
Break Through The Doomsday Game

I was brought to the last days by the mysterious mother, only to find that there is a powerful gene hidden in my body, since then I have the power to cross the two worlds, how should I use this power to save the future of mankind being destroyed? For humans, it was the apocalypse, but for higher dimensional beings, it was just a game.

Emi9527 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 7 Tramp squad

Li Luoran's cold face showed a trace of hesitation, because she had just warned Luke, and now she had snatched his things, which was unreasonable both emotionally and rationally. After all, she was a very responsible person.

If it weren't for this, she wouldn't have wandered in the end times with a group of old, weak, sick and disabled.

She walked towards Luke, as if she was apologizing to someone for the first time, her tone was a bit stiff:

"I'm sorry, we just..."

Luke waved his hand generously and said, "It's okay, I can understand you."

Li Luoran was surprised by Luke's magnanimous attitude, she didn't know what to say for a while, her cheeks were flushed, because she usually met vicious people who would fight for food, and rely on their strength to speak.

In the past few years of the end times, she had never met a good person like Luke, and she didn't know how to deal with it. She had to explain awkwardly:

"We have been fasting for three days, so we were so rude... But, we won't eat your noodles for nothing."

Li Luoran took out a gold ring from a hidden small pocket inside her windbreaker, she was reluctant, but after thinking about it, she handed the ring out:

"This ring for your noodles, it should be enough."

The development of things was also beyond Luke's expectation, he was a little absent-minded, and instinctively took the ring, he even doubted whether he was in a dream.

"Use this ring to exchange for my noodles?"

Li Luoran thought Luke was too little, hesitated for a moment, and took out a small bracelet, handed it to Luke's face.

"This should be enough!"

Seeing Li Luoran's cute angry look, Luke finally came back to his senses and said quickly, "Enough, enough."

He quickly put the ring and bracelet away, pretended to put them in his pocket, but actually put them in the space library.

Li Luoran saw Luke's look of fear that she would regret it, and couldn't help but laugh, did she look like a villain who would go back on her word in Luke's eyes? So she snorted and turned away.

Luke didn't care about that much, he didn't have any intention of giving it back to coax Li Luoran, although the beauty was pleasing to the eye, she couldn't be eaten as a meal, but the gold ring and bracelet could.

He sighed in his heart: "How many noodles can this ring and bracelet be exchanged for when I go back?"

He couldn't believe it was true, two packs of noodles worth five yuan, plus a few cans of Pepsi, could actually exchange for a gold ring and a platinum bracelet, this was too ridiculous.

But Luke soon remembered his experience in the town, the preciousness of food in the end times was beyond doubt, and even worth someone using explosives, just to rob the food section of the small supermarket.

In this end times, as long as there were people living, there were zombies, and the fields were barren, the difficulty of obtaining food was greatly increased.

The only way to get food was to go to some villages or cities, only these places would have a lot of food.

But these foods were not so easy to get, thousands of zombies were enough to stop anyone, the outskirts of the city were easy to scavenge supermarkets, warehouses were already cleaned by people.

Only some teams with strong firepower could go deep into the city center occupied by zombies, and fight out a bloody road in the sea of corpses and blood, and bring back a small amount of food.

There is a saying that goes like this "antiques in prosperous times, gold in chaotic times"

In such an end times, paper money was like waste paper, only gold, which had been through thousands of years of human history, was the "general equivalent" recognized by people in the end times.

It is not an exaggeration to say that in the end times, food is more precious than gold, and you can exchange as much gold as you want with food, but you may not be able to exchange food with gold.

This is why Li Luoran was willing to use a gold ring and a platinum bracelet to exchange for two packs of noodles.

After understanding these key points, Luke suddenly became excited, knowing that this ring and bracelet in his own world, could sell for at least three or four thousand yuan, a pack of noodles in different worlds, the value was hundreds of times different!

"This is a good deal without a doubt! And this deal can only be done by me!"

Luke's thinking was suddenly opened up, and the scarred end times in his eyes became a treasure waiting for him to explore.

As long as he could bring some jewels and antiques that no one wanted in the end times back to his own world, it would be very easy to become a billionaire.

And from the current point of view, even if he couldn't get the gold in the city, he could still have a lot of wealth through food trade.

