
BTTH 斗破苍穹

"Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to west of the river, never underestimate the determination of poor youth!" At just 15 years old, Xiao, the waste of the Xiao family, made a vow here. From now on, he will step by step towards the pinnacle of the Continent of Qi Combat! This is a world belonging to the Qi Combat, devoid of flashy and colorful magic. Here, all that exists is the pinnacle of evolved Qi Combat! Curious to know the state of the Qi Combat in the otherworld after reaching its peak?"

Lucas_Lin_0089 · Fantasy
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62 Chs

Chapter 48: Douqi Pavilion

Standing in the team, Xiao Yan looked up at the huge attic in front of him and couldn't help but shook his head in amazement.

  On the plaque of the huge attic, there are three rather ancient characters "Douqi Pavilion" painted on it. The plaque is slightly yellowed, and the grooves on it show the vicissitudes of time.

  This pavilion is the most important place of the Xiao family: Douqi Pavilion!

  All the fighting skills collected by the family over the past hundreds of years are stored here, and these skills are the guarantee of the Xiao family's current status.

  As the most important place in the family, the defense here is extremely strict. It is basically listed as a forbidden area on weekdays. Even family members are prohibited from entering privately. It will only be temporarily opened after the coming-of-age ceremony is held.

  With his eyes slightly narrowed, Xiao Yan's gaze swept through the dark corners around the attic. His keen soul perception made him realize that every move of everyone here was seen by the guards hiding in the dark.

  In a remote place in the pavilion, Xiao Yan could still sense several obscure and powerful auras. It seemed that the family really attached great importance to this Dou Qi Pavilion.

  He turned his head slightly and looked at Xun'er. They both saw a smile in each other's eyes. Obviously, both of them were clearly aware of the hidden defenses around them.


  "I have explained the rules of entering the Dou Qi Pavilion many times, so I will not repeat them in detail now. In short, after entering the Dou Qi Pavilion, everyone must come out within two hours! Also, each person can only take one Dou Qi technique that suits their own attributes, and cannot take more than one. If anyone wants to keep a technique privately, they will be disqualified from obtaining the Dou Qi technique, so you have to pay attention!" Standing on the high steps, Xiao Zhan glanced majestically at the large group of young boys and girls below, and said seriously.

  "Yes!" Many young men responded loudly and excitedly, looking at the huge building with fiery eyes. If they could obtain a better fighting skill, they would be able to get ahead of others at the start. This has always been the most anticipated thing in the hearts of all the tribesmen.

  "Now that you all know the rules, let's get started."

  Xiao Zhan nodded with satisfaction, took a step back, and made way for the stone pillar standing in front of the pavilion's gate. The stone pillar was about one meter high, and on the top of it was placed a transparent crystal ball.

  He waved his hand, and the two guards behind him slowly pushed open the huge black door with a dull creaking sound.

  "After testing your own attributes, you can enter. Remember, after entering, walk through the passage according to your own attributes, don't go wrong!" Nodding, Xiao Zhan nodded to the crowd below, indicating that they could begin.

  Seeing Xiao Zhan nod, the leading young man jumped up with excitement on his face, touched the crystal ball with both hands, and a light green light was released.

  "Wind attribute, well, go in." After glancing at the crystal ball, Xiao Zhan nodded and said with a smile.

  After someone took the lead, the people in the audience could no longer sit still. They rushed forward one by one, and after testing their own attributes, they rushed into the Fighting Qi Pavilion.

  Looking at the dwindling crowd around him, Xiao Yan touched his nose and smiled at Xun'er, "Let's go and see what kind of skills we can find."

  Xun'er spread her hands cutely. The family's martial arts had no appeal to her, but since Xiao Yan was interested in it, she was happy to accompany him.

  Since neither of them was particularly anxious, they waited until everyone had gone in before they walked up leisurely under Xiao Zhan's helpless gaze.

  Xiao Yan grinned at Xiao Zhan and touched the crystal ball with his palm. The blazing red light was brighter than all the previous ones, it was of fire attribute.

  Xiao Zhan had long known his son's nature, so he did not show any other expression. After nodding slightly, he quickly scanned the surroundings, then quietly took a step forward, coughed, and pretended to bend down slightly, and a low voice came out: "Room 43, the third road of the Fire Road!"

Hearing Xiao Zhan's low voice, Xiao Yan was startled, and then found it a little funny. It turned out that his father was abusing his power for personal gain.

  Xiao Yan nodded imperceptibly and stood aside, watching Xun'er's test.

  Xun'er looked at the smooth crystal ball, hesitated for a moment, then shook her head helplessly and lightly touched it with her slender fingers.

  As Xun'er touched it with her slender finger, the crystal ball suddenly turned fiery red after a slight silence. In an instant, it was as hot and dazzling as a fireball.

  Looking at the crystal ball that turned into a fireball with some shock, Xiao Yan opened his mouth slightly and took a deep breath.

  The fireball lasted for a while, and only after Xun'er withdrew her finger did it slowly disappear. At this time, tiny cracks had already covered the entire body of the crystal ball.

  Looking at the crystal ball that was about to break with a wry smile, Xiao Zhan sighed helplessly, looked at Xun'er with some inexplicable meaning in his eyes, waved his hand, and said, "Go in quickly."

  "Tsk tsk, what a pure fire body. But unfortunately, there is no wood attribute in the body. Otherwise, he would be a natural alchemist." When Xiao Yan was shocked, Yao Lao's exclamation voice suddenly rang in his mind.

  Xiao Yan nodded gloomily in his heart, looked at Xun'er who was walking over, shrugged helplessly, and turned to face the people inside the Dou Qi Pavilion.

  Looking at the two people who entered the Douqi Pavilion side by side, and then looking down at the crystal ball that finally broke into several pieces with a click, Xiao Zhan touched his chin and murmured, "Oh, she is so... strong. Xun'er is not only good-tempered, but also beautiful. Her background is even more terrifying. She is much better than Nalan Yanran. If Yan'er can have a wife like this, it would be great..."

  After saying this, Xiao Zhan shook his head in self-mockery, feeling helpless about his own wild imagination.

  When Xiao Zhan was making fun of himself, he naturally did not notice that after he said this, Xun'er, who was about to step into the Dou Qi Pavilion, suddenly stiffened her body, and the tips of her delicate ears suddenly became as fiery red as the crystal ball before.