

The Emperor that ruled the world is reborn in another, a quiet man covered with mysteries. He encounters his fated one, the only one who can meet his cold eyes. He wishes to live a normal life, she wishes to rule. Read the story of the couple, the male lead facing his demons, while the female lead strives to walk her path.

Wolf_Oz · Fantasy
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87 Chs

Chapter 27

Jackal took his brother to the room and healed him for a while with the priest's help.

Elric slowly opened his eyes.

"B-brother?" he spoke with a low voice.

"I am here," answered Jackal.

"What happened?"

Jackal's eyes widened, he was about to ask what happened for their god's blessing to disappear, but his brother doesn't seem to recall the events.

"You don't remember?"

"N-no. Why does my head fucking hurt," he said with rage.

"You fought the third prince. He punched you."

"That commoner?" He stood up surprised, "THAT COMMONER DARES!" Elric's rage shook the room, his demonic energy rampaged.

The tattoos on his head appeared once again, drawn by the demonic energy.

"Brother, let's go back." He spoke furiously.

Jackal smiled murderously.

"Yes, let's go back. And don't worry, run wild. I will take care of father if anything happens," he smiled.

"I know I can always count on you brother. When I become king I will take care of you well," he walked out of the room.

Jackal's expression darkened, "King? I will make them kill you before father comes." He laughed madly.

Suddenly a dark flying eye appeared next to him, he bowed to it.

"Your majesty, everything is going smoothly. I pushed him to trouble the other kingdoms."

The eye listened, then spoke gibberish.

Jackal bowed his head more, scared, "Yes I understand, I will hasten the plans, your majesty."

The eye disappeared, for him to catch a breath.

"Father sadly chose the wrong demon god to serve," he laughed crazily, "His majesty is the true demon god to follow. I will rule this kingdom world by his side." He walked following his brother.


Diana thought about what happened while staring at Cayn's bloody eyes. That madness she saw in his eyes before she looked down. She seriously thought for a moment that Cayn would, cut everyone here, including her. She truly thought it was death for everyone.

Everyone that knew Cayn would react to Elric's words turned to see him before he acted, and they heard it. Something even worse than a demon, something even terrifying than death, something even more overwhelming that a god, screamed madly wanting to be unleashed. Fear? Horror? Despair? Nothing could describe what they felt.

They all heard deep voices chanting, war cries, screams, all singing, humming a melody so strong it shook their souls.

While everyone in the crowd, who didn't get to see this scene, bowed their waists. They all felt a hand on their heads pushing them down. No matter what they did they couldn't raise their heads.

And those who were unlucky to see Cayn's expression, also bowed as they accepted their fate.

Diana thought about all of this as she walked toward him.

She met Amina's eyes, and smiled, "I guess you ordered him from the beginning, to not kill him."

"Otherwise you think he would patiently torture him like that?" Amina giggled and turned to look at Cayn. "You did your best to hold it in, dear."

Cayn looked down slowly, meeting his mother's gentle eyes.

He didn't react, as if he expected this from her, while Diana looked at them curiously.

He looked at his mother for a moment, then stood in front of her seat, getting down on his knee.

"Mother, I can bring their heads to you, if you wish for me to do so."

She ran her hand through his hair, "I still wish to take my time, my dear. It must have been hard on you."

Cayn's bloodthirsty eyes calmed down.

Amina spoke, "The eldest son, is betraying his family with another demon god while pushing his naive brother to the graveyard." She explained as she turned to Diana.

Diana looked at Amina for a while, "He wished for Elric to die by our hands before his father comes. But if he doesn't, internal strife for territory would occur between the two demon gods." She paused, "You, are the one behind all the preparations the Archion kingdom has done."

Amina's presence changed, and her expression grew colder. "Do you think, I would stand by idly when they dare try to touch me?" Amina's eyes became red and murderous, her hair danced wildly. "And more, dare to put their hands on my family?"

Diana's eyes widened. She knew the three siblings wouldn't have done all of this at their age without Cayn's help. But she never thought they were all playing on Amina's board, and then she seemed to understand. With Cayn's nature, he would go directly to the Sylvia kingdom erasing their royal family for daring to touch his mother. But she wanted something more than revenge, for all their plans to crumble in her hands.

Amina's hand slowly held Cayn's cheek rubbing them gently. "It's all thanks to my son, for giving me this chance."

Cayn held her hand and kissed it. "Your wish, is my command, mother."

Diana watched this scene with adoration of their relationship, and in awe of Amina's strength. She was truly this beast's mother.

Her eyes fell on Cayn, the way he treated his mother imprinted deeply in her heart.

In the middle of the crowd, a figure couldn't take her eyes off where these three were.

Sakura had a weird expression on her face.

Following her gaze, it fell on Cayn.

He slowly stood up after kissing his mother's hand and stood behind her seat once again.

Sakura's eyes didn't leave him. With his cold expression, she kept thinking about what happened with Elric while staring at him.

His raged eyes couldn't leave her mind, her whole body shivered.

Cayn stood behind Amina, who was chatting happily with Diana.

His eyes may have seemed cold and expressionless. But deep inside them, was something terrifying.

This is the second time, he thought as his jaw tightened. A slight hissing sound of wind resounded next to him.

Shiro seemed to disappear somewhere.


He appeared on top of a dark ocean.

He was in his full form, murderously staring at it.

Ariel suddenly appeared next to him. "Why are you here too?" He asked.

"It's better to bring back this bastard tonight to my lord," he growled violently. "It's time to wake up fucking fish!" Dark energy surrounded Shiro, a huge black sword appeared on top of him, then descended it on the ocean, blasting a huge hole, showing a huge door in ruins at the pit.

Ariel's eyes widened. He understood that Sylvia have probably angered Cayn for him to send Shiro to bring him. He sighed, if Cayn isn't here himself meant the water god is yet to stand on death's door.

Suddenly Ariel's eyes twitched. "Brother," he said before disappearing. Only to appear in an immense white palace, with three huge doors on it, the middle one was the biggest, imposing compared to the others. They were too little next to it.

It opened slowly. The palace shook.

The wind roared madly pushing Ariel a few steps back.

Then walked a tall man, with snow-white skin, pitch black hair, and dark and sharp eyes.

He was a head taller than Ariel, who bowed happily when he saw him.

"Ariel, the guardian of the third door, welcomes the guardian of the first cosmic door."

"Stop the flattery it hasn't been a week yet since I saw you little one," said the man smiling.

Suddenly his eyes twitched, "D-did something happen to his majesty the emperor?"

"What? What do you mean big br-"

Ariel suddenly heard the primordial God's voice, and his eyes widened.

The tall man was shaking, his eyes trembling. "C-can't you feel it?"

"N-no, only you and the-the primordial god, are feeling this." Ariel shook in fear.

"What did he tell you," the tall man held Ariel by the shoulders "What the FUCK DID HE TELL YOU!" He screamed.

"H-h-h-he told me to bring the w-w-ater god to the emperor." Ariel was confused and scared, fidgeting.

The tall man turned him and pushed him, "FUCKING," he pushed him again, "F-FUCKING LEAD THE WAY!"

They both disappeared.


Cayn, still standing behind Amina, with no shadow behind him, was taking deep and quiet breaths. A vein on his head was raging furiously as he stared blankly into nothingness.