
Bridges of Mortality: The Coselight War

[Heavy world building + magic] In a world on the brink of collapse, a courageous young boy stumbles upon a mysterious artifact hidden deep within the woods. Little does he know, his discovery sets in motion a perilous adventure that spans the uncharted reaches of the universe. Determined to find his way back home, he embarks on a quest to collect thirteen ancient relics. But he is not alone in his pursuit. A divine being, burdened with the knowledge of the impending cataclysm, vows to rewrite the future and prevent the boy from unknowingly triggering the destruction of the entire universe. Racing against time, their paths intertwine in a relentless chase where the stakes couldn't be higher. As the boy's journey unfolds, malevolent forces take shape and threaten to consume everything in their path. With the very fabric of existence at stake, the clash between gods and the impending doom looms ominously. Will the boy unlock the secrets of the relics and save his world, or will darkness prevail, plunging all into eternal chaos? Prepare for an epic adventure where destiny hangs in the balance, and the clash of gods heralds the ultimate battle for survival.

teddi · Action
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25 Chs

The Quest for Estreodilla Bonbons

When he woke up, Ulah found himself in the middle of the city, but it was nighttime. He scanned his surroundings and realized that everything had returned to normal, as if nothing had ever happened. An overwhelming sense of relief washed over him. Ulah quickly set out to find Mr. Tumi.

"Hold on, what happened to my staff?" Ulah muttered to himself, frantically patting himself down, realizing the artifact was missing. "And where's Mr. Tum— Mr. TUMI!"

His heart sank as he spotted Mr. Tumi on the ground near a statue. The bunny appeared in a state of shock, the vibrant colors of his fur de-saturated and dimmed. He was no longer the lively companion Ulah had known. Ulah cradled the bunny in his arms, checking for signs of life. Mr. Tumi was weak but still breathing.

"Mr. Tumi?" Ulah whispered softly, his eyes welling up with tears. "This was my fault for bringing you into this mess. I'm so sorry." Ulah sobbed, a mixture of regret and disappointment weighing heavily on his heart.

Carefully, he carried Mr. Tumi back to the car parked a few blocks away. The sight that awaited him was disheartening – a broken windshield, scratched paint, and blown-out tires. Ulah's hope crumbled, leaving him feeling utterly defeated. With a heavy heart, he decided to make the long journey on foot to Mr. Tumi's house, which was far from his current location.

Upon reaching the house, the guards at the gate permitted Ulah to pass, but their distrustful gaze bore into him. They closed the gate after he entered, returning to their vigilant positions.

Ulah continued to Mr. Tumi's home, occasionally getting lost in the unfamiliar streets. He finally reached the treehouse and knocked on the small green door. Mrs. Tumi answered, her expression a mix of relief and anger.

"What happened? Why would you let this happen to him?!" she exclaimed, scooping up the injured bunny and retreating into the house. Slamming the door in Ulah's face, she left him standing outside, tormented by guilt and self-blame.

Ulah crept behind a tree to eavesdrop on the conversation inside. Most of what he heard was Mrs. Tumi crying and mumbling comforting words to Mr. Tumi. She spoke inaudibly at times, her sobbing becoming louder, piercing Ulah's heart.

"...I don't have any more Estreodilla Bonbons," she finally said, her voice trembling. Her despair was palpable. The sound of her grief tormented Ulah as he stood by the tree. He turned and walked away, drowning in shame and self-reproach.

Left with nowhere else to go, Ulah's stomach growled, and he realized he was an outcast, rejected by the world. In search of a shelter, he found refuge in a barn, surrounded by non-human hybrid animals. Sleep eluded him as he lay on the hard floor, his thoughts plagued by self-doubt and guilt.

The following morning, Ulah woke up to a golden sunrise, but his head throbbed. He left the barn, the smell of animals and the discomfort of the night still clinging to him. Determined to seek answers and find the portal back home, he made his way to the city.

"I need answers, and I need that portal thingy to get out of here," he murmured as he approached the city's main gate. The two guards who had confronted him the previous night were still on duty, clad in white and red armor. With more confidence than before, Ulah began speaking to them, "Is it okay for me to go back in if that's o—"

Before he could finish his sentence, the gates swung open, allowing him to re-enter the city. The ease with which they admitted him struck Ulah as odd, but he pressed forward.

The city was bustling with activity. Shopkeepers, vendors, residents, and hybrids roamed the streets freely. Ulah passed by these unique creatures, still getting used to the idea of humans and animals merged together.

After a thorough exploration of the city, he found a vendor selling fruits and food products. He observed from a distance before approaching, his curiosity piqued.

"How much are they?" Ulah inquired, gesturing to the baskets of apples on display.

"Ah, they're free for today. It's the season of Green Moon," the elderly vendor explained.

"Green moon? What's that?" Ulah asked, intrigued by the unfamiliar term.

"Green Moon occurs once every four years. It's a time when the moon turns green, and it accelerates plant growth. So why not share food with the people? Good deeds make us better people. Look around. People are happier during this time."

"What fruits do you have? Do you have Estreodilla Bonbons? Is that a fruit?" Ulah's excitement was evident.

"Unfortunately, we don't have any of those," the vendor replied regretfully. "But I know where you can find them. If you're willing to take the risk, you can venture deeper into Kresa. The Knights aren't working today, so I can't help you further. Return next week."

"I don't have a week. Is there a way I can go in there anyway?" Ulah pleaded, a sense of urgency in his voice.

The vendor's face grew somber. "You can, but it's extremely dangerous and unwise."

"Which direction?" Ulah was determined.

"You're serious?" the vendor questioned, surprised by Ulah's resolve.

