
BTTH 斗破苍穹

"Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to west of the river, never underestimate the determination of poor youth!" At just 15 years old, Xiao, the waste of the Xiao family, made a vow here. From now on, he will step by step towards the pinnacle of the Continent of Qi Combat! This is a world belonging to the Qi Combat, devoid of flashy and colorful magic. Here, all that exists is the pinnacle of evolved Qi Combat! Curious to know the state of the Qi Combat in the otherworld after reaching its peak?"

Lucas_Lin_0089 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 51: Peace of Mind

As I approached the heavy door, I saw a dozen guards with indifferent faces blocking the door. In the corner of the door, an expressionless old man was sitting on a chair with a pen and a thick notebook in his hands.

  At this time, many clansmen were queuing in front of the old man, and all of them took out the fighting skills they had found from their bodies, and after letting the old man register, they squeezed out from the small gap under the cold scrutiny of a dozen guards.

  This was a procedure for leaving the Dou Qi Pavilion. Before entering the Dou Qi Pavilion, Xiao Yan and the others had been informed of it in detail, so they were not surprised at the moment.

  The skills in the Douqi Pavilion were painstakingly collected by more than a dozen generations of the family. For the Xiao family, these skills are almost the foundation of their presence in Wutan City, so the family has extremely strict protection measures for them.

  The material of the skills in the hands of Xiao Yan and others is made of a special kind of black bamboo. This kind of bamboo is divided into two bodies, the mother body and the child body. The mother body is only the size of a palm, but the child body can spread dozens of meters around. As long as the patriarch holds the mother body in his hand, any skills that go out of the monitoring range of the mother body without permission will be sensed by the scroll made of this material.

  The monitoring range of the mother black bamboo in the clan just happened to include the entire Xiao family. Therefore, as long as these skills scrolls leave the Xiao family, they will be discovered. Of course, nothing is absolute. Some powerful people can forcibly cut off this induction. However, who would have nothing better to do to steal some yellow-level skills...

  After waiting for a while behind the team, it was finally Xiao Yan's turn. He walked forward, took out a scroll of martial arts from his arms, and handed it to the old man.

  The old man took the dark red scroll from Xiao Yan with one hand and was slightly stunned. He looked at Xiao Yan and muttered in his heart: "This "Refining Fire Burning" defense shield seems to have the strength of the ninth level of fighting spirit, right? This little guy can actually get it? He really has some foundation."

  After registering the technique, the old man returned it to Xiao Yan and reminded him calmly, "You must know the rules, right? The technique cannot be taken out of the family, otherwise there will be a severe punishment! After one year, return the Dou Qi technique without any damage."

  Nodding casually, Xiao Yan turned aside, leaning against the gate, waiting for Xun'er to register.

  Chuckling at Xiao Yan, Xun'er stretched out her snow-white wrist and passed on her martial arts skills to him.

  Seeing Xun'er standing in front of him, the expressionless old man actually showed a rare slightly respectful smile on his face. He took the scroll of martial arts with both hands and quickly registered it.

  Standing aside, looking at the old man whose attitude had changed drastically, Xiao Yan narrowed his eyes slightly and curled his fingers lightly out of habit. From the fact that this old man was able to manage a forbidden area like the Dou Qi Pavilion, it could be seen that his status in the family was definitely not lower than that of the three elders.

Xiao Yan had also heard of the old man's name in the family, the cold-faced Xiao Han. This old guy would never give any respect to his father when speaking. His old face was so cold that it seemed as if his muscles had stiffened.

  However, this cold-faced man who didn't even take the clan leader seriously was so respectful in front of Xun'er. This really made Xiao Yan even more curious about Xun'er's identity.

  Touching his nose, Xiao Yan could only shake his head helplessly when he remembered Xun'er's silence every time she mentioned her identity. He looked up at Xun'er who was walking towards him with a smile on her face, shrugged, and the two of them squeezed out of the door together.

  After exiting the crowded gate, Xiao Yan took a few deep breaths of fresh air. The air in the Dou Qi Pavilion was too stuffy.

  "How is it, Yan'er?"

  Seeing Xiao Yan and the other person coming out, a figure slowly crossed over, looked into the gate, and asked in a low voice with a smile.

  Turning his head to look at his smiling father, Xiao Yan nodded with a smile, revealing a dark red scroll under his sleeves, and chuckled, "Done."

  Seeing the dark red color, Xiao Zhan finally breathed a sigh of relief, narrowed his eyes and smiled, and whispered, "It's good to get it."

  After exchanging a glance with Xiao Yan, both father and son laughed triumphantly at the same time.

  Reaching out his broad palm and patting Xiao Yan on the shoulder, Xiao Zhan said with a smile: "Now that you have the technique, when you become a fighter, you can truly practice fighting spirit."

  Xiao Yan nodded with a smile, and touched the scroll with his hand in his sleeves. He narrowed his eyes and whispered in his heart: "Alas, I wonder what is so special about the technique that the teacher mentioned? Oh, a technique that can evolve... does it really exist?"

  "Even more bizarre than the Heaven-level Kung Fu..." Thinking of the arrogant words that Yao Lao said that day, Xiao Yan shook his head with a bitter smile. The most advanced Kung Fu he had ever seen was the Xuan-level advanced Nong Yan Jue that Xun'er had taken out earlier. To be honest, he struggled for a moment in his heart when he refused. After all, this level of Kung Fu was something that could only be encountered by chance.

  He rubbed his forehead with his hand. He suddenly felt a little regretful for rejecting Xun'er's kindness. However, the words had already been said, and he didn't have the face to ask for it again. So he could only pray in his heart that Yao Lao was not playing a trick on him, otherwise, he would be so embarrassed.

  "Hehe, she's just a high-level Xuan rank. What's there to be reluctant about? Although the little girl's identity is not ordinary, she is still far from being able to compare with me in terms of the collection of martial arts." Just as Xiao Yan was praying, Yao Lao's cold snort suddenly emerged from his heart.

  "Finally it came out..." Listening to the voice in his heart, Xiao Yan touched his nose, and the corner of his mouth slowly raised a proud arc. He said so much in his heart, just to force this old guy to say something reassuring.

  "Hey... you little fox, you actually plotted against me..." When Xiao Yan's thoughts came to mind, Yao Lao finally realized it. He sighed and said helplessly: "Little guy, just practice with peace of mind. You don't have to worry about the problems of the skills. It won't embarrass you. Your achievements in the future will not be lower than that little girl next to you. Her family is just... well."

  It was a bit regrettable that the last sentence was vague, but Xiao Yan also nodded with a smile. Since there was a guarantee, the face problem was finally solved. Next, he should focus on attacking the fighter. Only by becoming a fighter would he be qualified to venture into the vast world and... to find Nalan Yanran who made him "dream about it every day"...