
BTTH: Soul Emperor started with the latest chapter of the script

**This is a translation** During his seclusion, the Soul Emperor was hit by a book falling from the sky. Upon picking it up, he saw the title: "Battle Through the Heavens." Curiosity getting the better of him, the Soul Emperor opened the book and began to read. He was deeply attracted to the protagonist, Xiao Yan, but as he read on, his pupils suddenly contracted, revealing a grave expression. ... Closing "Battle Through the Heavens," the Soul Emperor let out a long sigh, saying, "This guy named Xiao Yan must die." ... **There would be six chapters per week** **Support me and get early access to chapters here: p@treon.com/gfdsa ** ... Raw Link: https://www.uukanshu.com/b/159446/

Gfdsa · Book&Literature
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216 Chs

Chapter 083: Apology?

Yun Yun continued, "So... now you remember, Elder Gu He?"

Gu He responded with a dismissive tone, "Seems like there might be something to it."

His attitude displeased Yun Yun.

In her impression, Gu He was not like this. Normally, he wouldn't behave in such a manner. But now, in his jealous state, Gu He was different from his usual self.

Frowning, Yun Yun said in a stern voice, "Elder Gu He, since there is such a matter, you must apologize to Mr. Hun Xiu immediately."

Gu He heard this and confidently stated, "Sect Master, I won't apologize."

"Why?" Yun Yun looked at Gu He, feeling disappointed and realizing that she didn't truly understand him.

She used to think of Gu He as a good friend, but now he seemed like a stranger to her.

Gu He met Yun Yun's gaze and said, "Sect Master, I don't believe I offended him. If speaking the truth is considered an offense, then isn't Mr. Hun Xiu too sensitive?" Gu He glanced provocatively at Hun Tiandi.

In Gu He's opinion, Yun Yun must have been influenced by Hun Tiandi.

Hun Tiandi must have been afraid of his previous threats. When Yun Yun came to the courtyard, he immediately reported to her.

Thinking this, Gu He held Hun Tiandi in even lower regard, murmuring to himself, "A little white-faced guy indeed. Apart from tattling, he's useless. No... apart from tattling, he also has a face that's slightly more handsome than mine. Don't give me a chance, or I will definitely knock that face until it smokes."

Facing Gu He's provocative gaze and expression, Hun Tiandi didn't even bother acknowledging him. Just a lowly ant, a crawling creature.

Acknowledgment? Taking it seriously would mean losing.

Not all ants and crawling creatures were worth his attention. Xiao Yan was the only one, and the whole Xiao family is now gone.

Gu He looked at Hun Tiandi, but he didn't see the reaction he desired. This slightly disappointed Gu He, who thought, "Damn, he can really keep his cool!"


Yun Yun observed Gu He's attitude and actions, noticing her displeasure. He dared to provoke Hun Xiu right in front of her.

He really didn't regard her, the Master of Misty Cloud Sect, highly at all!

This was simply courting death!

Fortunately, Hun Xiu wasn't angry; otherwise, Gu He would truly be in trouble. Yun Yun couldn't just stand by and watch Gu He continue to act recklessly.

She wouldn't tolerate even the slightest insult towards Hun Xiu, even if in Hun Xiu's eyes, Gu He was nothing more than a lowly ant, a crawling creature.

Yun Yun stood up in anger and said, "Gu He, today you will apologize, whether you like it or not."

"Hmm?" Gu He was taken aback by Yun Yun's words, looking slightly shocked. Yun Yun's eyes were filled with seriousness, showing that she wasn't joking at all. Moreover, Gu He could sense her anger.

Yun Yun's behavior made Gu He extremely unhappy.

He, Gu He, was an elder of Misty Cloud Sect, a dignified sixth-rank Alchemist who had contributed to the entire sect. And now, Yun Yun was making him apologize for the sake of a little white-faced guy.

This completely shattered Gu He's heart. It broke into countless pieces that could never be pieced together again. What about love? Has it shifted now?

Gu He felt wronged in his heart. He wanted to cry. But even then, he forced himself not to.


Gu He's expression turned sour as he looked at Yun Yun and asked, "What if I don't apologize?"

Yun Yun's face became grim as she replied, "Gu He, if you don't apologize..."

"You can leave Misty Cloud Sect! This small sect cannot accommodate a great Buddha like you."


Yun Yun's words fell into Gu He's ears like a thunderclap on a clear day, leaving him in disbelief. Gu He looked at Yun Yun, unable to comprehend her words. "Sect Master... What did you say?"

Yun Yun looked at Gu He seriously and repeated, "Elder Gu He, if you don't apologize, then you can leave Misty Cloud Sect. The cooperative relationship between Misty Cloud Sect and you will be completely terminated."

Gu He was the only sixth-rank Alchemist in the Jia Ma Empire, and his status was highly respected. His relationship with Misty Cloud Sect was merely a cooperative one.

Although he was an elder of the sect, he was just an external elder and couldn't be considered a true elder of Misty Cloud Sect.

Honestly, if possible, Yun Yun didn't want to give up on Gu He. After all, sixth-rank Alchemists weren't easy to find! But...

Who told this Gu He guy to not know his place and dare to pick on Hun Xiu? He's simply asking for death.

Moreover, he keeps acting recklessly again and again. If Gu He continues to act this way, even if Hun Xiu has a good temper, he might not be able to resist taking action.

If Gu He refuses to apologize, then let Misty Cloud Sect sever all ties with him. It's better to cut him off before he brings destruction upon Misty Cloud Sect.


"You..." Gu He looked at Yun Yun in disbelief, his heart trembling, his voice slightly shocked as he asked, "Sec... Yun Yun, if I don't apologize, you want to drive me out of Misty Cloud Sect?"

"That's right!" Faced with Gu He's incredulous expression, Yun Yun looked at him seriously and said, "As the Sect Master of Misty Cloud Sect, I naturally have to consider the sect's interests."

At this moment, Gu He completely snapped out of his daze and said, "Fine."

"Fine indeed!"

"Yun Yun, you're doing great. Since you want to drive me out of Misty Cloud Sect for the sake of a little white-faced guy..."

"Originally, I thought the rumors within Misty Cloud Sect were just baseless gossip, mere hearsay."

"But now it seems they are true."

"I never expected that you, Yun Yun, would be a promiscuous woman who would fall for such a little white-faced guy!"

"How dare you!" Gu He's words completely infuriated Yun Yun. A terrifying aura erupted from her body and pressed down on Gu He.

Caught off guard, Gu He took several steps back before stabilizing himself. A terrifying aura also emanated from his body, resisting Yun Yun's aura.

Compared to Yun Yun's aura, Gu He's was much weaker.

Although Gu He was a sixth-rank Alchemist, his actual strength was only at Dou Wang level, while Yun Yun's strength was at the Dou Huang level. There was simply no comparison between the two.

Yun Yun's angry gaze locked onto Gu He as she said, "Gu He, as the Sect Master, I'll give you one last chance."

"Apologize to Mr. Hun Xiu immediately, or don't blame me for not being polite."

"Heh..." Gu He chuckled coldly upon hearing her words. He stared at Yun Yun and said, "Yun Yun, you're doing great! Not only do you want to drive me out of Misty Cloud Sect for the sake of a little white-faced guy, but you also want to lay your hands on me."

"I never expected you, Yun Yun, to be such a promiscuous woman. Let me tell you, even though you're the Sect Master of Misty Cloud Sect, don't forget that it's not a one-man show under your command!"


For More Chapters(70+): p@treon.com/gfdsa