
BTTH 斗破苍穹

"Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to west of the river, never underestimate the determination of poor youth!" At just 15 years old, Xiao, the waste of the Xiao family, made a vow here. From now on, he will step by step towards the pinnacle of the Continent of Qi Combat! This is a world belonging to the Qi Combat, devoid of flashy and colorful magic. Here, all that exists is the pinnacle of evolved Qi Combat! Curious to know the state of the Qi Combat in the otherworld after reaching its peak?"

Lucas_Lin_0089 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 52 Breakthrough

  After the choice of the fighting qi technique, the entire family seemed to be suddenly empty. Those young clansmen whose fighting qi was below the seventh level began to be transferred out of the family one after another, and then assigned to various industries of the family for training and learning. The outstanding clansmen who obtained the technique also began to practice hard, in the hope of practicing the fighting qi technique as quickly as possible.

  In such peaceful days, two months passed by like running water, slipping through one's fingers quietly and hardly noticeably.

  The sun was rising high in the sky, and the scorching sunlight baked the earth like a furnace. Wisps of hot air seeped out from the ground and slowly rose into the sky, causing people's vision to be slightly distorted.

  At the top of the mountain behind the Xiao family, in the dense forest.

  The sunlight shines through the heavy leaves, casting tiny spots on the ground covered with dead leaves, dotted like stars.

  In the small forest, two figures suddenly crossed each other, and their palms clashed together, creating waves of wind and rain that blew the nearby dead leaves everywhere.

  He crossed his arms suddenly in front of him, and with a muffled sound, he blocked the gentle touch of Xun'er's fair little hand. Although the attack seemed gentle, when the two met, the gentle force suddenly became full of aggressiveness.

  The corner of his mouth twitched, and the powerful force on his arm made Xiao Yan retreat two steps. On his arm, where Xun'er's little hand had been placed, a slightly cyanotic bruise had appeared.

  Looking at Xiao Yan who was retreating, Xun'er smiled slightly, and her fair little hands moved slowly in front of her body, with a slightly golden fighting spirit, and a faint light was attached to the slender fingertips.

  "Tsk tsk, so strong..." After steadying himself, Xiao Yan shook his head in amazement, raised his eyes to look at Xun'er who had a faint smile on her lips, licked his lips, and became more eager to fight.

  He stomped his foot on the ground and rushed out, causing the mud to fly.

  Looking at Xiao Yan who was attacking again, Xun'er raised her lips, and the light golden light on her little hand became more intense.

  The sole of his foot stomped hard on the muddy ground, leaving a small dent. Xiao Yan's rushing figure suddenly stopped when he was about one meter away from Xun'er. It was a perfect transition between extreme movement and extreme stillness, and it did not make people feel the slightest bit of abruptness.

  Seeing how skillfully Xiao Yan controlled his speed, Xun'er couldn't help but reveal a hint of admiration in her watery eyes.

"Eight Extreme Collapse!"

  The running figure suddenly stopped. Xiao Yan tapped the ground with his right foot, and spun his body violently with more strength. After his left leg drew a powerful arc in the air, he whipped Xun'er fiercely with a slightly harsh sound of breaking wind.

  Looking up at Xiao Yan's ferocious attack, Xun'er lightly tapped her delicate chin, and her fair little hands formed a small semicircle in front of her body. In her palms, a pale golden light suddenly shone brightly, and her little hands were clenched into a strange semicircle, and then she hit Xiao Yan's left leg without hesitation.


  As his legs and hands touched, there was a dull sound and out of nowhere there was an explosion. All the dead leaves on the ground were swept away and flew all over the sky.

  After a kick and a punch, they remained in stalemate in mid-air for a moment before both of them quickly retreated.

  The energy from his legs blasted his body up to a height of four or five meters. Xiao Yan shook his head in amazement. When his body was about to fall, he swung his right palm towards the giant tree beside him. A suction force dissipated his rapidly falling energy. He stepped on the tree trunk and fell back to the ground steadily.

