
Chapter 3

Working at the library is boring but also somewhat entertaining. Catching people trying to screw in the library is hilarious. The surprised looks on their faces is worth it every time. Other than that, I do what I need to do and look through any books that catch my fancy. That would happen to be a lot by the way.

Huh... I think I'm turning into a bit of a book worm. I need to work out... my mind is overpowering my body! This cannot stand. I know I have only been here for a couple days, but it feels so slow! The fanfics I read never said anything about this.

Oh well. Work is over time to hit the gym. You know my mind feels faster than it was before. I never checked my stats.


Name: Zachary Brown

Age: 18

Level: 1

Exp: 50/100

STR: 10

DEX: 7

AGI: 9

DUR: 5

VIT: 20

INT: 13

WIS: 13

Nice! I have grown. I forgot about the 2 to Int and 1 to Wis. Oh and I'm here!

The gym didn't stand out at all in the city. It was a gray nondistinctive building that just said GYM. Yes it was literally in all caps. Inside however was another story. Brand new state of the art equipment that ranged from casual training to strongman training. I loved it here. Something about the sweat in the air that made you know you were here to make the weakness leave your body in the most excruciating yet wonderful way possible.

I headed to the locker room and changed into my workout gear, lucky for me the martial artist doesn't like the uniforms that almost all martial artist's wear. He said something about how a lot of people make a connection with the uniform, so they freeze and don't utilize their skills if they are in regular clothes. It makes sense to me, and I don't have to spend more money, that's a win win.

I walk my skinny happy ass to the dojo/matt area in the back and wait. I didn't wait long, not even long enough to pull up Facebook. Seriously he told me 5pm and I got to the mat at 4:59. Boom 5 hits and he's here. 

The training was good. Not much improvement today, first day after all, not like I'm going to be a grandmaster after 1 damn session. We went through some dexterity drills, and he taught me how to punch and kick properly. Fun time all around. Afterwards I still felt good enough to go and lift weights for an hour then run for a half an hour. 

I closed the door behind me once I got home, utterly exhausted from the day. Oh I get to do it again tomorrow! I'm so happy... why am I crying... "AhhhHHHh" I yell flopping onto the bed. Soon sweet dreams take over my mind. 

The rest of the week is just rinse and repeat. Over and over and over again. Here is a fun fact though! When you work out over and over again you get really sore. Neat huh! Yea I can barely move. It's not as bad as the third day but it still sucks. I did get some stats though!

Let's see I got 1 to Str, 2 to Dex, 2 to Agi and 1 to Dur. So, it's coming together. After the stats updated in my system, I could literally feel myself change. Weird as hell but still cool. Oh another interesting thing, apparently all stats you gain naturally only get assigned while you sleep. I know this because rather than getting them Thursday after the gym I got a notification Friday morning when I woke up.

Since today is Saturday, I decided to go sightseeing. I went and visited Stark tower. Went to Pizza Dreams and saw Dan, he's doing great, cleans up really well. I then went to the park and just people watched. All in all, it was a good day.

Sunday rolled around and left. No, I did not party nor did I try and go pick up chicks. Wanted to but hey I got to get to Captain America level first. My body may be starting to look like him but I am not close. Probably when I have at least 40 in all stats maybe more, who knows what will change after I pass the 20 benchmark.

On Monday it started over. I would read at work and do my job, throwing a flirt or two to the cute girls I might see if they seemed interested. Wasn't a lot but ya got to try. Then workout and improve my body. My second week saw some gains as well. Not as much as the first but something is better than nothing.

It was Sunday again and I just got done hanging out with Dan. I pulled out my phone to take a look at my stats so far.


Name: Zachary Brown

Age: 18

Level: 1

Exp: 50/100

STR: 12

DEX: 10

AGI: 11

DUR: 7

VIT: 20

INT: 14

WIS: 13

I gained another 1 in Str, Dex, Dur and Int. The Dur stat is hard to train. It hurts, literally hurts, you have to get beaten up to grow it. Necessary because, ya know, Thanos and shit. Anyways onto better news. Stark came by the library, sure he was hitting on a college chick but still I got to see him.

Back to the grind. Days, weeks and months have passed since I came here. It is currently December 25th and not a lot has happened. First the stats.


Name: Zachary Brown

Age: 18

Level: 1

Exp: 50/100

STR: 14

DEX: 13

AGI: 13

DUR: 12

VIT: 20

INT: 17

WIS: 15

I know it is a bit of a jump but nothing important has happened since I got here. Not like I jumped in strength overnight. No, I worked for half a year to get here. I've packed on a decent bit of muscle, I weigh 235 pounds now and my beard is coming in great! No baby face for me.

Dan is at my place for Christmas, and we are exchanging gifts before we eat the newest edition from Pizza Dreams, take and bake pizza. I got him some clothes and a nice watch, and he got me a book on engineering. Oh yea due to my increase in Int and Wis I have been absorbing more and more information. So much that I am going to college. I am going for engineering in all its facets. So, a lot more studying and test taking. My plan was to work for Stark or something since more money never hurt anyone and being a Hero doesn't pay.

New year's is around the corner, and I am getting kind of worried. I mean I only got the one quest and that was to get a job. What's up with that.


