
Brothers with systems in the DC universe

Three Brothers while drunk returning from a party get hit by a car and find themselves in a strange place with a set of odd machines. After being transported to the DC universe with a set of systems, they try to come up with a plan of action.They decide to use their newfound powers to try to deal with the challenges that come with living in such a dangerous reality and make a new home for themselves. Read on, as they use their newfound powers to survive, make a name for themselves, find new family and leave behind their own legacies. _________________ Helping out this novel by supporting it or suggesting any changes that make the novel better will be appreciated. I own no characters except my 3 OCs. Please feel free to comment on how terrible my writing skills are. Arnold gets a jjk system.

Sloth_Incarnate_BW · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs


[3rd person POV]

S.T.A.R Labs, Metropolis.

In a secret labratory located underneath the main building, many reasearchers are present. In the center of the labratory is a machine with a small rectangular box in the middle of it.

"Dr. Stone we have tried using high-powered lasers to cut into the box but to no avail. The hexadecimal description key you suggested had no effect on it either." one of the scientists told another. The man, named Dr. Silas Stone was a senior researcher at STAR Labs and quite well respected as well.

"Damn it, not even that worked? Well then try another key. Atleast one of them has to work." He ordered. Dr. Stone had been researching natural energy signatures coming off the earth one day, when he noticed an anomaly. When he investigated further, he discovered a large energy signature coming from the sewers of Metropolis.

He soon led an expedition to uncover it's source, and that's when he found the rectangular box currently suspended in the middle of the room. He had tried to find it's origin for a month now, but all his attempts so far had failed. At this point he wished he had never found the damned thing. Still he has made progress as he discovered many characteristics of this strange box. Most prominent one being how it acted almost like a supercomputer. This led him to relentlessly try and open it somehow and unlock it's secrets.

"Dr. Stone, your son is here to see you. He is waiting in the lounge." A guard informs him. He is too focused on trying to create a new key that could potentially unlock the secrets of the box. "Call him here, I'm too busy with this to go meet him." He tells the guard,


[3rd person POV]

Gotham sewers

A man is walking through the dark, damp surroundings as he makes his way to his objective. He is wearing an all black uniform with a mask that covers most of his face. His chest has a bat symbol drawn on it. In his hand is a radar that keeps on beeping constantly. As he moves through the sewers the radar's signal gets stronger and stronger.

He soon reaches his destination. He finds a cloaked figure attaching a rectangular box to the wall. After it has completed this task it suddenly turns and charges at our hero. The man who had been following the cloaked figure, Batman quickly quickly jumps backwards as he dodges the cloaked invidual.

He then throws an explosive batarang at the individual. The batarang hits the target and explodes. The cloak of this mysterious figure gets destroyed and his features are now visible. It is a grotesque monster with gray skin, mosquito like wings, and glassy eyes. The creature once again rushes at batman hoping to grab him.

But Batman is swift and moves out of the way without much issue. He then quickly grabs on to the creature's back and holds and tries to choke it unconscious.

The creature however wanted this exact outcome as it screams out "FOR DARKSEID" and it's body starts heating up. Batman noticing something is wrong quickly jumps out of the way.


The creature explodes and although the dark knight escapes the fireball the force from the explosion knocks him out.

{10 minutes later}

As Batman gets back up recovering from the explosion, he observes that the creature was completely vapourised by the previous explosion. He grunts in annoyance and moves on focusing his attention on the box that the creature attached to the wall.

It's a rectangular box with a gold body and black accents and teal veins running through it's body. He pulls the box out of the wall and attaches it to his utility belt before exiting the sewers.


STAR Labs, Metropolis.

"Dad where were you? You told me you were going to attend my game today." An angry Victor Stone walks into the lab calling out to his father demanding an explanation. He had won a football finals for his team today and was the MVP for the entire league.

But what he truly wanted weren't the laurels or the fame. What he truly wanted was his father to be proud of him, to cheer him on. And today was supposed to be the day he would finally achieve that dream. But his father never arrived and now his dream was squashed. To top it all off, now instead of celebrating with his teammates he was standing 10 feet underground where he had to wait for half an hour before meeting his father.

"I'm sorry son, I was a bit busy with work." Silas began to explain, but victor was having none of it. He screamed out," Is your work important than me?" questioning his father.

" Listen son , I'm sorry but I had to do something important." He once again said, trying to calm his son. But he ended up making his son even angrier.

" Oh so it is more important than me." Victor exclaimed. Victor tried to take back his words upon realising his mistakes. "Oh no, it's nothing like that. I didn't re-".

" No I understand what it is, you care about that stupid box more than your family." Victor called his father out. He then walked towards the box intending to chuck it at the wall. He was extremely angry at his father's behaviour.

"Victor, wait" Silas shouts out, knowing nit how the box would interact with life. They hadn't ever touched it, only prodded it with machines as they were cautious of what the machine was.

But he was too late and as Victor touched the cuboid, a voice rang out.

Suitable organic life detected, starting symbiosis.

And it exploded, covering Victor in a bright light.


A/N: Cyborg in the house.