
Brilliant legend

Who says a man has no day? Endure a few years of Wu Yuhan overbearing rise, crisscross the city, will all have looked down on him under foot! Snobby mother-in-law? Shut up! Big brother? Get on your knees! A powerful martial artist? Get out of my way! Lady wife? Come on, kiss me! Domineer is his style of dealing with things, disobedient is his code of conduct. And see a generation of bully husband, how to stage a counterattack after the tough life!

wu_yong · Urban
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96 Chs

Chapter 40: The Negotiation

As soon as Yao Jing was pulled out of the car, she didn't scream or beg. Instead, she made an offer. "If it's money you want, I can give it to you," she said, her voice steady despite the chaos around her.

The man holding her hesitated, a flicker of surprise crossing his face before he replied mockingly, "Sorry, lady, but we're professionals. We've got our principles, you know?"

Yao Jing quickly latched onto the hint he dropped. They were hired for this job.

"How much is your employer paying you? I'll give you five times that amount," she said, her tone confident and commanding.

The audacious offer made the kidnappers pause. Most people in her situation might offer double or triple, but Yao Jing's fivefold proposition was unprecedented and compelling.

"Did you just say five times?" The man gripping her arm asked, a mix of astonishment and temptation in his voice.

"Yes, five times. Right now. Just let us go," Yao Jing affirmed, her eyes locked on his, willing him to take the deal.

"Boss…" The man holding her turned to another man, who seemed to be in charge, clearly torn.

"You idiot," the leader snapped. "If we take her money, that's straight-up kidnapping and extortion! Right now, we're just looking at unlawful detention. If we get caught, it's a slap on the wrist compared to what you're suggesting!"

"Yeah, maybe you're right. Stop struggling, lady. It's no use. No amount of money's gonna change our minds," the henchman muttered, tugging Yao Jing towards the SUV.

"I'll pay you ten times!" Yao Jing's voice cut through the tension, her offer now even more irresistible.

The leader, who had been adamant, now faltered. Ten times the money? That was a fortune, way more than what Ah Yong was paying them.

"Forget it for now. Let's get her in the car and move," the leader finally ordered, though his voice had lost some of its earlier certainty.

Without further discussion, they shoved Yao Jing into the SUV and sped off into the night.

On the ground, Song Siqing lay trembling, unable to move. The street was eerily quiet, with no pedestrians around. Only a few distant lights flickered in nearby buildings, and a few curious eyes peered out from their windows.

Song Siqing was certain she was going to die. Pain radiated from every part of her body, and it felt like her insides were about to explode. Her consciousness began to waver.

Time blurred. After what seemed like an eternity, she heard footsteps approaching. A man's voice broke the silence.

"Where's Yao Jing?"

"Taken… in a black… Highlander… license plate… Hai A34332," Song Siqing managed to whisper, each word a struggle. With that, she slipped into unconsciousness.

Under the dim streetlights, a tall figure stood over her. His face was obscured by a full black mask, rendering his features indistinguishable. The moonlight cast a long, eerie shadow behind him.

Around him, several shadows moved in swiftly, converging on their leader.

"Boss," they greeted in unison, bowing slightly. Among them was Tan Lang.

"Get Song Siqing to the hospital," Wu Zhiming's voice, cold and commanding, resonated from behind his mask.

"Yes, sir!" One of the men stepped forward, carefully lifting Song Siqing and carrying her away.

"Dong Jian, track down a black Highlander, license plate Hai A34332. They might change plates, but it should be somewhere near Binjiang District," Wu Zhiming instructed, his tone sharp and urgent.

### Chapter 40: The Negotiation

"Yes, sir!" Dong Jian's voice crackled through Wu Zhiming's earpiece.

Wu Zhiming's faceless black mask turned towards Tan Lang, his gaze piercing despite the lack of visible eyes. Instantly, Tan Lang's legs gave way, and he dropped to his knees.

"If anything happens to Yao Jing," Wu Zhiming's voice was calm, almost cold, "you will take your own life in atonement."

"Boss, I'm ready to die right now," Tan Lang replied, lifting his hand. His razor-sharp claws moved towards his own neck without hesitation.

*Snap!* Wu Zhiming's hand caught Tan Lang's claws effortlessly. Although Wu Zhiming had been a few meters away just moments before, he now stood beside Tan Lang, a feat accomplished in the blink of an eye, showcasing his almost supernatural agility.

"Save that for later. We need you to find Yao Jing first," Wu Zhiming said, his voice steady.

"Understood, boss."

"Master, the car is heading towards Tianhe Dock," Dong Jian's voice came through the earpiece again.

"Let's move." As soon as the words left Wu Zhiming's mouth, his figure vanished into the night. Tan Lang and the others followed suit, disappearing into the shadows.

Meanwhile, Inside the Highlander

The black Highlander sped down the road, its headlights cutting through the darkness. Yao Jing was crammed into the third row, flanked by two kidnappers. Her hands were tightly bound with rope, and a cloth gag was stuffed into her mouth.

"Mmmph," Yao Jing made a muffled sound, trying to get their attention.

"What?" The kidnapper on her left snapped, frowning at her. Yao Jing glanced downward, indicating with her eyes that she wanted the gag removed.

"Take it out," the leader in the second row ordered after a moment's thought.

The kidnapper pulled the cloth from Yao Jing's mouth, and she immediately seized the opportunity to speak.

