
Brook, Reincarnated, Soul King, Dragon God

"Oh I died" said our MC "Oh well guess I'll enjoy the afterlife..." "Man the afterlife sure is foggy... and what's with this ocean that surrounds as far as I can see." he thought aloud Hi there I'm sure your curious on what I am writing and just know I think it'll be fun to write. It's a One Piece transmigration/reincarnation story about a certain skeleton who spent the last 5 decades drifting alone. I do not own One Piece or any of the characters, they all belong to Oda and Toei This will not be a harem although Brook might get married for story purposes and it may seem kind of wacky if I go with it. This is my second attempt at a One Piece fanfic hope you enjoy it and feel free to critsize, leave advice and ideas!

Gabe_ · Anime & Comics
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10 Chs

05 The First Raid... Continued!

"A ship?" Zombie Jim muttered.

"We got another one..." Zombie Mike replied with a sigh.

"What's gotcha so down?" Jim asked.

"I just still can't believe Moria would disband the Zombie Recon Squad the minute someone with a useful power shows up!" growled Mike.

"It's been three years since then, besides it's not like we've been super useful since that day..." Jim responded

"Yohohoho... nor will you ever be of use again..." a voice piped up from behind the small squad of zombies.

"And what do you mean by..." as Mike turned around and looked up he was frozen instantly with a perfect casing of ice in his shape freezing him solid."

"... Soul Solid Minus Touch." The ice soon began to bleed from Mike onto a the ground with such speed the rest of the zombies couldn't react. The minute the ice touched them they too froze in place.

"Who needs salt now? Heh, even better than Mr. 2." Arthur said aloud as he noticed something in the corner of his eye. Brook still in his Poltergeist form was quivering.

"What is it Brook?" Arthur said putting his guard up.

"A g-g-g-GHOST! AAAAAAAAAAH!" Brook screamed.

"You are a ghost..." said unamused but had trouble holding in his laughter at the situation.

"Oh yeah." Brook stated as he bonked his fist against his hollow hand.

The spirit then flew right in front of us, it was clearly one of Perona's Negative Hollows.

"Maaaaaan I hate security cameras." Arthur groaned. "But that gives me an idea."

The next time the hollow was clearly in view...

"Soul King!" As Arthur said this a giant green phantasmal skull manifested itself right out of the skeletons mouth and chomped down on the hollow destroying it completely.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAH! WHAT IN THE GRANDLINE WAS THAT?" Perona screamed out as she can see what her hollows see. "Relax... relax... I guess I should inform Moria." She then quickly astral projected herself and shot off to Moria.

While she was flying around she couldn't help but notice that any zombie on the edge of the island that was visible to her were completely frozen in place.

"Hmmmm He's fast. No time to worry about that now I got to Inform Moria." she muttered. As she continued going she could see faint blue glowing and dimming. When she finally made it to Moria she explained that a skeleton with an Afro is going around killing the zombies.

"Grrrrrr.... so he's back eh?" Moria thought for a second. "Well no matter. With your powers it should be easy to deal with him after all he's just a swordsman." He ordered.

"But th-"

"Are you going against captains orders? One of my own beloved crew?" Moria cut her off.

With a combination of fear of her captain and trust in his power and experience she decided to go find the intruder without anymore back talk. When she phased through the wall outside it didn't take long to find the perpetrator with her power but It was hard to pin point his location since every time a hollow got close it was destroyed by a different means to the first one. She was afraid sure, no one had ever destroyed a hollow before but above that she was curious. While floating around the forest she heard two voices come from behind her.

"Yohohoho... excuse me miss, may I see your panties?" The duo said in tandem. A combination of not seeing any women in 25 years and more of Brooks personality traits overlapping with Arthur's caused them to say this at the same time.

The ghost girl quickly got frustrated and went for a literal flying drop kick. "YEAH, IN HELL!" She screamed going through the physical body but actually kicking Brook who was right behind him right in his Polterface.

"YEEEOUCH!" Screamed Brook. While Arthur was just standing there muttering to himself.

"Ugh Arthur are you okay?" Brook asked and as he looked beside him Perona was flustered giving him enough time to go see what happened to his friend. When he saw his face he looked like he was in complete bliss, he had rosy red cheeks and a nose bleed not that he had a face to begin with. Brook was close enough to hear what he was muttering.

"So this is heaven... the angle... the colour... it was perfect... I've lived a good life..." Arthur was muttering things to that degree. That's when Brook realized.

"Uh.. uh... ah... With the angle she passed through you... YOU SAW HER PANTIES DIDN'T YOU?!" Brook stated at the realization.

