

Broken but not Broken is about a young strong woman who inspite of being disappointed by men in having a perfect relationship decides to give love more chances until it works for her though she had had the desire to quit. She found love in Denzel, fought the battles that came with building a good relationship and won. The beauty of her love story isn't just because she found the perfect guy but the fact that, she was able to develop and build herself to achieve her dreams and help others to do same through her love for him and his love for her. For her, love became not just a feeling but a tool that equipped and empowered her to be a super woman to herself, her family and most importantly the world. This story would build the desire to be the woman you have ever dreamed of because it will push you not to settle for less especially when it comes to love. If it isn't building, equipping and empowering you to pursue your dream, then walk away from it. Love isn't to be ENDURED, it is to be ENJOYED.

sylina · Urban
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60 Chs


Phyllis as she laid in bed reflected on her live and how it had been for her as a woman. She smiled at herself for the things she had naively allowed to break her as a woman especially love and relationship. She began to worry about Beryl especially concerning how she would fare in it because she had seen lots of women destroyed because of the betrayals and disappointments their relationships brought to them. So she decided to pen her experiences and thoughts on it to her.

"My beautiful and precious jewel,

I hope you're doing well? I want you to know that I am very proud of the woman you're developing into. I know you have made mistakes and there are more you're yet to make but trust me, mistakes don't make you a bad person neither does it make you a failure. Mistakes are the forces that actually develops and build you for life and for your dreams and aspirations. I'm not saying dwell in your mistakes nor live in them. I'm telling you to take a seat and make reflections on them and draw lessons for your next level from them. Don't ever give up on anything you desire do achieve just because you made a mistake. In fact, for some people it is lessons from their mistakes that shaped their personality, perspectives and drove their aspirations to become the better versions of themselves in terms of building careers, relationships and homes.

Baby, there's going to be a time that you're going to desire to have a man in your life for a relationship and with time you would desire to be married too. Please, don't ever be in a relationship because you feel alone or lonely, both of them are dangerous motivations for entering a relationship. Being lonely doesn't mean you need people around you because I have seen people who are surrounded by people who love them and spend time with them yet they're lonely. Loneliness is just your heart telling you that you need to assess yourself to find direction. Feeling alone also means you miss the presence of someone or people but when you allow that to be a reason for your wanting to be in a relationship you would settle for less.

Honey, you're an intelligent woman and you would achieve more if you develop yourself before you get into a relationship. I have observed as a counselor that most women stay in abusive relationships because they are overly dependent on their partners and this gives the men the audacity to abuse these women but when you have developed yourself and your potentials with a source or sources of income, there's respect for you and even your man will value you and would fear to lose you. Most relationships or marriages that have many issues are those that the women solely dependent on their men or where both o them aren't financially stable. Poverty and lack brings lots of problems in marriage. To be honest with you, it even makes both partners doubt that their partners genuinely love them. People think that it's lack of communication and unfaithfulness on a partner's side that break relationships but I also add financial struggles to them. So work hard and learn to manage your resources especially money and time. Don't waste your time on a selfish man who isn't ready to make sacrifices and commitments for you but expects you to do that for him. Relationships require sacrifices and commitments but don't lose your aspirations and self while you make the sacrifices and commitments. Don't put your life on hold to support a man build his life because most men betray and disappoint the women who do that for them. That wouldn't only break you but you might lose your beautiful soul and would think all men are scoundrels if you do that.

Baby, there's a reason your dad and I chose Beryl Dahlia as a name for you. Yes, you're a precious gift to us and we will forever remain grateful to have you but your name means a wealthy woman who is graceful, humorous, selfless and industrious and I know you too well to see that you're growing and developing into a woman that reflects your name. I believe that your name would indeed be your identity but please listen to me, respect everyone you come into contact with. It shouldn't only be the old but even people who are younger than you including kids and children but most importantly the man you would decide to be with. Respect, value and submit to your partner. It doesn't make you a weak woman but it makes you a strong woman who is determined to build a beautiful relationship which may lead to a beautiful home. Please note that, I am not telling you to allow a man disrespect you. In fact if your partner is disrespectful towards you or is quick tempered and can't control his anger, walk out of the relationship. Those kind of people are dangerous as a plague is. I have told you to respect people, yes but you have to have the maximum respect and love for yourself because that would build your integrity and dignity and that would determine how people would value and treat you.

As Phyllis lied down, Denzel walked in and saw her lying seductively on the bed. She was in a transparent short dress which revealed her entire body especially her buttocks down to her beautiful legs. Her red pant and brazier also showed in her dress. He quietly sneaked to the bed side, knelt down and inserted his finger inside her vagina to finger her. She loved it because it was unexpected and she was also reminiscing on their beautiful relationship which had made her emotional about him. He licked her while he caressed her breasts at the same time. She lied still and moaned loudly while calling his name. When he saw that she was wet, she removed her clothes and removed his as well. He brushed the tip of his penis on her clitoris and later at her vagina without going deeper into her. He later pushed her to the tip of the bed and fucked her while he was kneeling and she had wrapped her legs around his waist so that she wouldn't only be tight but he would get access to penetrate her deeply. He fucked her until they both came and they went to shower.

She wrapped her hands around his shoulders and while they were in each other's embrace, she whispered "I am the most luckiest woman on this earth to have been married to an amazing husband and father like you. You have made countless sacrifices and commitments to me and the building of our home.You haven't just been a good husband to me but you have been my number one fan and teacher who had helped to develop and shape me into this amazing woman I have become and I will be forever grateful to you and would always want to spend my life with you even in eternity."

Denzel looked into her eyes and also said " I am also the luckiest man to marry a woman who's smart and intelligent like you. A woman who identifies problems and finds solutions for them and makes money and life out of them. A selfless committed woman who's not only been supportive but has made sacrifices for me and our marriage. What's amazing is that, though I am a renowned lawyer, I am enjoying your glory. People's respect for me goes higher the very moment they learn that you're my wife. You have brought our families together and our parents are now like siblings. I always am impressed about the respect you have for my parents. Thanks so much babes! Yes I also want to spend my forever with you, Mrs. Phyllis Manford."

They both kissed each other and went to bed in each other's embrace.

Phyllis took Beryl out on a date the next with her Aunt Amelia and they had a heart warming conversation about life and how unpredictable it could be but how good those who develop themselves rise above it most at times. They both talked to Beryl about making choices and taking decisions. They then went to the salon to fix their hairs and then went for shopping. They later went to the movies to watch Grace, a movie by Tyler Perry. As they watched the movie, they discussed the life lessons that could be drawn from the movie which included being determined and focused, being cautious of trust and sacrifices for your partner and friends and standing up to people and fighting for the truth if the need arises. Phyllis felt good for seeing that movie with Beryl and even Amelia because she believed that would help them. Phyllis kissed Beryl good night and handed the note pad in which she wrote her letter in to her. " This is also one important thing i could ever give you, baby. Always remember you're a precious gift to your dad and I. We love you dearly, Sweetheart!" Phyllis said to her daughter and she ushered her into her bed before she joined her husband in their bed.