
Bug Master of the Apocalypse

College Student (Andy) is fed up with life. This 21-year-old virgin has bathed in the waters of rejection and has resolved his spirit to live his life without the touch of a women. He was a mega Chad, that only lived for himself and the boys. However, as time has passed the boys are becoming simps. They are getting girlfriends and betraying their brothers. After his second year of college, he was alone. He did not blame his past brothers. he blamed the hands of the opposite sex. They had stolen his brothers. After the realization that girls had ripped everything out his life that he loved. He further resolved his spirit and did what anyone in his position would do. He became a loser and bad mothed girls on the internet. He lived his life like how all men dreamed of. This continued in till the spring break of his third year when something uninspected happened. The magical Apocalypse turned the world on its head. How will Andy fair in this new world. only time will tell. Come along with him as he goes against the new world.

Billy_Bob_573 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

The Beginning of the New World

*Sometime around 2:46 in the morning*

Andy was currently fast asleep, not a worry in his mind. When suddenly a White Message appeared in his head.

{Testing World for proper Installation.}

{Testing - 14%... 32%... 54%... 76%... 100%.}

{Test Complete}

{World suitable for System}

{Installing System}


{Error 2319 - Some individuals unable to install system}

{Installing in capable individuals}

{Installing - 22%... 47%... 55%... 74%... 94%... 100%.}

{Install Complete}

{Welcome to the New World}


*Currently in his dorm on the first day of Spring Break. The Campise is pretty empty cause most of the students have left for the break*

Andy woke up around 11 o'clock in the morning.

He had a weird dream about a message last night. Andy blew it off as reading to many fantasy books and moved on not thinking more about it.

He got up and went to take a long piss. He then got on computer to see what he missed from the guys after he went to sleep. (They usually talk all night about random struggles in their lives and almost always find a way to blame girls.)

It was mostly the same things as always...

"Did you see this video of that guy totally getting shut down?"

(Insert video of a pansy getting absolutely rejected here)

"Yeah. It looked like he was about to start crying"

"It looks like we might be getting another member of our group after that. LOL"

"Tell me about it. It looks like another brother has seen that girls aren't shit."


"Hey guys there is a lump on the boy's downstairs. I'm kind of scared. Should I get it checked out?"

"Shut up Ethen!!! Nobody gives a shit about your balls."

"Same as always." Andy instantly thought.

But as Andy kept reading, he noticed that the guys started to act weird around 2:50ish...

"Hey, did any of you guys just have a weird message appear in your head?"

"Are you serious? I thought I was hallucinating from lack of sleep."

"Me too. What is going on?"

"What are you guys talking about?"

"There was a random message that appeared in my head. It started talking about some sort of System"

"If you guys think that your prank is funny. It's not. This isn't some sort of book."

"I'm not kidding!!! I really saw a message appear in my head!!!"

"Me too!!!"

"Yeah, you guys need to lay off whatever you are smoking."

"Just ignore them."

"Yeah, don't give their stupid idea of a joke the light of day."

"But it's the middle of the night."

"Guys we are being serious!!!"

"Yeah, we are!!!"

"Shut up or you guys are getting Kicked."

"But I'm being serious!!!"

(ForeverVirgeen420 has been kicked for Bullshitting)

"Anyway, moving on."

"While you guys were talking about stupid shit. I personally was taking one of the biggest shits of my life. It's one for the books."

Andy was confused because he had a similar situation happened in his dream. He was interested in what was going on and kept reading the chat.

"Hey guys. I think there is a racoon rummaging in my garbage. I'm going to go check."

"You Idiot!!! You never go towards the noise outside in the middle of the night.!.! That is how people die in the Movies."

"Dude, what is a single Trash Panda going to do to me. I'm just going to shoo it away."

"Have you ever heard of rabies!?!?"

"Just be careful."

"What are you, my MOM.?.? I'll be right back."

"Are we seriously not going to talk about the message in our heads?"

"Dude, stop talking about the stupid message. No one believes you guys."

"Just kick this guy.!.!"

(MegaChad64 has been kicked for Bullshitting)

"Thank you"

"Shit guys!!! It wasn't a raccoon in my garbage!!! It was a god damn Huge Wolf eating the weird homeless guy that walks around my neighborhood!!!"

"First off stop the cap. Second if that were true, how did you confuse a racoon in your garbage with a wolf killing a guy????"

"Dude, I'm not kidding!!! It was a huge wolf and before I ran away, I swear that I saw something that looked like a horn on its head!!! But I'm not sure of the last part because I only had a flashlight and didn't stay there for long!!! I'm calling the cops!!!"

"What's with you guys and trying to pull a fast one on us?"

"I know right. We don't believe you."

"Guys, I'm hearing a lot of weird shit outside!!!"

"Not you too!!! What is with you guys tonight?"

"I'm also hearing stuff outside!!! It sounds like Roars and other animal sounds!"

"You guys need to get lives."

"Dude, we are talking to about fantasy shit in the middle of the night. I think all of us need to get lives."

"Good point"

"Guys, I just got off the phone with the police and apparently there is a lot of weird shit going on!!! They said that they are getting a lot of calls about people seeing what is thought to be creatures from fairy tales and fantasy books!!!

"Are you mentally challenged that is impossible!!! Can we kick this guy too?"


"Hold on guys!!! I think he is telling the truth!!!"

"Me too!!! I just looked out my window and I swore I saw something that looked like miniature people that were green!!!"

"You are stupid!!! Little green guys, seriously? Couldn't you come up with a better lie?"

"I'm being serious!!!"

"Sure, you are."

"Forget you guys!!! Believe me or not, I'm getting off and am going to hid!!! I suggest you guys do the same!!!"

Andy kept reading, and it was pretty much the same thing as before. People recounting things happening around them and freaking out as more and more people not being able to refute their facts.

Andy was officially freaked out and went to the tv and turned it on and was shocked to find what was being played!!!

I don't know if anybody will read this but if you do. Thank you and please bare with me.

This is the first time doing something like this. I hope you enjoy story in the future.

p.s. If you didn't read the first chapter, it give a brief explanation as to why are main character is an Anti-simp.

Billy_Bob_573creators' thoughts