
Chapter 38

Sarada's tail twitched as she stared up at Bulma. The girl was inches from her face at that moment and it brought a new, yet familiar feeling to Sarada. Her tail twitched again. What was the feeling? It was making her heart beat out of her chest. There was a feeling in her stomach she couldn't understand. She didn't know what it was and felt like she should. She felt like she was so very stupid at that moment. She felt that maybe she did know but some part of her refused to admit it. Her tail twitched again. What to do?

Bulma was in awe. Sarada was flustered. Her face was actually red. She was blushing. The calm and collected Sarada was actually blushing. A sight to behold. It only made her urge to kiss her even stronger. But she didn't. There was conflict in those black eyes. Sarada was trying to understand what she was feeling. Would she understand? Would she let her kiss her? She hoped so. She would have to be patient. She had spent enough time around Sarada to pick up on that trait. She had noted that her tail was suddenly tangled with that of Sarada's own. She doubt the girl noticed.

Sarada let out a breath she had apparently been holding. She had no idea what she was feeling but she did know that the thought of Bulma kissing her was very appealing at the moment. Maybe that should give her a hint as to what she was feeling and she took it. She wanted Bulma to kiss her. She wanted to kiss Bulma. The two thoughts were the same and yet so different.

The world was suddenly upside down and Bulma's gasp was drowned by lips on her own. The action was unexpected. She wasn't expecting Sarada to react like that. It was so sudden and her heart jumped into an increased pace so fast she was almost sure she would suffer a heart attack. But it would be so worth it. Everything fell away for the only thing she could focus on was the sensations Sarada made her feel. The flutter in her stomach. The softness of her lips. Her mind couldn't comprehend a proper thought. The sound of her pants drowned out by the beating of her heart in her ear. She could hardly breathe , but she couldn't bring herself to care about that fact.

Sarada didn't know what got into her. The need to feel Bulma's lips on her own had overpowered everything else and before she knew it she was on top of her and experiencing so much. She had so much going through her head. With the kiss everything had changed and shall never be the same again, but she could care less. She didn't think it was possible but her heart rate increased again. She could feel it beat against her chest. Hear the blood pump through her ears. She didn't want to break the kiss even when she forgot to breathe. She was afraid of breaking the spell. She was feeling so very happy at the moment and she wanted to hold onto that. Her lips were soft and warm and moved perfectly with her own. Hands were tangled in her messy hair and she was pulled closer. She needed to breathe. She kept reminding herself of that crucial factor. Bulma let out a satisfied sound from her throat and the thought of air was immediately discarded.

She didn't mind passing out.

Bulma was on a new high even when the kiss had ended. Her chest heaved as she tried to gather the much needed oxygen. Sarada was still red in the face but the shade was lighter. Her hair was even messier. Her eyes were glazed. Her lips were slightly parted as she panted. It was a new sight. One Bulma appreciated very much.

"Well, I did not expect that" Sarada was breathless as she spoke. "I really did not expect that"

Bulma hummed with a smile as she tugged Sarada back down. Their foreheads rested together as they gazed into each other's eyes.

"Are you regretting it? " Bulma asked

"Hell no" Sarada thought it was the stupidest question to ever be asked. "I'll never regret that"

"So, you realized your feelings? "

"Yeah, sorry for being an idiot"

"You were an idiot weren't you"

"You know, you're supposed to tell me that its OK and stuff"

"Sorry, I guess I can't talk seeing as I didn't realize it until today"

"Are you serious? "

"Yes, that's why I was training so much "

Sarada stared at Bulma. She was telling the complete truth. It made her realize something.

"Wow, you wasted no time at all"

Bulma laughed at the look on Sarada's face. Why did she look as if she was accusing her of some great evil?

"So, you don't want a boyfriend right? "

Bulma had to resist the urge to laugh again. Sarada looked deadly serious when she asked that question.

"No of course not. Why would I go looking for a boyfriend when I have you? You understand me and that's all I need"

"Wow, such a romantic "Sarada teased.

"Stop that"

Sarada grinned and flipped their positions again. Bulma was again on top of her and was more than happy to use Sarada as a warm pillow.

"What now? "Sarada asked.

Bulma shrugged and cuddled into Sarada. Their tails were still entwined and Bulma was starting to enjoy the feeling. She was content. Things were good as is. She wouldn't mind keeping things as it currently was.

"I like this"


"Why don't we just enjoy this?"

Sarada hummed. She didn't mind. She loved it. It was new and yet the same. She figured that it was because it was what they mostly did. The one difference being that they were aware of new feelings and as such aware of a list of new things.

Case in point. Sarada never focused on how much Bulma actually smelled of strawberries. Or how she tended to nuzzle her neck for warmth.

