
46. Bonus Chapter: Simon's POV Part 5

Simon's P.O.V.- (present time)

I was around out back, preparing for my own turn in the ring. I unwrapped my hands and let out a frustrated huff. Anthony didn't tell me she'd be coming today. How am I supposed to concentrate on the match when I know Daphne's in the audience…. watching me? I figured out back at the palace that Daphne likely hadn't told her family, or at least her brother about our fight. I suppose it's better that way; don't want to make things awkward with Anthony. He's become a dear friend to me…. He's the closest link I have to her now too. He's related to her by blood, Daphne…. My lips parted as I reminded myself to breathe. Daphne, Daphne…..


My backed flinched at someone placing a hand on my shoulder. I glanced over my shoulder to see Will grinning back at me. "Good luck out there," he encouraged. I grinned back at him. "Thanks, man. You too." He gave me a squeeze. "And remember, keep your head on the match." I chuckled, giving my head a small shake. "I will, I will." With that, we gave each other one last look before he went back into the arena. Still wearing a little grin, I then gazed back down to my hands. They were looking good; just needed some more fixing up. I rolled up my sleeves, only pausing when I spotted my charm bracelet on my wrist. My spine straightened up a little as I stared down at it with sudden intensity. The two little boxing gloves were still on it. My eyes transfixed onto them specifically, my other hand reaching up to gently hold it between two fingers. Boxing gloves…. She remembered I love to box when she bought this for me. She remembered me telling her that….

"Daphne? Daphne? You out here?" The unexpected voice made me instantly yank down my sleeve and turn around. Guess who spun the corner, looking just as stunned to see me as I was to see him. Friederich- that German asshole- had his eyes light up once he realized I was there, coming to a halt at the corner itself. "Oh, hi Simon. Sorry, I thought you might be…."

"I know who you're looking for," I cut him off with a frown; he must have forgotten I have ears. The bastard seemed a bit taken aback by my tone, but did his upmost to remain friendly with me, though I have no idea as to why. "Uh, yeah. Have you seen Daphne? She left the stadium nearly ten minutes ago," he explained while searching around. My heart skipped a scared beat; my fingers twitched. "You don't know where she is?" My tone was more aggressive this time, not that asshat here caught on. "No. I think she was feeling a bit sick or something? Said she needed to step out and get some air for a minute. Haven't seen her since," he wouldn't stop shifting his head and eyes, still scanning all about the area.

I felt my stomach fall out of me and land on the floor between my feet. Daphne's not feeling well; it must be the crowds and how hot they're making the room. And now she's wandering out here all by herself? In a building filled with ninety-precent men? Strong, muscular men who could pick her up like a handbag? In that moment, I saw red. Friederich wasn't anticipating me to stomp over to him in an angered, very un-casual manner. He blinked back down at me with a look of alarm on his face, but didn't say anything. My hands were already clenched into enraged fists.

"Listen here. You may not know this but Daphne, er… Miss Bridgerton has a heart condition." "She does?" This loser's eyes widened. Hearing him confirm what I already suspected only served to anger me even more. My fists shook a little. This dickweed…. "How could you just leave her alone like that? What if she loses her vision or worse, faints? What's wrong with you?! What if she needs help? Where were you if and when she needs someone?!"

Friederich looked at me like I was growing three extra heads. Reading the room, his hands shot up in front of him defensively. "Dude, calm down." "Don't you tell me to "calm down". Don't you dare tell me to "calm down"! I've been there; I've seen it. I know what can happen, and it makes me worry each and every time she steps outside her house. You should be with her, watching her!" Asshole's face transitioned from one of shock to firmness, though not rage- I'll give him that. "She's a grown woman; she doesn't need someone babysitting her. It's not my job to "watch" her, bro." My eyes narrowed tensely onto him. "When you're with her, it is."

The prince watched me for a moment, as if trying to formulate what to say next. There was this uncomfortable, heavy silence; or at least there was before the bastard finally burst out a smile. I blinked in surprise. He's smiling….? At what? What's there to smile about? It looked like a genuine smile too…..

"So I was right: you do have a thing for Daphne." "What? What's that got to do with anything?" His shoulder shrugged. "Oh, nothing. She's just got it into her head that you hate her." "What?" My jaw began to lower on its own. She… thinks I hate her? How could she…? She should know….. there's no possible way I could ever hate her. The exact opposite, in fact.

Friederich eyed me for a second longer before chuckling to himself. "Something funny?" My eyebrow raised suspiciously. "She is incredibly loyal." "You're right about that," I conceded. His classic playful grin returned. "She's a tough one to crack." "What do you mean by that?" My tone suddenly soured again. This made Friederich chuckle more. "Oh well, I like challenges. I just wish I had a rival love interest thrown in the mix; Casanova was right about those being the most fun trysts." I could only stare at him momentarily before letting a smirk of my own cross my lips.

