
Broken beyond repair

Kim Dylester was not up to Six when she started seeing her mother being constantly abused by her father. As a little girl, it caused trauma and she lived in Isolation almost all through Elementary. Elementary school wasn't all that better because no one wanted to associate with her except during tests and exams because she had a big brain but the teacher always favoured the Chairman's daughter over her keeping her in the dim light. Getting into college, She changed her ways and decided to be known but that proved a tough task because a lot was expected from her and the issues at home were affecting her. Choosing a best friend whom no one knows about but was betrayed because of Unrequited love. Falling in love at first sight but was broken in the worst way she ever thought of, giving love a second trial but it turned out to be a big disaster. Gaining admission into the university she decided to let go of her past, but the past came calling and her not-so-perfect life became the worst nightmare. The biggest event of her life became her death day lol. So now the question is... How will she cope when she wakes up in the hospital to see her worst nightmare smiling? "Who will she give her heart to in the love triangle? Did she overcome her misery or give up?

tianahclassic6 · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

 Second Chance

 Pearls did not regain consciousness until the sun reached its peak, Damien was out already to work she guessed.

 "God my whole body aches," she said to herself as tears streamed down her face.

 "I did not sign up for this, where have I gone wrong? What did I do? It has to be a dream," she said again getting up forcefully as she checked her body to see red marks and a swollen face which was a result of last night. She choked in tears.

 "My baby, where is Kim? Did he take her away?" She asked herself as several thoughts went through her mind walking to the door to check up on her daughter.

 Getting to her room, she couldn't find her and she called her name feeling scared.

 " Kim, Kim, where are you?" She called out loudly.

 "Mama" Kim called smiling and running as fast as her little legs could carry her.

 Not aware of her mother's pain, Kim smiled her biggest sunlight smile as her ocean-green round eyes shone brighter than usual. Pearls carried her daughter and hugged her tightly to herself as she felt she was the only thing that was worth it.

 "Mama, lasagne," Kim said still smiling.

 "Ohh... let's get down to it Minimie," said Pearls realizing the little two-year-old girl was hungry and Damien left the house without thinking of her.

 After making the late breakfast, she fed her daughter pretending to be happy for the sake of the little girl then she bath her and took her to the room she shared with her husband and put her on the bed while she went to the bathroom to take a warm shower then she applied some cream to the painful bruises, as she did, tears streamed down her face cause she was far lost in thought and couldn't comprehend why she was verbally, physically and sexually abused by the man she loved with her whole heart, the man she trusted with her life, her so-called Mr. Perfect she couldn't process it all.

 "Hah," Kim smiled in her little voice bringing Pearls back to reality.

 "Minimie," Pearls called as she went through her wardrobe choosing a simple big top.

 "Mama," Kim called with a little yawn that made Pearls understand she was feeling sleepy.

 Pearls wore her top hurriedly and went to sit next to her daughter and cuddled her to sleep as she slept off too. Later in the evening, Kim woke up and started stroking her mother's hair affectionately which made Pearls awake too and she smiled in sadness because this brought back memories of her and Damien during their early years of relationship. Checking her time, she quickly rushed up carrying Kim with her as she made her way to the kitchen to start preparing dinner. Even though Damien hurt her she still wants to please him. As she was preparing dinner little Kim was up and down bubbling with a smile and trying to help her mother in whatever way. The sound of the bell was heard and both mother and child went in the same direction towards the door. Opening it revealed Damien and it made Pearls shiver as she moved back a little almost making Kim fall but she quickly held her while the latter called Pop in a small tiny voice with her bucket-in-hat smile. 

 "Minimie, did you miss Dad that much?" said Damien staring at both mother and daughter.

 "Pop," Kim repeated as he lifted her from the ground and gave her a big kiss on the forehead.

 "Good evening," Pearls said for the sake of Kim and made her way to the kitchen.

 "Pop, mama, salad," said Kim still smiling.

 "Oh, that sounds yummy," Damien said giving her the strawberry wafers he got for her then he put her on the couch as he made his way to the kitchen.

