
Broken as Shell

Donnie was the best at fixing what was broken, it was what he was best at. Things start to take a tragic turn when he is faced with the choice of which brother to be with when all ask him to be their mate for the upcoming mating season. When he struggles to make a choice because he doesn’t wish to choose one over the others, it leads to serious tension in the family. Though matting season was the least of his worries. The Kraang desire his know how because they believe he stabilized the mutagen to creat Slash. Shredder what to capture him to unmutate Karai. Yet, his world is turned upside down when he learns a horrifying fact about himself that he never considered before. (Dark themes, tcest, dub-con, non-con, PTSD and depression.)

Saiyahime · TV
Not enough ratings
38 Chs

Purple Jade

"You being a biological female will be best suited to wed Leonardo, my heir. Your children will be claimed as his but will not be considered for his heirs once his own children have been born." Splinter explained. "These kimono are for the ceremony. You have one week to prepare for it."

"Hold the fuck up!" Raph was first to chime in.

"Language Raphael!" the old rat narrowed his eyes. He knew this would be a fight. He had three sons wanting to be with Donatello, it was no surprise that they would be upset by this. Yet, he could not back down. He was still their Master, their Sensei, their father and head of the Clan. Within these walls, his word was law.

Raph stepped forward, hands twitching as he fought the urge to hit something. "So ya tell'en me ya gonna give Donnie over ta Leo?! Ya fuck'en play'en favorites!" He was pissed. His eyes narrowed darkly, challengingly. "We shoulda known it was gonna be Leo, who the fuck else is up ya ass all day 'n night?!" he knocked over a lamp in his rage shattering it upon the floor. "Why da fuck does Leo get ta be a father? Why not Mikey 'er me?!"

"I have not made my choice lightly. I had taken all three of you into consideration. Leonardo is best suited because unlike you and Michelangelo, he has been reading up on conditions that may afflict your brother…" Splinter was not at all pleased when he was cut off.

"Mikey was read'en about pregnant mothers 'n what ta cook for 'em! He's been rub'en his feet because they are so swollen! I have been work'en ta better their father 'n gett'en 'im ta sleep! We are all help'en in different ways and yet of course all ya see is Leo! Yer eyes only eva see Leo!" He gestured to him, Donnie and Mikey. "Break'en news pops, ya got fuck'en four kids not just Leo!"

Mikey ran to Raph, tugging his arm. "Come on dude, calm down!" He didn't want them to fight. He didn't want them to get in trouble. "I'm sure we can just chill lax and figure this out if we calm…" he lost hold of his angry brother.

The larger turtle looked to him. "No! I ain't gonna chill! It ain't fuck'en right! Ya ain't gonna tell me ya ain't pissed as I am Mikey!"

"No! I'm more pissed off at you all for ruining his baby shower!" he crossed his arms in anger. "I can't believe you all would just decide that he needs and should get married! This is America, we don't do that shit!" the little brother puffed out his cheeks.

Leo stood between his brother's and father. "Stop! This isn't going to solve anything just screaming at each other! We need to all calm down and sit this over to talk!" he looked to his father. "All of us."

"I will not talk about this. I have made up my mind and you two will be married." He turned to leaved when Raph moved toward him. Leo grabbed his arm and yanked him back. "You dare to challenge my authority Raphael?!"

"Yeah! I dare!" he drew his sais, ready to challenge their father.

"NO!" the cries from Donatello ran go in the lair, silencing all that were there, all eyes laid upon him and his uncharacteristic outburst. "No! I will not marry any one brother." He stood up, leaning against the pillar just before their father. The gaze from the old rat was cold and unmoving. "Father please, I mean no disrespect." He bowed to him as best he could before slowly raising to meet his eyes. "I love my brothers dearly and I could not bear to be with one when I know it would hurt the others. We are not bound by human laws. We are turtles, we are not monogamist and we do not have life partners. We have multiple mates to diversify the clutch of young we lay to ensure that…"

"I will not have such sinful behavior in my home." The tone was cold and flat, a warning that his patients were wearing thin. "If you were human, even if it is not your fault, your pregnancy would dishonor our family and clan. You would not be able to marry anyone of high standing and your children would be bastards." He turned to fully face his son, placing a hand on his shoulder. "I am being merciful. I know this is not your fault and I seek to restore your honor and marry you to my eldest son. Any woman would be honored for such in your position…"

The other three were taken back. Donnie never went against their father, his word was law and he never rebelled or spoke back but here he was, standing against him defending their choice and the relationship they all agreed to with such fire and passion that only made them desire him more. This was a side of him that they wished they had seen more of, yet at the same time were quite frightened of.

He bit his lip as he fought the tears. "I am not a woman." He spoke coldly. "I am a male turtle who is biologically female! I don't feel like a woman, I just feel like me! I am not honored to be told that I have to marry one brother and deny the other's their chance at making their dreams of being fathers come true. I am the only one capable of giving them exactly what they want and Mikey came up with a great idea to do this if you would just listen…"

"I will not! I will not listen to why you think is best because you are in no state to know what is best for you!" his anger was slowly raising. Boiling to the surface and threated to explode. "I am you father! It is my duty to do what is best for you and…"

"Best for me or best for the clan?!" Donnie stood his ground. "I know Leo is your heir. You want legitimate heirs for him I understand this, but our lives are not like that. We are not like that. Father please, understand that this is the closest thing they will ever have to normalcy! I cannot take that away from them."

