
Broken beyond repair

Kim Dylester was not up to Six when she started seeing her mother being constantly abused by her father. As a little girl, it caused trauma and she lived in Isolation almost all through Elementary. Elementary school wasn't all that better because no one wanted to associate with her except during tests and exams because she had a big brain but the teacher always favoured the Chairman's daughter over her keeping her in the dim light. Getting into college, She changed her ways and decided to be known but that proved a tough task because a lot was expected from her and the issues at home were affecting her. Choosing a best friend whom no one knows about but was betrayed because of Unrequited love. Falling in love at first sight but was broken in the worst way she ever thought of, giving love a second trial but it turned out to be a big disaster. Gaining admission into the university she decided to let go of her past, but the past came calling and her not-so-perfect life became the worst nightmare. The biggest event of her life became her death day lol. So now the question is... How will she cope when she wakes up in the hospital to see her worst nightmare smiling? "Who will she give her heart to in the love triangle? Did she overcome her misery or give up?

tianahclassic6 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 4

 Kim in Elementary School 

 "The saying how time flies is true right?" Pearls thought to herself as she remembered how sweet and quickly the years passed by. Her Minimie is now 5 years old and will soon start elementary no will start elementary school tomorrow. When Damien told her the good news, she couldn't contain her happiness because she had been waiting for this day to come, to dress her daughter up for her first day in Elementary and kiss her forehead now the day was finally here.

 Who hasn't heard of Marshal Bilingual Elementary School (MBES)? Talk about building, academic standards, good teachers, learning equipment just name it, it's all at MBES. MBES is a school for the 'Who is Who' surprised right? Well, the Dylesters are not in Class A when it comes to financial grading but they can afford the school besides they want the best for their Daughter. Waking up as early as 7:00a.m Pearls started putting things in place then she went to Kim's room to wake her up, it's time to start Elementary. Getting to her door, She knocked gently and made her way into the room.

 "Minimie, you awake?" asked Pearls smiling softly.

 "Yes, mama I don't want to be late on my first day at school," Kim said.

 "Let's get you clean and choose the right wear for today," said Pearls helping her up and getting into the restroom to give her a warm shower and do other necessities. She took her to the dining table to have a simple breakfast Crisps protein shake with full cream then she drove her to school since all the necessary arrangements had been carried out and she had been fully registered before the date. Pearls dropped her at school kissed her forehead and said 'Make Mama proud' handed her over to the teacher before she said goodbye. 

 In class,

 There were a lot of pupils in the class so the teacher gave Kim a seat in the middle of the third row and then left. The class was bubbling with life as kids talked to each other and did kids' stuff. Kim's seatmate by her right is Antonio Alexgro the son of the Proprietress, turning to her left is the most beautiful and brilliant kid in class Earls Eragon, her father is the chairman of the school, In front of her is Olive Orland best friend of Antonio, his father is a business tycoon and behind her is Anji Dams her parents run a fast-growing restaurant in town. 

 The sound of the bell made everyone settle down it's first period already. The first subject for the day is beginner's English.

 "Good morning kids," the teacher said cheerfully.

 "Good morning Miss Mia," the students replied. They resumed three weeks before Kim joined so they did not find it strange.

 "Before we begin the day's first lesson, I'd like to introduce myself because of the new pupil, then I'll call the attendance," said Mia.

 "Okay ma'am," the pupils chorused looking in Kim's direction as if they just noticed her.

 "Alright, am Miss Mia and I'm your class teacher, now if I call your name just reply present do we understand?" Mia said

 "Yes ma'am," the kids replied. It was during the register call that Kim got to know each person if not all at least those whose seats were closer to hers and everyone got to know the new girl's name Kim Dylester.

 "Let's begin with the lesson. Today we'll look into Five-letter words, who can give me at least Six examples of Five-letter words," asked Mia.

 No one hand is up. Kim seeing this decided to raise her hand as soon as she did Earls did too smiling sweetly at the teacher and giving Kim an angry side look which the latter was unaware of.

 "Yes, Earls tell the class," said Miss Kim.

 "Apple, Brain, Color, Lose and Eagle," Earls said with pride.

 "Earls, that is good but can you spell the Loose you're talking about," asked Mia.

 "Louise," she spelled still smiling.


 "You're wrong dear, it is lost and it's not a five-letter word, you tried though, kids applaud Earls twice," Mia said smiling acting professional while Earls sat with a little frown.

 " Is there anyone else that can try?" Mia asked.

 No hands were raised so Earls in an attempt to humiliate Kim for raising her hand before her thinking she was a chicken brain said " Miss Mia, the new girl has something to say". Everyone looked in her direction and the surprised Kim shivered because she did not raise her hand this time.

 "Kim, so you want to try? You must not say a word that has been said by Earls" Mia said and Earls was happy.

 " Happy, Angry, Funny, Teary, and Going," Kim replied.

 "Wow, that's a brilliant attempt plus the way the words sound like rhyme I'm really impressed. Class, a round of applause for Kim," the teacher said.

