
Brutal world

Eshi was a prisoner who had lost his memory and don't know why he was there but one things that always fascinated was freedom. Freedom from all his suffering. He just wanted to life as he wanted and only think that was able to help him was Power but for as a prisoner he doesn't know how to achieve it, but one day trying to find something to sell in the dump yard, he came across a unknown package and after finding what was inside it his life changed. It's said that destiny have already written you just work towards achieving it. story is set in this brutal world where nobody is safe from the ultimate truth DEATH.

Spectra00 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Sound of wind blowing and birds sweet chirping could be heard. Slowly opening his eyes Eshi found himself laying under a tree in a open field. He could see a open field as large as his eyes could see. He could not interpretate his surroundings, but looking everywhere he couldn't find any one, then in the distance in spotted someone. Standing up he slowly started to move towards him.

Upon reaching the man he found him fairly good looking standing 6 feet tall with his black eyes and by looking closely it was like stars were inside , he has black hairs tied at the back with some strokes of red in between. He wore plane black clothes which was very unnatural in this kind of environment where everything was very relaxing.

When Eshi tried to approach the man, he found something odd it was like the man was not able to see or even sense him, when he tried to call for the man he can't even listen to him.

"wait,.. What the hell is happening?" Eshi said.

Trying many different things but in the end everything was in vain as the man was still unable to see or hear him. Eshi then just started to walk along with the man as he started to walk alongside the man and soon started to enjoy the time and for some reason he found this man every familiar.

After one hour or so walking Eshi soon saw a hut in the distance but again something was odd. It was like the hut was the end of the everlasting Greenland and behind it was the start of a dense dark forest which was also can be seen as far as the eyes could see.

Reaching the small hut the man went to the well which was built on the right side of the forest. Then soon take out the water from the well and wash his face and hands and then after doing the man went inside and as Eshi also thought to follow behind he came out with an axe, and then soon moved to the forest.

Looking at all of this Eshi was totally confused and didn't know what does all this means. Soon days started to pass Eshi just observe the man doing his daily stuff and soon one month past Eshi didn't know what was happening and what all this means.

In the morning Eshi saw man leaving as Eshi was looking inside the well which was like it has no end to it. "it's time you do something different from your daily farm simulation." Eshi said smiling looking at the man leaving the area.

Eshi started to follow the man but some reason Eshi doesn't feel right it was as something was off but he doesn't know what? Soon in the distance Eshi spotted something odd.

" wait.. Is that a Wall, but of what reason there is a wall standing randomly " Eshi said.

"its the wall of the end," the man replied

"what the hell, you could see me " Eshi shouted in surprise "what the hell man I have with for at least a month and just now you are talking to me, Fuck man that's not cool." Eshi said a bit annoyed "and what the bullshit about the wall"

"it's the wall that prevents him from entering" the man replied.

"Him, who is him" Eshi questioned the man.

"ka---..." the man voice glitched for some reason.

"what the fuck I can't hear that what did you say who is him" Eshi said in total confusion.

"You have to get stronger, if not everything will end" as the man was saying these words the the surrounding started to break Eshi doesn't know what was happening.

"what is happening" Eshi said as he found himself drifting away from the man.

"TIME is in its last phase, you have to stop them" the man said " Get stronger fast the wall will not be able to stop him for.. long... .... Now that you are the Player"

But before Eshi could hear any thing else his eyes opened and he found himself inside a familiar looking place covered in white tiles and he was laying on the platform.

Standing up Eshi looked around and found out the door he came in had already been closed. "well looks like my pervious entry had already been closed, damn and what the fuck was that dream" Eshi cursed inward.

Looking everywhere for an exit Eshi got frustrated to find none "what do I do now" as Eshi thought that a holographic display appeared in his mind. Eshi got taken aback with a surprise look on his face .

System permissions.

Do player like to link his brain with the system.


