
BTTH 斗破苍穹

"Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to west of the river, never underestimate the determination of poor youth!" At just 15 years old, Xiao, the waste of the Xiao family, made a vow here. From now on, he will step by step towards the pinnacle of the Continent of Qi Combat! This is a world belonging to the Qi Combat, devoid of flashy and colorful magic. Here, all that exists is the pinnacle of evolved Qi Combat! Curious to know the state of the Qi Combat in the otherworld after reaching its peak?"

Lucas_Lin_0089 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 49: Choosing a Kung Fu Method

Stepping into the pitch-black gate, the light was slightly dim, and soft light emanated from the fire beads on the surrounding walls, illuminating the spacious pavilion deep and silent.

  Entering the attic, several spacious passages come into view. At the front of each passage, there are huge fonts representing various attributes.

  Xiao Yan's eyes swept across several passages, and finally stopped at the fire path on the left. He touched his nose and turned his head slightly, only to see Xun'er, whose face was slightly blushing. He was slightly stunned and asked in astonishment: "Xun'er, what's wrong?"

  "Ah?" Startled by Xiao Yan's voice, Xun'er's blush deepened. After a moment, she slowly calmed down, wrinkled her nose at Xiao Yan, and snorted, "Nothing, go find some skills."

  Xiao Yan nodded in confusion, pointed at the fire path, and said with a smile: "Let's go."

  Xun'er nodded indifferently, the blush on her pretty face that had not yet completely faded away made her look even more charming and lovely.

  Glancing at Xun'er's pretty face, Xiao Yan's heart skipped a beat and he quickly led the way without looking away.


  Walking into the fire path, five small paths appeared. In the small paths, the figures of some tribesmen could be vaguely seen.

  "The third path of the Fire Road." After turning his eyes, Xiao Yan took Xun'er and went straight into the third path.

  Entering the small passage, there is a different world. On both sides of the passage, there is a thick fiery red wooden door every few meters. At this time, all the wooden doors are open, and a faint red light curtain emerges from the wide-open wooden doors.

  The red light curtain is a defensive setting, and it is also the final test for the young members of the tribe. If you want to obtain the skills contained therein, you need to break the light curtain.

  There were already quite a few tribesmen in the trail. At this moment, they were standing in front of some wooden doors, hitting the red light curtain fiercely with flushed faces. Occasionally, the sound of the light curtain breaking accompanied by cheers could be heard in the trail. Every time this happened, the tribesmen who were still attacking hard could not help but show envy on their faces.

  Xiao Yan and Xun'er walked slowly along the path, looking with interest at the tribesmen on both sides who were working hard.

  Turning the corner again, Xiao Yan looked at the number on the wooden door next to him: thirty-seven.

  Touching his nose and smiling, Xiao Yan walked quickly for a distance, then stopped in front of the wooden door numbered 43 and chuckled, "This is it."

  At this time, there were still more than ten tribesmen in the trail. When they saw Xiao Yan stop at Room 43, they were all stunned. This room had the most solid defensive light shield on this trail. Many tribesmen with good strength wanted to break in before, but they all suffered a big defeat here.

  Ignoring the surprised looks around him, Xiao Yan slowly placed his hand on the light shield.

  "Brother Xiao Yan, does Uncle Xiao's behavior count as abusing his power for personal gain?" Seeing Xiao Yan's actions, Xun'er blinked her beautiful eyes playfully and whispered with a half-smile.

  After measuring the thickness of the light shield, Xiao Yan turned around and said viciously, "Girl, you'd better pretend that you didn't see or hear anything, otherwise..."

  Amused by Xiao Yan's expression, Xun'er wrinkled her delicate little face. The girl's coquettish demeanor made the other tribesmen who were attacking the shield nearby stare blankly.

  With a playful smile, Xiao Yan took two steps back, slightly separated his feet, slowly clenched his palms, closed his eyes slightly, and the faint fighting spirit in his body began to circulate rapidly along specific veins.

