

just a dark heart trying to recover. a collection of my poems

Anne_101 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

PART 2: What is love?

you are smiling and laughing at his joke

and then you remember how the last made you laugh

he says he loves you you reply back saying you love him too, then you remember how the last made you feel loved

head on his laps, while he lays soft kisses on your forehead, each sensation reminds you of the last and how nice it was,

until everything changed, one second he is telling you " you are the one " the next second he says it is over.

How did it all change

"I love you for all that you are, all that you have been and all that you will be"

what changed it all

Now again you've found another, but how do you it's not all the same.

with every memory reminding you of the last you tried so hard to forget

yes you loved him but did he?

you still love him, but it's safer to replace him. after all you got replaced

but you are still scared wondering if it's not all the same

I wrote this when I was going through some shit, so I decided to publish it.

Anne_101creators' thoughts