  Looking up at Xun'er who had also stepped back several steps, Xiao Yan smacked his lips and asked with a smile, "What was that fighting skill you used just now?"

  "Xuan-level advanced fighting skill: Yan Fanji... When it is practiced to a high level, it can feed back the opponent's attack. I am still in the initial stage now, and can only feed back about one layer of power." Xun'er said with a smile.

  Xiao Yan nodded, and suddenly a few words popped up in his mind: "Use the opponent's force to counterattack..."

  "Brother Xiao Yan's fighting skills just now were also very good. If Xun'er wasn't a one-star fighter with higher strength than you, I'm afraid I really wouldn't be able to withstand that fierce energy." Xun'er's beautiful eyes curved into beautiful crescents as she chuckled.

  Xiao Yan shrugged noncommittally and twisted his neck lazily. The high-intensity battle made his muscles sore and his spirit a little tired.

  Wiping the sweat that was running down his face, Xiao Yan cursed the weather inwardly, grabbed his clothes and took them off.

  When his clothes were taken off, the boy's slightly dark and sturdy figure was revealed. Although he was not very strong, his small body concealed explosive power.

  Looking at Xiao Yan who was naked in front of her, Xun'er's pretty face turned slightly red.

  Grabbing his clothes, Xiao Yan leaned tiredly against a piece of bluestone at his feet, and smiled bitterly at Xun'er, "Alas, it's been two months, and I'm still stuck at the eighth stage of Dou Qi..."

  Looking at the helpless Xiao Yan, Xun'er pursed her lips and smiled softly. She moved her lotus steps slightly and sat down against the bluestone. She took the sweaty clothes from Xiao Yan's hand, and then gently wiped the sweat stains on his body. She comforted him softly: "The eighth to ninth stage is the bottleneck stage of the initial fighting spirit. Brother Xiao Yan, don't be anxious. When the time comes, everything will naturally come to fruition..." At this point, Xun'er suddenly realized that the other party's eyes were a little hot. She raised her eyes and saw Xiao Yan staring at her blankly. Her face turned red and she said coquettishly: "Brother Xiao Yan..."

  The girl's soft and coquettish voice immediately made the hot air in the small dense forest cooler.

  Due to the hot weather, Xun'er was wearing a short, thin green dress today. Her slender neck revealed a large area of ​​alluring white flesh. The girl's slightly developed breasts were also about to bloom, releasing the temptation of youth. With such a beautiful sight, it was no wonder that Xiao Yan was a little dazed.

  Awakened by Xun'er, Xiao Yan's face turned a little red. He smiled awkwardly, leaned against the cold bluestone, slowly closed his eyes, and let Xun'er's small hands gently wipe his body.

  With her rosy little lips slightly raised, Xun'er secretly glanced at Xiao Yan while helping him apply soap on his body. She was shocked to find that this guy had fallen asleep without her knowing when.

  Shaking his head helplessly, Xun'er also knew that today's high-intensity battle had made him too tired. He wrinkled his nose slightly, put down his clothes with his little hands, and a pale golden light slowly danced on his slender fingertips...

  After taking a quick glance at Xiao Yan who didn't respond, Xun'er touched Xiao Yan's skin with her fingertips. A little bit of golden light followed the movement of her fingers and slowly penetrated into Xiao Yan's body...

  As the golden light was input, beads of sweat appeared on Xun'er's smooth forehead. She bit her lips slightly. However, just as she was about to continue the transmission, her little face was slightly startled.

  Next to the bluestone, Xiao Yan was sleeping. Suddenly, an inexplicable suction force came out of his body. Between the surrounding heaven and earth, traces of fighting spirit began to flow in rapidly...

  "Uh... breaking through?"

  Xun'er, who had had this kind of experience before, opened her mouth wide and looked at Xiao Yan who was unconsciously absorbing the fighting spirit. She whispered in astonishment.