
Breaking His Ice

When renowned billionaire CEO Alexander Frost, known for his icy demeanor and ruthless business tactics, crosses paths with the spirited and determined journalist, Olivia Bennett, their worlds collide in unexpected ways. Assigned to interview Alexander for a feature piece, Olivia is determined to uncover the man behind the corporate facade. As they spend more time together, Olivia begins to see glimpses of warmth beneath Alexander's tough exterior, while he finds himself captivated by her intelligence and fearlessness. However, their budding romance faces numerous obstacles, including Alexander's past traumas and Olivia's reluctance to let love in after a painful betrayal and pregnancy . As they navigate the complexities of trust, vulnerability, and ambition, they must confront their inner demons and break down the barriers keeping them apart.

MartFord21 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter Four

Olivia's POV

My phone's alarm blares loudly, jolting me awake from a fitful slumber. Groaning, I sit upright in bed, stretching my tired limbs and rubbing the sleep from my eyes. Three hours of sleep—it's become the norm for me, a sacrifice I make each day for the sake of my job and the sanity of my boss.

I drag myself out of bed and stumble into the bathroom, washing down hurriedly and dressing in my usual uniform—a crisp white blouse, tailored trousers, and a blazer adorned with the City TV logo. My hair is pulled back into a sleek ponytail, the practical choice for a journalist on the go.

Grabbing my bag—a sturdy leather satchel that holds all the essentials—I make my way to the kitchen in search of breakfast. But as usual, there's nothing in the fridge except for a lone apple and a granola bar. I grab them both, munching on them as I rush out the door and hail a cab to the train station.

The city is still dark and quiet as I make my way through the empty streets, the only sound the steady hum of the waking world around me. I check my watch frequently, counting down the minutes until my train departs.

As I settle into my seat on the train, I pull out my phone and begin to scroll through emails and messages, catching up on any news that may have broken overnight. But my mind keeps drifting back to the day ahead—another busy morning hosting the breakfast show on City TV, another day of chasing down leads and uncovering the truth.

Despite the exhaustion that weighs heavy on my shoulders, I can't help but feel a sense of excitement building within me. There's something exhilarating about the rush of adrenaline that comes with my job—the thrill of the chase, the satisfaction of uncovering a story that others would rather keep hidden.

As the train rumbles along the tracks, I find myself lost in thought, the anticipation of the day ahead driving me forward. And as the first rays of dawn begin to creep across the horizon, I know that whatever challenges may come my way, I'll face them head-on with the same determination and tenacity that has brought me this far.

Because when you're a journalist at City TV, there's no time to rest on your laurels. Every day brings new opportunities and new challenges, and it's up to me to seize them with both hands and make the most of every moment. And as I watch the city come to life outside the train window, I can't help but feel grateful for the chance to do what I love, even if it means sacrificing a few hours of sleep along the way.


Chapter Ten (Olivia's POV):

I arrive at work at 5:30 am, the city still cloaked in the early morning mist as I rush to the studio where I'll be hosting the breakfast show. My manager meets me at the door, a sense of urgency evident in his voice as he informs me of the special guests we'll be hosting today.

"Olivia, you're going to be interviewing two important people today," he says, his tone serious. "First up is Doctor Bash-Mills, who will be discussing the importance of health and exercise in our daily lives. And for the second guest, well, it's a bit up in the air at the moment. We've invited a special guest, but I haven't received confirmation yet. We'll have to play it by ear and see if he shows up."

I nod, taking in the information as I mentally prepare myself for the show ahead. It's all hands on deck as the team springs into action, setting up cameras, adjusting lighting, and making sure everything is in place for the live broadcast.

As I settle into the makeup chair, the artist works her magic, transforming me from tired journalist to polished TV host. Meanwhile, the cameramen adjust their equipment, checking and double-checking to ensure everything is in perfect working order.

With minutes to spare, I take a deep breath and steel myself for the task ahead. The studio is alive with energy as the countdown to showtime begins, and I can feel the excitement building in the air.

And then, it's time. The director gives the cue, and the cameras start rolling as I step onto the set, a smile plastered on my face as I address the viewers at home.

"Good morning, viewers," I say warmly, my voice projecting confidence and warmth. "It's 6 am, another wonderful day to start. My name is Olivia Bennett, and this is the City Breakfast Show, live at Media Generalè."

As the show begins, I dive into the first segment, introducing Doctor Bash-Mills to the audience. He speaks passionately about the importance of health and exercise, offering practical tips and advice for leading a healthier lifestyle.

The minutes fly by as the show progresses, each segment seamlessly transitioning into the next. And then, just as I'm about to move onto the next topic, my manager approaches me with a solemn expression on his face.

"Olivia, we've received word from our special guest," he says, his voice tinged with urgency. "He's agreed to join us on the show, but we'll need to make some adjustments to accommodate him."

I nod, my heart racing with anticipation as I wait for him to reveal the identity of our mystery guest. And then, he drops the bombshell.

"It's none other than the President of the United States," he says, his words hanging in the air like a thunderclap. "He's agreed to a live interview, but we'll need to rearrange the schedule to fit him in. Are you up for the challenge?"

My mind reels with shock and excitement as I digest the news. The President of the United States—on our show? It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I know I have to rise to the occasion.