"I can offer you ten times your current fee. That's the maximum I can give," she said, her voice calm and composed.

The kidnappers were silent, contemplating her words.

"You're doing this for money, right? Whatever your employer is paying you, I can match it and more," Yao Jing continued. "Take the tenfold payout and release me. You'll make more money with less risk. Even if you get caught later, your sentences will be shorter."

She paused, letting her words sink in before continuing, "If you take my money willingly, this isn't kidnapping or extortion. It's a business transaction. You wouldn't be forcing me—I'm offering you the money, and I won't report you."

Her logical and calm reasoning hung in the air, subtly persuading the kidnappers to see the benefits of her proposal.

"Boss, she's got a point," one of the kidnappers couldn't help but say.

"Shut up!" the leader barked. "She's just trying to trick us."

"I can pay you upfront," Yao Jing offered, her tone sincere. "I can tell you're men of your word."

"Are you really willing to pay us first?" The leader turned his head, scrutinizing her.

"Yes," Yao Jing replied firmly. "I trust you. Your hesitation shows that you have principles and honor."

"If you think I'm honorable, then I can't betray my employer, can I?" the leader shot back.

"Even honor has its limits. Loyalty is often just a matter of insufficient temptation. When the stakes are high enough, even God would forgive your betrayal," Yao Jing countered, her voice steady and persuasive.

"Alright! I believe you. Pull over!" the leader barked.

The driver complied, swiftly bringing the car to a halt on the side of the road.

"Transfer the money right now. Our fee is a hundred thousand, so ten times that is a million!" the leader demanded, his eyes glinting with anticipation.

"My wallet and phone are in my car. I don't have anything on me right now," Yao Jing explained, maintaining her calm demeanor.

"You want us to go back? The police are probably already at the crash site!" the leader snapped, frustration creeping into his voice.

"You can take me to my company. I can access online banking from my computer and transfer the money immediately. At this hour, there's only a few security guards at the office. You can send someone in with me to ensure I don't try to escape," Yao Jing suggested, her voice steady and persuasive.

The leader hesitated, clearly torn. The promise of a million yuan was tempting—it could mean an early retirement for the year—but he was wary of trusting Yao Jing.

"Boss, what's the plan?" the driver asked, glancing back for instructions.

"Where's your office?" the leader asked, turning to Yao Jing.

"Wu Group headquarters, in the tallest building on the edge of the commercial district downtown," she replied.

"Alright," the leader finally relented, gritting his teeth. "I'll trust you on this. But you better keep your word!"

"I hope you'll do the same. Once you have the money, you let me go," Yao Jing countered.

"I'm a man of my word. Don't worry," the leader reassured, though his tone carried an edge of uncertainty.

With that, the driver turned the car around and headed towards the city center. The journey was tense, each minute stretching as the kidnappers debated their next move.

A few minutes later, the leader's phone rang. He glanced at the screen, then answered with a gruff, "What's going on? You were supposed to deliver her by now! What's taking so long?"

"She got away. We're chasing her now. Give us a bit more time," the leader lied smoothly.

"She got away? Useless! Hurry up!" The voice on the other end was filled with rage before the call abruptly ended.

Meanwhile, With Wu Zhiming

"Master, they've changed direction and are heading towards the city center. They're only three kilometers away and closing in. Estimated contact in two minutes," Dong Jian's voice crackled through Wu Zhiming's earpiece.

"Two minutes? Understood," Wu Zhiming replied, coming to a halt at the side of the road. He stood still, waiting.

Exactly two minutes later, headlights pierced the darkness from afar.

Wu Zhiming and his team stood by the roadside, cloaked in black and wearing their ominous masks, watching the approaching vehicle intently.

Inside the Highlander, the driver squinted through the windshield. "What the hell are those guys doing? They're just standing there, wearing black and masks. Are they trying to scare someone?"

The leader peered ahead, spotting the figures about a hundred meters away. "Ignore them. Just keep driving," he ordered.

"Got it." The driver nodded and pressed down harder on the accelerator.

As the car sped past Wu Zhiming and his team, a sudden, ominous feeling settled over the occupants.


Thud! Thud! Thud!

A series of heavy thuds reverberated from the roof of the car.

"What the hell is that?!" the leader shouted, looking up in alarm.


### Sudden Rescue


With a thunderous crash, a hand punched through the roof of the black Highlander and landed directly on the steering wheel. The driver, stunned, barely had time to react before attempting to knock the hand away.

**Bang!** Another crash followed immediately as a second hand burst through the roof, gripping the driver's head tightly.

Outside the car, a massive impact was heard. The car door was yanked open, and the hand gripping the driver's head flung him out with a powerful throw.

Before anyone inside could react, a figure slipped into the driver's seat from outside in a swift, seamless motion.

**Screech!** The vehicle screeched to an abrupt halt, causing everyone inside to jolt violently.

Shadowy figures flickered outside the car, adding to the tension and fear inside. 

**Thud, thud, thud!** More thuds echoed, and the Highlander's remaining three doors were forcibly torn off, exposing the interior.

Multiple hands reached inside, and in an instant, the kidnappers were yanked out of the vehicle, leaving them no chance to resist. 

In the blink of an eye, the only one left inside was Yao Jing.

Wind blew through the now open and doorless vehicle. Yao Jing, overwhelmed by confusion and fear, cautiously peered outside, only to find... not a single person in sight!