunny. "That is no Way to Talk to a Rabbit, Doc."

But Avicii Aardvark didn't care. He Punched Bugs Bunny in the face, knocking him out, the He Confiscated Bugs Bunny's Carrots and Left.

"Heh, what a Stinker," said Avicii Aardvark. "Dat Wubbit wuz a Stinkuh anyway. Nuh I know wut it is like when Knuckle de Echidna took de Chaos Emerald From Sonic de Hedgehog."

Wow, speaking of breaking the fourth Wall, Bugs Bunny was like Sonic the Hedgehog compare to Avicii Aardvark 's like Knuckles the Echidna...

That Story is was based on the reference of Sonic the Hedgehog 3.... Well.... That's a Fanfiction, Folks, and it's Non-Canon, too.

Yep, Avicii Aardvark will start out as Bug's Bunny's rival at first, but hey, be patient, they will perhaps be friends eventually.

To be continued....

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