With adrenaline coursing through my veins, I nod determinedly, ready to tackle whatever challenges come my way. And as I prepare to welcome our esteemed guest onto the set, I can't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement at the thought of what lies ahead.

As the news of the President's impending interview sinks in, my heart races with excitement and nerves. But before I can fully process the magnitude of the moment, my manager approaches me with a sense of urgency in his voice.

"Olivia, there's been a mistake," he says, his tone serious. "The President won't be joining us after all. But don't worry, we've managed to secure another guest—a very special guest indeed."

My pulse quickens at the unexpected turn of events, my mind racing with possibilities. Who could possibly be more special than the President of the United States?

And then, my manager drops the bombshell.

"It's none other than Alexander Frost, the CEO of Frost Inc.," he announces, his words sending a jolt of electricity through my veins.

Alexander Frost—the enigmatic billionaire whose name is synonymous with power and influence. My heart skips a beat at the thought of interviewing him live on air, but I quickly push aside my nerves and focus on the task at hand.

With a deep breath, I turn back to Doctor Bash-Mills, determined to give him the attention and respect he deserves. I ask him questions about the human body and wellness, drawing on his expertise to provide valuable insights for our viewers.

Despite the whirlwind of excitement and anticipation swirling around me, I remain calm and composed on the outside, masking the tumult of emotions raging within.

But as the interview with Doctor Bash-Mills comes to a close, I can't help but feel a sense of anticipation building in the pit of my stomach. The moment I've been waiting for is finally here—the chance to interview Alexander Frost live on air.

As I take a deep breath and compose myself, the studio falls silent, the air thick with anticipation. And then, with a nod from the director, I turn to face the camera, a smile playing on my lips as I prepare to welcome our special guest onto the set.

"Good morning, viewers," I say warmly, my voice steady and confident. "We have a very special treat for you today. Joining us live in the studio is none other than Alexander Frost, the CEO of Frost Inc."

"Olivia, Alexander Frost is here," he says, his voice tinged with excitement. "He's ready to join you on set for the interview."

My heart races with anticipation as I prepare to welcome Alexander Frost onto the show. Despite my nerves, I know that this is an opportunity I can't afford to miss.

With a deep breath, I plaster a smile on my face and turn to face the camera, ready to greet our esteemed guest. And as the cameras roll and Alexander Frost steps onto the set, I can't help but feel a sense of awe at the presence of this enigmatic figure before me.

"Good morning, Mr. Frost," I say warmly, my voice steady despite the butterflies in my stomach. "Thank you for joining us on the City Breakfast Show."

As the cameras roll and the lights illuminate the set, I can feel the weight of the moment bearing down on me. But as Alexander Frost steps onto the stage, all eyes on him, I know that this is my chance to shine—to show the world what I'm made of. I caught him looking directly at me not breaking contact the whole time but ignored at a point in time and ruined insults at him in my head. I wondered what was going on in his coconut head.

And as I launch into the interview, asking him questions about his business empire and his vision for the future, I can't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement coursing through my veins. This is the moment I've been waiting for—the chance to make my mark on the world, one interview at a time.

As the interview with Alexander Frost progresses, I delve deeper into his personal life, asking him about his beginnings, his family, and his relationships with women. At the mention of his parents, I notice a flicker of emotion cross his face—a fleeting expression that hints at a deeper pain hidden beneath the surface.

But as I press him for more details, Alexander's demeanor remains guarded, his responses carefully calculated to reveal only what he wants the world to see. He tells me a little about his family and upbringing, but I can't shake the feeling that there's more to the story than meets the eye.

When the topic turns to his relationships with women, I watch closely as Alexander sips on his juice and smirks at me, his gaze piercing and intense. I feel a shiver run down my spine at the intensity of his stare, but I push aside the unease and press on with my questions.

"Do you have a girlfriend, Mr. Frost?" I ask, my voice steady despite the nerves that threaten to betray me.

Alexander's smirk widens into a devilish grin as he looks me directly in the eyes. "No, I don't have a girlfriend," he replies, his tone laced with amusement.

I raise an eyebrow in surprise at his response, unsure of what to make of his cryptic answer. But before I have a chance to react, Alexander drops a bombshell that leaves me speechless.

"In fact, I have a new girlfriend," he declares, his voice ringing out loud and clear for all the viewers to hear. "Her name is Olivia Bennett."

Gasps fill the studio as everyone turns to look at me in shock. My heart races with fury and disbelief as I struggle to comprehend what Alexander has just said. How dare he make such a bold declaration on live television?

But as I open my mouth to protest, Alexander's smirk morphs into a mask of seriousness, his eyes twinkling with mischief as he continues to speak.

"I know this may come as a surprise to some of you," he says, his voice calm and composed. "But Olivia and I have been seeing each other for some time now. It's a new development in both of our lives, and we're excited to see where it leads."

I sit frozen in my seat, my hands clenched into fists on my lap as I struggle to process the whirlwind of emotions coursing through me. This is all a joke, a mistake—I tell myself, but deep down, I know that Alexander's words hold a kernel of truth that I can't ignore.

And as the reality of his declaration sinks in, I realize that my life will never be the same again. Whether I like it or not, Alexander Frost has just turned my world upside down with a single, unexpected revelation.