
Breaking the ordinary

Ethan, your average modern boy in modern society, ignorant of the hidden society, gets a system in his mind by some accidents. It's tale of a young man to reach the highest point of the hidden society and to know the hidden creatures living beside them.

samandridaku · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
50 Chs


Everyone who heard that line from the girl felt bad for the man. On the other hand her twin sister was laughing maniacally. Hearing that laugh, Ethan frowned but didn't say anything. He was more interested in the ability of the girl.


If i can have that ability on top of my jumper ability, i'll surely be able to boost my defense to another level. Heck yeah!

"Yo system! Long time no see!! How are you doing man?", of course his actions rewarded him with silence.

"Ahem, okay so do you have these abilities? Or can i get these abilities in any way?"Ethan got serious and asked the system as he was very interested in her ability.


"The system doesn't have these lowly abilities."


"Lowly you say! Don't tell me you're calling those abilities lowly to just hide your own incompetence, you useless system!", just as Ethan was going on about all this he heard another beep.

"Host can kill them to get their ability and then upgrade the ability by the points. Though the host is suggested to not rely on abilities too much and try to awaken his own bloodline power."

"Hey that's suspicious. Don't tell me you were lying about the upgrade and now just asked me to awaken my bloodline. System you are getting cheaper and cheaper by the day!"

Just as Ethan was saying all this, his mind clicked.



Doesn't it mean I have an innate bloodline already!!

"Yo system!!! Explain it to me. Do I have a bloodline? Is it strong?"Ethan asked, as he was too excited!

But the system remained silent which surely was out of normal. But as Ethan was going to spam him with his endless questions, the situation inside the arena changed.

The girl was now moving towards the man. The man had recovered somewhat by drinking something which Ethan was sure, was a healing potion!

So these people also have these kind of things.

As the girl was moving towards him, the man felt horrible. He knew he had to reveal his trump card or he would be dead in no time. Just as she was closing in to the man the aura of the man erupted forcefully making her halt her steps. But she just stopped for a moment and then continued. The aura that the man was emitting now was definitely much more stronger than before. Everyone could feel that he was going all in from this moment onwards.

As Ethan was looking at the man and his aura, he wanted to know the level of his aura but surely the system wasn't telling him that.

"Hey kiddo, how do guys measure each other's strength? Like in what sense?"Ethan suddenly asked the loli who was standing beside him all along.

Suddenly hearing ethans question, Jenny was at a loss for words. She was thinking that how could someone as strong as him don't even know this much. But after thinking for a while she accepted it because he was the man who had zero knowledge of this fighting arena too.

"It's categorized as ranks. E being the lowest and S being the highest."

"Oh you mean like in the games. That's pretty convenient and easy.", Ethan thought that it was a good way to categorize. As it was simple and easy to understand.

"So those two fighting are of what rank?"

"The old man can be considered as a C rank. But the rise in his aura just now made him barely an B rank. On the other hand the girl is a full fledged B rank.", Jenny explained patiently.

Oh so that's how it is. Level 40 is B rank or almost something like this. Well this is good.

"So you're considered a B rank too?" As Ethan remembered the level of the girl which was 39, he wanted to confirm her rank. He knew she was different but he still wanted to confirm.

"No I-I'm different so i'm characterized differently too. I'm cursed as you might have already guessed. There are also categories of curses and how potent they are so … I'm not characterized by normal rankings. But still u can say i'm an A Rank if you like."

As Ethan listened to her, he came to a new understanding of this society that looked no more normal than usual, and was hiding so much in the dark. But he was excited. Yes, excited! He was living a rathur normal life but now that he got a chance to change his life, he wanted to make a mark in this society so he could be remembered and ….


At this moment even he didn't know he had a smile on his face that was filled with confidence to face anything.

Inside the arena, the man whose aura was surging like a cornered tiger, was still at a losing end as he couldn't break the girls barrier. Her ability was way too strong for him. He wasn't her match at all. Just as everyone thought that the man would surrender, a silver fog shot out from the man and spread through the whole arena. And the girl who had a smirk the whole time finally had a serious face.

Her smile finally disappeared.

"HAHAHAHA SO I DID IT!! HAHAHHAHA", the man started laughing loudly as if the wounds on his body, the exhaustion and the pain he suffered was all worth it.

"So see I removed that smirk off of your face! SO YOU AINT THAT STRONG ARE YOU, YOU FUCKING BITCH!! HAHAHAH"

As everyone saw this man laughing so heartily, some were thinking of what happened actually. Some were looking forward to what the girl would do now.

"As i said before, this man is pretty interesting, isn't he", just as everyone was concentrating on the arena, the man with the specs started talking.

"You guys may not be smart enough to tell what actually happened so allow me to enlighten you fools hahaha.", even though the tone he was speaking in wasn't kind but nobody showed displeasure on their face.

"So as some of you guys might already know about [DOMAIN]. Yes, it's a domain. Now I know many of you will be thinking that how is this even possible. As we all know domain can only be achieved if a person has already reached the peak in understanding of his ability but there are some people that have understanding of duel abilities and they too have domain as they have much more understanding of powers and some people often use curses to forcefully create a domain. But this man … he's a genius!"

"I wasn't thinking of fighting him for any random reason. I don't have that low standards but this domain just makes him a worthy opponent. But it's truly sad news his physical capabilities are not strong enough to keep the domain for a long time. And it's not like I'll fight any person with a domain hahaha, his domain is ...different. You guys will see it in just a bit."

As the dude with specs was explaining, Ethan also asked the system about domains and he was completely shocked. He also knew what domain that man created and his all capabilities but still he was truly shocked because a domain in a sense is like a person's world. He is a god in that domain and there is no exception. The only way to break from a domain was to have a stronger domain than your opponent or to stall for time.

This was the information he got from the system. Just as he was thinking of asking the system if he could have a domain, the situation finally changed in the arena.

The girl who was being laughed at just curled her lips upward again. And started walking again towards him.

"I sure was surprised and lost my composure for a second there but you know what, a dog can only be a dog!!!", her speed increased as she walked towards the man.

The man wasn't panicked but he felt humiliated. The silver fog that was in the whole arena was really beautiful but now the man was going to attack the girl again. He knew he didn't have much time in this state so he had to do it quickly.