

Bella was haunted by her nightmares, but those nightmares are all bloody. She just wanted to live normal like everyone else but first she must get her revenge

Dabby_Judith · Sci-fi
Not enough ratings
32 Chs


After our conversation we all went back to our rooms to get ready for the party.

I was coming out of the bathroom when I heard my phone ringing, uncle was the one calling me.

"Hello uncle"

"Hey Bella, how are you guys preparing for the party?"

"So you also know about the party and let me guess you are also invited am I right?" I asked ignoring his question

"Yes I am" he said with a sigh

"Okay am not surprised about that at all but can you explain what happened at the mall today"

"Is nothing Bella" he said

"Oh really, so now we are keeping secrets right?" I asked

"Bella am really sorry, okay"

"So what are you actually apologizing for because I don't understand, is it the fact that you know my mom and never bothered to tell me for years" I asked as I felt kind of betrayed, I trusted him with all my past pains but he never opened up to me.

I never wanted to put pressure on him because I know he will have to come clean one day. But just knowing the fact that he knows my mom and he lied about it for years is eating me up inside.

"Bella let's talk later and I promise to tell you everything you want to know " he said before hanging up.

I just hope you keep to your promise. I took out the dress that Elsa gave me earlier today and it was a wine red off shoulder dinner gown, its very beautiful. When I tried it on it fitted so perfectly but I couldn't reach the zip at the back, when I finally reached it I ended up zipping my hair along with the dress. I tried getting my hair out of the zip but I couldn't then I heard someone knocking, I opened the door immediately thinking it was Lisa but I saw Ken instead.

"Hey what are you doing here " I asked

"Lisa said I should come and get you" he replied as his eyes kept on scanning my body

"Of course she did " I said with a sigh before letting him in

"So let me guess you guys are all dressed up " I asked

"No Lisa is till with the hair stylist " he said still looking at me

"Okay quit staring at me like am wearing the back of dress I know I look awful " I said as I let out a frustrated sigh

"I was going to say you look beautiful " he said with a smile

"Like seriously with my hair all messy?"I asked

"I can help you brush your hair you know, come with me " he said as he made me sit in front of the mirror and took the brush from me

"Can you help me cut off my hair that got stuck with the my dress " I asked

He tried to see if he can separate the hair from the zip but it was not working at all.

"Come on Ken just cut it off " I said after he tried several times.

Seeing her standing at the door looking so beautiful I nearly lost myself staring at her but she is not seeing what am seeing. I wish I can borrow her my eyes so she can see how beautiful she is. But something is a little off about her, she kept on sighing. I helped her cut the hair off and decided to know what the problem is.

"Bella what happened?" I asked sitting beside her

"Nothing am fine just a little nervous about meeting my dad after a long time " she said avoiding my glance

"That's not the only thing bothering you I can tell, please talk to me " I said making her look at me.

"Am worried about seeing my uncle with my mom at the mall today and also when she said they were old friends, I just can't hold the fact that uncle lied to me" she said frowning her face.

"Maybe he did not tell you for a good reason, people have their reasons when they take action or make decisions so why not hear your uncle out okay" I said

"Well he better have a good reason because am not letting him off easily "she said

"Hey come on, put a smile on your face or Lisa is going to kill me if you don't follow me out with a smile on your face "

"So what am I now, a joker, I smile when I want to and not when you tell me to " she said but then her door opened and Lisa walked in.

"Wow you look beautiful Lisa " Bella said smiling so wildly.

"Sis I love your dress and those smile, it been long you smiled like that, good work Ken " Lisa said given me a wink.

"Why are you praising him, hello am the one smiling not him " Bella said looking at me

"Okay fine good work sis now let's go get your hair and your makeup done " she said and left

"You own me one for being a good actress you know, I just saved your ass don't forget that " Bella said as she followed Lisa out.

I was surprised seeing her like that, am guessing she is beginning to be her normal self and not the cold, not smiling Bella.

"Sis why don't you go get Mrs Michael why we wait for you guys outside " Lisa said

"Okay, I will be back " I said as I left to Elsa's room to check if she was ready to go.

I met her at the stairs, she was wearing the dress I picked for her.

"Wow Bella you look very beautiful" she commented

"Nah you look stunning" I said

"Thank You" she said as we both head out to meet the others.

Elsa insisted I sit with her in her car, she told us to keep a low key as her personal body guard that we should just watch her from a distance.

When we got there everywhere was filled with well known business men and their wives.

Elsa took us in and introduced us as her business partner to most people then she left to greet more people.

"We can't protect her if she keep smiling and greeting everybody all sweetly " Mark said

"Yeah you are right but she is the wife of Mr Michael she have to greet people or she will create attention for her and her husband" I replied

"Bella Mr Stones " Lisa said looking behind me

Then I saw him, it felt like the clock just stopped for some minutes then Lisa tapped me.

"Bella you know you don't have to meet him right" Lisa said all worried

"Don't worry Lisa, am cool but let's split up,Mark go with Lisa , Ken you stay with me since we have our way of communicating" I said referring to the transmitter each of us have.

Immediately Lisa and Mark left Ken offered to get me a drink which I accepted but then I saw Elsa coming towards me with Mr Stones.