
Brightblade's Tale : Story of Timothy the Kind Hearted Prince

Timothy Brightblade, the eldest descendant of the Brightblade Family who managed to claim a city with their military power and defend it from all the advances of the neighboring city, is just starting his journey as a weapon master. he is known as the Kindest Crown Prince of the Brightblade Family for his merciful conduct and forgiving act. he also actively avoids unnecessary battles and is eager to have friends. the problem is, he is bad at talking. what will someone who is destined to be the strongest do when his peace-loving attitude is ruined by his own bad social skills?

Northsouth · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

ch 16. Victory!

Alpha White Wolf has finally lost her mind. She no longer care for her life. What she wanted was for Timothy to die under her claws, no matter what. the Alpha White Wolf started to fight back with her physical prowess. She still didn't have faith in her physical ability, believing that she was just as weak as the other White Foxes, while the truth is she was far stronger than any other White Fox. Each of her claw and tail attacks put pressure on Timothy while her bite terrified Timothy.

What was once a one - sided beat down has now turned into a hit and run battle. each trying to deal with their most dangerous attack while dodging the fatal damage to themselves. At this point, Timothy began to get overwhelmed. despite his earlier advantage, he is still weaker than the Alpha White Fox. The longer their fight goes, the more Timothy will be disadvantages.

'i need to finish this fast!' Timothy thinks as he dodges a claw slash that could blast a hole on the ground.

Timothy decides to be more crazy in his attack. He started to take risk, only dodging a direct hit to a slim margin while quickly delivering a counter attack. His passive skills are working on overdrive, coordinating Timothy's body to the minute details. Timothy's mind working hard to coordinate between attack and defense, to send the strongest attack and to avoid the direst damage.

Their fight is bloody and brutal. Blood splattered everywhere as wounds begin to pile up some more. The Alpha White Fox's face is full of cut wounds, with one of her eyes barely able to see anything due to a deep slash wound. Meanwhile, Timothy's conditions are not that much better. Despite not getting hit directly, his stamina barely keep up with the battle. small wounds piling up in unprotected areas from random stones and sharp winds.

Just as the sword was about to enter the Alpha mouth, almost bitten to death, Timothy's mind suddenly had a flash of inspiration. with his passive skills, Timothy pushes his body to the side at the last second, away from the danger of the Alpha bites. with his sword remaining straight in its path, Timothy stabs his trusted Soul Weapon to the base of the Alpha's neck.

Stab! Swhooosshhh! Waauuuufff!!

Blood was gushing out of the Alpha's neck. the Alpha quickly took a step back and stand, roaring in pain and indignation. Timothy, still gripping his Soul Weapon tightly, cannot help but to get pulled together with the Alpha. As the Alpha body fell to the side, writhing in pain, Timothy's body also slammed down to the ground.

ugaahh! crack!

Timothy's body had slammed to the ground and had fallen to his right side. His shoulder is cracked and his right arm is dislocated. Timothy roared in pain, his eyes blinded due to pain. It takes a few minutes for Timothy to regain control over his body and calm his mind to a working level. Timothy's eyes cleared a bit and he could see the Alpha White Fox not too far from him. weak and vulnerable, but still alive. With the Magic Beast vitality, the Alpha will surely recover if left alone. Timothy had to finish his hunt.

Fighting against his own weak and weary body, Timothy stood up with difficulty and slowly walked to the Alpha. Timothy walked to the back neck side of the body, aiming to finish the Alpha by severing its head. Slowly but full of determination, Timothy arrived near the back of the Alpha and summon his Soul Weapon. with all his remaining strength, Timothy swings his Soul Weapon at the back of the Alpha's neck.

Swooosshh! Crasssshh! Waufff..

Timothy swings his Soul Weapon again and again, each time weaker than before. Fortunately, his Soul Weapons remains as sharp as always even when Timothy gets weaker and weaker. Meanwhile, the Alpha White Fox can only bark weakly, enduring the pain as death comes closer to claiming her life. Finally, after repeated slashes to the neck, Timothy manages to sever the Alpha neck from its body. 



