
Brightblade's Tale : Story of Timothy the Kind Hearted Prince

Timothy Brightblade, the eldest descendant of the Brightblade Family who managed to claim a city with their military power and defend it from all the advances of the neighboring city, is just starting his journey as a weapon master. he is known as the Kindest Crown Prince of the Brightblade Family for his merciful conduct and forgiving act. he also actively avoids unnecessary battles and is eager to have friends. the problem is, he is bad at talking. what will someone who is destined to be the strongest do when his peace-loving attitude is ruined by his own bad social skills?

Northsouth · Fantasy
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22 Chs

ch 15. Alpha White Fox

Timothy followed behind the running fox by listening over the rustling grass. It is difficult but still manageable as long as Timothy keeps his focus on high.

Unfortunately, even when he tried his best, Timothy still failed to follow the foxes all the way to their nest. The sound of rustling grass soon fades away and is lost entirely a few moments later. Timothy is now lost in the prairie with no clue about where to go.

He begins to look around to find anything that could be used as reference, but there is only grass no matter where he look. With nothing else to do, Timothy tried to listen once again, hoping to find any clue that could help him track the foxes.

With nothing else to do but wait for another clue, Timothy decided to get some rest. He cut the surrounding grass around him to make a clear opening. The grass that he cut then piled in the middle of the clearing as a makeshift bed. It will not provide much protection, but at least Timothy has a soft cushion to sit. An itchy but soft cushion.

Timothy waited in his self - made opening for half a day, waiting for the foxes to return. Sadly, they will never show themselves again. Not even an illusion of them appears near Timothy. Timothy even had time to sleep peacefully and didn't get attacked at all.

After a day of useless waiting, Timothy finally decided to move again. Waiting proved to be useless and he needed more clue. Timothy begins to walk in the direction he started with, thinking that there is a probability that the foxes are moving straight to their nest, no matter how small that probability is.

Timothy kept on walking and walking. Along the way, he found several natural landmarks, like a big tree and a giant boulder of stone. Timothy decided to use these natural landmarks as his clues to map his way across the prairie.

Timothy kept on walking. Sometimes he rests by sitting down, sometimes he runs to hasten his progress. Every several hours, he will find trees or giant stone that he used as a reference point.

Timothy continues to walk some more. Days turn to night and it goes back to morning. It feels like Timothy has walked for so long, that he forgets what the purpose of his journey. All he knows is that he has to keep walking more.

Until suddenly, Timothy's mind felt a click. He has seen the same trees and the same rocks several times. They always come at a fixed interval. The pattern suddenly became clear to Timothy!

He is under the illusion!


In reality.

A big White Fox, the size of a locomotive train, is now sitting calmly on a rock. Down below is a human that has killed two of her children. The human is now under her illusion, made to walk to the endless prairie for eternity.

This giant White Fox is the Alpha. The biggest and the strongest of the White Fox. The Prairie of Illusion is her home and her tools, as her illusion is stronger when she is on the prairie. She once tried to leave the prairie, to travel the world and become stronger. But her White Fox race illusion magic is weak.

She can only trap weaker magic beast under her illusion, and that only lasts for a few minutes. Meanwhile, her physical strength is way worse than other magic beasts at the same level. She only left the prairie for a few weeks before she decided to go back, wounded and scared.

Since then, the Alpha decides to stay in the prairie. She strengthens herself as much as she can while being the strongest in this small world of hers. Many have come to hunt her down, but none have managed to succeed.


Timothy, now realizing that he was in the illusion, is now panicking. He never knew when and how he got trapped in the illusion. He also didn't know how to break an illusion. Timothy summon his Soul Weapon and tried to swing it randomly, hoping to cut some kind of layer so he could escape.

Unfortunately, nothing happens no matter what he does. He tried to walk and run in a different way but always met with the same scenes again, the same tree and the same rock. He tried to cut some grass or dig a hole, but nothing change. Even worse, the hole he dug and the grass he cut were suddenly restored to its original condition when he didn't pay attention to it. Rendering his effort useless.

