
BTTH: Soul Emperor started with the latest chapter of the script

**This is a translation** During his seclusion, the Soul Emperor was hit by a book falling from the sky. Upon picking it up, he saw the title: "Battle Through the Heavens." Curiosity getting the better of him, the Soul Emperor opened the book and began to read. He was deeply attracted to the protagonist, Xiao Yan, but as he read on, his pupils suddenly contracted, revealing a grave expression. ... Closing "Battle Through the Heavens," the Soul Emperor let out a long sigh, saying, "This guy named Xiao Yan must die." ... **There would be six chapters per week** **Support me and get early access to chapters here: p@treon.com/gfdsa ** ... Raw Link: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/159446/

Gfdsa · Book&Literature
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216 Chs

Chapter 084: Hun Tiandi: Insect, You're Annoying

#Bonus Chapter(1/1)

Yun Yun felt quite displeased after hearing Gu He's slightly threatening words. She had the intention of saving Gu He. But she didn't expect him to be so ungrateful and deserving of downfall.

Her beautiful eyes stared at Gu He.

Gu He, too, refused to back down and met Yun Yun's gaze head-on.

No matter how Gu He thought about it, he couldn't understand what was going on with Yun Yun. How could she turn against him for the sake of a mere pretty boy?

What made him, who was not even worthy of being mentioned in the same breath as Gu He, attract Yun Yun's favor?

Was it because of his face?

If that's the case.

Very well.

He would make sure to beat the face of Hun Tiandi until it smoked, trample him to the ground, and grind him with force.


Gu He and Yun Yun stared at each other, neither willing to back down. The atmosphere in the living room became somewhat oppressive.

In this tense atmosphere, Yun Yun was the first to speak, saying, "Gu He, leave! From today onwards, you are no longer an elder of Misty Cloud Sect."

Yun Yun didn't want Gu He to continue down the path of offending Hun Xiu. After all, Hun Xiu was an existence he couldn't afford to provoke, regardless of his identity as a Dou Wang or a sixth-grade alchemist.

"Very well," Gu He sneered and said, "Yun Yun, I have made contributions to Misty Cloud Sect. Today, you turn against me for a pretty boy and want to drive me out of Misty Cloud Sect."

"If I leave Misty Cloud Sect, your position as the Sect Master will also end. Misty Cloud Sect will never be able to establish itself in the Jia Ma Empire and become the number one power."

"I, Gu He, will not spare Misty Cloud Sect, and I won't spare you either."

Yun Yun didn't pay much attention to Gu He's threat. Compared to Gu He, Hun Xiu was even more terrifying.

At this moment, Hun Tiandi stood up and tapped his ear.

He said, "When did such a petty insect become so annoying? Gu He, don't you think you're making too much noise?"

Originally, Hun Tiandi didn't intend to speak up. Wasn't it delightful to sit on the side and watch the show?

But some insects just couldn't find their place and were too noisy and annoying. Even though he didn't want to bother with a mere insect, Gu He, he couldn't help but feel a bit displeased now.

After all, from his standpoint and level, he had reached a certain height and degree.

To bother with a mere insect?


That would lower his status and level.

Not all insects and bugs were worthy of his attention, like Xiao Yan and the Xiao family.

He wasn't willing to pay too much attention to insects. But what if the insect buzzed incessantly in his ear?

Then he couldn't blame himself.

He didn't want to crush an ant, but... if the ant was too noisy, that's another story.

Hun Tiandi stood up and his words echoed in the hall.


The hall fell silent.

You could hear a falling leaf!

An indescribable silence.

The silence didn't last long before Gu He broke it first.

Gu He glared at Hun Tiandi and shouted, "Noisy? You're just a mere pretty boy. Where do you get the right to speak here?"

Hun Tiandi looked slightly impatiently at Gu He and said, "Insignificant insect, I didn't want to bother with you too much, but you're being insolent. Since that's the case, I'll send you on your way to the depths of hell!"


Upon hearing Hun Tiandi's words, Gu He laughed instead of getting angry and said, "Mere pretty boy, you still want to make a move? Who gave you the courage?"

"Gu He, kneel down and apologize to Mr. Hun Xiu!" Before Gu He's laughter subsided, Yun Yun scolded.

Yun Yun knew the power of Hun Xiu, which Gu He simply couldn't contend with.

Gu He had contributed a lot to Misty Cloud Sect, and his merits were significant. She couldn't bear to see Gu He die before her eyes.

As Gu He heard Yun Yun's words, his laughter immediately stopped, and he looked at Yun Yun and said, "Yun Yun, he's just a mere pretty boy. He wants me to kneel down and apologize to him?"

"Is he worthy?"

"I'm standing right in front of him. Does he dare to make a move?"

Hun Tiandi casually spoke, "Insect, you're really too noisy."

Hun Tiandi had truly lost his patience.

Just an insignificant insect, was it necessary to make such a fuss?

If he was unwilling to deal with him before, since he questioned it and sought death, then he would grant him his wish.

"Pretty boy, you're just pretending to be powerful!"

Gu He, with an unpleasant expression, looked at Hun Tiandi and slapped a palm toward him. He had hesitated before because of Yun Yun's face, but now, he had no more concerns.

To actually dare to act like this in front of him, relying on Yun Yun. It was simply seeking death!

Today, if he didn't rub this pretty boy's face on the ground and make smoke rise from it, then his name, Gu He, would be pronounced backward.


Yun Yun looked at Gu He attacking Hun Tiandi with a desperate expression, and a sense of despair filled her heart. She understood that everything was over.

Gu He had made a move against Hun Xiu.

There was no chance for reconciliation anymore.

Today, Gu He's life was not going to be spared.

Hun Tiandi said casually, "Heaven and hell, you clearly have the right to choose, so why choose hell? Do I really look weak to you?"

Hun Tiandi raised his hand.

A finger.

The immense power of Gu He's incoming palm dissipated into nothingness with a single finger, not even causing a ripple or any movement.

The sharpness of a finger.

Like a rainbow, it headed toward Gu He, entering his brow.

Gu He's pupils were filled with shock!

Cracks began to appear all over his body!


Chunks of Gu He fell down.


A gentle breeze blew into the hall as Gu He's body turned into dust and dispersed with the wind.

In the place where Gu He's body turned into dust and was carried away by the wind, Gu He's soul remained.

Gu He's soul looked utterly confused.

In his mind, there were three confused questions: Where am I? Who am I? Where is this?

The power contained in Hun Tiandi's finger was extremely powerful.

Just an insignificant Gu He couldn't withstand it under the fierce finger.

Gu He's physical body was destroyed, but his soul remained because Hun Tiandi had held back. The soul of an alchemist was very strong, the best supplement for soul cultivation.

Now, "Xiao Xu" had a very weak soul power.

It needed some replenishment!

Although the soul of a mere insect wasn't necessarily a great supplement, but... even waste could be utilized.

Moreover, it was just an insignificant insect.


At this moment, Gu He's soul woke up from its confusion.

He realized.

Sect Master... No, it was Yun Yun who made him realize!

In this moment, Gu He finally understood. No wonder Yun Yun, when he targeted Hun Xiu, asked him to apologize.

Before, he thought Yun Yun was favoring the pretty boy.


He suddenly woke up.

Awakening from a near-death illness, the clown turned out to be himself.

From the very beginning, he had been wrong.

Wrong in an absurd way!


For More Chapters(70+): p@treon.com/gfdsa