I pulled out my phone and saw a message from my system.

System: Seriously? What have you done to get a quest? Huh? Nothing. You just want quests. So sorry. Well, here is a quest for you!

Main Quest: Kill Thanos!

Reward 1,000,000 exp

Failure: half of everything dies and stays dead, probably you to.

System: Oh here is a tip for ya. Maybe do more than just grind away, sure its a good idea but you give me nothing to work with here.

Wow... ok then. I forgot how sassy it can be. I guess I've got to start being something in this city. A hero... yea I'll start doing hero work. Now do I want to wear a mask? I'll decide after New Year's.

I go back to my regular schedule until New Year's. Thais night is a special one for me. I am leaving this new life I started behind and changing it, and hopefully the world, for the better. I will be a Hero, name pending, No mask. Just me doing good. Gotta keep it a little low key of course. Can't just go around beating the shit outa people. 

As soon as the clock strikes midnight and I have decided on my path I hear a loud smash from next door.

I quickly run out of my apartment and see a guy standing in the doorway of my next-door neighbor. She is a sweat girl barely in her 20's and is going to college to pursue a nursing career. Her body lying on the ground and bits of broken door around her.

You know the fight or flight mode most people have? Yea I guess mine is straight fight no flight, especially when I see a woman being hurt. 

My knee is flying before I can even think and sinks into his side by a good 2 inches. A grunt of pain escapes his mouth as he falls into the door frame and looks towards me. It was then that I recognized him. It's her ex-boyfriend, they had a loud falling out a week ago. Doesn't matter. She needs help and that is what I will do.

He gathers himself and lunges at me, thanks to my improved mind my martial arts classes have made me a decent fighter. I give him a single uppercut knocking him out cold. Huh I thought he would last longer, maybe that was the reason they broke up, low stamina. Hahahaha.

I chuckle to myself as I call 911 and let them know what happened. I don't touch my neighbor though. That would be stupid. In the books I read you should never do that unless you have no choice. They could have a neck injury or something and you would only make it worse.

The cops arrive in record time and take my statement. Shortly after the cops arrived two ambulances' take the ex and my neighbor away to get medical care. The cops let me go and tell me that if they have any other questions, they will let me know. I go back to my home and go to bed. It's been a long year.

The next morning, I hear knocking at my door, I also had a notification from my system but that can wait for a moment. I open the door to see my neighbor standing there awkwardly as well as the infamous Natalia Romanoff. What. The. Fuck.

I stood there for probably way too long going by the looks on their faces once I get over my inner fanboy squealing at seeing THE Black Widow.

"Ahem please come inside. Sorry for that I was surprised to see you." I say stepping to the side and letting them in. "Coffee?" I ask.

"Sure." They both say as they walk inside. I notice that Natalia, or Natasha as she normally goes with, is staring at me. Probably for staring at her. 

They sit on the couch as I get a pot of coffee started. "How are you holding up? actually I don't even know your name. I apologize for that. My name is Zach or Zachary Brown if we are being super formal, but please call me Zach."

"Oh! Yea I forgot about that. Sorry Zach, nice to meet you. My name is Christine and this is my friend." She says pointing to Natalia.

"Good morning. I am Natasha, or Nat for short." Nat says.

"It's a pleasure to meet you both. Now back to my original question. How are you? Seeing you on the floor scared the shit outa me if I'm being honest." I say while handing them each a coffee and setting creamer on the coffee table in front of them.

"I'm good. Just a little shaken up. Could have been a lot worse if you hadn't stepped in. That pig, my ex, had a gun and a suicide note on him. From what the cops say he was going to kill me then off himself. It's... it's scary to think about honestly." Christine says shakily.

"I can't even begin to imagine. I am so sorry. I'm glad you're ok though." I sincerely reply.

"Yea about that." Nat pops up.

"About what?" I ask confused.

"How the hell did you take him down?" Nat presses.

"Well not to brag but I have been taking courses at a gym called... well GYM. It's mixed martial arts and I've been going for half a year now. That's it really." I supply. I know Nat, from the movies at least. She doesn't trust easy, so I need to be upfront with her.

"Still... he was a well-trained MMA fighter." Nat continues.

"Well, I did hit him by surprise so there is that." I shrug.

"That makes sense. Wait did you say GYM as in all capital letters?" Nat asks.

"Yup." I say popping the p and taking a sip of my coffee. Damn good coffee.

"That makes more sense. A... friend of mine, Phil, teaches martial arts there. He told me about a new student that was doing really well. Hell, now that I think about it, he said his name was Zach." She says as if a bunch of puzzle pieces suddenly came together.

Wait Phil, where do I remember that name. Oh shit! Phil Coulson. Agent of SHIELD! Damn. I hide my inner freakout as much as I possibly can. "Oh, that's great! He is a great teacher."

"Yea. Well, he better be. I trained him myself. Actually, when do you go? I want to see how you hold up myself." She asks.

"Oh, every day of the week." I say nonchalantly.

"No shit. Well, that is some serious dedication you have there. I'll be there next Monday. I might even make it a regular thing if you're good enough." She says playfully while winking at me.

Be still my beating heart. "Yes mam! I look forward to it."