
Bringing The Animes Items To The Real World

What if a person gets the power to bring anime items from the anime world to the real world? What if he could bring supernatural items like Devil Fruits, Magic Swords, and Dragon Balls?! What if he can bring the weapons and ninja items? What more can he bring? Senzu beans? Chakra fruit? Zampakuto? Follow Naeim who gets the cheat and pushes the world into a new era.

RyuGin · Anime & Comics
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13 Chs

What's the target to get here?

Inside the merchant ship, the sound of gentle music can be heard and many couples can be seen dancing with each other with happy smiles on their faces.

No one noticed that an extra young man had appeared with them in the ship's hall.

(Finally! That intense feeling of exclusion and oppression is gone! I feel so comfortable here as if I'm back in my own home!)

While listening to the comfortable music, Naeim was observing the changes around him with great concentration. Of course, the first thing he noticed was the disappearance of the negative feelings that surrounded his heart like a cage the moment he left the real world, and this is the most important thing.

Only now did he begin to realize how strange his previous situation was as if the real world was frantically trying to exorcise him.

Evidently, the real world saw him as a glitch in the global system, so it was urging him to leave. Now that Naeim has entered one of the anime worlds he is no longer afraid to stay here forever, he can feel the LED screen he came from is still open, and he can leave whenever he wants.

"Oh, excuse me."

Suddenly, a young man the same age bumped into him by mistake, but he was gracious enough to apologize.

Although the young man spoke clearly in the Japanese language, which is a language that Naeim used to hear only in the anime, for some reason Naeim was able to understand what this man was saying very clearly as if he was speaking in Arabic, and this caused great confusion for Naeim.

"It's okay, it's also my fault that I didn't look around well."

This time Naeim's confusion deepened as a language he had never spoken before came out of his mouth as if he was speaking in his own language. No, in fact, he was speaking in his native language the whole time, but the language the young man heard was correct Japanese.

Somehow it seemed that Naeim had merged with the laws of the world he had just entered in every way, even the strong gravity in this world compared to the Earth didn't affect him at all.

The young man in green clothes and green dark hair respected Naeim more after seeing how understanding and kind he was.

Only now did Naeim realize that this young man was somewhat familiar.

(Isn't that the guy who asked Nami to dance with him in the first episode of One Piece? No, it sure was him.)

Before he jumped onto this ship, he had seen the barrel containing Luffy being pulled out of the sea by the ship's sailors, that's why he didn't pay any more attention to it and jumped straight towards the ship and entered at a faint pace without being noticed.

As he was thinking about what he would do in this world from now on, he saw her for the first time, a tender girl with short orange hair, flawless white skin, a small nose bridge, and a beautiful white dress.

It looked like a masterpiece so fondly made by the gods.

At this moment, that green-shirted young man was walking towards her to ask for a dance.

Without knowing from which he got the courage, he was one step ahead of the young man in the green shirt and was the one who called out to Nami instead.

When Nami turned to look at him curiously, Naeim felt the blood freeze in his body but maintained a calm face and a kind smile.

Realizing that there is no problem with communication in this world, he chooses to interact with the main characters for sure.

If he didn't have a specific purpose for coming to this world, he would make one.

"Would you mind dancing with me?"

Since he had already stolen the green-shirted young man's opportunity, there was no problem with stealing his stripes as well.

When Nami heard this, she nodded in agreement and gave him her soft hand.

The moment he grabbed her hand, Naeim felt how cold that hand was as if it had been soaked in the snow the whole time.

Suddenly, when they were dancing quietly and peacefully, the ship started to shake violently, causing all the passengers to fear, which turned into a panic after they knew that the pirates were attacking.

"Why aren't you afraid!?"

Naeim felt Nami's hand trying to enter the pocket containing his 4D pocket but she couldn't, which is why she wanted to distract him with her earlier question.

"Why fear? Isn't it just an attack by some amateur thug who thinks of themselves as pirates?"

Despite not having interacted with the pirates previously, he already knows the identity of the attackers, they were the Alvida Pirates.

With his power, does he need fear from Alvida? Unless Yonko comes up with his own crew, Naeim won't raise an eyelid.

Nami felt the tremendous confidence leaking from Naeim and couldn't help but feel amazed.

She couldn't rob anything from this young man, nor was he afraid of the pirates who had caused everyone on this ship to panic, was she dancing with a strong man or something?

"Let me introduce myself first, beautiful lady. I am Naeim, the man who will become king of the world. Would you be interested in becoming queen of this world by my side?"

Naeim spoke with confidence seeping through his bones, he wasn't exaggerating at all. A person with his power can instantly become the king of the world if he wants to, the problem is that there is no fun and no adventure in this. That is why it is better to start from the bottom and enjoy every moment of the way toward achieving this target.

After hearing this, Nami's small mouth opened enough to let in an egg (or something else) from shock.

"Well, you're crazy then... It's okay, bye."

Nami let go of his hand and took advantage of the crowd's panic to sneak past them and steal much of their belongings before running away.

Naeim stared at this with wide eyes. It was successfully rejected.

"Everybody calm down, please!"

"Calm down, please!"

"Please follow the instructions calmly!"

The ship's captain tried to calm the passengers down, but it was of no use.

At this moment Naeim felt a huge explosion that shook the ship above, after which the pirates started attacking the ship.

In a few moments, the Alvida Pirates surrounded everyone inside the main hall.

"Ehehehe, we won't kill you. But we will take all your valuables-"

"And whoever resists, we will throw him into the ocean."

Immediately after that, a gruff voice came from behind the group of pirates, Alvida herself joining them.

Naeim was able to take a good look at this fat and ugly woman, who will later turn into a charming woman thanks to the Devil Fruit that she will eat later.

He began to wonder whether he should make a move and impress Nami with his strength, or just let the plot run its course.

Well, the fear of the passengers next to him was real, and he even saw an old woman almost dying of panic, and a mother trembling while carrying her baby.

Evidently, even the weakest pirates in these seas would strike terror into the hearts of ordinary people.

"Sigh… Didn't you find a better day than this to show me your fat face!?"

The hall was completely silent when Naeim spoke.


Should I make him follow Straw Hats or create his own crew?

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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