
Breath of the Undead

Upon becoming an undead mage, Gu Xi discovered he had encountered a small problem. What was with being knocked out and thrown into a cell? To avoid becoming the first useless player to die before completing his job, Gu Xi decided to save himself! As a result, a future powerhouse known as the Breath of the Undead embarked on his legendary journey

Alastor0_0 · Fantasy
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63 Chs

Chapter 43: Battlefield Deployment at the City Gate

Chapter 43: Battlefield Deployment at the City Gate

When this man in a black robe stepped forward, Gu Xi's first reaction was that this guy might be a cultist.

Before the man in the black robe could say a second sentence, Gu Xi raised his hand and shot three bone spikes in that direction.

But before these three bone spikes could reach the man in the black robe, two black shadows appeared beside him, blocking the attack.

The man in the black robe then sneered, "I originally planned to leave you a way out, but now you're seeking death yourself. Attack."

Gu Xi took a step back and looked at the two black shadows approaching him with a hint of disdain in his eyes.

"Who gave you the courage to outnumber a necromancer?"

Without any visible movement from Gu Xi, a stone door appeared behind him, and his retreat positioned him right in the center of the door.

The man in the black robe hadn't realized what was happening when nearly forty skeleton soldiers emerged from the door.

At the forefront were the skeleton soldiers of Combat Squad 3, who quickly surrounded Gu Xi, raised their shields, and protected him.

Then the skeleton soldiers of Combat Squad 1 charged forward, wielding their two-handed swords, indiscriminately attacking the black shadows they saw.

The man in the black robe did not expect Gu Xi to deploy his undead on the battlefield in such a manner.

At first, he thought he had encountered a necromancer without his undead, giving him an advantage, but it turned out quite differently.

The man in the black robe waved his hand, and two more black shadows appeared at his feet, quickly transforming into black figures that charged forward.

Meanwhile, the man in the black robe retreated quickly, seemingly planning to escape.

But as soon as he took a step back, he suddenly felt a chill behind him.

His movements noticeably slowed down, and a layer of frost appeared on his arm.

The man in the black robe, being experienced, didn't look back to see what was happening. Instead, he dove forward and rolled away.

However, Luna, who had appeared behind him, had no intention of letting him go. As he rolled forward, she opened her mouth and let out a piercing scream.


Luna's banshee wail was incredibly powerful, almost right in the man's ear. He immediately felt a sharp pain in his head.

His eyes turned red, his mouth tasted of blood, and he felt weak all over.

At this moment, Combat Squad 2 charged forward. These skeleton soldiers wielding spears ignored the black shadows released by the man in the black robe and thrust their spears at him.

With the largest number of skeleton soldiers, Combat Squad 2 quickly brought the man's life to an end.

The man in the black robe tried to resist, but a skeleton soldier with a two-handed sword rushed over and decapitated him with one swift stroke.

[Skeleton Soldier (Summoned) kills Shadow (Level 3), you gain 1 experience point, Combat Squad gains 1 experience point, summoned creatures gain 5 experience points.]

[Skeleton Soldier (Summoned) kills Shadow (Level 3), you gain 1 experience point, Combat Squad gains 1 experience point, summoned creatures gain 7 experience points.]

[Skeleton Soldier (Summoned) kills Shadow Cultist (Level 5), you gain 1 experience point, Combat Squad gains 1 experience point, contracted undead gain 3 experience points, participating summoned creatures gain 4 experience points.]


As various kill notifications flashed in front of Gu Xi, he realized what the man in the black robe was.

He was indeed a cultist, and a level 5 one at that.

More importantly, Gu Xi noticed that the black shadows he released were Shadows from Aridowei.

And they were quite powerful.

Considering this, along with what the man in the black robe said when he first appeared, a thought crossed Gu Xi's mind.

The disaster spirits collected earlier must have been for the evil god imprisoned in Aridowei.

It seemed that in Victoria City, there were many such cultists.

This made it quite difficult to guard against them.

As the man in the black robe died, the space he had created shattered on the spot. The space, originally the size of half a football field, quickly shrank.

The city gate Gu Xi had deployed on the battlefield was also being squeezed.

Seeing this, Gu Xi didn't hesitate, "You all retreat first."

Luna nodded, glanced at the skeleton soldiers, and several of them quickly stepped forward, lifted the man in the black robe's corpse, and entered the City of the Dead's gate.

Taking the last opportunity, Luna quickly reported to Gu Xi what had happened in Aridowei during his absence.

"Master, Aridowei has been very safe during this time. We dismantled some useless buildings in the city and collected a lot of stone and wood.

We have been waiting for negative energy points, and just before we came here, we started building the core structure of the tavern.

Besides the resources needed for construction, we also had enough negative energy points to summon twenty skeleton soldiers."

Gu Xi had already noticed the increase in skeleton soldiers.

After all, the change in the number of skeleton soldiers in his three combat squads was apparent.

But Luna's choice to build a tavern instead of a warehouse surprised Gu Xi.

"Didn't I tell you to build a warehouse? Why build a tavern?"

"Master, the warehouse is not urgent. The boxes in front of the council hall can still hold a lot, but have you considered that when you return to Aridowei, you will need food from the tavern?"

With Luna's explanation, Gu Xi understood her reasoning.

He was a necromancer, but he was not undead; he still needed to eat.

Without a tavern, he wouldn't be able to eat anything in Aridowei and would have to boil water at best.

This would eventually turn him into an undead.

So, compared to a warehouse for storing supplies, a tavern was indeed what Gu Xi needed most.

"Alright, I trust you to handle things in Aridowei. Once the core building is complete, prioritize building the city walls. I'll find other ways for the remaining constructions."

Luna nodded confidently and quickly entered the opened gate.

As the gate dissipated behind Gu Xi, the carriage finally returned to its original size.

At this moment, the attendant who had been watching cautiously stepped forward.

"Master Mage, what was that just now..."

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