
Break Through The Doomsday Game

I was brought to the last days by the mysterious mother, only to find that there is a powerful gene hidden in my body, since then I have the power to cross the two worlds, how should I use this power to save the future of mankind being destroyed? For humans, it was the apocalypse, but for higher dimensional beings, it was just a game.

Emi9527 · Fantasy
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14 Chs

Chapter 6 Scramble for food

"Who's there!?"

A rough voice shouted at Luke, it seemed that the fire here was discovered by them.

"Don't shoot, I'm a normal human, not infected."

Luke sounded helpless, but he had to raise his hands and walk out from behind the rock.

The two fighters on the other side quickly spread out their combat range, one left and one right, forming a pincer movement to surround Luke.

Looking at the gun pointed at him, although there was still a distance of more than ten meters, he could feel the killing intent on them, Luke had no doubt that if he made any movement that stimulated their nerves, they would shoot without hesitation.

The strong man saw that it was not a zombie, and he breathed a sigh of relief, and the muzzle was lowered a few points, but when Luke approached, he was like a cat with exploded fur, and locked Luke with his muzzle.

"Stop! Stay where you are, don't come any closer, or I'll shoot!"

Years of experience in the end of the world told him that sometimes the same kind was far more cruel than zombies, and there was a proverb in the end of the world: humans know the horror of zombies, and zombies also know the cruelty of humans.

"OK, OK, I have no malice, I don't have any weapons on me, and I don't have any companions ambushing."

For the strong man's request, Luke obediently did as he was told, and he could understand the other party's concerns. To be honest, he was very happy to see the surviving humans in the end of the world, at least he had a partner to talk to and relieve boredom.

The woman who had been on guard on the other side held a flashlight in her left hand, and made a defensive posture, with the gun resting on her left forearm, and her right hand firmly on the trigger. She cautiously approached Luke.

After confirming that Luke did not pose a threat, she carefully circled behind the big rock and checked the footprints on the ground. She finally said to the strong man:

"Xu Yun, put down the gun, there is no danger nearby."

The strong man was a little stunned: "But captain, there is no one who acts alone in the end of the world, this person has delicate skin and tender flesh, and he doesn't look like he has any fighting power, will he be deceiving us?"

Luke didn't expect that this woman was the captain, and saw her frowning, looking serious:

"Xu Yun, stand down!"

Xu Yun reflexively put down the gun and saluted on the spot.

"Yes! Captain!"

Luke watched Xu Yun trotting to help the old and weak in the car to sort out the supplies, and felt a strange feeling in his heart. This person looked like a standing bear, but he had such a gentle name. (Xu Yun, meaning the clouds floating in the sky, implying a strong and brave spirit in the name)

He came back to his senses, only to find that the beautiful captain was examining him, and Luke was also looking at her.

This woman had a delicate goose egg face, with some dust on her face, fair skin, and a head of black hair that she tied up, looking heroic.

The tight windbreaker outlined her hot figure, her chest bulged, almost bursting the small vest on her upper body, and according to Luke's estimation, it was at least a D cup or more.

In this way, this woman can be said to have the face of an angel and the body of a devil.

The two of them were in a stalemate, and in the end the woman spoke first and asked:

"Although you don't look very threatening, what Xu Yun just said makes sense, so who are you?"

This question was not easy to answer, Luke knew that he didn't look like someone who could survive alone in the end of the world, and seeing the woman's hand touching the gun again, he had an idea and thought of a barely reasonable explanation.

"Uh, before the end of the world, I was a rich second generation. When the Blood Moon Catastrophe broke out, I hid in the safe house as soon as possible, and barely survived the first few years, until recently the safe house's reserve energy was exhausted, and the life support system collapsed. I had to go out and find a way to survive."

As he said this, Luke showed a smile on his face: "My name is Luke, how do you call yourself?"

"Li Luoran."

The beautiful captain spit out a name coldly, and then walked to her own team.

"Li Luoran, (Luoran, originally describing hard stones, implying a strong and brave spirit in the name) it's a very nice name, worthy of your appearance."

Luke shamelessly followed behind Li Luoran, pretending to be familiar with Li Luoran and chatting, he wanted to take the opportunity to mix into the team.

However, Li Luoran suddenly turned around, her eyes cold, and said:

"In the end of the world, only survival is the first goal, everything else is unimportant, including your sweet talk!"

Li Luoran finished speaking and walked away quickly, directing the other people in the team to camp on the spot, Luke stood awkwardly on the spot, but he also understood Li Luoran's intention, and wisely did not approach them again.

It can be seen that the situation of this small team is not very good, the three old people are around fifty years old, and the lack of food makes them very weak, climbing up this small hill seems to have exhausted all their strength.