 Earls felt threatened and hated Kim immediately the class applauded her. The teacher continued with the lesson and then gave the pupils a personal attempt. It was only Kim that got a 10/10 which the teacher complimented and everyone was surprised that a girl as petite as she is has a big brain. The bell sound signified the end of that period and the teacher left. As soon as the teacher left, everyone was talking about how the new girl seemed to be more brainy than Earls.

 The second and third periods were over and Kim proved to be brilliant as she got all the personal attempts right even the sum that proved to be a difficult task for the kids, Kim solved it which earned her a warm place in the teacher's heart to the annoyance of Earls who decided she can't allow the new low-life to steal her limelight so she needed to be shown her place. Not long after the teacher left the class, the sound of a bell can be heard which signifies a break and Earls decides it's the right time to deal with Kim.

 "Earls, let's go get our lunch pack," Jerry called.

 "I'm not hungry," replied Earls.

 "Tonio, Olive, Triumph, come here now," Jerry called out loud. And the trio came running at his call. The hottest and most influential boys in the class are called Quart Kings and all of them have a crush on Earls which she uses to her advantage.

 "What's the issue?" the trio asked at the same time.

 "Earls are sad, don't know what is wrong," Jerry said staring at Earls.

 "Earls, what happened?" Tonio questioned.

 "I'm fine okay guys, I just want to be alone," said Earls feeling happy that she got all of their attention.

 "No, this is not the Earls we know. Talk to us we're at your call," said Triumph.

 "Okay, it's about that new girl, I don't like her at all. She is proving difficult look at how she made everybody feel she is better than us all," said Earls looking like she would burst into tears any moment from now.

 "Oh, that is nothing to worry about," said Olive the most reserved of the Quart Kings.

 "Is that so? I see," replied Earls looking angry.

 "Olive, how could you utter such words?, Earls don't worry she'll soon be put in her place," said Tonio pacifying Earls.

 "Thanks, Tonio, you're my fav," said Earls making the latter blush.

 "Let's get some snacks," said Jerry jealous of Tonio.

 "Yes, let's go," they said at the same time bursting into laughter and leaving the class.

 Deep down, Earls was not satisfied and decided she was going to get Anji to her side so she could deal with Kim for stealing her limelight. When they got to the snack store, Earls sighted Kim and decided it was time to make her pay for her first offense. She bought a cup of tea and pretended to be checking out for a seat when she saw Kim coming in her direction and was close to where she was standing, she put her leg out not making it obvious, and Kim who was oblivious of the act missed her step as a result and fell, Earls pretending to be shaky poured the content in the cup on her acting like it was a mistake and making others think it was Kim's fault. 

 "Watch it, new girl," said Earls looking annoyed as she stepped on her hand. This made other pupils look in her direction.

 "Hah," Kim winced in pain.

 "Earls, are you alright?" Tonio asked not caring about Kim who was on the floor as the four rushed to the scene.

 "She pumped into me and almost made me fall," said Earls pinning the blame on Kim.

 "How could you?" Jerry screamed at her trying to please Earls.

 "I...I didn't... hah," Kim's words were cut short by Anji who came onto the scene and stepped on her middle finger intentionally which made her scream in pain.

 "What's going on kids?" a teacher passing by asked.

 "Miss Becky, the new girl fell so we're trying to help out," Earls said sweetly.

 "That's so nice, I've always known you possess a good heart keep it up girl," Miss Becky said in admiration and left.


 The sound of the bell made the kids disperse. Earls and the Quart King looked at Kim one more time before heading to the classroom. 

 "Next time you learn not to cross the lane," Earls mouthed smirking as they all left Kim to herself without helping her up. Kim made her way to the restroom and dusted her dress with the handkerchief her Mom gave her in the morning though the dress was wet because of the tea Earls poured on her.

 "Thank God my dress was black if not, how would I have cleaned it," Kim said to herself. Kim was not the type to cry over little things but she was sad and bright Kim was now on the low and wished the day would end quickly so she could go home as she made her way to the classroom. As soon as she entered, all eyes were on her and most of the kids started laughing as they remembered what happened not quite long and this made Kim feel more sad. Earls on the other hand was happy she succeeded in putting Kim in her place and her limelight will soon be hers again. At long last, the bell sounded to signify the end of class for the day and most students were happy to go home. Some of the kids were picked up by their siblings in other classes while some were driven home by their parents or parents' drivers majority followed the school bus and Kim was one of them. Damien and Pearls have agreed on this beforehand. The ride home was cool as the bus was filled with chatter from the pupils and some even mentioned what happened during the break to their siblings and friends in other classes pointing at Kim. Kim was so happy when the bus stopped not too far from her house because everyone now seemed to know her on her first day in MBES. Walking to her home, she started hearing voices and screams coming from their apartment.

 "Oh no! Damien stop, you're hurting me," said the voice. Kim recognized its owner as her Mom. What's happening she thought to herself as she ran very fast to the door. Opening it, she couldn't believe what she saw and the only word that came out of her mouth was "Mummy" before passing out.