
47. The Call

-"She doesn't look much you, nephew; nor like her brothers anyway. Doesn't look much like me either. No, the one she really takes after is….."-

"Your grandfather will see you now," Grandfather's scary butler opened the library door for me. Grandfather was inside, behind his imposing dark oakwood desk as per usual. This is where he conducted the "family business", or at least that's what Daddy said. He was currently scribbling away at something, not bothering to look up at my arrival. "Enter," I bristled at his ice-cold voice; I'd never heard him speak with a hint of warmth to anyone before. Terrified to go in, yet more terrified to disobey my grandfather, my tiny feet slowly dragged themselves inside. My nerves calmed a bit when I saw Great Uncle Arthur in there, leaning up against one of the tall, long windows with his hands jammed into his pockets. He immediately smiled at me, making me feel a little better. That was until Grandfather put down his really old-style pen and beckoned me forward with his bony hand. "Come here." I did so without a word- very, very reluctantly.

I didn't know my grandfather, which is very weird because we lived together for nine years. Grandfather and I shared a roof from the day I was brought home from the hospital until the day he left for the hospital. Despite this, I had very few memories of him, and none of them were positive. The first memory I have of him was from when I was three years old or so. We were all outside in the backyard, with Daddy kicking the football around with my brothers on the grassy patch. Meanwhile I was off to the side picking flowers and mindlessly humming to myself. There wasn't much to think about at the tender age of three.

I picked a daisy when all of a sudden this tall, lanky, old man towered over me. Being practically a toddler, I knew who he was, but I didn't know him- if that made sense. I didn't know I was related to him by blood like I was with Daddy or my siblings. I was under the assumption he was just the old man who lived with us; he was like Daddy's boss or something. I thought this because Daddy always did what he said; well, usually. I don't know why Grandfather was always so mad at everyone, and that included me.

The old man said nothing, merely glaring down at me with nothing but contempt. Even then I knew he hated me; one look at his scowl told me that. His frown was long and deep, like there was this bitter taste in his mouth. I wanted to say something, perhaps offer him some flowers, but I was too scared to even move. Just the way he looked at me….. Like he wished I'd never been born. I wasn't too far off the mark there. He left me without making a sound- that's the first interaction I remember between me and my grandfather.

I was six years old this time, and old enough to know now that this man was Daddy's father. Intellectually, I mean. He was also Uncle Arthur's older brother; there were only two of them from their parents. Grandfather set his pen down and looked at me; looked at me with those same eyes, the same way he glared at me all those years ago. I said nothing, knowing it best to wait until he wants me to talk- if he does at all. His bony fingers folded together in front of him, blocking the view between me and his mouth; I was very short at the time. Of course he was smiling; I don't think I have a memory of him smiling, ever.

This very, very tense moment slithered by at a snail's pace. Grandfather's eyebrows creased. "Do you know I called you here?" Oh, I guess he did want me to speak. "No, Grandfather," I rarely ever spoke to him; most of the time he spoke to me, as very little as that was. "Think, child. Think really hard." I squirmed, unable to come up with anything; moving the wrong way would be enough to set him off. Grandfather responded to my silence by leaning back in his leather chair, his fingers still clasped.

"Your principal told me you got in trouble on last week's trip to the Natural History Museum." The colour drained from my face. Oh….. Oh no. Seeing my horror start to set in, he carried on. "You snuck away from your class to visit the dinosaur exhibit. What have I told you about dinosaurs?" While I felt like I was going to literally melt through the floor, Uncle pffted and gave his hand a dismissive wave. "So the kid likes dinosaurs. What's the big deal? You can't force her to like girly things." "They are unlady-like and I will not have my granddaughter ruin her disposition over such frivolous, insignificant things." I had no idea what he meant by any of that. All I knew was that he was mad at me- again- and it had something to do with dinosaurs. My whole body stiffened paralyzed however, when his eyes shot back to me again.

