
Broken is beautiful

Yvonne DelaRose,lawyer,assassin and single mum craves something. Something she tries to find...No not love, anything but that. She craves Peace from all the darkness and brokenness she feels within. Abused by her dad,abandoned by mum,betrayed by siblings,tormented by demons.Will she find what she craves ? or will she find something more?something she spent her entire life avoiding..Love .. in the man Nero Andresque Patel ....who definitely wants her dead by all cost. Can they ever rebuild the Broken?

Hannah_Akanbi_7202 · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Good Job

 "So this is what Pablo thought he could kept safe. Am quite surprised he could be so dumb". 

" I think he so much trusted his friend that he had the guts to hide it there". Am currently in  Mama's home. She's the leader of the Creed and I just came to give her the map I stole.And we are currently looking intently at it because it seems to have faded. Yeah its that old.

"Do you maybe think there's a way to make this clearer because am sure am not seeing a thing"she said. " or do you think there's a spell that could be cast to make this clear".

"Am quite sure there is but what's the use of this map anyway, you know you haven't told me its use, I hope I didn't just risk my life for nothing". She stared at me thoughtfully before saying " This is not the right time for this discussion but I might tell you when the time is right,but as for now,you did a very good job and am proud of you" I stared at her wanting to argue but I thought better of it so I said"You never listen to me anyway so I see no point prolonging the issue". I picked up my keys from the table and waved goodbye. I went outside to the garage got into my car and drove off. So much for helping the Creed, just hope I haven't added to my list of mistakes. It would all make sense in due time.