Frustrated, Timothy vents his anger by slashing his Soul Weapon randomly.

Slash! Swosh! Swat!

His anger didn't help him to escape, but Timothy just didn't care anymore. He is tired of this illusion. He is tired of being lost and has no way to go home. If he could, Timothy thought that he might decide to leave the Danger Zone right away without care. The place is already too much for him.

Timothy swung his Soul Weapon some more and finally sat down after he spent all his strength. Anger was still in his heart, but he realized how useless his action is. Timothy then decides to meditate to calm his mind and heart.

Timothy put in the proper sitting position and put his Soul Weapon on his lap. As he closes his eyes, Timothy begins to control his breath and calm his heart. Soon the flow of breath and wind around him carry his mind to a calm and serene conditions.

Without Timothy realize, his Soul Weapon also begins to act. It started to stir the energy around it and absorb it. This act then created a disturbance in the illusion that trapped Timothy in it. The surrounding view becomes less clear and looks like it is shown on an old television screen.


In reality.

The White Fox Alpha is terrified. Her illusion is disturbed by the human she trapped. This has never happened before. She always manages to trap weaker humans and will only release them if someone stronger than her comes to get the human. Each time, she will always run away and hide in the depths of the prairie. Safe from strong human.

Soon after, a sword made of a shiny mirror appears in front of the human. The sword shines brightly, blinding the White Fox Alpha together with the other White Foxes around.


With the sound of shattered glass, the human who is actually Timothy opens his eyes and grabs his Soul Weapon, the glowing mirror sword.

With a cold anger in his eyes, he begins to kill any white foxes he finds around him. The other White Fox quickly runs away from Timothy who was actively chasing after them.

Terrified and angry, the White Fox Alpha quickly jumped down from her place and stood in front of Timothy, stopping his killing spree.

Wauf! Wauf!

Timothy is surprised. By instinct, he jumped back a few steps with his Soul Weapon ready. He looked at the giant White Fox that suddenly jumped down in front of him. Its size is enormous. A single swipe of its legs can easily throw Timothy away for hundreds of meters. At the same time, this is a great opportunity for Timothy. He didn't have to search for the magic beast anymore as it was already presenting itself in front of him.

Timothy and the Alpha are staring at each other. Timothy's eyes showing a look of cautious and eagerness. Meanwhile, the Alpha looks afraid. It keeps looking around, as if trying to find a good escape route.

Timothy will not let his prey run. Not when it is in front of him and has the ability to create distractions.

Timothy broke their staring contest by making the first move. Using his passive skills 'Body and Mind Coordination', Timothy moves his body in a way that every step he takes will push his body farther than it is supposed to be. Timothy approached the Alpha fast and quickly activated his skills 'Bright-blade Calculated Slash'.

With both skills working in tandem, Timothy makes a vertical slash with all of his strength. The slash arrived so fast that the Alpha didn't have the chance to escape.


Blood splattered away as the image of Alpha's head being split in the middle suddenly got blurry. The Alpha head now appears one step away to the side, with an open wound on its shoulder. The Alpha has left an image of its head being slashed for Timothy, with hope for Timothy to loosen his focus.

Unfortunately, Timothy's mind remained focused as he quickly resumed his attack. Relying on his passive skills only, Timothy chased after the gigantic White Fox and aimed for the weak spot. The Alpha tried to fool Timothy's senses by making him see his attack connected successfully, but Timothy knew better. The Alpha can fool his eyes and ears, but it cannot fool his touch.

The Alpha began to panicking, as her illusion proved to be useless. She can try to fight back using her physical body, but she believes that her physical prowess is useless against anyone that can resist her illusion.

Soon, Timothy's attack began to hit their mark. The wound began to stack up on the Alpha body as it tried its best to affect Timothy's using her illusion. Desperate and on the verge of losing its life, the Alpha finally gives it all without care.