Splinter scuffed, clearly getting annoyed. "I expected better of you Donatello. You were always my obedient son and now you stand here disobeying me. I will not accept this, not from them and not from you!" he stepped closer, looking down at his son. "You will marry your brother because it is what is best for you and this clan."

The olive skinned turtle shook his head. "I will not. I have already agreed to a polyamorous relationship with all of them. I will not value one over the others and I feel this will stop jealousy, strengthen the team and clan as well as a vast number of benefits…"

"I WILL NOT HAVE A WHORE UNDER MY ROOF!" He bore his teeth. "I am no longer discussing this with you!" he looked to all of them. "With ANY of you! Donatello will marry Leonardo one week from today and I will not change my mind! My decision is final!"

Tears filled his eyes. A whore…is that what his father thought of him? Just because he wanted to make them all happy? What did it matter? Leo would get his heirs and the clan would be better of that way. So why…Why did it hurt so fucking much to hear those words? He shot his head up, glaring at his father with an angered look that was twisted with pain. "What right do you have to dictate my life?! Why do you decide who I love and who I marry?! I'm pregnant, I'm biologically a female and you now treat me with less respect than them!" he gestured to his other brothers who stood there, mouths agape. "It is MY life! They are MY children! It is MY body!" He shook his head. "What right do you have to call me a whore?! Since when is loving your brothers so much that you would sacrifice your own dreams to see theirs come true make you a whore?" He shot a look at his father, eyes burning like a crimson flame. Red and bright with his fury. "Would you say the same if I was Miwa?!"

The sound of flesh connecting hard with flesh rang throughout the lair. A small splatter of blood stained the pillar. All eyes stared wide eyed. All eyes unbelieving of what had just occurred. There was no sound. There was no movement. Just endless silence as they stared as their father's hand and Donatello's discolored cheek and split lip.

Splinter was breathing heavily. Anger in his eyes as he felt the deep stinging sensation in his hand. His eyes locked on his son, head turned toward the pillar, his eyes case down. He was unable to stand on his own and needed the pillar for support. His whole body trembled, shaking before their father be it from the force of the back hand or from the fear of their father. "I will not tolerate disobedience!" he spat. "Do you understand me?!"

"You hit 'im…" Raph trembled with rage. "All he did was defend 'imself and you hit 'im." He ran at him, this time being held back by Leonardo, Mikey and even Slash. "YOU HAVE NO FUCK'EN RIGHT! He didn't even raise a hand ta you! He's fucke'en pregnant! What the fuck?!" he fought against his brothers and friend, tears streaming down his cheeks as he tried to push past, ready to rip their father in two for what he had done.

"Raphie…" he instantly calmed, turning to look at his little brother, heavy with growing eggs as he looked up. "Let it go." He spoke softly, wiping away the blood from his chin with the back of his hand. He turned to his father. Looking up at him with dull eyes that seemed devoid of all light and life.

"Donnie…" the elder brother turned to walk toward him but the other's held him back.

He turned to his father, slowly moving to his knees before him. He bowed lowly, until his head touched the ground, showing him the utmost respect. "Forgive my disrespectful behavior. If you believe marrying Leonardo is best for me and the clan then I humbly accept."

"No Donnie!" Raph glared at their father. "He don't want it! Leo don't want it so why da fuck are ya push'en it? Who da fuck cares about legitimate heirs? Aint noth'en about us is legitimate!"

Splinter turned from Donatello to his second son. "You are too young and arrogant to understand. In time you will all thank me for this."

"I'm fuck'en done!" he pushed Leo and Mikey off of him, charging at their father with sais drawn. "Ya ain't no father if ya gonna do this! Ya had no right ta hit 'em!" he slashed at the rat fully intent on making him feel just how much pain and hurt he was in. "He was da good one! The one that listened! The one that obeyed!" he gave it all he had. Every time Splinter dodged or redirected his attack he grew more despite. "He neva drinks, neva smokes! He don't even fuck'en swear!" Splinter smacked him with the back of his tail. "He only eva puts everyone else before himself! Countless times when we came home he used all the medical supplies on us! The pain killers, the bandages!" tears stained his eyes.

Splinter knocked one sai from his hand, sending it flying to the kitchen. He took hold of his other hand and pinned him to the ground, the second sai to his neck. He could see the anger in his son's face. The pain at being denied happiness. The pain that he believed the younger three sons did not mean as much as his eldest. Splinter took a deep breath and sighed. "You love your brothers, there is no denying that. Yet this right here is why I fear placing him with you. Your outbursts, your rash actions, you would only put him and the children at risk."

"I hate ya." Was all he got in response.