"Erhrm." Arthur came to his senses and as he turned around there had to be at least 30 Negative hollows flying his way. When he looked at the ghost princesses face there was nothing but rage.

"Oh crap... BROOK! He yelled and Brook new on instinct what to do. Using the Poltergeist Possession he flew into the sword and it began to have a green glowing outline. When he began to draw the sword out of the hilt he disappeared. All of the hollows suddenly stopped moving.

"Wha-What happened?" Perona muttered in a moment of clarity. Then she heard foot steps behind her.


"Waltz of the Exorcist... Revenant Rend" after the words left his mouth all the negative hollows split in half down the middle then evaporated into thin air. "Don't worry I have something far worse for you, after all I know where you keep your real body."

Perona froze in fear. How did he know? Who is this guy? What does he want with Master Moria? and before she could vocalize her thoughts his voice spoke up again.

"I bet your wondering why I'm here yes? Since you weren't here 15 years ago you wouldn't know but Moria stole my shadow now he'll die. So before we figure out if you die when I cut your projection in half you better go deliver my message to MaStEr MoRiA." When the salt Arthur was spitting stopped she flew away as fast as possible.

"Y-you'll regret this, you hear? Master Moria will kill you first!" She yelled.

Arthur then entered his Poltergeist form, Brooks body hitting the floor with no one piloting it and at max speed he grabbed Perona's wrist. "After I kill Moria and you have no Warlord protection You'll be joining me." He let go of her wrist and floated back to their body and Arthur grinned knowing everything was going according to plan.


-Moira's Castle-

"WHAAAAAAAAAAT!" screeched Moria

"I'm really sorry Master Moria but you know I'm not very strong without my fruit!" Perona answered.

"HOW CAN THIS BE?" Moria looked like he was about to blow a casket.

Perona then explained everything that happened. After Moria had some time to relax he sorted through his thoughts with one question remaining.

"How did he get so strong?" Moria thought to himself. "I've been biding my time gathering power for years now. I have the best crew, best ship and a powerful devil fruit. What does he have that I don't." No matter how much he thought about it to Moria it made no sense that some skeleton swordsman could get this much power.

"Perona! Get Absalom to take care of it." Moria ordered.

"Yes sir!" Perona answered with newfound enthusiasm knowing there was no way Absalom could lose.


"You... you aren't supposed to be here yet..." Arthur grit his teeth as he began to rework his plan. Across from him through a bush there was a shack with a woman giving directions to other men when suddenly two men grabbed him from each side.

"Gotcha!" one man said

"To think a zombie would make it this close to the association." Said another.

"I'm not a zombie..." Arthur stated flatly.

"Yeah say that after you've been... purified." said the first man.

"Ugh. here look." Arthur easily Broke free, reached in his pocket and grabbed a baggie of the good white stuff and dropped it down his gullet.

"I'll have you know I just ate a devil fruit and that's why I'm a living skeleton." said Arthur. "Now take me to your captain."

"How can we trust you?" said man 2.

"Do you have a light of any kind?" said a green figure in the same shape as the skeleton in front of them.

"Huh? Yeah right... here?" the mans voice squeaked at the sudden realization that the skeleton was now a ghost. When he tried to place a lighter in the green ones hand it fell right through.

"A g-g-GHOST!" the two men yelped as one jumped into the others arms and began to run wildly

"Where have I seen that before?" Arthur muttered as he began to walk towards the shack. When he approached through the bushes the girl that was giving direction drew the 2 swords she had on her back.

"We've been found! Sca-"

"Hold on, just a minute! I'm like you guys." Arthur flicked the lighter to start a flame. "See no shadow." He stated.

"Wow even Paradise has all types huh" she said as she put her swords away. "I'm Lola, Captain of the Rolling Pirates and Head of the Thriller Bark Victim's Association. You are?

"Ah yes you can call me Ar- erhrm Brook. I'm looking to make a deal with you.

"A deal you say? No tha- JUMP LEFT!" Lola said so surely that Arthur jumped as if his own mom was telling him what to do.


A large explosion occurred of in the distance which would have hit them if they hadn't dodged.

"Of course Big Mom's daughter knows Haki to some degree. She is a New World Pirate after all." Arthur thought. "Better yet..." as he looked up in the direction the blast came from no one was there.

"So another one of the mysterious 4 make their presence known?!" Arthur yelled into thin air as his eyes began to produce a green aura. He cracked a wide smile "I can see you... Absalom."

Again sorry for the wait! I post when I have time and when so feel like so I can not only think things through but not let it get stale to write. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, leave all your ideas and opinions much appreciated even if I can get a little snappy, working on it!

Gabe_creators' thoughts