Processing in 10 secs

" wait I am certain there should be a 'NO' option too right and what the hell happened to me am I now some kind of cyborg now and what is this system in my mind." Eshi asked to himself.

System liking to brain starts..... Successful..

And suddenly after that a panel appear in his head.


NAME -??? (ESHI)

RACE - Half Human


XP - 0/100









NATURE - selfish

"what's all this, is it some kind of game" Eshi said,"what does that even mean, fucking give me a manual or something"

"what the hell is happening to me first that dream and now this stupid system thing" Eshi cursed himself " And what it means half human, then is it true that I am a fucking cyborg now"

There were too many questions on Eshi's mind right now. He was totally baffled about all that was happening.

"FUCK.. IT.. let's just find an exit first" as Eshi said these word, a door on the left opposite to where he entered opened. "Finally something good" Eshi said moving to the exit but as Eshi started walking toward the door he noticed something.

All the injures had been completely healed and also his fractured leg was back to its top condition as it was NEVER been broken."well that's another good thing" Eshi said touching his leg.

upon reaching the door Eshi saw it open up in a cave. Walking forward inside, Eshi noticed that the cave was filled with strange flora emitting white light providing visibility . Cautiously moving forward for some time,Eshi soon found himself in front of two entrance.

"well now what which way go" Eshi said. And soon came with a idea he found a rock and pluck the strange looking plant and placed the plant under the rock in front the right entrance. "Well this will have to do, so I don't get confused if I found myself in some kind of infinity puzzle like cave" Eshi said.

Moving inside the right cave Eshi soon find the cave was little odd from the previous one as he found that some of the flora has been plucked and some of it looked like it has been rubbed by some thing.

As Eshi walked for some time he found out why he had that odd felling ". THAT'S NOT.. GOOD" Eshi said quietly under his tongue as he saw a large bear like creature with some rock spikes on his back. he soon started retreating backward slowly with visible sweat running from the side of his face. But moving backward without looking comes with its fair share of drawbacks as he stumble on a rock. And the little sound inside a dark quite cave was enough for the beast to wake up.

"ME AND MY FUCKING SHITTY LUCK" Eshi shouted in anger as he started to run backward.

Instant QUEST -

Escape the beast


Instant level up

"GRAAAAAAA" The Beast angrily roared and started running behind its prey. Bumping the sides it was like the beast can be stuck at any movement but still some how moving against the odds.

"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK," Eshi shouted while running as fast as he could but he could fell the beast was just behind him. Eshi soon saw the entrance from where he came.

Upon reaching Eshi skitting on one leg entered the left cave from behind he heard as the beast crashed in the wall and as he does the impact made the whole cave shake as the rocks started to fell Eshi stuck by the stone falling from above and soon he found his head started to bleed.

Eshi continue to run as fast as he could and he could still feel the beast following him from behind. Soon Eshi saw the cave opening and exiting he found himself in fairly open space that was equivalent to a medium size stadium but he knew he was still inside the cave.

And in the centre he saw a door like structure but the odd thing about it was that the entrance looked like a flowing curtain.

Eshi soon heard the roar of the beast and he knew that he doesn't have time to think.

"Fuck.. It.. Looks like I don't have a choice" and then Eshi started to run towards the door.

But as he started to move towards the centre the beast also entered the place roaring the beast started to run towards Eshi.

"NOOOOOOO...." Eshi shouted angrily as he was just few metres away from the door but he saw the beast claw coming towards his head instantly by ducking down he avoided the attack "Not again bitch" Eshi said and jumped inside the door. As the light shined brightly Eshi heard the familiar sound inside his head

Instant Quest complete

Congratulations to leveled up!!


Thank you for reading

I have created the ground work for the first volume. Sorry if the upload of the first three chapters were slow.

But now that I have thought about the how to move forward with the first volume I will try to upload one chapter daily.

I hope you will all like the story. Plz leave a comment that will be a great moral for me.

Again thank you.