"Enough please." Donnie was sitting up now, looking to them "I agreed, just don't hurt him anymore." Tears were flowing from his eyes. It was a sorrowful sight no matter who you were.

The moment Raph was free, he kicked off the ground and ran to Donnie. Kneeling before him and gently hugging him. "Ya don't have ta agree ta not a damn thing. Ain't no one gonna think any less of ya. Who da fuck gives a shit about what he says…in the end ya have ta agree and say I do. He can't make ya…" he pulled back, cupping his brother's cheeks in his hands, careful not to touch the large bruise that was forming and wiped away the tears. "I'll protect ya. I swore then when we was just kids…I still take it seriously. Come on Donnie…Don't break my heart. Don't break Mikey's." He nuzzled their beaks together. "Don't agree ta shit if ya don't want it."

He turned away. Donnie rejected him and turned away. "I can't." His voice was so filled with pain and exhaustion. "I'm just tired Raphie…I can't…" his face twisted in pain as he held his belly, expelling what little he managed to eat at the party upon the floor. His whole body trembled as he tried to get a hold of his emotions. What little control he had over his life before now felt as if that thread had been severed.

"Donnie!" Mikey ran to him, gently rubbing his shell. "It's okay bro let it all out. Don't worry about the mess I'll clean it later." He looked at everyone with the most pissed off look he could muster. Even when Leo moved to take Donnie's hand and gave it a squeeze. "You aren't supposed to stress him out! You aren't supposed ta hit him!" he scuffed at their father and looked back to his sick brother. "Calm down Dee, everyone is just pissy. We'll all go to bed and talk about it tomorrow."

Splinter opened his mouth to speak but Leo spoke first. "He's right. We're all just tired and upset. Come on, Raph will take you to bed and we can all talk about this tomorrow." He helped his brother's stand Donnie up. It was clear he wasn't going to be able to walk, so they settled him in Raph's arms and had him carry him up the stairs.

"Raphael…" The hot headed turtle stopped and shot him a glare. "You will no longer be sleeping in his room. Donatello is betrothed." Splinter's voice left little room to argue.

"Get bent." Was his response, pissed that their father now didn't trust him to be in the same room as Donnie. As if he would rape him or something. It hurt, but it only fed the fire that burned within him.

Leonardo turned to their father. "There was no reason for any of that." He snapped. Still giving their father respect by bowing his head. "Donnie is no threat. He was upset there was no reason to strike him."

"Leaders must make difficult choices my son. Ones that do not always favor everyone." He placed his hand around his back. "I expect my orders to be followed. If Raphael is in your brother's room tonight, then he will regret it." He turned away, watching as his youngest grumbled under his breath as he cleaned the mess left by Donatello. "You will finish the project I gave you. I expect it done by tomorrow to present to your brother."

"I will have it done." He bowed his head. Something about this wasn't right. It wasn't like their father but he was too upset to confront him about it. He felt it would lead to nothing more then more fighting and Donnie was already upset, they were all upset.

Splinter retired to his room. Once the door slid shut he lowered his guard. His eyes widened as he looked down at his trembling hand. The hand that had struck his son. What he said…it had gotten to him. Yet what truly caused the reaction, was those eyes. So filled with anger and pain that all he saw was Saki. His face haunted him and ever since that nightmare he felt a sense of dread when ever he was near his pregnant son. As if the past were doomed to be repeated but this time…with far more dire consequences.

It was why he was pushing so hard for the marriage. Once Donatello was wed he would no longer need to leave the lair. He would be resigned there, under Splinter's close watch. To ensure that the child did not lose both their parents, he would relinquish his role as a ninja. He would never have to leave the lair again because he would be raising the children and taking care of the others. He would have a far more important role within the lair where he would be safest and far away from the grasp of the Foot Clan and Oroku Saki.


Another X was placed upon the large map of New York's sewers, leaving that as the 458th tunnel that had been checked since they had come to this miserable city. Shredder was becoming impatient and it was really starting to show. In the past weeks he had ordered every Foot ninja, every Purple Dragon down into the vast sewer system to look for the home of the turtles. Each passing day they were no closer than they were the day before. It seemed like they were searching for a needle in a haystack.

Even the second map of all the places they had seen the turtles marked with the times their operations started to the time the turtles showed up, marked to pinpoint their location through triangulation but it did no good. Those damn turtles were too clever. They never used the same entrance or exit twice.

The turtles had been seen a few times, each time without the very turtle he sought and with a larger one instead. According to the Kraang, they believed it was Donatello that mutated the larger turtle, thus had stabilized the mutagen to play into his favor. There was no doubt they were keeping him hidden. No doubt that the turtle survived his fall.

He snarled angerly. Looking down at the pages of documents that he was able to pull from what little the Dragons knew about the turtles. It seemed that Donatello was a thorn in their sides as well though Raphael's name was the most well-known. He moved the documents, looking at images taken from a Kraang facility, showing the lone Donatello breaking in to free the human they learned was the girl's father. He was highly trained and no doubt intelligent. Making a plan to infiltrate a prison facility alone. He could use that kind of mind. The more he learned about him the more he wanted to know.

