
Breaking His Ice

When renowned billionaire CEO Alexander Frost, known for his icy demeanor and ruthless business tactics, crosses paths with the spirited and determined journalist, Olivia Bennett, their worlds collide in unexpected ways. Assigned to interview Alexander for a feature piece, Olivia is determined to uncover the man behind the corporate facade. As they spend more time together, Olivia begins to see glimpses of warmth beneath Alexander's tough exterior, while he finds himself captivated by her intelligence and fearlessness. However, their budding romance faces numerous obstacles, including Alexander's past traumas and Olivia's reluctance to let love in after a painful betrayal and pregnancy . As they navigate the complexities of trust, vulnerability, and ambition, they must confront their inner demons and break down the barriers keeping them apart.

MartFord21 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter Three

Alexander's POV

I sat behind my desk, the familiar hum of the city outside my window providing a comforting backdrop to my thoughts. Despite the chaos of the world beyond these walls, my mind was singularly focused on one thing—Olivia Bennett.

From the moment she stormed into my life with all the fury of a tempest, I knew she would be trouble. Yet, even as I tried to dismiss her from my thoughts, her image lingered like a haunting specter, refusing to be ignored.

I couldn't deny the attraction that simmered between us—a dangerous, volatile force that threatened to consume us both. But I was no fool—I knew better than to let myself be swayed by the whims of desire.

Olivia was a complication I couldn't afford. She was a journalist—a relentless seeker of truth who would stop at nothing to uncover the secrets I had worked so hard to keep hidden.

And yet, despite the risks, I found myself drawn to her in ways I couldn't explain. There was something about her—a fire in her eyes, a passion that burned bright and fierce—that called to me in a way I had never experienced before.

As I sifted through the mountain of paperwork on my desk, my thoughts drifted back to our encounter at the coffee shop. The memory of her fury—her righteous indignation—sent a thrill of excitement coursing through my veins.

I remembered the way she had stood her ground, her voice ringing out clear and strong as she challenged me with every fiber of her being. It was a rare quality—one that both intrigued and infuriated me in equal measure.

But even as I admired Olivia's strength, I couldn't ignore the dangers that lurked beneath the surface. She was a wild card—a loose cannon who could upend my carefully constructed world with a single word.

And yet, despite the risks, I couldn't shake the feeling that our paths were destined to cross again. Little did I know that our encounter at the coffee shop was just the beginning of a journey that would challenge everything I thought I knew about love and redemption.

As I braced myself for the tumultuous road ahead, I knew that Olivia Bennett was a force to be reckoned with—a force that would stop at nothing to uncover the truth, no matter the cost.

And as I prepared to face the challenges that lay ahead, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held in store for us both. One thing was certain—Olivia Bennett had left an indelible mark on my heart, and try as I might, I couldn't deny the pull of her magnetic presence.

With a deep breath, I pushed aside my thoughts of Olivia and focused on the task at hand, burying the longing for something more deep within my soul. But even as I immersed myself in my work, I knew that our paths would inevitably cross once again, setting into motion a series of events that would change our lives forever.

And as I braced myself for the storm that was sure to come, I couldn't help but wonder if Olivia Bennett would be the one to thaw the icy walls around my heart, or if she would be the one to bring about my downfall. Only time would tell.

Days turned into weeks, and yet Olivia Bennett remained a constant presence in my thoughts. Try as I might, I couldn't shake the memory of our encounter at the coffee shop, the fire in her eyes burning bright and fierce.

But even as I grappled with my conflicting emotions, life at Frost Enterprises carried on as usual. Meetings, negotiations, deals—all the mundane tasks that filled my days seemed insignificant in comparison to the turmoil raging within me.

I found myself increasingly distracted, my mind wandering back to Olivia time and time again. Her relentless pursuit of the truth, her unwavering determination—it both fascinated and infuriated me in equal measure.

And yet, despite my best efforts to keep her at arm's length, I couldn't deny the pull she had over me. There was something about her—a vulnerability lurking beneath the surface, a depth of emotion that spoke to the darkest corners of my soul.

As I sat in my office, the familiar weight of responsibility pressing down on my shoulders, a knock at the door interrupted my thoughts. Jessica, my ever-efficient assistant, poked her head in, a folder clutched in her hand.

"Mr. Frost, I have the latest projections for the upcoming quarter," she announced, her voice pulling me back to the present.

"Thank you, Jessica," I replied, my tone absent-minded as I accepted the folder. But even as I poured over the numbers, my mind remained firmly fixed on Olivia.

I wondered what she was doing at that very moment—whether she was chasing down leads, uncovering secrets, or simply going about her day like any other. I couldn't shake the feeling that our paths were destined to cross again, whether I liked it or not.

As the hours stretched into days, I found myself growing increasingly restless, the need to see Olivia—to confront her, to understand her—gnawing at the edges of my consciousness.

But even as I wrestled with my desire, I knew that getting involved with her could spell trouble. She was a journalist, after all—a relentless seeker of truth who would stop at nothing to uncover the secrets I had worked so hard to keep hidden.

And yet, despite the risks, I couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to Olivia Bennett than met the eye. Beneath her tough exterior, I sensed a vulnerability—a longing for something more that mirrored my own.

As I navigated the complexities of our burgeoning connection, I couldn't help but wonder what the future held in store for us both. Would Olivia be the one to thaw the icy walls around my heart, or would she be the one to bring about my downfall?

Only time would tell. But as I braced myself for the storm that was sure to come, I knew that Olivia Bennett had left an indelible mark on my heart—one that would linger long after she had vanished from my life.

The tension in the office was palpable as I sat behind my desk, my thoughts still consumed by Olivia Bennett. But even as I grappled with my conflicting emotions, the demands of my role as CEO of Frost Enterprises demanded my attention.

As I poured over the latest reports and projections, a sense of unease settled over me—a feeling that something was amiss, lurking just beneath the surface. And then it happened.

A critical error in one of our projects—a mistake that could cost the company millions and tarnish our reputation beyond repair. I felt a surge of fury coursing through my veins as I realized the magnitude of the mistake.

Without a second thought, I stormed out of my office, my footsteps echoing through the corridors as I made my way to the department responsible for the error. My mind was a whirlwind of anger and frustration, and I knew that heads would roll for this egregious oversight.

As I burst into the department, my temper flared as I confronted the employees responsible for the mistake. "What is the meaning of this?" I thundered, my voice echoing through the room like a clap of thunder.

The employees cowered before me, their faces pale with fear as they stammered out excuses and apologies. But their words fell on deaf ears as I unleashed my fury upon them, my anger boiling over like a volcano on the verge of eruption.

"You call yourselves professionals?" I roared, my voice laced with contempt. "This is unacceptable! Incompetence of this magnitude will not be tolerated at Frost Enterprises!"

I watched with satisfaction as the employees squirmed under my gaze, their guilt written plain on their faces. But even as I vented my rage, a small voice in the back of my mind whispered a warning—a reminder that my anger could have consequences far beyond what I had anticipated.

As I dismissed the employees with a wave of my hand, I couldn't shake the feeling that I had let my emotions get the better of me. But in that moment, all I could think about was the mistake that had been made—and the repercussions that would follow.

As I retreated back to my office, the weight of my fury heavy upon my shoulders, I knew that I would have to find a way to make things right. But even as I wrestled with my guilt, I couldn't shake the feeling that this was just the beginning of a much larger storm that was brewing on the horizon.

And as I braced myself for the challenges that lay ahead, I knew that Olivia Bennett would be at the center of it all—a force to be reckoned with, a tempest that threatened to upend my carefully constructed world.