
Chapter 122 - Departure

This is the legendary Heresy Tribunal, the executioners capable of bringing anyone to the sentencing platform?

That's simply nonsense!

Even though Messai was no longer feeling as irritable and angry as before, it wasn't that much better.

She watched as one of the inquisitioners lost their sense of reasoning and recklessly stood forth to demand for the elf to sing again.

Seeing that, Messai began to seriously doubt the rumored capabilities of the Heresy Tribunal. She suspected that they might not even be a match for an Ecclesiastical Templar.

They've committed the most serious mistake in the Hearthstone Tavern -- to dare cause trouble in the tavern without dying to a 'steal priest' in a game of Hearthstone!

This Hearthstone Tavern was different from all the other small taverns in the world. The people in this tavern were not hooligans and despicable thieves.