It was he who managed to find a cure for Xever's toxic bite just by hearing the list of symptoms over the phone. From what he heard he made the mix while in a speeding van. Impressive to say the least. Yet, he turned to the video of the retromutagen at work. Just a single drop and the beast became human again. His eyes narrowed. He wanted that turtle alive.

"Master." Bradford spoke up from the door way.

"I said I did not wish to be disturbed." His voice was deep and angered. He was too far into this. Too far in and too dedicated to finding where they were.

"Unless Tigerclaw returned." The moment Bradford mentioned the name he stood up and turned to face him.

The large tiger mutant walked forward, growling at Bradford before bowing to his master. "I have returned from my mission." He tossed a bag before his master's feet. "The head, just as you requested."

Shredder slowly descended down and toward him. "Very well done. At least there is someone I may count on." He didn't even have to double check the bag to be sure, he knew the tiger would not fail. "I have a new mission for you, this is one of top priority."

"Just tell me who I may bring you the head of and it is done." He extended his claws before retracting them.

Shredder handed him the photo of the turtle, laughing about something. "I want him alive and unharmed."

The feline mutant looked it over. "Why this one?" he asked.

"He has created a retromutagen." The look in the cat's eyes was as expected. "It was successfully used. I have a desire to force him to create more to heal my daughter. Find him and I will ensure you get some as well."

A smile formed on his lips, large fangs exposed as he looked down at the picture. "Consider it done." He bowed his head. "I desire all we know about this one…"

"You have access to all you need and more." He snapped his fingers and a file was brought to him. "Here is all I have. There is a map of all places that had been looked over as well. I expect a report daily and upon every new discovery." He left no room to argue, leaving the tiger only to bow.

"I will have him to you as soon as possible. The turtles are quite tricky and resourceful, given they know you are looking for him I doubt he will make an appearance." He thought a moment before closing the file. "Give me twenty-four hours to be briefed and I will begin my hunt." He bowed his head.

"Very well." He turned on his heel, growing again at the dog mutant before vanishing around the corner.


Raphael gently laid his brother in the bed, carefully helping him to sit up. "Hey Donnie…" the younger turtle didn't look at him. He kept his eyes away, trying to hide the bruise with his hand. "Donnie boy, come on, let me look at yer face. I wanna see how bad it is." He curled a finger under his brother's chin to turn his face to him. Those eyes didn't meet his, but they were glazed with tears. The split on his beak was small but worry some, he didn't want to get it infected. "Let me see da cheek Don." He placed his hand on his brother's, locking their hands together and slowly moved it away. "Oh Donnie…"

The cheek was a horrid purple color, angry and swelling. He felt his rage building again. His whole body trembled for a moment before he felt his brother squeeze his hand.

"Let it go, Raphie." It was that same small voice from when he first got home.

"I aint gonna sing dat damn song." He tried to joke but it just sounded pathetic. "And I ain't. What Splinter did was wrong and you cant defend 'em this time." He moved over to the first aid kit Donnie kept in his room. He grabbed the antibiotic ointment and returned.

Those red eyes narrowed. "I provoked him, I shouldn't have…" he was cut off by Raph taking his chin roughly, forcing his gaze to meet his. "That look in his eyes…it was like he was terrified of me…"

"Don't start that shit Don! It don't matta what ya said, it's just fuck'en words. He had no reason ta lay a god forsaken hand on ya. For fuck's sake yer pregnant!" he caressed his uninjured cheek. "None of us are blaim'en ya."

"Do you blame Leo?" he asked softly.

He nodded. "Yeah, fucker neva told us." He popped the cap off the ointment and lathered it on his dark thumb, warming it up for him.

"Don't. Leo didn't want it. If he did he would never have agreed to allow the polyamorous relationship. If he already had me there was no reason to lead you all on." He stopped the hand that was stroking his check.

"Maybe he is just a sick prick…" Raph didn't believe it. Donnie made sense. He always fucking made sense.

Eyes looked to his pleading. "He isn't like that and you know it." He was tired and it was really starting to show.

"Yeah yeah, I know. Even so, still pisses me off he didn't have da balls ta tell us sooner." He pressed the ointment to the cracked lip, watching his brother hiss softly at the pain. "And I saw how ya react'en ta Slash…"

"I cant bring myself to easily forget…it's hard enough being near him like that even if I try so hard to…" he was silenced by the thumb being pressed to his beak.

Raph smiled softly. "Shhhh. I know Donnie, so does he. I talked ta 'im about it and he understands. He needs ta respect yer space 'n boundaries. If ya tell 'em no it's no or I cut his cock off." He warned. "He ain't gonna do that shit again while I live 'n breathe." His thumb stroked the wound again, lingering on it.

Donnie smiled softly. "I know you won't, Raphie." He leaned into the touch. Closing his tired eyes for a moment of peace and clarity. Slowly his eyes opened again. Still so filled with sorrow and pain.

The bed dipped with his weight. "Good." He leaned in, moving closer to his lips before Donnie moved back.

