

The Emperor that ruled the world is reborn in another, a quiet man covered with mysteries. He encounters his fated one, the only one who can meet his cold eyes. He wishes to live a normal life, she wishes to rule. Read the story of the couple, the male lead facing his demons, while the female lead strives to walk her path.

Wolf_Oz · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 28

Diana's eyes widened, as she noticed Cayn's scar.

He slowly lowered his eyes to meet hers, gazing at her coldly.

He closed his eyes sighing.

"Going out for a smoke," he said as he walked away.

Amina looked at him worriedly, but Diana held her hand comforting her.

When Cayn descended to walk between the crowd, everyone made way for him.

Sakura saw him, as he approached where she stood.

She smiled at him. But as he grew closer she could see his cold eyes, which had no light to them.

She unconsciously lowered her eyes as he walked by her, leaving the party. She was left staring at his back.


Cayn appeared on top of the palace, sitting on the edges of its tower.

He held his black cigarette between his long fingers.

His figure darkened. You could only see the brightness of his golden dragon eyes.

Their light grew dim, dark, terrifying.

A figure appeared, flying behind him. The tall man, the guardian of the first cosmic door, was on his knees in the air. His eyes were closed, his head bowed.

Later appeared Ariel. He kneeled.

Then followed the figure of a handsome young man. His eyes were blue like those of a cat. Shiro, in his human form, kneeled.

Suddenly appeared a woman behind them, she was fidgeting as if she was a little girl who was getting scolded. She had blue wavy hair as if one stared at the ocean, her eyes were light blue giving the impression of water flowing. Her beauty was astonishing.

She stared at this scene in surprise and amazement.

The tall man in the front looked back at her murderously.

She shivered and kneeled.

They all sat in the air for the whole time Cayn was smoking.

He took a deep breath, finishing his cigarette that disappeared in his fingers.

He slowly stood up.

The air around him roared, then calmed down suddenly.

Silence. No one moved.

He disappeared.


A weird sound came from the woman's side as if she suffocated and couldn't breathe.

Cayn punched her in the stomach.

She was gasping, her eyes pulsating and trembling. Her whole body shivered, caused by a spasm in her body. her mouth was wide open, saliva drooling, weird hissing sounds as she tried to catch a breath. Her body curled up and bent in pain.

Cayn's arm was still stretched out. He opened his fingers, that roughly wrapped around her neck as she was falling.

He grabbed her.

Her mouth made high-pitched whistling sounds as she tried to breathe.

No one moved nor reacted. The others kept kneeling, without even turning their heads to look.

The sounds slowly started fading, as her body started giving up.

The lights in the woman's clear blue eyes grew disappeared. With a weakened vision, she finally met Cayn's eyes, who stared at her like an insect.

"M... sor..." Even without air, she tried her best to utter those words, with a wheezing sound.

Cayn was not listening.

Her eyes started twitching and blinking uncomfortably.

Her mouth was opening and closing, trying, but failing to let out a sound.

Her eyes became fully red and teary.

Cayn kept watching.

A tear fell on her cheeks, followed by another.

He let go, She fell from the skies.

"Shiro," Cayn's deep voice was harsh and hoarse.

Shiro disappeared, enveloping the woman with his black magic, making her float.

He appeared again in front of Cayn kneeling.

The woman slowly opened her eyes, gasping as she flew high next to Shiro with his magic.

She didn't leave herself the time to catch a breath. She kneeled with her trembling body that looked so frail right now.

Cayn stood there staring at her coldly.

"I-I thank your majesty, for forgiving this lowly being," she said nervously.

"This lowly one knows of her mistake, and ask-" she choked on her words. "T-this lowly one asks my lord, for a chance to r-repent on her sins," she continued.

Cayn looked at the kneeling Shiro.

Felling his lord's gaze, he lowered his head more, "I shall teach her, my liege."

Cayn didn't look back and walked away in the air, merely gazing at the kneeling tall man as he passed him.

The tall man stood up without saying a word and followed behind Cayn's tracks silently.


Jackal and Elric were already back, chatting with noble women while throwing glances at three beautiful princesses.

Cayn and the tall man entered the hall, hushing the crowd as their godly sculpture was back, with another handsome man. Diana noticed and recognized his figure from afar.

Elric looked at him furiously.

Cayn and the tall man walked to a corner and stood there.

The tall man offered a glass to Cayn, with a respectful gesture, and with a light head bow.

Cayn took it, "Why are you here, Malik," as he turned to look at the crowd.

The tall man followed and looked deeply at the people.

"It's, the birthday of your passing," he said with a sad look.

Cayn paused, he shook the glass of wine gently, looking at it in deep thought, "That, already."

"You still don't ask how they are putting up with it," chuckled Malik.

"They are all grown up now," smiled Cayn.

"If someone else heard you talk about the ten supreme thrones like mere kids they freak out," he started laughing.

Cayn chuckled, "Well they are my little siblings," he stared at the waves the wine made as he played with it, "my little family."

Malik looked at him warmly, "You have another one here, they are all wonderful too."

Cayn raised his head to look at his brothers and sister, then his mother and Diana.

"Not another one, just one family, who is still growing," Spoke Cayn.

Suddenly Cayn hit Malik in the head, and pulled his hair, "And little bitch, why you talking like you are not a part of it."

"A-Ah big brother, I was joking," he said laughing.

Cayn chuckled as he let go of him.

"We," he paused as he looked at Cayn and the people, "we came a long way," he scoffed at his own words, "Even tho we all walked behind you."

Cayn hit his head once again.

"Ah, why?" asked Malik as he held his head in pain.

"And what's wrong with that?" Cayn looked at him coldly.

Malik looked at Cayn for a moment. "I am sorry, I didn't mean for it to sound like that brother."

"I know," said Cayn as he turned to look at the crowd.

"Then wh-" he paused, laughed, "You just wanted to hit me."

Cayn grinned, "And what's wrong with that too?"

They both started laughing.