"Yes, I need them for someone who's injured," Ulah replied, the desperation clear in his eyes.

The vendor sighed before revealing the route. "Further into Kresa, there are Estreodilla Bonbons, but it's perilous. The Knights aren't patrolling today, so I can't assist you further. You'll have to venture there alone."

"I'll go. Can I have a basket for the fruits?" Ulah asked, eager to start his journey.

"Of course, young man," the vendor replied kindly, handing him a basket. "Good luck."

After an hour of brisk walking, Ulah reached the end of the city walls. Several Knights patrolled the area, their helmets resting on their sides. Clad in white and red armor, they exuded an intimidating presence. Ulah aimed to stay inconspicuous, so he silently slipped into a small hole in the wall and emerged on the other side.

The dense woods lay before him, shrouded in darkness that concealed its secrets. Ulah couldn't shake the vendor's warning about the dangers that lurked within this forest.

Overwhelmed by doubt, he retraced his steps and returned to the city, searching for a solution. A plan formed in his mind – he needed a weapon and perhaps some armor. Scanning his surroundings, he noticed a sword left unattended by a Knight who appeared to be on a break. Nearby, a shield was propped against a wall, the right size for Ulah and relatively light.

Yet, another problem surfaced. Ulah grappled with the logistics of carrying the fruits, sword, and shield. To mitigate the risks, he made a tough choice and left the shield behind.

Examining the sword, he couldn't discern any special features or enhancements. With a moment's contemplation, Ulah decided that his journey wouldn't be perilous enough to warrant the armor. So, he headed back through the hole in the wall and found himself standing at the forest's entrance.

A sign, which he had missed previously, stood just a few meters away. It read, "ONLY ACCESS TO: GRAND KNIGHTS AND ABOVE. LEAVE IMMEDIATELY IF RANKS DO NOT APPLY TO YOU OR YOUR PARTY."

"Grand Knight? Ranks? What's this?" Ulah muttered, torn by uncertainty. He weighed the guilt he felt over Mr. Tumi's suffering against the mysterious challenge that lay ahead. In the end, resolve won, and Ulah moved forward without hesitation.

The forest lay ahead, shrouded in darkness and uncertainty, and Ulah knew the journey wouldn't be without its perils.

He took a step into the woods, anxiety gnawing at him as he ventured deeper. The silence in the forest was oppressive, broken only by the occasional rustling of leaves or distant animal calls. Ulah couldn't help but feel an underlying tension in the air, as if the very woods held their breath.

Ulah's mind raced as he searched for the elusive Estreodilla Bonbons. Desperation and determination guided his steps as he trudged onward, his sense of direction tested in the seemingly endless expanse of trees.

As he walked through the silent woods, Ulah stumbled upon a river. His path continued on the other side, and he waded across, the cool water rising up to his knees. Each step felt like a struggle, but he was driven by the need to return with the fruits.

Once he reached the other side, the path started to fade, becoming less distinct. In the distance, Ulah's sharp eyes caught sight of something vividly green, radiating an otherworldly glow that the moonlight couldn't replicate.

Approaching the peculiar sight, Ulah found a tree with unusual, slimy fruit hanging from its branches. They were Estreodilla Bonbons. With trembling hands, he began to pick them one by one, carefully filling his basket with these precious, life-saving fruits.

But as the basket filled, a strange sensation pricked at the back of his neck, and the forest around him seemed to shift and sigh. It was as if the woods themselves were watching him, and the silence grew heavier.

Ulah turned to leave, a sense of unease settling over him, but the very air around him shifted. A gentle breeze grew into a gust, pushing him back in the direction he came from. Puzzled and disoriented, he fought to regain his footing.

Desperate to escape the woods, Ulah continued his journey, nearly stumbling a few times and nearly losing the basket of fruits. With each step, the tension and unease in the forest intensified.

A sudden, high-pitched, distorted screech pierced the silence. Ulah's heart raced, and he bolted down the path, determined to find the sacred fruits and escape this eerie forest. He could feel eyes on him, shadows moving just beyond his vision.

Suddenly, he tripped over an invisible obstacle and crashed to the forest floor. Pain lanced through his hands and face as he scraped against the ground. His sword clattered away from his grip, but he managed to recover it. 

Ignoring his stinging injuries, Ulah rose to his feet, scanning the area for any sign of danger. Whatever had tripped him remained elusive.

"Who's there?" he called out, his voice quivering with fear.

A deep, croaky voice responded, "I see you."

Ulah's heart raced as he strained to locate the source of the voice. Another voice, higher-pitched but with a dark undertone, added, "What will you do about it?"

An ominous growl in the distance sent shivers down Ulah's spine. He stood, paralyzed with fear, feeling trapped between two unseen entities. 

A massive snake, its scales glistening blue and silver, slithered into the path, its mouth agape, revealing long, venomous fangs. Ulah's fear turned to resolve as he spotted a knight in white and red armor rushing to confront the serpent.

With a sword similar to Ulah's, the knight thrust the blade into the snake's mouth, cleaving it in two. Ulah sprinted forward, joining the knight to assist in vanquishing the serpentine creature. A swift, well-aimed swing of his sword severed the snake's head. 

The knight was astonished by Ulah's strength, his helmet concealing his surprise. "Who are you? Get out of here immediately!" the knight ordered, his gaze wary.

Ulah, however, wasn't going to leave. There was something more in these woods, something that he needed. "There seems to be something else here," he pointed out, his eyes scanning the darkness.

A growl echoed from the depths of the forest, the sound reverberating with eerie intensity. Ulah couldn't shake the feeling that the woods held secrets, ones that he couldn't afford to ignore.