"I'm engaged…." He tried to look away but Raph held firm.

"Don't fuck'en care. Ain't yer choice." He moved closer. "Ya wanted a relationship with all us. Ta Hell with what Splinter wants. Like ya said, it's yer life." He smiled and leaned closer, his hot breath ghosting over Donnie's beak.

He shook his head. "No." he pushed away. Reluctantly Raph backed off. "I also agreed to marry Leo." There was change in his voice.

Raph pulled him close, wrapping his arm around his hip. "Ya agreed ta both. Technically ours first and Leo never proposed." He laid his head in the nape of his brother's shoulder. He wasn't going to pressure him or force him. Not when he loved him too damn much.

"Arranged marriages don't work like that." Donnie remined him. He was enjoying to closeness. The warmth his brother gave as he tried to comfort him as best Raphie knew how. Physical contact was his language and if you paid close attention it was as loud as if he spoke through his beak.

He scuffed. "Don't give a fuck." he nuzzled his beak into the long neck of his brother. Gently taking a few playful nips at it, he was blessed with a sweet churr. "Mhmmmm." He chuckled. "Love yer sweet voice." His own was deep and husky. Filled with desire and lust. "Yer so beautiful…"

"Raphie please, don't make this any harder than…." He felt the calloused hand snake up his shoulder and neck to curl under his chin. He looked up into his brother's gaze and felt himself shiver. Raphie had to of felt it because he smirked.

"I ain't, cuz I can tell ya want it too." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Enjoying the sweet smell of the pregnant female before him. "I ain't gonna mate ya…I know ya ain't ready fer that yet…" he opened his eyes and grinned. "I just wanna kiss ya." He leaned in and took his beak into his own. It was sweet and passionate. His tongue invaded his brother's mouth claiming all that he could. Donnie wasn't fighting him like he expected, no, instead he wrapped his arm around him pulling them closer together, deepening the kiss. Raph wasn't going to stop him, not if he was contributing to this. His heart fluttered with excitement. Donnie loved him. Donnie was kissing him. Donnie wanted him.

He didn't understand it. The heat that rose within him, the feeling of longing that came with each touch. Donnie tried to fight it. He tried to back away but Raphie was so persistent. Once their lips touched he was lost to the feeling and to nature. His arm wrapped around his neck and pulled him down, deepening the kiss. His body pressed closer, rubbing his plastron against his brother's, ever careful about his tummy. Why did it feel so good?

His brother pulled away, smirk on his lips as he lightly nipped at his lower jaw line. "Mhmmm couldn't resist could ya Donnie boy?" he trailed light kisses from his jaw to his neck, licking the heated skin and earning a satisfied churr. "You smell so fuck'en good…" he nipped at his neck.

"Raphie~" his cries were strained, breath catching in his throat as his brother laid him gently upon the bed. His gaze half lidded and dazed. "W…We shouldn't..." he tried to sit up but was held in place.

"I told ya Donnie, I ain't gonna fuck ya." He kissed his neck, biting at the exposed flesh. God if the noises his brother were making didn't make him want to turn himself into a liar. "Go ta bed." He pulled the blanket up, tucking his brother in bed. "If ya want me ta stay I'll stay."

His brother shook his head. "I don't want you to get in trouble Raphie." There was genuine terror in his eyes when he meet his gaze. Fear that if he did ask him to stay their father would hurt him.

He let himself smile as he kissed his brother's cheek. "Alright, I wont." He stood up and walked to the door. "Though, ya shouldn't be alone ta night. I'm gonna send Leo up." He could see his brother visibly relax. Donnie didn't like to be alone.

"Thank you." He said softly.

"Anytime Donnie. Love ya." He opened the door hearing a gentle I love you back.

He closed the door and pressed his forehead against it. What the fuck were they gonna do?

Mikey ran up the stairs two at a time. "Ya, what happened? Is Donnie okay?!" He reached for the door but was stopped by Raph. "Ow!" he pulled his hand back.

"Sorry Mikey…" he sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "He aint in da mood and right now it best he rest. "Where's Fearless?" he looked around but didn't see him.

"Putting the presents in Donnie's lab, he'll be back. Slash ran off in the tunnels, something about taking out his anger on inanimate objects. Sounds like what Donnie told you to do when you get pissy Raph." He leaned his shell against the wall. "Thanks by the way."

His brows furrowed as he looked to his little brother. "Fer what?"

Mikey smiled. "For sticking up for him. Even if Splinter is our father it…it isn't right. Every point you made…how is any of this fair to Donnie?" his smile died. "He didn't have to hit him but, the look in his eyes bro…It was like he was scared of Donnie."

"Ya noticed dat too?" he crossed his arms. "I neva seen Splinter act like that. I ain't defend'en 'im but…it don't make sense." Now that he thought about it…their father seemed very on edge. It was almost scary that look he gave Donnie. Like he was gonna kill him.

"We need to talk to Leo, he'll know better. Perhaps he could talk more with Splinter and…" ever the hopeful one.

