

three couples find themselves entangled in a web of difficulties, unaware that their closest allies harbor secrets and betrayal. as enemies lurk in the shadows, disguised as trusted friends and loved ones, the characters, must navigate a maze of deception. unraveling the truth becomes a treacherous journey, blurring the lines between Ally and adversary. in a world trust is a scarce commodity, the couples must confront the shocking reality that their greatest threats lie within their inner circle. "breaking free" is a suspenseful narrative where the pursuit of love and survival takes unexpected twists, leaving readers on the edge of their seats, questioning whom to trust in the intricate dance of deception.

Priyanka84 · Teen
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50 Chs

chapter thirty-Two- Diego's Mouth Agape

Rachael descended the stairs, locking eyes with Diego. She averted her gaze, prompting Diego to stand up with a mouth agape.

 "Learn to keep your mouth closed when you see a pretty lady," teased Lisa.

Diego, now composed, inquired, "ready to go?"

 "Of course," responded Lisa.

Diego gently placed his hand on Rachael's waist, and together, they left, anticipation lingering in the air.

*******************************************************They all sat inside the car as Diego drove. Laughter and lively conversation filled the car, but Rachael remained solemn.

 "Is the place we're going that far?" she asked.

 "Yes, quite a distance. You'll need patience, and a brighter face would make the journey smoother," Diego advised, while Lisa chuckled.

Rachael silently vowed, "I'll never forgive you for turning my sister against me and betraying my trust, breaking my heart."

Night fell as they arrived at a dark place.

 "let's go," Diego said.

 "I'm not going anywhere," Rachael insisted.

 "Why?" Lisa inquired.

 "It's dark, and I'm not sure what you two are up to. You might harm or kidnap me, "Rachael expressed, met with a laughter.

 "If you won't come willingly, we may have to take you by force," Diego declared, lifting her despite her protests. "Now, let's see how you're going to refuse," he said as they entered.

********************************************************They arrived at a particular place, and Diego left her alone in a dark room.

 "Diego, Lisa," she called, but there was no answer.

 "Please don't leave me here. Lisa, you know I'm scared of the dark, imagining demons and witches. I'm so sorry if I've made you angry. Don't let me die in this darkness!"

In a panicked frenzy, she continued, "Lisa, Diego, can you two just stop this? I'm terrified." Suddenly, someone switched on the light, revealing a well-designed, decorated large hall with many people looking at her with amusement. She felt intensely embarrassed.