"You are never to do that again. Do I make myself clear, child?" "Daphne." "What?" Grandfather sent Uncle a monstrous glare. "Her name is Daphne; not "child"," Uncle frowned right back. Hey, that's right; I don't recall Grandfather ever calling me by my name either. He never said my name- not once…. It just never occurred to me at the age of six that this was the case. Grandfather's eyes narrowed threateningly onto his brother. "I know her name. How could I forget? The day my son told me over the telephone…." Uncle's frown widened. "Ironic, isn't it? The happiest day of his life was the worst day of yours." I don't know what he meant by that. Grandfather seemed to know though.

"It was. He had her just to spite me. Five generations of only male-born Bridgertons down the drain….. He should have stopped with Anthony," Grandfather muttered after a pause. By now it was Uncle who was shooting him a dangerous glare. He was standing up straight, his hands clenched into fists. I didn't know why he was suddenly so mad or what they were talking about, but I did know that I was afraid right then. "Those are your grandchildren you're talking about, you heartless bastard." "My grandchildren… Look at her. There is nothing of her which is mine," Grandfather pointed at me. Uncle looked like he was about to blow a gasket. "Nothing of yours…..? She looks just like you! You forget what you look like, Haggard? Don't own a mirror anymore?!" Again, I was unaware as to why they were shouting now but little me was growing more terrified by the minute. I tried huddling into a tight ball, hoping they would ignore me. Course luck was not on my side that afternoon. Grandfather's head shot back my way; again with that vicious, unloving glare of his.

"Well, no matter. There's nothing I can do about it now; you are here. Despite my protests, you are already here. And since you are here, you'll do what I say, when I say it. Do you understand?" "I uh….." My little mouth sputtered. I didn't understand at all. He sneered at me; a look I'll never forget. "No? Then let me make it clear for you. I did not want you- you had three perfectly good brothers. That was enough; I told Edmund that was enough. But no. He had to have you, his long sought-after daughter. All he ever wanted was you; something I'll never understand. But you are not his; you were never "his". You are mine, and you be mine until the day you get married. Then you'll become your husband's problem; everything you are, everything you own will be his. You are nothing without us, and all you will ever be is a good man's wife… That's all you deserve to be."

"Brother, enough!" Uncle hollered, stomping over to my side. He put a hand on my shoulder while continuing to glare at his brother. You could cut a knife with how thick the air was. In truth, I didn't have a clue as to what Grandfather meant by any of that. I was too young to know, and thank goodness for that. All I grasped was that he was angry at me for some reason; he'd always been angry at me. And I stood there with tears streaming down my cheeks, though I didn't know why. Uncle, on the other hand….

"What the hell is wrong with you?! She's a person; not a frikin pet! This isn't the stone-age anymore. You can't just lock your granddaughter away in some tower, only to marry her off to the richest guy who comes knocking at your door! You think Edmund and I are just going to stand by and let you treat her or any of her siblings like that?" Grandfather stood up from his chair; always a dangerous sign. His eyes pierced Uncle's. "That's exactly how I'm going to treat her, and if you're unhappy with it then you can just cower off to Europe. I won't stop you, Arthur." "The hell you won't! I've been sick of you and this god-damn mansion for years! I can't wait to get the hell outta here! And if Daphne's smart, she'll join me someday." "She will not; not while I'm alive. She'll marry whomever is best for the family. But that doesn't change anything- not a single thing. I know; I knew it from the first moment I laid eyes on her," then Grandfather looked me straight in the eye.

"You are, by far, the greatest disappointment I've ever seen."

My eyes softly fluttered open. I was laying on my side on my bed overtop the sheets. I'd dozed off for a bit there; must be the heat. Yawning, I rolled over onto my side so to stare up at the ceiling. It was the more boring shade of white, but then I didn't get the pick the colours they painted these rooms. After a few seconds of doing that, I saw up and gazed around lazily. That sudden rush of dizziness hit me but didn't last too long. I then looked over to a picture on my wall; it was one of Daddy holding me as a child. We were both laughing in it, looking really happy together. I smiled, relaxing my shoulders a bit; I was still a tad sleepily.