  Xun'er leaned lazily against the wall, her beautiful curves were perfectly wrapped in the tight clothes, which was extremely attractive. Her pair of autumn water eyes stared at Xiao Yan who was accumulating strength. In her eyes, a light golden flame was playfully jumping.

  "Hah!" The half-closed eyes suddenly opened, Xiao Yan stomped his foot hard on the ground, and his body spun strangely. His body was against the light curtain, and the tip of his right elbow, with a slightly sharp sound of breaking through the wind, finally slammed heavily into the red light curtain.

"Eight Extreme Collapse!"

  With a cold shout in his heart, Xiao Yan slammed his fist on the light curtain. Suddenly, circles of ripples spread rapidly from the center of the light curtain like waves.

  "Break!" The little face shouted solemnly, and the red light curtain shattered like glass in the eyes of more than a dozen people around him who were shocked!

  Exhaling slowly, Xiao Yan's arms suddenly trembled, and the sleeves of his clothes made a crackling sound. After a moment, they quietly softened.

  Beside her, looking at the broken red light shield, Xun'er clapped her hands gently, pursed her rosy lips, nodded, and smiled: "Very good fighting skills, the attack power is very strong!"

  Twisting his neck, Xiao Yan stretched his arms and said with a faint smile: "It's barely passable."

  After hearing what Xiao Yan said, the dozen or so tribesmen in the small path suddenly felt a little suffocated. Such a perverted fighting skill, is it just a makeshift one? It is purely to attack people, isn't it...

  "Haha, let's go in and see what kind of fighting skills are going on." Raising his chin towards the slightly reddish room, Xiao Yan was the first to enter.

  Entering the small room, the light became brighter. The room was not spacious. In the center of the small room, there was a stone platform. On the stone platform, a dark red scroll was quietly placed.

  Walking forward, Xiao Yan picked up the dark red scroll with interest. He glanced at the back of the scroll and whispered, "Advanced Yellow Level Skill: Fire Refining!"

  "It's really good. This is the most advanced fire-attributed technique in the family. Haha, it seems that Uncle Xiao has really put a lot of effort into Brother Xiao Yan." Behind her, Xun'er's smiling voice was heard.

  Xiao Yan smiled and nodded, feeling a slight warmth in his heart.

  A fair and delicate hand suddenly stretched out from behind and took the dark red scroll from Xiao Yan's hand. Xun'er tilted her head slightly, played with the scroll, and said softly: "Brother Xiao Yan, although you may be able to obtain a more advanced technique in the future, when you first start practicing Dou Qi, the higher the level of the technique, the greater the benefits in the future. The high-level yellow-level technique... is a bit low."

  Xiao Yan smiled faintly and nodded slightly.

  Looking at Xiao Yan's calm face, Xun'er frowned slightly, sighed helplessly, and flicked her slender fingers. An ancient scroll in the color of fire jade appeared in her hand.

  "This is a high-level Xuan-level technique with fire attributes: the Flame Skill!"

  Xun'er stroked the scroll and said softly, "Brother Xiao Yan, don't feel embarrassed to accept it. Xun'er also knows that you are not that kind of pedantic person. Advanced skills will be of great benefit to you in the future, so..."

  Looking at Xun'er who was holding a scroll in each hand, Xiao Yan smiled bitterly, shook his head helplessly, stretched out his hand and touched her head affectionately, then took back the scroll of advanced yellow-level skills in front of Xun'er's slightly hurt eyes.

  "Brother Xiao Yan..." Xun'er pouted her lips in grievance, her watery eyes filled with tears, making her look very charming.

  "Haha, thank you Xun'er. It's not because of face issues that I refuse to accept your things." Xiao Yan smiled gently and lowered his head to whisper in Xun'er's delicate ear.

  "Brother Xiao Yan can get a better technique..."