
Brutal world

Eshi was a prisoner who had lost his memory and don't know why he was there but one things that always fascinated was freedom. Freedom from all his suffering. He just wanted to life as he wanted and only think that was able to help him was Power but for as a prisoner he doesn't know how to achieve it, but one day trying to find something to sell in the dump yard, he came across a unknown package and after finding what was inside it his life changed. It's said that destiny have already written you just work towards achieving it. story is set in this brutal world where nobody is safe from the ultimate truth DEATH.

Spectra00 · Fantasy
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9 Chs


After opening his eyes Eshi started to laugh.

"hahaha.. Ha.. Man what is happening with my life these days. Why all of a sudden it became so adventurous" Eshi said " it's so much better than rotting in the prison"

"But still where am I this time" Eshi questioned. Looking around Eshi found himself in a alleyway. He saw some trash here and there and then all of a second it struck to him all the notification he got in his mind about completion of the escape quest. "well now how can I activate that damn system" Eshi said.

Thinking hard about how to activate the system, then All of a sudden Eshi just sighed and while doing so Eshi just thought his status then sudden the System panel popped up.

"huh... Well that's interesting it can just be activated by thinking" Eshi said to himself. Then looking at the panel he found out that he levelled up.


Eshi current status

NAME -??? (ESHI)

RACE - Half Human


XP - 0/200



Skills LEVEL-1






NATURE - selfish


available points could be used freely to increase status

Skill unlock- inspect (level-1)


'That's just like a game ' Eshi thought. Now how do I use it, am I just have to think about it as Eshi tried to do that he put one stat point into strength then all of a sudden Eshi felt a sudden surge of energy inside is body then looking at his status he saw his strength stat has increased by one

Strength - 8 (+1) ----- 9

Available points - 9

A huge smile could be seen on Eshi's face " that's so cool, looks like by completing quests I can earn points to become stronger". Then Eshi tried to use his new skill inspect

Skill inspect - Gives information about the target.

"hmm so this skill will provide me with certain information.... Interesting that could be very useful" Eshi said. Searching for a target to inspect he remembered about the orb he found in the area 'F-6' of the junk yard.

'I wonder what kind of beast crystal could it be' Eshi thought.

Bringing out the crystal from the pocket of his armour which was completely broken and shredded from certain parts because of the fall and all that happened in the cave. Holding the crystal in his hand he looked it for few seconds and tried use inspect on it by thinking about the inspect skill and then all of a sudden a panel appear in front of his eyes

"crystal of GLUTTONY - Half filled"

"wait what the fuck it's not a beast crystal and what the hell is this crystal of Gluttony" Eshi said dissappointed as all his dream of selling and earing a huge chunk of money just got destroyed.

"crystal of GLUTTONY (half) - could be absorbed would you want to absorb it."


"huh.. What is this now I can absorb it" Eshi said "but still thank god it has a 'NO' option this time" Eshi sighed in relief

'so what to do now I don't think I can sell it, if I can should not be in the junk yard right ' Eshi thought

"well.. Whatever if by consuming it i can get some kind of reward then who cares" Eshi said and pressed yes then all of a sudden the crystal broke and the black slime looking thing that was boiling inside the crystal started to climb up Eshi's arm and also some of it started to get absorbed inside his body.

"arhaaaaa.." the pain was unimaginable but some how Eshi was able to handle it.

It was because in the recent days the amount of pain he felt was beyond imaginable and after the last time this felt like walk in the park.

Soon the slime covered right half of his body and then it just absorbed by Eshi's body. Then again a familiar notification popped up.

Crystal of GLUTTONY absorbed complete

New skill learned


1.Gluttony - Using this skill anything can be absorbed and after absorption a part of the power will be transferred to the bearer.


2.Hunger of Gluttony - Using this skill all Stats of the bearer will be doubled but the health will be halfed. Waring by using this skill the user will feel unbearable hunger and go into beserk mode.


3. Gluttony overdrive - locked


4. Rage of Gluttony - locked


INVENTORY unlocked - an other dimensional space which can store anything except of living things

"wow.. Looks like a lot of things got unlocked and some not" Eshi said to himself. These Gluttony powers are kind of amazing, I wonder how did the crystal came to the dump yard." This inventory thing will also come in handy if I have to hide SOMETHING" Eshi said.

Upon checking everything he assign all his points into his stats and a huge surge of energy was felt inside his body.

"well that does it, man with this kind of power I would have even take on the bear beast inside the cave" Eshi said to himself. "Now i wonder where I am, that door back in the cave well it looks like it was a teleporter".

Standing up Eshi started to move towards the opening but as he gets out in the open his eyes widened as he smells death every as the whole area which once must have been a beautiful market place was completely destroyed. There were dead bodies everywhere, blood was on the broken walls . Moving ahead Eshi soon saw body parts scattered everywhere as some one has torn the body apart as if it was a piece of cloth. He saw some of the faces of dead people. In their eyes fear of death could still be seen lurking even now. Eshi standing in the center looking everywhere he just see dead bodies

"what the hell happened here" Eshi said "or I should saw who the hell did this" sweat running running down his face he gulped just thinking about the creature who must have done this and if he is still around he must find a place to hide or run away from this place as soon as possible.

"I have discovered one thing tho" Eshi said "I might have the SHITTIEST LUCK in the whole universe" Eshi cursed himself.

Soon he started to move slowly in the direction where the dead people were escaping from the danger "there must be a teleporter or something that might have saved them"

Moving with all his senses on high alert Eshi was oberserving his surroundings carefully and he soon heard some one talking Eshi carefully laid down along the dead bodied to act dead, so he could not be found by whoever is talking.

"Damn those Ausras, those things did not let anybody escape, those blood hungry motherfuckers attacked this peacefull planet when every empire is in turmoil because of the sudden assassination of the King of the starfall solar system" Eshi heard two soldiers talking.

The soldiers were wereing some kind of leather armor that was brown in color. Eshi tried to take a glance of the people that were talking.

"So, do you really think that anybody would have survived this massacre" the soldier asked to the other.

"I don't know but still it our job to find anyone that might have espaced this death storm and to save them as this star system comes under our kingdom" the second soldier replied .

Listening all the conversation Eshi come to the decision that his only way escaping this hell right now were thes soldiers.

Eshi rubbing some dirt around his body as fast as he could he shouted.



Thank you for reading the chapter. I hope you all are liking the story soo far.

I will appreciate your comments.

I will upload the next chapter tomorrow, I sorry if there is any mistakes as I don't have anybody else to help me.

I again hope you will like this chapter, see you all tomorrow