That didn't go away when there was this gentle tapping at my door. It opened a crack before I had time to call out. Eloise stuck her head into my room. "Hey, Daph." "Hi, Eloise. What's up?" I replied with another yawn. "Penelope and I were just about to go for a walk in the park. Wanna join us?" "Mmmmmm, thanks but I really should get some work done. My supervisor wants my chapter by tomorrow." "Ok, see you later then. Don't work too hard." "I won't. Have a good walk." With one final grin, she quietly shut the door behind her. With Eloise out of the house I was officially home alone now. Still feeling rather lazy, I flung myself back down onto my bed, sprawling out my limbs. It really was a comfy bed.

A moment passed before my phone then suddenly started to ring. It was so random that it actually made me jump a little. But hurriedly, I rushed to check who it was. A foreign number I didn't recognize. Oh well; might be Amsterdam! Growing excited, I pressed "answer". "Hello?" "Hi there."

"Friederich?" My heart dropped in disappointment. But those negative feelings didn't last too long. He chuckled from his end. "Hoping for someone else?" I guess he could detect the let down in my voice. "No, I….. No. It's just…. Hey, wait a minute. How'd you get my number?!" "How do you think? Your brother gave it to me." "Of course he did," my hand rolled over my exasperated face. More laughing. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I promise not to abuse the privilege." "No, it's fine. To what do I owe this pleasant surprise?" I grinned naturally.

"My cousin, Portia Featherington- you remember her, don't you?" "Oh yes, I remember her," how could I possibly forget? "She's got it into her head that you and I should go on a promenade." "A walk? She suggested that?" "Mmmmm, more like hounded me about it. She thinks it's the perfect way for us to get "better acquainted"." "But we already know each other?" I countered puzzled. He laughed gently. "I think she means more intimately, if you catch my drift. Course as intimate as two can be out in public with a chaperon. I'm sure Anthony would like to join us." "He would; you're very right, your highness," I giggled. He chuckled too- a happy chuckle. "So! Shall we say three o'clock this Friday?" "Oh, I don't know…." "I won't take "no" for an answer, Miss Bridgerton! Three o'clock in front of the palace gardens. Don't make me come find you again." "Alright, alright; three o'clock it is! See you then." "I'll be looking forward to it, Daphne." "Me too…. Friederich." "Goodbye." "Have a good afternoon. Bye." Click!

My phone lowered from my ear as I sighed to myself. Well, I guess my Friday's booked up now. Pretty sure I can get my chapter done by then; I kinda have to anyway. My eyes gazed out of the window to some birds chirping in the trees. They looked so happy and free, out there in the sun. As I watched them fly about, this silent grin came to my face. There were some things about London I enjoyed…. Some things I would miss when I go back to Brussels. Contently, I laid back down onto my back, smiling up at the ceiling again. "I know you just want me to be happy, Daddy. That's all you've ever wanted for me. And I know why you set up the will the way you did…" My eyes lowered in the corners as my grin began to fade. "I don't blame you; I really don't. I'd be lying if I said I want to get married….. but I get why you did what you did.

I know it wasn't your idea, Daddy."

I did flinch again at the buzzing in my hand. My phone was ringing again. Thinking it might be Friederich calling back or Anthony checking in, I sat up and pulled back the cover. It was another number I didn't recognize, prompting me to sit up straight again. A bit anxiously, I hit "answer" and lifted my phone back up to my ear. "H-Hello?" "Hello. Am I speaking to Daphne Bridgerton?" "This is she." "Hi there. I'm calling from the University of Amsterdam. This is a good time?" Oh god, my heart….. My flipping heart! "Yes! Er, yes; it is." "I'm calling in regard to your application to our PhD position on main campus.

The graduate department would like to set up an interview with you."