The other three teenagers were only fifteen or sixteen years old, and they were no different from the old people. In the absence of food, they looked pale, thin, and seemed to be blown away by a gust of wind.

As soon as they arrived on the small hill, they didn't care about resting, and they unloaded their backpacks from the injured man's back, took out a few thin and ragged tents and set them up.

Their movements were very tacit, Xu Yun and Li Luoran were on guard, and the others set up tents, unloaded supplies, cleaned up garbage, collected fuel…

Luke knew they were still wary of him, so he could only shrink back behind the rock. After such a toss, he also felt a bit hungry, but after half a day, the steel pot on the ground had cooled down, and a layer of oil had condensed on the noodle soup.

He had to put the pot on the fire and heat it up again, the grease slowly melted, and a faint fragrance came out.

The aroma of instant noodles can be said to be the best among all fast food, its smell is hard to dissipate and can easily spread to a far place, not to mention the instant noodles cooked with cola.

Luke didn't care about that much, he picked up two branches as chopsticks, stirred the soup in the pot, making it heat more evenly, and the aroma of the instant noodles became stronger as he stirred, and gradually spread to the surroundings.

He picked up a chopstick of instant noodles and stuffed it into his mouth, sucking and slurping, and the noodles went into his mouth in two or three bites. In this wilderness, a pot of hot instant noodles is not only filling the stomach, but also a comfort to the soul.

Another burst of hurried footsteps came, and the three old people and three teenagers rushed out from their camp, surrounded Luke like mad, Luke looked surprised, thinking they were going to do something to him.

Who knew that their eyes were all staring at the steel pot in Luke's hand, the strong aroma even made their saliva flow out unconsciously, all of them licking their dry lips.

Their eyes were green, like hungry wolves on the snowfield who found their prey, and they all breathed heavily, as if they were going to rush up in the next second.

I don't know when, Li Luoran, Xu Yun and the injured man also surrounded him, they also stared at the instant noodles in the pot, swallowing their saliva.


This was the sound of a bullet being pushed into the chamber, Xu Yun suddenly pointed his gun at Luke, and roared hoarsely:

"Hand over the food to me, or I'll blow your head off."

In this end of the world, it was too difficult to find a little food, either zombies blocked them, or they were looted by other survivors, and a small team like this had no ability to find food.

Luke had never experienced the struggle in the end of the world, and the life of running out of bullets and food, and he didn't know the importance of food in the end of the world.

He looked at the group of people in front of him with some dumbfoundedness, and muttered in his heart: "Isn't it just a little instant noodles? Is it necessary to make such an exaggerated formation?"

But seeing Xu Yun's arm holding the gun, he began to bulge with veins, he knew that these people were serious.

Luke didn't dare to wait any longer, he was afraid that if he delayed for a while, these people would rush up and tear him apart, he quickly put down the pot in his hand, and obediently raised his hands and stood up.

"Don't be nervous, don't be nervous, the instant noodles are all yours."

Luke showed his attitude while slowly retreating, pulling a safe distance.

When he retreated more than ten steps, except for Li Luoran and Xu Yun, the other seven people cheered and rushed up to surround the steaming pot.

They all looked like they had found a priceless treasure, and it was just two packs of instant noodles worth five yuan, but for them it was a very precious thing.

Luke thought they would fight for the food like hyenas, but their actions were unexpected to Luke.

The seven people sat in a circle, and the instant noodles in the pot were evenly divided by the injured man, and distributed to the small iron bowls in everyone's hands.

The two packs of instant noodles were not much, and each person only got a little bit, but they all held the small bowl carefully in their hands, looking at the food in the bowl, and the old people had a nostalgic emotion on their faces.

The children were also reluctant to eat it all at once, they put their noses close to the bowl, and breathed hard on the aroma of the instant noodles, enjoying this rare moment, and showed a intoxicated expression on their faces.

Watching them cherish the soup in the pot and lick it clean, Luke suddenly felt the cold and cruelty of the end of the world. In peacetime, food was abundant, but this was the end of the world, a pot of instant noodles could cause a bloody incident.

Li Luoran and Xu Yun also got a share, and the two of them didn't hesitate, and swallowed the instant noodles in the bowl in one bite.

This little instant noodles was just a taste for them, and it was impossible to make them feel full, but it was very lucky to have something to eat.

After the instant noodles were divided, Xu Yun's muzzle also moved away from Luke, and he didn't even look at Luke and went outside to guard. In his concept, the end of the world was the survival of the fittest, and he was already merciful not to shoot Luke directly.

I hope my novel can be loved and supported by everyone, please collect.

Thank you all.

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