Raph shook his head. "Ya didn't hear 'em? Apparently Leo had da past few weeks ta talk to 'im. Splinter isn't changing his mind. He is hell bent on Donnie marrying Leo but it has to be fore more then what we think…"

"It's because in marrying the heir, Donnie will be forced to resign as a ninja." Leo walked up the stairs. "Come on, we can talk more in my room." He walked past them, both of his younger brothers followed. Once in his room, Mikey pounced the bed with Leo and Raph remaining standing.

Mikey piped up first. "So Splinter wants Donnie to stop being a ninja?" he wasn't following. Their who lives had been dedicated to that. A large part of who they were was ninjas so why the hell did he want him to stop?

Leo sighed. "It goes back to the Hamato clan traditions. Kunoichi were highly trained warriors, trained in way the males weren't, in seductions. So it is not uncommon for Hamato sons to wed women who lost their virginity. Most will retain their status and continue missions, this does not happen for the Hamato heir's wife. Since there is a need to ensure that the child is his, she would be denied missions, forfeit her rank and become nothing more then a mother and house wife. Often times, Hamato heirs sought out non kunoichi because it was easier for their wifes who did not know combat." He looked to them. "Hence why Tang Shen was someone father favored. He wants Donnie to give up being a ninja to protect him."

"Mak'en a bit of sense but still…" Raph sighed and shook his head. "Is this all because of everyone look'en for 'im?"

He nodded. "Splinter first was willing to let him heal and rejoin us but…when he found that Donnie was biologically female and pregnant he decided it best to kill two birds with one stone."

"So, he wants Donnie to play house wife while we clean up the streets?" Mikey tilt his head. "Donnie wont just sit by and let us fight his battles. We all know this."

Leo turned to him and frowned. "He would if it was what is best for his children. Splinter plans to manipulate Donnie using his children. By sending us as he normally would, Donnie would be the only one left to care for the babies. If Donnie leaves, then there would be no one left of their kind."

"That is fucked up." Raph spat.

"It would work." Mikey scuffed. "If something were to happen to us, Donnie would take it upon himself to care for them alone. That is so wrong bro."

"I have been trying to find ways to refuse this and fight it, the only way was the polyamorous relationship, Donnie would have more children and each of us would diversify the population. Donnie would not be forced to resign." He crossed his arms. "Then again there was a flaw to this as well. Donnie would be pregnant while caring for the young. We see how he handles it now, he will need all the help he can get. Yet we run into the same issue. Donnie being left alone with the children. There is no right way around this, other then once our clutches are born, we ensure Donatello can not have anymore children."

"And how pray tell do ya expect ta do that?" Raph raised a brow.

"Condoms? Pills? Surgery? Perhaps we can get Leatherhead to remove his womb…" Leo wasn't sure about any of this. He didn't understand fully how any of this would go.

Mikey stood up on the bed pissed off. "Remove his womb? I may not be smart but even I know that is a huge risk bro!"

"Then what do you suggest?" Leo was open to such. If they knew more or had a better grasp then so be it.

"Visectimmaty." Mikey said with a smile on his face.

The older brothers looked at each other before looking back at the younger. "What?"

"Visectimmany? Vincennemy? Vaconitomy?" he puffed out his cheeks. "It's when they do something to your balls to make it not make babies. Donnie was watching a show on t.v back when he was creating our anatomy charts. There is a simple way and it is safer and easier to do it for boys then girls. The boys have it all outer and girls have it inner."

"Vasectomy." Leo corrected. He thought a moment. Perhap that was indeed the better way. He was sure Donnie could do it and they trusted him not to mess it up. If it was the safer option then it would be all for the best. Even so they would need to discuss it with Donnie.

They could hear the clanking sound of Metalhead's feet coming from the direction of Donnie's room before they faded away.

"Ain't no one com'en at meh balls with no knife." Raph snapped. "Ya serious? Cant we do da womb thing?"

Leo shot him a glare. "Sure, do you know how to open Donnie up and look under his Plastron? Perhaps you know what his womb looks like so you can remove it and not the liver." He shook his head. "I don't think that is a viable option. If it comes down to it you will have to make a choice. Donnie or your balls Raph."

He muttered under his breath.

"Sorry what?" Leo leaned in to hear better.

Angered he pushed him back. "Fuck'en Donnie, it'll always be Donnie." He crossed his arms and leaned back against the wall. "So what do we do?"

"I don't know." Leo sighed softly, looking away. "Splinter wants us to wed before the babies are laid, that is why he is getting desperate, it would make them Hamatos and not just bastards. The best option is to accept this, just for now until we talk with Donnie and see if he had any ideas."

"He ain't all there in da head." Raph looked to him. "He is accept'en of this shit. Splinter hurt him, badly. Not just that hit but ta call 'im what he did…"

"It was messed up big time bro." Mikey agreed and plopped back on the bed. "If Donnie gets married he will honor his vows. You'll have him all to yourself and we get kicked to the curb." He was jealous but would never admit it aloud.