"Billionaire, luxury cars and beauties, planes and yachts, these things that I couldn't imagine before, I can also have."

Luke imagined his life after getting rich, but these thoughts were just a flash, and then he became depressed, he only had a cubic meter of space library, how many bags of noodles could he bring over.

Although there was a lot of gold in the big cities, but in the Chinese region, which city didn't have tens of millions of people? This was millions of zombies, if he didn't want to live, he could try to get some.

Paper money was not in his consideration, although there was a lot, but he didn't know which version of the banknotes it was, and it was impossible to use it in his own world.

The few ways of making money he thought of were almost impossible to achieve, Luke couldn't help but sigh heavily, the dream of becoming a billionaire was born and extinguished.

Li Luoran sat quietly in front of the fire, casually put down the gun, threw a few sticks of firewood into the fire, she stared at the burning flame, as if thinking about some plan.

Luke only noticed that she was holding an automatic rifle, he didn't know what model it was, after all, after a hundred years of development, many things were not what he was familiar with.

Thinking that in this end times, it was always the strong who spoke, he didn't even have a gun, he was afraid that he was one of the weak.

Luke showed a kind smile, and sat down opposite Li Luoran by himself, he turned his head and saw that the three old and three young had already lay in the tent, and whispered to her:

"Only after the end times came, I realized that even living is such a difficult thing, ask a somewhat presumptuous question, if you abandon them, you should live better, right? Why do you still want to take them with you? "

"Protecting civilians, this is my duty!"

Li Luoran's face was serious, her voice was decisive, Luke didn't know how to answer for a while, silent for a long time, only the fire made a crackling burst.

Li Luoran didn't know what she thought of, her expression became sad, her mood was a bit low:

"Before the end times, I was a policeman, and I was able to escape to the survivor base alive, and I also received a lot of help from others. I know that there are many bad people in the end times, facing the harsh environment, people have to arm themselves, become fierce, greedy, and vicious."

"I once doubted my own actions, whether it would be better to be more selfish, but if I abandon my own principles, I don't know what the difference is between me and those zombies, I'm just doing what I can, so I feel that I am still a human being, not a walking dead who is living in the end times."

Li Luoran looked at the two tents behind her that had already turned off the lights, and heard the sleeping breath from inside, some old people even snored, she smiled slightly, her eyes became firm again, and whispered:

"They are also living people, as long as they have a conscience, they will not abandon them, in the face of this disaster, we should all unite, and then we have a chance to rebuild our homes."

She smiled bitterly and sighed: "But how many people understand this truth, in the face of disaster, everyone shows their true and ugly side, as long as they can live, they can sacrifice everything, I think humans are losing some beautiful things, kindness, gentleness and precious compassion..."

Li Luoran suddenly laughed self-deprecatingly: "Is it ridiculous to say these things in the end times?"

"No, I can understand what you mean, looking at the thousands of years of human history, with these precious qualities, humans help each other, and can survive one difficulty after another, if we abandon these qualities, lose people like you, humans will really be defeated by the end times."

Luke affirmed Li Luoran's ideas, he felt vaguely that maybe this was the meaning of Nuwa letting him come to the end times.

Seeing that the captain of the beautiful woman who was just strong and incomparable, turned into a little girl who was confused about life in a blink of an eye, Luke sighed in his heart: "You are carrying the hope of survival of the whole team, you must be very tired."

He felt a bit of admiration and regret in his heart, the atmosphere was awkward again, Luke quickly changed the topic:

"You just said you have already reached the survivor base, why did you come out again? Looking at the direction you are heading, you want to cross the town ahead? That's not a good place."

Li Luoran said sadly: "Half a month ago, the base that had been guarded for three years, when there was a lack of food, everyone fled, but at this time the base was also broken by zombies, and less than one-third of the people could escape the base."

"On the way, due to the lack of food, there were not a few people who starved to death. In order to reach the provincial base in Tianbei Province, the old, weak, sick and disabled became the abandoned objects, because they not only needed food and drink, but also couldn't bring a bit of combat power to the team, and even dragged the team's hind legs."

Luke nodded and looked at Li Luoran and said: "So you couldn't bear to abandon them, and were willing to stay and lead them, forming a new team."