"You know, I don't know what I'm so worried about. Anthony would never let anyone like you marry his precious sister," I hissed somewhat viciously. "Who said anything about marriage?" Friederich laughed, alarming me a little. Then, even more to my surprise, Friederich simply smiled back my way- not smirked, smiled. This caught me off guard, and I had to remind myself that I didn't like this guy. He's the jerk who looks at Daphne with "those" kind of eyes. Of course I hated him; I wanted him gone! But truthfully, the more I talked to him, the more at ease I felt; which was the exact opposite of what I wanted to happen.

Friederich's head lowered mildly in this kind fashion. "You remind me of her. You both are extremely loyal, and have good moral compasses," he paused, only to take a breath. "Too bad they're not pointing at each other," his eyes made sure to meet mine as he said this. I gasped a little, too stunned to react right away. My hands, no longer clenched anymore, lifted up slightly. "But…. isn't that better for you? Not that I think you'll ever succeed, but don't you want to win over Daphne?" "Of course! It's all part of a game I'm playing with my mates back home. You see, I can't stand the idea of a woman not wanting me." "And when they do want you…..?" I pressed him. Another soft chuckle fell from his lips. "When then the game is over and I move on. It's a lot more…. intimate than that, but I'll spare you the juicy details because you seem to be in love with Daphne."

I flinched, my back arching. No one had ever said that out loud to me before; hell, no one had ever said that before period! And to hear it from Friederich of all people…. He was the exact opposite kind of man than me- a literal rack. And yet…. I couldn't find it in my heart to despise him, not anymore…. I think that's partly due to the fact that I knew Daphne would never let anything happen. German boy is right on the mark there; she's loyal and waiting for her future husband…. whoever that may be. She's loyal to him above all else; well, maybe besides her family and education. Still, it's one of the things I admired so much about her. That unwavering, unflinching loyalty of hers… She deserves the best for it. She deserves nothing but the best, if you ask me…. or anyone else I'm sure.

Smiling, Friederich came over to plant a hand on my shoulder. This was the closest we've ever stood together. When his eyes reached mine again, they were sincere and soulful. "You know, I like you, Duke. Already told Daphne that. You got a lot of good goin' on with you. A lot…." I could only gawk…. "I… I don't…. I don't get you, man. What do you want?" "What do you mean what "what do I want"? I just said…." "No, I mean what do you want? Cause we both know Miss Bridgerton's not going to give it to you." "We'll see about that, but I get the feeling you're probably right," he laughed. Then our eyes locked yet again; his hand giving my shoulder a soft squeeze. "She's loyal, and I'm starting to think that's worth protecting." "I….." My lips sputtered, opening to reply but nothing came out.

His hand fell and he took a step away from me. Friederich's hands buried into his pockets casually. "But I'd stop worrying about Daphne so much, Duke. Stop worrying about what she wants cause she already knows- she's made that crystal clear to me, and I'm pretty sure to you as well. She's got that covered. What about you?" "What about me?" I blinked. Then he grinned- of course he had to grin at me. "What do you want? Cause it's obvious to me." "Huh? What is?" He shook his head, still chuckling. "Oh, nothing. Hey, good luck at the match today, alright?! We'll be cheering for you in the stands," with one final wave, the prince took off- just like that. Probably to go find Daphne before the matches started.

For a few seconds, I just stared off into the distance where Friederich disappeared. I clenched my teeth in frustration. Dammit! I don't hate him so much anymore, and I really want to! It's so much easier when I detest him! But…. Peering back down into the palm of my hand, I sighed. I hadn't thought about it in so long, but what did I want? For myself, I mean? I was always busy thinking about other people and what's best for them first, putting my own desires on the back burners. I hesitated, drawing my fingers closed around the centre of my palm.

No, that's not true. Everything I do that involves myself is to go against the old man. I was willing to forgo my own happiness, if it meant that he wouldn't be happy- metaphorically speaking. But…. Slowly, slowly without my realizing, those feelings of pure, unadulterated hatred I had for my father started to die, and it was nothing I did. They got pushed out, is more like it. Pushed out by something else…. Something I did want, something I desired for myself.

I stewed about it the whole way back to my boxing bag. With a heavy, long sigh, I was about to start routing around for my boxing gloves when something caught my eye. There was something small resting on top of my closed bag. Huh, where did these come from? I picked one up, only to realize that they were bandages. And not just any bandages- ones with dinosaurs on them. Dinosaurs, something so entirely her….. My thumb ran up along the strip as I held it close to my face. She came all the way over here to give me bandaids…. Someone must have told her how torn up these fights make my hands. While inspecting them, this tender smile blossomed along my face. What do I want? What would make me happy? Heh, that's a silly question; I already know the answer. I've always known, somewhere deep down inside…. "Simon, you're…. Are you…? Do you….? We're friends, aren't we?" She makes me happy like no other. I just look at her and life is a little better. It's as I've said before and will say again.

Somehow, without my ever noticing it, it felt so natural…. having Daphne near.