The elder brother moved to his youngest brother. "I don't want this, no this way. I agree with Donnie, it would be far more beneficial to be in the poly relationship. It would only strengthen us." He gave them both a soft look. "I am not willing to let this go without a fight. Not unless Donnie agrees to it and not just because we want him to or because Splinter told him to."

Mikey yawned. "Bro's I don't know about you but Im beat. I think we should pick this up tomorrow. Leo, dude we'll play your game and play along for now." He stood up and got in his face. His eyes narrowed darker then he ever seen them. "But when it comes to the I Do's, if Donnie sows even a hint of hesitation, I will object to it." He pulled back and walked out the door and headed off to his room. He was beyond pissed at how everyone was treating Donnie. How they weren't taking his thoughts and feelings into consideration. He was more upset that he was one of them. They were all being selfish, believing they knew what was best for Donnie but…only Donnie could make that judgement.

Leo stood there stiff for a bit before he looked to Raph who shrugged. "Ain't gotta clue, but I can guess he is pissed. He even yelled at Splinter too." He reached a hand to Leo's shoulder. "I can't stay with Donnie tonight. Why don't ya go? I don't think it a wise idea ta leave 'im alone after all that."

The elder brother nodded. "Yeah…you're right." He placed his hand on the one on his shoulder. "I didn't say anything because I knew you wouldn't listen if I did. I want to do what is best for everyone…but…"

"Leaders must make difficult choices. Ones that do not always favor everyone." Raph repeated their father's words. A haunting reminder of why Leo was leader and not him. Raph would have already banded them together and left the lair. Leo wanted to stay and confront the problem. He wanted to try and keep the family together.

He smiled and nodded. Walking from his room and moved to Donnie's. He could hear sniffling, no doubt his brother was crying over everything. He knocked once, the sniffling stopped and was replaced with a shaky voice. "Come in."

Leo walked in to see Donnie sitting up in bed, his back against the wall. His belly was hidden under the covers. It was clear he had been crying. His eyes were puffy and red. At some point his lip started bleeding again, if the bloody tissues in his hand were any indication. The marred skin was now a deep purple, swollen and looked to be painful. Their father had not held back when he hit him. "How are you feeling?"

His brother didn't look up, only kept his head down, hands fidgeting with the tissue in his hand. "I'm fine." He lied. A poor one that he knew Leo would pick up on quickly. The hidden meaning 'I don't want to talk' looming there.

The elder brother sighed softly.

"If you keep doing that your happiness will escape." Donnie commented. It was something Splinter had told them as tots. An old Japanese belief.

Leo shook his head and knelt beside the bed. "Donnie I know you prefer Raph, but I think I can substitute for the time being…"

He shook his head. "No one can be substituted." His voice was low. "Raphie and I only sleep in here. If you think we do more then…"

His eyes widened. "No! I don't think you two were doing that…Raph has more respect for you then that." He reached his hand out to touch his brother but it was pulled away. It hurt, but it was expected.

"Did you request it?" Donnie asked.

"What?" he tilt his head, unsure what he meant.

Donnie glared at him. "Did you go to father and ask for my hand? Did you do this behind my back, behind their backs?" he left little room to argue.

Silver eyes locked with his. Staring him straight in the eyes as he removed his mask. "I never went to Father about your hand Donatello, I did go to the others and agree to the polyamorous relationship. It was never my intention to take you from the others."

Those intense fiery red eyes dyed back to a gentle rose red. "I'm glad…" he said with a soft smile, only then lowering his hand back to allow the other to touch him. "I'm sorry…to have ever doubted you I…"

He took his single hand in both of his. "No Donnie, don't be sorry! There is so much going on that I don't blame you for thinking that." He squeezed his hand. "I love you so much and as much as I desired your hand I never wanted it to be forced like this. I had always hoped you would love me in return, not because father had declared it." He reached his hand out and cupped his brother's unharmed cheek. "I would give anything to see you happy Donatello. Even my dreams of having you as my bride. You are strong, you are so damn smart, smarter then anyone I know…" he smiled and stroked his cheek. "You are clever, compassionate, empathetic, nurturing, caring, you always know just what to say and do to make others feel better…" he pressed their foreheads together. "You are breathtaking, charming, absolutely gorgeous…even carrying babies in your belly, you glow with the radiance of a thousand suns."

Donnie sobbed. Unable to hear all these wonderful lies. None of them were true. Only glamour to try and sway him. He didn't feel beautiful. He felt fat and bloated. He didn't feel smart, he ruined everything and made their father upset. He wasn't clever, he didn't even know he was female. "Leo..." he pulled back, looking into his brother's eyes. "Why are you telling me all this? Why cant you just make it easy?"

Leonardo smirked. "Because love isn't easy Donnie. Love is something worth fighting for. Like going up a raging river of doubt." He moved so he was sitting on the bed, carefully moving Donnie to sit on his lap, his plastron to Don's carapace and pulled the covers over them. "Even when others don't feel it is right, when they go against you, you need only to see the one you love upriver, holding their hand out, waiting for you…" he smiled gently, sharp eyes looking down at him. "It makes it all worth while when you finally reach them. When you can finally hold them…" he squeezed his arms gently around him for emphasis, careful of the belly. "You fell like there is nothing else in the world that could ever compare or make you happier. That you were born for them and they were born for you." He kissed the olive hand.

