
Buggy D Clown

An adventure that takes you to the heart of Impel Down, right before the epic Marineford War, with an unexpected twist. Meet our self-inserted character, who finds himself in the shoes of none other than the comical and infamous Buggy the Clown. As the story unfolds, this new Buggy is thrust into the treacherous depths of Impel Down, the world's most impregnable prison. Surrounded by some of the most dangerous criminals in the Grand Line, our protagonist must navigate the perils of this nightmarish facility. But He is not just any ordinary inmate; he possess knowledge of the upcoming Marineford War that could change the course of history. With Buggy's knack for comedic mishaps and antics, this fanfiction promises a unique blend of humor and action as the self-inserted character interacts with familiar faces from the One Piece universe. Whether it's forming unlikely alliances or attempting daring escapes, Buggy's journey through Impel Down will keep readers on the edge of their seats. As the Marineford War looms on the horizon, the fate of the world teeters on a knife's edge. Can this unassuming Buggy make a difference in the face of overwhelming odds? Join them on this extraordinary adventure filled with laughter, chaos, and unexpected heroics as they set out to carve their own legend in the world of One Piece.

Marioni · Anime & Comics
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92 Chs

Chapter 87

New World, Zou.

Excitement washed over everyone aboard the imposing spinnaker as they caught sight of Zou.

"Look, is that Zou ahead? I've missed this place so much!"

"Do you think those two little guys are still around?"

"Weren't they with Oden before?"

"Seems like they've had their share of bad luck, following an idiot who lost his country."

"The country on an elephant's back? It's like something out of a fairy tale!"

"Is Robin interested too? It's called the Phantom Island. Let's go up and take a look."

"Huh? Aren't we heading to Wanokuni?"

"Didn't Blueno go ahead already? Plus, we shouldn't rush things. The alliance between the two Yonko needs careful planning. Let's not disrupt their plans. Let things play out for a while." When Buggy finished speaking, he disassembled a large stone slab and effortlessly lifted dozens of people from the foreboding haunted island ship to soar into the sky.

Among them, Gabban, Bullet, Doringo, and Sunbell were in high spirits. It had been over twenty years since they last visited this place, and it felt like a different world.

"Hahaha, I wonder if Inuarashi and Nekomamushi remember us."

"Do you think they're still among the mink tribe?"

"It should be. These two..."

"It doesn't matter; let's shout and see!"

"Right, Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, are you still here?"

As Buggy steered the stone board, heading toward the elephant's back, Gabban let out a resounding shout to the top. Buggy couldn't help but laugh and shake his head.

"Gabban, you might just startle the Animal-like tribe with that shout."

"Animal-like race, you say? Enel, you can be quite rude!"

Doringo scolded Enel, shaking his head.

"To be precise, the mink tribe is more like a race that resembles animals. You'll understand shortly, but let's not make a commotion; it could be awkward."

"A race that resembles animals?" Enel contemplated.

Could it be the one with a human body and a pig's head? While Enel contemplated, Buggy and the others reached the front gate of the mink tribe. Before them stood ancient stone walls, with rust and moss covering the iron gate set in the middle.


As Buggy and the others landed, a bell on the city wall rang, followed by the cries of a little black monkey.

"Alert! Pirates are approaching!"

"Warning! The God-Slayer Pirates has been sighted!"

"Alert! The God-slayer Pirates have arrived! Prepare for battle!"

The little black monkey shrieked and dashed away.

Observing this scene, Buggy's crew exchanged uncertain glances. Buggy let out a hearty laugh and asked Bahaha,

"It appears we've become unwelcomed intruders."

"Well, isn't that expected? Entering without any prior notice, especially with us being pirates, is bound to startle people," Kalifa chimed in as she adjusted her gold-rimmed glasses.

"Indeed," Shirahoshi added, swaying her large tail in agreement.

Buggy chuckled and quipped, "Old man Gabban had already sent them a message ahead of us? Perhaps they've prepared a welcoming banquet for us. After all, we're visiting old friends in their hometown."

"Hahaha, I had the same thought!" Gabban laughed.

Robin massaged her temples, feeling a bit overwhelmed. As the group entered the gates, the unusual sights of the forest on both sides left everyone awestruck.

Buggy, who had seen it before knew what to expect, was less surprised, but Robin, Shirahoshi, and Kalifa, visiting for the first time, were naturally filled with curiosity.

As they ventured further into the city on the top of Zunesha, they heard rustlings from the surrounding forests. Someone seemed to be following or monitoring their movements.