 "Pearls," he called. The frightened Pearls dropped the knife mistakenly at the sound of his voice. Damien who noticed this felt bad because the Pearls were always happy at his call. He moved closer to her with a soft look mixed with different emotions. 

 "Please!," was all Pearls could say as tears rolled down her cheeks getting more scared of Damien as his actions now seemed unpredictable.


 "I'm sorry baby, I am. I don't know what came over me I've never raised my hand on a woman since I was born. What happened yesterday, I don't know how to explain it but it's not me, I think I was possessed. I'm feeling like a monster and I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but baby pls, you're the only woman I've ever loved and you mean the world to me please find a place in your heart to forgive if for nothing sake but for the love we shared and Kim," Damien with a voice laden with emotion as tears rolled down his cheeks. By this time, Pears was crying uncontrollably as she remembered how she felt she would die without seeing her daughter enter even elementary school. 

 "Pearls, please don't tell anyone about it they'll only give you advice that will ruin our happy family. I won't do it again I promise It'll never repeat itself, I swear on my mother's life. You can testify to it that if there's one breath left in me when I'm about to die I'll call your name and close my eyes to join the world beyond. I'm very sorry Mi amour please forgive me this once and about the wedding, we'll start planning it soon and also I've talked to a friend about you getting a better job and he promised to get back to me in a week," Damien added this time moving closer to her.

 "I love you and always promise to. Baby pls let's go back to how we were before and let's forget the past," Damien continued 

 " Forget what past? You abused me physically, verbally, and sexually. I almost died over something I couldn't fathom my fault in Damien. You treated me like a wild animal, and now you are saying I should forget the past, even if I choose to forgive you and say I'll forget, do you think it'll vanish from my head like a Nollywood movie prank?" Pearls burst out in anger as her voice choked in sobs.

 " I'm sorry I'm very sorry from the deepest part of my heart I'm apologizing please Pearls my heartbeat. I got you some tubes to cure the scars and pain reliefs to relieve you of the pain baby. I also got you the latest channel bag you usually stare at on your phone. I know you longed for it even when you did not tell me. I got it for you to know I mean these words that I'll never raise my hands on you again till I die. Please babe," said Damien putting the package into her hands and hugging her tightly while patting her back so she could stop crying.

 "I'm confused right now, just give me time to think this through you hurt me I won't lie," said Pearls in a low voice as she sounded unsure of what she was saying still in his arms.

 She loved Damien no doubt and the gift he bought for her made her a little happy but she can't laugh because of the pains he made her go through. Before she fell asleep in the afternoon, She was contemplating in her mind if she should tell her father about it or Prisca but remembering her father didn't buy the idea of her moving over to Damien's place without a wedding she let go of the idea and decided to talk to Prisca after swearing her to secrecy. With the different Damien tonight, she became confused about the next line of action. 

 "I'll watch him for a while let's see how far he can go for me to forgive him and also keep his promise," she thought in her heart.

 "Pop, mama, Kim, big love," said Kim in her little tiny voice as she saw her father hugging his woman tightly with a smile. 

 "Come here Minimie," said Damien as he stretched his hands out thinking in his heart how long she had been there.

 Coming closer, he drew away a little from Pearls so there'd be space for Kim and they all hugged themselves, the latter and former with different thoughts going through their mind. After they ate dinner and slept on the big bed in the couple's room with Kim in the middle.

 In other to please Pearls, Damien went the extra mile just to earn her trust and forgiveness. He bought her top-notch gifts and was always apologizing every night. Pearls felt she needed to forgive for the family to progress besides she missed the old times when everything was peaceful and happy. The next day, Damien took the family of three out on a date to the newest restaurant in town. It was a very happy moment for her as they both reassured themselves of undying love and letting go of the past.

 " I love him and will give him another chance," she thought to herself as they drove home that night, she and Damien made love like never before with the most romantic touch and pleasing moans.

 " I'll always love you to the end, you're my woman," said Damien as they rounded off their lovemaking drifting into sleep afterward in a peaceful atmosphere.

 Will things work out her way? Has Damien changed? Won't this second chance be a costly mistake? Will he fulfill his Promise? And little Kim in Elementary?