"I never thought you a hopeless romantic…" He felt a flutter of joy at seeing those olive lips turn up into a smile.

"What can I say, we all have our mysteries about us." He cooed softly.

He reached into his belt, pulling out a small leather pouch. "I wasn't sure what to do." He said softly. Opening the bag as he spoke. "You work in the lab, using chemicals, soldering, welding, other…science stuff…" he blushed brightly. "A ring wasn't a very smart choice. So I remembered that show Mikey liked so much, with the people who could use the elements." He cleared his voice. "The water people…they had a unique way of showing their love…I thought it perfect and so…with a bit of help from Casey…" he pulled out a black necklace. It looked nearly identical to the one in the show save the stone in the center was a crescent moon made of purple jade. "I hope you like it…I had Casey sell some of my Space Hero comics to afford it…"

Donnie looked up at him with deep concern. "You love those comics…."

"I love you more." He hummed. Moving to place the necklace on him, ensuring that he didn't choke him. Looking at him with it on, Leo could feel nothing but pure joy. It looked beautiful on him. Donnie looked so breathtakingly beautiful that it seemed too surreal, like a dream. "A moon…for your dreams and inspiration. Often you have your head shamelessly in the clouds, always thinking of ways to better this world. Far too often I see you looking up at it, often wondering what it is you are thinking about." He kissed his cheek. "Purple Jade, to match the color that suits you so well. The color of royalty, for you stand far higher than any of us could ever hope to reach. The stone of mirth and happiness, all of which I hope to bring you. It purifies the aura, dispelling negative feelings and attitudes, allowing for spontaneous joy of life to fill the soul and spill over to others. The humor evoked by this stone enhances appreciation of the divine order of all things." He hummed softly. Looking down so lovingly upon his brother.

There was a blank look on his face. One that showed he was deep in thought. Slowly, after a time, his brother looked up at him. Hummed softly in return before he leaned up and captured his lips in his own.

Leo was shocked to say the least. Part of him feared that Donnie was slipping back into a triggered episode but he could tell this time was different. Donnie opened his eyes but a moment and they were full of life and love. That look was enough. He leaned down closer, deepening the kiss. His hand wrapped around Donnie's head to support him against the wall so he didn't hit it. His other hand still held Don's but now it was pinned to the wall, locked together in a beautiful embrace.

He pulled away, gasping with his brother, their eyes half lidded and clouded with lust. "Donnie…tell me to stop…" he wanted him to, if he didn't…Leo know he didn't have the strength to do so himself.

That look…that fucking pure and innocent look his brother gave him was too much. Yet the chirp, that soft and sweet sounding chirp that cried out with desire. "You thought so much about what to get for me…you made this…" he gently touched the stone, the precious gift his brother parted with something so dear to him to get. "Happiness…I fear this stone is working…"

The elder turtle crashed his lips into his lover's. Deepening it unlike any kiss they had before. Driven by love and lust. This felt so right. It felt so good. He shifted his body, moving between his brother's legs. He pulled away from his lips, moving to his jaw for light peppered kisses. "Donnie…" he breathe out deeply. He felt his brother tremble before his touch as he slowly moved down to his neck, kissing the physical symbol of their engagement, their love. He smiled as he heard the churr. Slowly he licked just under the necklace, winning him another churr as his fiancée's nails bit into his shoulder. He didn't care, not now, not in this moment.

Each movement and each breath shifted the jade stone, causing what little light there was in the room to reflect off of it. Shining with a brilliance that only complimented that of the wearer. "Leo~" The cries were innocent, they were so sweet and gentle. They urged him on, even that scent…the same sweet and mouth watering scent that he smelled before began to suffocate him now. He smiled, tears forming in his eyes. So this was heaven, this was bliss.

Gentle…ever so gently he laid his fiancée, he would never tire of it, upon the bed. Looking down at him. One arm up and near his head, the other near his large round belly, his long legs together at the knee and raised slightly. Yet his face, his eyes, his panting breaths all screamed desire for him.

"Breath taking…" he murmured, gently placing himself between his legs that willingly moved to make room for him. Both arms on each side of his head, propping him up. "Donnie~ I love you…"

The look on his fiancée's face grew gentle, those eyes shown red with the deep unending love. A warm and welcoming smile on his face as he reached his hand to cup his cheek. "I love you too Leo." That voice…so warm and motherly, so sweet, so innocent, so pure.

He smiled down at him, allowing his tears to fall. "I'm so happy." He held that hand on his cheek, pressing his beak to it for a light kiss. "Donnie…I will do all I can…I will make you happy and I will love your babies like they are my own because they are part of you. I want to be everything you need me to be and more."

That giggle. So light hearted and gentle. "Then just be Leonardo."

He bent down to capture his lips again, pulling him close so they could share this sweet passion. "Then you be Donatello." He cooed. Kissing him again just as deeply.