She only then noticed that her tail was entwined with that of Bulma. When she made to detatch her furry friend Bulma's own tightened, making sure she did no such thing. She didn't need Bulma to tell her that she didn't want her to move, so she did nothing.

Sarada took the time to think. She just jumped into an interesting situation that she did not expect. She didn't expect Bulma to develop feelings for her or for her to have similar feelings. It changes everything. First of all there's Vegeta. He was supposed to be her romantic interest, although Sarada still could not understand how that happened. Things have changed all right. She had Bulma now and there was no way in hell she was going to let Vegeta even look at her weird. Because if there's one thing she knows it's that Vegeta would want his bloodline to continue. In fact she was sure that was one of the reason he convinced his father to let her live. She'll kick him in the balls if she had to. Which doesn't sound like a bad idea.

Sarada's tail taightened around Bulma's own. The action gained Bulma's attention.

"What's wrong? "

Sarada said nothing. She only let out a sound in the back of her throat as she continued to think of Vegeta and all the things she would do to him if he tried anything with Bulma.

"Sarada? "

"Hmm? "

"What's wrong?"


"That's a lie" Bulma pinched Sarada in the stomach and the girl unsuccessfully wiggled away, only to be pinched on her right side.

"Bulma stop, why do you see the need to do that? "

"What's bothering you? "

"Nothing much"

"Sarada don't lie"

Sarada refused to talk and was pinched multiple times until she gave in. She sighed.

"I'm not letting anyone take you from me" Sarada admitted. "Is that wrong of me? "

Bulma said nothing for a moment. She had the biggest smile on her face as Sarada's words sunk in. She really was the possessive type.

Sarada wasn't sure she should be feeling such a way. She couldn't say such a thing. There was no guarantee their newly found relationship would last. What if Bulma decided things weren't working out?

"I don't think it's wrong of you"

"It feels wrong"

"You like to think things through and your probably running every possibility over in your head" Bulma observed. She realized what was suddenly bothering Sarada. "Don't do that"

"I can't help it. It's in my nature" When has Sarada not thought things through? She wouldn't be Sarada if she didn't look at every possibility.

"Fine, keep running that mind of yours if you want to" Bulma said in a dismissive tone. "Believe me when I tell you that I doubt I'll be changing my mind about this"

"Don't be so sure. A lot could happen, your feelings might change"

"They will not"

"You never know"

"I do know and I bet my feelings won't change " Bulma said stubbornly and abruptly sat up. Sarada raised an eyebrow. "In fact, I promise to marry you when you turn eighteen"

Sarada was not expecting such an outburst. Here she was with Bulma on her lap, promising to marry her when she was old enough. They only shared one kiss. The new relationship had hardly begun and she already promised her hand.

"Bulma, seriously "

"What? "

"Don't go around promising such a thing out of nowhere" Sarada scolded.

"I'm won't go around promising such a thing. I'm promising you"

"You don't need to promise such a thing"

"I want to promise you that"

"You're being rash"

"And you refuse to believe I'll stay"

Sarada looked away. How was she supposed to be certain when the very same girl on top of her ended up with someone else?

"Hey"Bulma had chopped her on the head and she shot her a weak glare. Bulma only smiled and massaged the spot she had hit. "Since when were you so insecure"

"This isn't my playing field. Nothing can shake my confidence when it comes to anything related to martial arts. That is something I can train to improve. It is something I grew up with. Relationships such as this are not my thing"

Bulma understood that. It's not like she was a relationship expert. She just preferred not to worry too much. She didn't plan on being with anyone else and she knew Sarada enough to know that if the girl liked her she would always be there. So Bulma didn't worry. She didn't expect Sarada to. She didn't seem like the type. And she never really worries about anything other than future threats.

"Why are you so worried? "Bulma had a feeling there was more to it than Sarada was letting on. From the look in her eyes she could tell she was right.

"Reasons" was the answer she received.

"You don't want to tell me? "

Sarada shook her head. She couldn't bring herself to tell her. It didn't feel right. "I'm sorry"

Bulma sighed but smiled. She realized that sometimes Sarada couldn't tell her everything and she had to accept that. She shouldn't feel anyway because of it. It didn't mean Sarada didn't trust her.

"It's alright "

"You're not upset? "Sarada raised an eyebrow.


Sarada stared at her as if she was pulling her leg.

"Why are you looking at me like that?

"Because you always get upset when I dont tell you what's on my mind"

"I know, and I realized that I shouldn't be like that. It's not fair"

Sarada again gave her an odd look. "When did you adopt such a mindset? "

"I just did, accept it"

"Alright "

"Good" Bulma pulled Sarada into a seated position. Her arms had slithered around her neck and pulled her closer. "You need a distraction"

Sarada smiled. She could not go against that statement. She did need a distraction and Bulma was clearly offering her the distraction she wanted.

She almost chuckled. She was most definitely not letting anyone take Bulma from her.

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