Upon exiting the forest and entering the town, they were greeted by dozens of mink tribe warriors, led by a lion-like figure with red hair.

"Ah, is this the Mink tribe?"

"Hey! They look more like Zoan Devil Fruit users after transformation, it seems."

"This is strange; let's take a closer look."

Upon hearing Robin's discussion, the lion-like warrior in front raised a knight's sword and pointed it at Buggy and the group, shouting, "Godslayer, Yonko Buggy, our Mink tribe's Mokomo Dukedom is ahead. Please halt and explain your purpose here. Why have you come to our island?"

Buggy smiled, addressing Shishilian, "What's this, Shishilian? Don't you recognize your old friends?"

Gabban chimed in, laughing, "Oh? Is this the little Shishilian who's grown up?"

"So, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi should have grown too. Why haven't we seen them?" Sunbell added with a chuckle.


Amid the initially tense atmosphere, Shishilian and his Musketeers exchanged glances and began discussing with Shishilian.

"Hey, Shishilian, do you know these people?"

"When did you become friends with Yonko Buggy?"

"Sigh! Shishilian, we didn't expect you to be so strong!"

Shishilian was also bewildered, not having any recollection of the people before him. However, it was perfectly normal; when Buggy and the group first met the Shishilian, he was still very young, and children's memories were not always reliable.



Suddenly, two formidable roars echoed from the distant forest.

"Oooh! It's the Lord of the Day and the Lord of the Night!"

"Who would've thought that these two would come out together?"

"Hey, it's been ages since they were seen together."

"It's not surprising; the pirates before us are the God Slayer Pirates!"

In the next instant, two figures, one black and one yellow, leaped out of the forest and landed between Buggy and the Musketeers in the blink of an eye.

Buggy looked up and couldn't help but think, "Why are strong pirates all giants over five meters tall? Especially Pirates from the new world seem to be a bunch of hormone-fueled monsters, aren't they?"

The newcomers were the two rulers of the Mokomo Dukedom, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi.

The two had initially intended to ask polite questions, but when their eyes landed on Buggy and the others, their expressions froze. They then opened their mouths and eyes wide, shouting, "Buggy?! Gabban-san!!!"

An hour later, in the Mokomo Dukedom, Inuarashi and Nekomamushi had just finished reminiscing with Buggy and the others. Every Mink was in awe. Neither they nor Roger pirates hadn't expected after more than 20 years had passed since they had last seen each other they would get the chance to meet each other again.

Inuarashi and Nekomamushi had changed from little kittens and puppies to kings of an island. This transformation left everyone feeling a bit awkward.

After a moment of contemplation, Inuarashi suddenly said, "If only Lord Oden was here."

"That's right, Buggy, you've become as powerful as Lord Oden," Nekomamushi added with a sigh.

However, at that moment, Bullet interjected, "You two are so infatuated with that foolish Oden. Does he even deserve to be compared to Buggy?"

Bullet's words injected a sudden tension into the previously harmonious atmosphere. Inuarashi and Nekomamushi put down their wine glasses almost simultaneously, their expressions turning unfriendly as they growled.

"Bullet, what do you mean by that? If you don't explain, we won't welcome you here!" the duo said, their intimidating presence filling the air.

Facing the sudden confrontation between the two, Bullet remained unyielding and instantly overpowered them with a stronger aura.

Under the shocked gaze of the others, he continued, "What? Wasn't I clear enough? What is Oden? Does he deserve to be compared to Buggy? Can't you see it even after more than twenty years? In my opinion, he's nothing more than a spoiled noble playing an adventure game with your mink tribe. How can someone like that be worthy of your loyalty for over two decades? I just don't get it."

Bullet's ruthless criticism of Oden left Inuarashi and Nekomamushi unable to hold back.


Both of them roared almost simultaneously, but before they could react, Bullet moved with incredible speed. He positioned himself between the two and unleashed a series of punches at their faces.

The blows landed before they could respond, and Inuarashi and Nekomamushi were sent flying back tens of meters, smashing into several large trees in the process. They were left breathless and dazed.

Both of them were in shock. They had known Bullet was strong, but they hadn't expected him to be this powerful. One punch had easily subdued both of them.

At that moment, the cat and the dog duo were finally composed. They knew that Buggy and his crew might have come with ill intentions.

Therefore, they dropped the friendly façade they had shown earlier and took their positions, sitting cross-legged in front of Buggy, their eyes locked on him.

