

When Xiao Yan was fighting against ' Eight winged black serpent ' in rescue mission of Qing Lin, he created the ' Angry Buddha Lotus flame '....... The explosion was sensed by a member of hall of soul who was around the area , after the explosion , he went into deep come and during the explosion when Yao Lao was saving him , the member of the hall of soul appeared and with his sneak attack captured Yao Lao without any resistance , since Yao Lao was too weak at that time . After explosion , Xiao Yan's soul was badly damaged and later he died without the protection of Yao Lao . But that was not the end as a soul from earth takes over it and soon his journey starts from there.... A new story and a new legend.... plot changed from there.... according to the new guest of the world .... This is my fan-fic . Of course the original BTTH is not mine . And I am writing this for self satisfaction . Author - Lord Dhruva .

Shadow_god_king · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

Surprise !!!

While he was busy saying what ever he wanted , all three of them were looking at him with there eyes wide open in shock and disbelief . 

They were completely surprised , after a while , Xiao Ding gathered some courage and said " Third brother , are.....are you ok ???... Means , your injuries ??"

" Of course, I am fine . I treated my self and am already healed....I even refined all these pill in due time..... but as I said , I was looking for you , I need you to help me with something . " He said with slight smile on his face .

But when all of them heard this , they were just too shocked to say anything . Because when Mr Hai brought him , he was just barely left with some breath . Of course his vitals were not damaged but still , in order for him to completely recovered , it should have taken around one more week or so . 

But here he was completely fine with in 2 days . This was what shocked them , but obviously what shocked them more was that he refined such a huge amount of pill in one day , and that also just after waking up from coma .

After a while they came out of daze , Xiao Li , shook his head and to everyone's surprise he hugged Xiao Yan tightly and said " you fool.... , why in the world do you have to go this far . If something would have happened to you.... then how would I have faced father . "

When Xiao Li hugged Xiao Yan , he was startled at first but after hearing his words , he realised how much Xiao Li loved his younger brother .

He allowed Xiao Li to huh him for as long as the former wanted , later when Xiao Li let go of him , he said with a slight smile " Second brother , don't worry , now I am completely fine . And I have gained quite a lot from last battle .

Without risk , you can't expect to rise . If you want to get stronger , risk is essential . Risk and success are two faces of a single coin . "

Hearing this , Hai Bodong nodded and said with a solemn expression " You are correct ....but... risk and death are also two faces of a single coin . And this time your coin seemed to be the second one.... " After saying that , he seemed to be lost in his past , where due to his bravery he was sealed for around 20 years by Queen Medusa .

Hearing this , Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes but soon a soft laughter sound escaped his mouth and he said with the confident smile " May be.... but I never intended to die , not anymore.... "

" Elder brother here , these all are the tier 3 and tier 2 pills that I refined just now , take these pills and use it to buy all the medicinal herbs that I have written in this list .

There are two list , the herbs in the second list are very rare so there are high chances that you might not get it . So if you don't get it , return with the first list..... "

After that he paused and added " And keep the remaining pill safe to yourself , we might have to migrate from here , so it will really be helpful at that time . "

" Migrate ???.....and why is that ? " Asked Xiao Ding with some surprise .

" Yes third brother , why is that ???. " Added Xiao Li .

Even Hai Bodong looked at him with some curiosity .

Seeing that everyone was staring at him with a hit of doubt and curiosity, he thought in his mind ' Damit....what have I said ? . I forgot.... That I know future but they don't have a slightest idea...

But now , it can't be helped . '

" Listen.... I can't disclose everything now . But remember , we are not going to stay here for too long . We will leave within few days . And don't ask anymore questions , and stay on your toes for the time being . "

" Ok...brother if you say so . But you should at least tell where we will go ?? "

Asked Xiao Ding .

" This...i don't know , but it will not be within Jia Ma empire . We will go out of it ." Said Xiao Yan while pondering.

Hearing this , all three of them were again started.

" But brother..." Xiao Ding opened his mouth to say something , but was interrupted in between .

" Don't..... ask anything more . The current you will not be ablet to take it . So just do as I say....and brother believe me , I don't want you all to leave this place as well... but the situation demands it , and we must follow in order to survive . "

" Now go , we don't have time to waste . From today onwards , each day counts. Only search the herbs in this town or near by town , don't go too far away . " Added Xiao Yan .

Hearing this both of them nodded and left . When they both went out Xiao Yan turned his attention towards Hai Bodong who was standing still , waiting for others to leave . After a while , he opened his mouth and said " Are you ok ?? "

Hearing this , Xiao Yan shook his head in disappointment and said " Frankly , i am not . But on contrary... after the last battle , i got another life . A life to live for..... i am reborn and so it wasn't bad at all . 

And yes..... there is something that i would like to give you . " 

After saying that , he touched his storage ring and brought out a purple colour scroll from his ring and handed him . " This scroll contains the recipe of ' purple spiritual recovery pill '... this pill can help you reach the strength of your previous glorious days , that's i guess at 5th star so you should start searching for all the herb required in it . And probably before next upcoming 60 days , i will refine it . " 

Sayed Xiao Yan , he didn't told him about loosing his powers and all because , according to him , he himself will be more then qualified enough to refine a peak tier 5 pill within two months . But when Hai Bodong heard this he couldn't control his emotion and a fiery glow flashed in his eyes , he hurriedly snatched the scroll from his hands and look in it . 

After reading all the materials required in it , he frowned and thought . ' These things are two rare . Even though i am not an alchemist but still i know that some of them are two rare . '

" Thank you brother Xiao Yan..... i will remember this kindness of yours . Now i will take my leave to search for the herbs in the nearby places.... and as per our deal..... i will always hold the end of my bargain . For next one year.....i will protect you , even if the leader of Yun Lang sect were to interfere , i will still protect you with all my might . "

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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