With one last shout of triumph, Timothy fell on his back and lost consciousness. He is too tired to stay awake and enjoy his victory. Timothy didn't even think about keeping himself safe. The last thing in his mind is that he is glad that he can win against such a strong enemy.


Timothy finally woke up after several hours. When he opens his eyes, he can see some people moving around, busy carrying stuff and cutting something. Timothy tried to push his body up to sit but something was holding his body down. He looked down and saw a strap was placed over his body, keeping him on the emergency bed. Timothy begins to panic, He is afraid that someone had cheated him and tried to kidnap him.

"wow! Slow down kid! If you are hurt, get some rest. okay?" said someone from beside Timothy.

That person was wearing a white coat and glove. His head is bald and glasses are tidily placed on his face. He looks smart and strict, the person that you see quite a lot in a law-restricted area. as he puts his hand on Timothy's chest and pushes him down gently, Timothy could feel his body jolt in pain. He realized that he had just won a battle, but he didn't know that his body was that badly wounded.

"you look confused. Do you want to ask something?" said the bald man.

"ah.. em.. have you seen better wound?" Timothy said, which is different from what he mean.

"em.. maybe? Get some rest. Your wound will naturally heal in a few days." said the bald man, looking uncomfortable.

"ah, sorry, I can feel my arm. Did you do it?" Timothy asked again, still not the way he meant to say.

"if you asked about me putting your bone back, yes.

If you ask about something else that I don't understand, probably no." said the bald man quickly before he leave.

alone again, and still feeling a lot of pain in his body, Timothy only looked around on both his side. on one side is filled with cars and people, busy managing stuff and keeping it in a safe container. On the other hand, there are also people who are busy dealing with the Alpha White Fox corpse. They cut her meat and skinned her fur neatly. Timothy didn't really care about all that body, but he wanted to have the core. Timothy tried to call somebody, but people seemed to be busy with their jobs and completely ignored Timothy.

Feeling tired coming back sooner than he expected, Timothy once again fell asleep. He forgets everything and calmly rests as some people quickly move to him and carry him to one of the cars that act as an ambulance.

In short, the people who were actually from the school took Timothy back to Jakarta City and brought him directly to the hospital. The highers up of the school decided to be kind and keep the dissected Alpha White Fox corpse safe. Mostly because Timothy is the crown prince of the Brightblade Family instead of their promise to Timothy himself.

A few days later, Timothy, who was already fully healed, returned to school and reported his successful hunt to the school. It turns out Timothy was trapped in the Danger Zone for almost two weeks and only managed to report three days after the end of the test. The bad news is by being late for three days, Timothy will get his points deducted by a little. The good news is, most of the students who are going to test with him are still trapped in their own test. Timothy was the first one to return safely to school and finish his task.

Timothy then asked the school about his mission and his reward. He told them that he wanted to Alpha White Fox Core as a reward along with half its fur. The school kindly gave Timothy the item he asked, to show that they are a kind and respected organization, while Timothy knows better that his position as a crown prince is what makes them kind.

with his prized items safe with him, Timothy decides to go home to the Brightblade Palace and enjoy his short holiday back home in peace. Timothy also remembers that he has to check on his progress but decided to do that when he is back home, so he can check and upgrade himself safely without any disturbance.

All in all, Timothy is happy with his achievement. He wins against the Alpha, he grows stronger, his grade is good, and he just needs to wait for his friend to return. What Timothy didn't expect was that the news he got was not as good as he hoped for.

from his steward in the palace, Timothy got the news that both his friends are back in bad conditions. Johnny has both his hands fractured and needs serious medical attention. His armor is broken and missing, while his mission is barely successful. Meanwhile, Lian returned in better condition. He is healthy physically. Mentally speaking, Lian is under quite a trauma. His mission had gone wrong and he had barely returned from his mission. The Lian mission is totally failed, but that is better than being dead on the mission.