Inuarashi was the first to speak, saying, "Buggy, you must understand how much we revere Lord Oden. If someone in your group holds him in such low regard, then we can no longer consider you as friends. We know that with your current strength, we can't compete with you. So, to be blunt, what is the purpose of your visit here?"

Blueno, stationed in the rear, had already picked up a den den mushi and began recording their journey as per Buggy's request. Just as Bullet began to take action, Blueno returned from Wano Kuni.

Earlier, Buggy had tasked him with connecting to Stussy to set up a "signal base station in Wano Kuni" for future live broadcasts, especially considering his plans to take over Wano Kuni.

Unlike Kaido, Buggy sought not only the land but also the hearts of the Wanokuni's people, with the ultimate goal of humiliating Kaido, Orochi, and Oden.

Upon hearing Inuarashi and Nekomamushi's words, Buggy chuckled and shook his head. "I never expected Oden to hold such a major place in your hearts. Honestly, I've been perplexed from the beginning to the end about why you both are so loyal to him."

Buggy continued, "Especially now that you two are the kings of the Mokomo Dukedom, do you still hold him in such high regard? I couldn't tell if you were blinded by his heroics or if you consider only figures like Oden to be truly human, while the ordinary people of Wanokuni are not. Or perhaps, in your eyes, except the human members of the Kozuki clan, who've fostered friendly relations with you, everyone else is considered less than human."

Buggy's forthright comments shocked everyone in the mink tribe, stirring up hostility towards Buggy's group once again. Simultaneously, they were left with some uncertainty.

Both Inuarashi and Nekomamushi displayed displeasure. Inuarashi roared, "Buggy, what do you mean by that?"

Nekomamushi echoed, "Buggy, you and Lord Oden were comrades on the same ship. Why are you belittling him like this?"

In response, Buggy shrugged and said, "What Bullet said earlier may sound harsh, but it's the truth. As for my 'belittling' of him, how have I belittled him by recounting his actions?"

Nekomamushi roared once more, clearly frustrated. Inuarashi, now composed, addressed Buggy. "Buggy, it's hard to believe you have such a deep bias against Oden. We were great friends when we sailed together."

Nekomamushi, also having calmed down, joined the conversation, looking at Buggy with confusion.

Other members of the mink tribe exchanged puzzled glances. They were equally curious about Buggy and Bullet's strong aversion to Lord Oden, especially since they had all been on the same ship.

Even Gabban, Doringo, and Sunbell standing nearby, wore cold expressions at the mention of Lord Oden. Had something happened that they were unaware of?

"Why," Buggy answered a different question, "Inuarashi, Maomushi, can you imagine your people struggling for food and clothing daily, consuming poisonous food and water, and witnessing the slow demise of your entire island?"

The expressions of the two of them changed as they began to understand the meaning of Buggy's words.

"Do you mean Wanokuni?" Inuarashi inquired.

Buggy looked at them with a blank expression. "You know about that too?"

Nekomamushi quickly added, "Buggy, the Kozuki clan will return. It's foreseen that in just one more year, they'll retake Wano Kuni. Mink tribe and both of us are prepared to fight. We'll take Wano Kuni back from Kaido."

"Don't be naive, Nekomamushi!" Bullet interjected angrily before Nekomamushi could finish. "How long will you keep dreaming? Trying to wrestle Wanokuni from Kaido is nearly impossible. Are you willing to lead your Mink Tribe to its doom for that worthless cause? Have you forgotten what the Yonkos truly represent?"

"Even one of Kaido's Three Disasters can wipe out your Mink Tribe. It's foolish! Sacrificing your people for your idol, and then Kaido's subordinates will retaliate once your Strong fighters are gone. You'll only bring destruction upon your land."

Bullet's furious outburst reverberated through the forest, silencing the Mink Tribe, who had initially been hostile to Buggy's group.

Buggy sighed softly and continued, "Inuarashi, Nekomamushi, have you waited for twenty years based on a mere prophecy? You can delude yourselves, and lie to yourselves, but have you ever considered who should speak for the countless people of Wanokuni who suffered and perished under Kaido's oppression over the past two decades?"

"How do you account for those Wanokuni residents who became Kaido's slaves and endured tragic deaths during these years? Present-day WanoKuni is on the brink of destruction; its water, food, and even the mountain wildlife are all contaminated."

"Weak civilians suffer from starvation and poisoning, and severe cases result in death. The entire Wanokuni is slowly dying. So, even if you manage to reclaim Wanokuni from Kaido, do you believe you can govern it in peace by bearing the Kozuki clan name?!"